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Rent attendance anecdotes- Page 3

Rent attendance anecdotes

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#50re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 12:31am

*googles Treo* Oh, pretty.

I wasn't going to post to state the obvious fact that I wont be able to report until tomorrow (, but since everyone else is, I wont be able to report until later. There. re: Rent attendance anecdotes

LariTheLoud Profile Photo
#51re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 12:34am


Pfft. Magic, I say. Treo may as well be magic.

"Oh, good. After all, I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time, and I can do it with my eyes closed while whistling 'The Entertainer.' That's rhythm for you." ~ Snaps, proving that White Boys CAN have rhythm

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#52re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 12:34am

ha, I just looked at the time on the post. Then I scratched my head for a second and went "oh, wait. Treo!"

A work of art is an invitation to love.

LariTheLoud Profile Photo
#53re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 12:34am


/end threadjack.

"Oh, good. After all, I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time, and I can do it with my eyes closed while whistling 'The Entertainer.' That's rhythm for you." ~ Snaps, proving that White Boys CAN have rhythm
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 12:34 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#54re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 12:38am


A work of art is an invitation to love.

LariTheLoud Profile Photo
#55re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 12:38am

Puh-RAAAIIISE the Lawd.

Okay, seriously, this is Anthony's thread. *hops out until her report for tomorrow evening*

"Oh, good. After all, I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time, and I can do it with my eyes closed while whistling 'The Entertainer.' That's rhythm for you." ~ Snaps, proving that White Boys CAN have rhythm

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#56re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 12:40am

aha - treo....
well then that explains it. I can just see anthony sitting around, having nothing better to do since he had to come back for the end of the movie, writing on BWW.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

Theaterlover2 Profile Photo
#57re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 1:06am

I can report tomorrow. I'll be seeing the first showing possible with all my renthead friends..and people im dragging along.
ps. Emcee! I love that icon.

This is wanting something This is reaching for it This is wishing that a moment would arrive- LITP everybody goes down well with beer!-sweeney Todd Listen to the stories Hear it in the songs Angry men don't write the rules and guns don't right the wrongs!-Assassins

#58re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 1:30am

I tried to go to an advanced screening here in the Dallas area tonight that I had tickets to - and couldn't get in. That's a good sign. Also, another theater was having a "Rent Party" in front of a theater (not showing the film yet, however) with karaoke contests, give-aways, etc. I don't remember the last time they've done that for a movie...if ever at all.

I'll be at the first showing tomorrow - and can't wait....

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#59re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 3:35am

I *really* want to hear what the midnight screening was like... people should be back by now!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#60re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 3:40am

Just got back from the screening down in 23ed...what an odd audience! Definetely full of RENTheads, lots of enthusiasm, but the ending was....weird. Definite laughter during WYO, which bugged me, I thought to myself that it looked a bit silly, but not a laugh-out-loud moment...then with the last shot of Angel there was a short burst of applause, then an expectant pause...then the credits rolled and more awkward applause. LOL Very strange crowd, but I had a blast!

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 03:40 AM

#61re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 3:50am

I attended the midnight showing in my hometown.

I was a bit hesitant to return to my hometown for the midnight showing, but it was the only theater in my area that was having a midnight I bit the bullet and went.

The town is a suburb of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Upper-middle class, VERY white (my graduating class 5 years ago consisted of 600 students, only about 10 of whom were not white). There was NO ONE who was openly gay in my high school at the time (though I do have a few friends who have come out since that time). It's a fairly conservative community, though it's all relative since Minnesota is the blue oasis in the middle of the red Midwest.

Anyhow, the show was completely sold out (I was glad I ran down there and got a ticket after work this afternoon). The movie theater is always overrun by high school kids as the movie theater is really the only past-time in that town, and tonight was no exception. I was a little nervous as things can get REALLY crazy in there when shows are sold out.

Right off the bat the manager came in and told us it was sold out and laid down ground rules such as no singing and obviously no filming/taping of any kind.

The opening credits started; there was hearty applause when Jonathan's name hit the screen.

From that moment on, you could absolutely hear a pin drop in that room. I don't think anyone even took a breath during the film. There was decent laughter in all the appropriate places, but everywhere else was the sound of pure captivation.

Angel's funeral elicited many sniffles, and few sobs here and there.

The film again closed in total silence, I have never seen anything quite like it, no one moved. Blackout....still silence. I was a bit nervous until the closing credits rolled and the theater erupted into applause.

The guy sitting next to me (he was in his mid-20s) turns to the guy next to him and goes, "that was amazing."

The girls behind me already were making plans to come back later this afternoon.

As I was leaving the theater, a gentleman in his early twenties had tears streaming down his face.

