With the number of people I am guessing that will show up, I think that could be a possibility. I would hope they are more prepared than to have that happen, but you never know.
So go an HOUR early, not seven!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/12/06
Maybe I'm just neurotic, but I'd just be way too afraid that they will cut it off at a certain point when the crowd gets way too big. I could totally imagine them turning people away if it gets out of hand. That's why I'm going to make sure I'm at least a few hours early. An hour before the drawing it's already going to be PACKED.
In any event this will certainly be an experience to say the least...
Getting there early deffinetly cant hurt, thats for sure!
It would be completely unfair for them to cut off the NUMBER of entrants. I could see them cutting off at a certain time, maybe with some leniency, but WHY would they limit the number of people who could enter? I understand some of the paranoia, but doing that like... totally defeats the purpose of the equal opportunity lottery provides.
I have a feeling they'll try their best to include everyone who shows up at least by 3:30, maybe even a little later. Last time I went to the actual lottery, it was unusally busy, and they had a couple of people walking around handing out cards to make sure they included everyone they could. I have a feeling they'd be prepared to do somehting similar.
How bad is this thing going to be? It does state that it will be from 3:30-4 pm, with a 4 pm drawing, so they might just make people there at hideous hours just sit there pretty. On the plus side I'm going to assume that the place won't be mobbed with tourists. Numbers comparable to Idina's last week at Wicked? Likely. Why do I feel that somehow it's going to be worse? The earliest I can get down there is 3:15-3:30, so I seriously hope they don't decide to cut people.
The numbers will be bad. The numbers for Idina's last week were only for one person, Idina. This turnout is going to be for the entire cast and this show has just as strong if not a stronger fanbase, so I am guessing it will be pure chaos.
Actually, getting there too early CAN hurt. I can't imagine them opening up the place hours and hours ahead of time to acccomidate the obsessively paranoid, so people will have to wait outside. And this isn't the days of the line anymore, there are laws against this now and if it gets too out of hand with people showing up, like 12 hours ahead of time, it could force them to shut it down and YOU will have ruined it for everyone else.
The NYTW website originally said that they were doing the lotto specifically because they didn't want people camping out for tickets. Doing that in spite of the fact that this is a lotto- so getting there early has no benefits whatsoever- will more likely just piss them off.
Somehow I think they'll manage to get all of the names in by the time of the drawing. I've been to the Wicked lottery a couple of times, when I thought to myself, they'll never get everyone's name in by the draw time and they always do!
I can't get there any earlier than 3:30 unless I take the day off from work (which I would rather not do), I hope it still permits me a chance. I can't imagine that the powers that be haven't thought through a number of contingencies, etc. They've been a part of the show and probably pay attention to all these boards, etc. They know what to expect.
Honestly, how long does it take you to write your name and digit on an index card? If they pass out the cards while you're on line and all you have to do is drop it in a bucket, why do people think this is going to take enormous amounts of time?
I know the crowd will be big, but the people who are trying to justify getting there HOURS early are being completely ridiculous, and are probably going to cause the chaos this is trying to avoid.
I still don't understand how people think getting there hours earlier and standing outside would help move things along if they still won't give the cards out until 3:30.
It won't. There's NO point in getting there hours early.
I think the rationale is that if you're early, you'll get your card first and therefore be ensured that you get it in, because if there are 39873409834098908432 people (to be exact!) then everyone in the line might not get to put his or her name in during the allotted time.
.... which still, IMO, is ridiculous.
I will laugh. so. hard. if people try camping out for a LOTTERY.
If you're there between 3:30 and 4, I can't imagine them not letting you put your name in. And if they have to call the names at 4:30 instead of 4, so what?
Technically, if you're the first person to drop their name in, you're probably at a disadvantage, because then your card is at the very bottom of the barrell.
I was thinking that; but they mix them, sorta.
I'm sure they'll mix them up and dig their hands in a bit. I don't think there is any advantage in terms of top or bottom of the pile.
They should really get one of those powerball machines and have people write their information on the balls. It's a bit more fair in terms of mixing them up than a container full of index cards.
I think they should get Yolanda Vega to come and announce the winners.
In response to an earlier question - I was referring to those international tourists who go have recently been coming in mobs to the Rent lotto and don't speak much English... I know that sounds awful, but you know what I mean, they hear Rent is good but don't know it apart from another hit musical ... but since the lotto is on the LES and not at the Nederlander you're right, I doubt this will be the case.
Anyways, I think maybe if someone called the NYTW and asked about the lotto and if there will be infinite amts of index cards, etc like a weekend in advance we would all have an answer. I'm sure they expect a big crowd and they wouldn't purposely not post "we'll turn people away" if that's the case. I don't think they'd want to deal with irate Rentheads screaming their heads off for not being able to enter the lotto.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
This has got to be the most annoying and amusing thread at the same time.
Is it honestly worth all the crap you are going to go to so you have a very very very very very very very slim chance of winning? Hey- I'm not arguing that $1000 is a huge chunk of money but if it were something I were so interested in, I'd save money for it and buy the darn ticket.
Seriously- who are you kidding? Think rationally- do you honestly think you are going to win? Yes- of course, people have to win but do you want to stand there for hours on end with a chaotic crowd with the minute chance you will win?
I just don't really see the point in it unless there is something you find 'fun' about it.
And I'm not talking you out of it. I'll be far away from it- I'll probably end up watching it on TV from another part of the country. I can already imagine the newscasters words...
You said it yourself; SOMEONE has to win.
Worth a shot.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
I did say SOMEONE has to win.
However, do you want to put yourself through the chaos of all those people on the slim chance you will win? Go ahead and do it- I'm the last one to stop you! I was just wondering why you subject yourself to such a position.
I know I wouldn't but I guess I have to understand that some people will go to lenghs I couldn't even imagine...
Especially getting there hours early and camping out.
Yeah, I would put up with it. Because it's the only chance I've got.