Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
Jus got an email that tickets will become available to Members next week
The main event page now has pricing
Call Christiane Noll please
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
WldKingdomHM said: "Call Christiane Noll please"
Call her what?
cjmclaughlin10 said: "Jus got an email that tickets will become available to Members next week
The main event page now has pricing"
Thanks for the heads up! Becoming a member now *fingers crossed*
Part of me thinks they’ll get someone to play Mother for most of the show, then play a video of Marin singing back to before.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/16/17
Just got my email that the tickets for Actors Fund members are available! So glad I was able to snag a ticket.
I donated a couple of weeks ago, but just saw the email a short while ago. The cheapest tickets that I saw were $200. I decided not to even bother. I saw the original production shortly after it opened, so I'll take that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
DottieD'Luscia said: "I donated a couple of weeks ago, but just saw the email a short while ago. The cheapest tickets that I saw were $200. I decided not to even bother. I saw the original production shortly after it opened, so I'll take that."
Definitely not sour grapes. I donated to a worthy cause, but when I add up hotel room, transportation from DC, etc., I decided financially it wasn't worth it for me.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/16/17
I may have had to close my eyes as I purchased with how expensive these are. But then, I didn't get to see the original production (or any production rather), so this might be my only chance.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
Any idea if/when they go on sale to the general public?
cjmclaughlin10 said: "Any idea if/when they go on sale to the general public?"
According to the website, they go on sale on Monday.
Was able to snag a pair of tickets. Goodbye money, but this is a night I didn't want to miss.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/11/16
I only see "first week inn Febuary" on the site, nothing about Monday specifically. Thx for any help
I should have just paid the $25 to become a member
I became a member just for this and haven't been able to get through on the website or phone. To those having success, what browser are you using? I've had the same problem in chrome and safari.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/16/17
I was using Chrome and was able to get in at about 1. However, I signed in, then went to available offers and then down to Ragtime. When I tried to click straight through I got error messages.
I kept getting error messages online. Called and left a message. Got a call back in 1/2 hour and bought $200 tickets. $150 was already gone. I am very excited for this. The Thoroughly Modern Millie concert was amazing.
Still getting errors, no call back when I left a voicemail. Hoping to get tickets when they go to the general public I guess. Glad I donated anyway?
Featured Actor Joined: 3/27/16
Anyone know what time tickets go on sale today?
Looks like the site is back up and running. I was able to grab a $250 seat, which is basically all that is left in a non-insane price range. So excited!!
Featured Actor Joined: 3/27/16
I’m confused. It’s saying tickets now go on sale February 29th at noon? Am I crazy? Anyone have an access code ?
JVJ93 said: "I’m confused. It’s saying tickets now go on sale February 29th at noon? Am I crazy? Anyone have an access code ?"
To get early access you had to sign-up to be a member of the Actors Fund ahead of the a certain date. There aren't any codes unfortunately.
Just got my tix. I called and all they had left are a few $250 seats and then it goes up to $500 and was told there’s not many of those left, either.
Still can’t get through online, just left my third voicemail. I’m going to be upset if I can’t get a ticket! I tried to do everything right!
I think their offices close at 5, so you won’t hear anything until tomorrow.
iflip4musicals said: "Still can’t get through online, just left my third voicemail. I’m going to be upset if I can’t get a ticket! I tried to do everything right!"
Seems to be working on Firefox if you have it. Are you able to log into your account (have you set one up?). It looks like there are still a decent amount of $250 tickets left.