It was honestly one of the most touching experiences I've ever had. I've never seen so many people so excited and impacted by a film in my life. It was definitely well-received by the audience there this evening, even greater than I had expected.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 03:50 AM

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#62re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 3:53am

Just got back to my dorm after the midnight screening. What an audience! I was afraid it would get on my nerves - but I ended up really enjoying the fact that everyone was so into it. Lots of mooing! It was a lot of fun.

But here's a good anecdote: we were sitting in our seats, and noticed a "mark scarf" lying across the seats in the row in front of us. Thought it was weird when the people didn't take their seats so close to the movie start time. Suddenly, we heard applause and screams, turn around, and there are Anthony, Rodney and Tracie.. coming to sit in those reserved seats. So.. that was pretty cool! lol

Great screening overall - lots of fun, definitely something I'll remember forever. And as for the movie? Amazing.

That's all! re: Rent attendance anecdotes

DirtyWickedDresser Profile Photo
#63re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 5:04am

Just walked in the door from a midnight showing in Columbus, Ohio. I have to work at 9 am and I'm sure I'll be falling asleep at my sewing machine-but it was soo worth it! The theater I saw the film in was small but the turn out was good. They ended up showing it on 3 screens after letting the mile long waiting list purchase tickets too. It was a very young crowd mostly high school and college kids scattered with 20 somethings like myself and a few parents there with preteens. There wasn't a dry eye in the place by the end of the movie. I walked out into the crowded lobby with a tear stained face to see people hugging each other and talking about nothing but positive comments. Whatever form it may be in this story is about the power of love and community. I'm sure that everyone at that theater this morning left knowing how true that message can be. I'll never forget it.

the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of thier dreams ~eleanor roosevelt

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#64re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 6:29am

God, I can't wait . . . especially after reading these heartwarming comments.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#65re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 6:58am

"people complaining about the What You Own Britney Spears moment"
I saw some girl in the row in front of me shaking her head at that. I smiled.

"Great job tonight at the Q&A Anthony! Hope you get your dessert!"
I laughed harder at that than I should have. re: Rent attendance anecdotes

I was at the Symphony Space too and the people around me all seemed to be great. No one really talked during the movie and there was lots of sniffling going on. I, on the other hand, was glad I had chosen to forgo eyemakeup today, as I first started to cry during One Song Glory.

At the end, there was cheering well into the credits, then clapping along, then talking, then everyone cheering again at the "Thank You Jonathan Larson" at the end. I'm so glad I went to that, the audience just seemed more energized (better than the international press screening, no? re: Rent attendance anecdotes) than I would expect your average suburban movie-going crowd to be.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 06:58 AM

MUNKY Profile Photo
#66re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:14am

Tonight I attended the midnight show here in San Francisco. The Metreon (Lowe's cineplex) had a show at 11:59PM. I already seen the movie twice and wanted to go again just to watch RENT with the biggest diehard crowd of Rentheads. The entire show must have sold-out due to high demands because earlier that evening (at approximately 8PM), I checked Fandango and saw another show schedule at 12:05PM.

My friend and I was there around 9:30PM. When we arrived, I overheard that there were people lined up hours before. I went to the box office and then up the stairs to the auditoriums. I expected a line from hell, but I only saw at least 40 or 50 people in line and it didn't look that bad because not everyone was there yet.

There were people dressed up like Angel (yes some were in drags), Mark (the glasses and striped scarves), and Maureen (cat ears & leather pants). A latino guy was totally decked out in the black and white stocking and santa outfit with full make-up and a wig to boot! He was stood and greeted people at the ticket taker podium. There were a lot of people that sported their RENT shirts, sweaters, and buttons. Some of them were wore their homemade RENT shirt with pride. And still more and more RENT-dressed movie-goers came in and joined the line. At about 10:30PM, they opened the doors to the auditorium and the line moved inside. So to answer Anthony's questions, here is the audience demographic for this screening: The crowd were of both genders of all ethnicity, but the majority of the audience were obviously caucasian females and gay males. Age ranges from 18 to 35, with the majority of them leaning towards teenagers and early twenties. I saw a several older people (ages 40-60) there too, a few decked out in Rent attire.

