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Rent Tour Cast Announced- Page 4

Rent Tour Cast Announced

Mattt Profile Photo
#75re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/24/08 at 5:01pm

I know for sure that I saw Andy as Angel summer of 2007, July 14 to be exact. I love Andy, especially as Angel, but out of all of the Rent alumni joining this tour he seems to stand out to me as the most used up. Hasn't he been Angel in the 1997 Benny tour, transferred in 1999 to London, brought to Broadway 2000 untill around 2005, where he joined the World Tour in Asia, then back on Broadway again on and off 2006-2008, and now this tour. Its To me at least. They must like him a lot!

There are pictures from the rehearsals here:

Lexi Lawson looks REALLY promising!

#76re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/24/08 at 7:49pm

Hmmmm with so many recycled cast members does rehearsal even seem neccesary? Just kidding haha! I realize that they all still need it just joking around

steven22 Profile Photo
#77re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/24/08 at 9:07pm

what is cary shields doing now?...ensemble?, swing?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#78re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/24/08 at 9:42pm

Swing. Supposedly.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#79re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/25/08 at 8:43am

Apparently they had a hard time finding roles (including main roles to be filled) but who knows?

Also what actually happened between Cary and Mayumi?

#80re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/25/08 at 8:43am

Apparently they had a hard time finding roles (including main roles to be filled) but who knows?

Also what actually happened between Cary and Mayumi?

#81re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/25/08 at 1:48pm has pictures of the tour cast up:

According to the pictures, Haneefah Wood will be playing Joanne.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."-- Ferris Bueller's Day Off

#82re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/28/08 at 7:08pm


I know everyone is entitled to their (not bad) opinion but, really?
How can you people complain about the cast? It closed on Broadway and we as rentheads are being given a last chance to see it and everyone is whining about the cast?

My opinion...if anyone cares.

I saw Adam and Anthony when they came back last year and they were AMAZING! And unless they have aged 30 years since 2007 they are in no way too old to be reprising their roles. Justin Johnston is an INCREDIBLE Angel! Obviously he is or they wouldn't have kept him on for so long, much less asked him to do the tour. He is one of my favorite Broadway actors of all time. (Though I agree he would be great in ITH)

If you hate the cast so much, don't see it.

It really said US Navy, but hey, I worked with what they gave me ok.
Updated On: 12/29/08 at 07:08 PM

kchenofan Profile Photo
#83re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/28/08 at 7:45pm

I wish Idina was touring as Maureen. What's she up to now anyway?

kchenofan's computer is broken right now. This is her fridge. Now, you can leave a message, but say it slowly, so I can write it on a post-it note and stick it to myself.

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#84re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/28/08 at 7:56pm

No doubt that A&A are good. The problem is (as someone has pointed out) 37 year olds shouldn't be bitching about paying rent. Grow up & get a job.

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#85re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/28/08 at 8:03pm

re: Rent Tour Cast Announced

I know everyone is entitled to there opinion but, really?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#86re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/28/08 at 9:03pm

Clearly I'm in the minority here, but I honestly think Adam and Anthony look (more or less) the same as they did in 1996. think they looked young enough on film too. Furthermore, I think Adam and Lexi look terrific together.

Additionally, Karmine may not look 19, but she still looks great. And I promise you I am not biased when it comes to her Karmine, because she is far from my favorite Mimi.

And finally... Jed looks nothing like I remember him looking in those rehearsal pics. lol I wasn't even sure who he was at first. And Adam Halpin doesn't really look like a Roger in those pics at all, but I'm sure the costume will help.

P.S. I feel bad about saying I secretly hoped that Lexi would drop out so that Jaime could do the role. I wish Lexi the best of luck and hope she does a great job.

And finally...

"Not even a little rusty. The show comes back to Pascal and Rapp easy as pie."


Who pays the writers for They consistently have THE dumbest captions I have ever read.

#87re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/28/08 at 10:24pm

One of them said something similar in the video interview. It makes me laugh though, because I was at more than one show where Adam messed up words during their Summer 2007 return.

"Sometimes on the strip, the dreams you come in with, ain't the dreams you leave with" ~Rock of Ages
"I'm a butterfly, trivial and small, and in the greater scheme of things, I don't mean much at all." ~The Story of My Life
"Forget Regret, or life is yours to miss." ~Rent

FelineofAvenueB1025 Profile Photo
#88re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/29/08 at 7:33pm

I am so excited for this cast! I have tickets for Saturday matinee in Philly and I am ecstatic! I've seen Justin all three times I've seen it on Broadway, and he was fantastic. Adam and Anthony go without saying, and I think Adam still looks amazing with that bright blonde hair! (I may be a bit biased, but oh well) If you ask me, those two guys have still got it, and the tour will be nothing less than mind-boggling.

The only one I'm not looking forward to is Nicolette. I HATED her.

One things for sure, the stagedoor will be insane :)

And when the night has finally gone, and when we see the new day dawn, we wonder how we wandered for so long, so blind. The wasted world we thought we knew, the light will make it look brand new, so let it shine..." --ntn

#89re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/29/08 at 7:39pm

Pretty good cast, although it would have been nice to see some more new faces, those are always fun.

I honestly don't care much about Anthony or Adam (I personally prefer Jed's mark to Anthony's) but I am glad Michael McElroy got Collins, he owns that role.

Celra Profile Photo
#90re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
Posted: 12/29/08 at 8:00pm

I can't wait I'm going on Febuary 7th at the Mat. Anyone know where the hell the stagedoor for it is? And are they doing the lotto?