Inside the stadium seating auditorium, it felt like everyone was excited to be there and the wait was finally over. Some of the girls got anxious and shaky. Some were bratty and ran up and down the aisle and stairs. Some went around and introduced themselve to other Rentheads and commented on the costumes. It sorta felt like high school. The people in line before me sat in the middle to back row. We wanted to sit away from the "kids" so we sat closer to the front but still in the middle, about 8 rows up. My fear was to sit near any group of teenagers that would comment and sing throughout the movie. It became real tonight, a group of teenage girls sat right behind us. They were all dressed up like mini-Maureens and mini-Mimis. Before the show, they took pictures of themselves. Many times they left their seat and dashed to the side of the row so they could hug their other friends that walked in. I could hear them repeatedly saying "Like Oh my gawd! Rent is like the best thing ever!" They also compared their Rent screensavers on the phone to each other. At one point, a similar group near us sanged "Out Tonight" and screamed out "Who saw the play!?" Everyone was so loud, you couldn't even hear the intermission music in the background. But the good news was that they behaved during the entire movie. An annoyed audience member yelled out, "NO SINGING PLEASE!!!" before the show started.

The audience clapped after every trailer (The Producers, Brokeback Mountain, Memoirs of A Geisha and Freedomland). Everyone cheered and applauded for Matthew and Nathan in TP and for Jake and Heath in BM. The lights dimmed after the trailers and when Johnathan Larson's name appeared on screen, everyone cheered. The crowd applauded after SOL also. Everyone applauded after T4U, TM, OT, ICY, LVBs, TMOLM, and FB. Everyone laughed so hard during OTM and Moooooooed so loud that some the theatre staff went in to see what was going on. There were people that had the case of the sniffles and some cryed during WY, ICY: R, and YE. The only negative comments was about WYO. Most people laughed at that part of the movie. Some said that it was the worst part of the show. During the credits, those that remained seated sang along with the songs at the end. Overall, the reaction was great. It seems like everyone enjoyed the film. I heard some people will come back to see it again with their friends and family that missed out.

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

#67re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:23am

hahah the "mark scarf" in the row was my friend's. The midnight film at the Ziegfeld was amazing. Just having Anthony, Tracie and Isabel (Rosario's mom) there made it more magical

thank you Anthony and it was wonderful sitting in the same row as you hehe.

a little over a thousand screaming Rentheads was a great way to see the film for the first time.


Jovie24 Profile Photo
#68re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:26am

GREAT REVIEW MUNKY! I was at the screening too. I did like the movie all that much. I thought the CINEMATOGRAPHY was AMAZING, the voices were fantastic, but there was still something missing, maybe focus or drive. I do agree that WYO was very, very laughable, I thought it was ruined the whole movie for me.

I also felt like I wanted to get into the characters more on film, and I could not. Maybe it;s because I know the show so well and so well, that it made it hard. It had it's moments but that was about it. I will see it again, just to see it again!


"Now the best way to learn the theater, always, is to be a stage manager" -Stephen Sondheim

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#69re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:54am


I didn't read all the replies as I have to leave for class, but my experiences thus far have been as follows:

Boston- I had advance screening "passes" for 11/21. I got out of class at 5:40 and went straight to the theater (probably got there around 6:00). The showing was at 7:00, and we did not get in. We found the line to be completely wrapped around the block. The people that got in were there for hours. I would say a good 100-200 people were turned away from the screening. Everyone was really excited to see it this week though.

New York- I went to a 12:01 showing last night (this morning?) in New York. Everyone was really excited to finally be seeing it, but I have to admit that I was a bit annoyed. There was an entire row of tweens behind me that sang every word to every song. They also felt the need to share their opinions right then and there...throughout the movie, there was no after-show coffee. I also didn't think it was right for the entire audience to start laughing during "What You Own." True, it's different, but I don't understand what the big deal is...especially since Roger is in/on his way home from Santa Fe during "What You Own" when it's done on stage.

To take it a step further:

First tears: Another Day when Roger is on the fire escape, Mimi is in the street, and Mark, Angel and Collins walk up behind Mimi and join in the song (I can't control my destiny, I trust my soul, etc.)

Most tears: Angel's funeral

Favorite Songs: Rent, Tango: Maureen, Another Day, Santa Fe, I'll Cover You, Over The Moon, La Vie Boheme, Take Me Or Leave Me, Without You, I'll Cover You (Reprise), and Finale B.

After the movie: Everyone clapped for a while. I was sort of listening to people's conversations just to see what the general reaction was, and I did not hear one person that did noot like the film over all.

I loved the entire movie, it exceeded any expections I had. Having seen you guys (the OBC) on stage when I was younger, I promised my friends that they would be blown away by your performances. They were. Before last night they did not understand why my expectations of the replacement casts are so high. However, these people have been to see the show many, many times. They all said that the cast brought the material to a new level. To quote a friend "I really beleived they were a family and that they genuinely loved eachother."

Rent is and will always be very special to me. It's the show that exposed me to musical theatre. I'm now in college studying Music Industry hoping to work in the industry. Because the show is so special to me I can assure you that my opinions are not sugar-coated. I'm not saying nice things to please anyone. I thought the film was truly beautiful.

I think I'm going to see it again tonight. I live in the suburbs of Boston, so I'll post later about the reactions from that crowd, that seems to be more of the information you're looking for anyway. I can however tell you that probably 80% of the people I've talked to about the movie are definately planning on going.

Sorry that was so long-winded. I did not mean for it to be that long...if there's anything else you'd like to know feel free to shoot me a PM.

Excellent job.


Oh, and last night at the begining of the film when the actor's names were on screen, you had a small fan club :)

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 08:54 AM

MUNKY Profile Photo
#70re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:55am

Based on my screenings of Rent, each time with a different crowd at a different theatre...I think it would be safe to recommend screening Rent in an auditorium with good audio format (Dolby Digital), a large size screen, and good seats. The audience could also make the movie as well. At times, a positive and responsive audience may influence those to have a better time. Speaking for myself, I found this true based on my experience in any film, even if the film was below expectations. (I would say the film was at least entertaining.)

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

kasim Profile Photo
#71re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 9:53am

Well i am in columbus. And funny thing is the ONLY theatre in columbus to show it at midnight was at a smaller place. I actually semi-suspect that it was the idea of the people that worked there. Becaues they seemed very into it.

Interestingly only 3 theatres in ohio showed rent at midnight.

Attendance was i'd say overwhelming very young people. I am 30 (so not really old) And i was by far and away one of the oldest people there. Like i literally felt this could have been an audience for an NSync concert (based on age not screaming)

#72re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 10:16am

I too was at the Boston advanced screening of Monday. Me and 3 friends left our little town of Bridgewater at 3:30 and arrived at the theater at 5:00. By then, we were pretty much freaking out because we were afraid of not getting in, but when we found a relatively small line of less than 50 people, we knew not to worry. Though, less than half an our later, the line was wrapped around the block.

Anyways, after waiting for 2 of the longest hours EVER and making some friends in line, we finally got into the theater (despite the fact that people were cutting like crazy......i seriously hate people that cut lines). When we got to our seats, I just sat there quietly, attempting to listen to everyone else's conversations....all of whom were very excited to see the movie. I must say, in the audience, I was everyone from teengagers to some older people, most likely in their 60s.

After a little short film at the beginning, everyone sat silently for the movie. You could seriously feel the tension thicken as the beginning credits rolled on the screen. Then, at the first notes of SoL, there was a collective gasp and squeals of anticipation, it was amazing.

Surprisingly, I heard no one singing along. Though, there was clapping along during SoL, lots of laughs, cheering when Angel entered the loft (which I, for some reason, found really funny), mooing, and whimpers and sobs towards the end. After the movie, there was an applause like I have never heard at the end of a movie. After listening to everyone's conversations again, I could tell everyone was amazed/thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I KNOW im going back again either today, tomorrow, or friday...or maybe all three? Excellent job anthony (and the rest of the cast for that matter!)

aliceripleysnumber1 Profile Photo
#73re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 10:46am

I was at the screening in Orlando on the 21st also. First off, the movie exceeded my expectations...absolutely beautiful! As far as the crowd that I saw it with...Yes, it was a very mixed crowd - teens up to people in their 50's, a lot of girls and middle aged women, and hetero couples. I felt the reaction was very positive from the crowd on the most part. I saw a couple people left fairly early on, which bugged me a little bit because I felt they didn't even sit long enough to really get into the story and the characters. Oh well.

On the other hand, there was a couple sitting next to me, who looked like they were in their late 20's, that really were interesting to observe throughout the film. They had obviously never seen the show before or even really knew the story. The woman loved it from the start, she was laughing at everything, and was very responsive. The man was just sort of sitting there watching. Then with the first scene with Angel, when he said "you okay, honey?", he scoffed. I was like..oh no. But by Angel's funeral he was CRYING! I felt so happy to have witnessed the power of RENT. It was proof that this beautiful story and Jonathan's music need to be heard and seen. I would like to think that this man sitting next to me actually might become more tolerant of people who are different than him, and that RENT helped our society, even if it was just a little.

But, anyway the rest of the crowd seemed to enjoy the film very much, and applauded at the end. Thank you Jonathan Larson!

(sorry for the book!) re: Rent attendance anecdotes

agdb721 Profile Photo
#74re: Rent attendance anecdotes
Posted: 11/23/05 at 11:11am

So I didn't go to the midnight showing of Rent, but I was one of the lucky people ::cough, cough:: :) to work at one of the theaters in Hollywood for the midnight showings of Rent. I work at the Arc Light Cinemas and it was packed. We actually had to add a couple of showings, originally there was only going to be one midnight showing but we added two others ones and they were sold out as well.

The crowds from what I heard from my co-workers who were ushering, said that the crowd was really pumped and excited.
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 11:11 AM
