Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
These people aren't thinking before joining the parade.
It's a good thing there's no critical thinking skills test required to obtain an equity card.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
tazber said: "Chase's tweet was the worst by far. He called everyone who reads and posts "bitter".
Does he not realize how many people who read and post love him?
These people aren't thinking before joining the parade. Many of them have large fan bases here.
HAD large fan bases
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
adam.peterson44 said: "I don't take her comments personally (I am not in the habit of attacking people or posting cruel things for amusement and have blocked the user that i find to do so most often). But i do find the comments hypocritical on her part (her own twitter feed is full of her saying the same kinds of things about television shows and the real people who perform on them that she is decrying when it comes to other people commenting on theatre and the people who perform in theatre).
Her comments are also problematic because they call for collective punishment (remove the boards from the website altogether) for individual (perceived) transgressions. Not unlike Trump calling for a wall between the US and Mexico because one undocumented immigrant from Mexico is a rapist. It is not a reasonable position to take in a free society (neither her position nor Trump's). And the transgressions themselves are quite questionable. Aside from the one blatant one about Chad Kimball, her other examples included someone politely pointing out the obvious reality that lots of stuff gets said on the internet and other examples where people praised her, but not to a standard that she considers to be sufficient.
Then there is the obvious narcissism and selfishness in calling for the abolition of something that serves so many purposes for so many people because she herself doesn't consider to serve a useful purpose in her life. So 100's or 1000's of people use the boards to ask and answer questions, gather information, celebrate shows that they love and discover new shows and performers, and she thinks that her desire to never be tempted to go reading insufficiently-effusive praise about herself should take precedence over the desire of so many other people to use the boards in such a wide variety of ways that in most cases have nothing to do with her.
In other words, we are not taking her posts personally, but we find them offensive to a free society in a variety of ways. And as others and I have previously pointed out, they are probably also counter-productive to her own interests; I bought a ticket to her now-cancelled show because i heard about it on the boards. The producers hadn't been advertising it much, and I would not have known about it if i hadn't heard about it on the boards. Is it really wise to call for the shutting-down of a part of a website that increases ticket sales in the business that she works in? It just makes no sense on any level."
EXACTLY this. I wish this could be stickied too along with Kad's other post.
tazber said: "Chase's tweet was the worst by far. He called everyone who reads and posts "bitter".
Does he not realize how many people who read and post love him?
These people aren't thinking before joining the parade. Many of them have large fan bases here."
someone should send him a link to this thread:
Blockhead24 said: "someone should send him a link to this thread:"
Well I said nice things in that thread so obviously no one wants to read it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I bet this is how @chrissyteigen feels sometimes. But on like a microcosm scale. Like, a teeny, tiny, sliver of a microcosm scale.
I think this is a joke, she says in her blog that she needed to block certain websites so she doesn't read them. Gimmie a break. It's a message board, either read it or don't. Of course some people here are full of it and lie in their posts about stuff but real life is the same way. What a crybaby.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
That the New York Times deemed this debacle newsworthy is laughable.
It truly must be a slow news day.
Man, I wish performers cared this much about the vitriolic racist and sexist posts I see here all the time. But I guess when it's not about them...
Hunter Foster joins the crusade
So on the front page under Message Board, there is just a list of boards. There use to be trending topics listed there. Is this new too?
So, so brave. Think of the courage it must take to type those 140 characters and let the world know how you feel. They're doing God's work, truly they are.
Understudy Joined: 12/24/15
Jay Lerner-Z said: "Hunter Foster joins the crusade"
"We are better than this"
Yeah...we really are. But far be it for any of you to actually acknowledge it.
Hunter's reply was as inevitable as Orfeh's.
But again, other than the posts surrounding his woeful "take back Broadway" campaign, the majority of comments about him are positive.
And I don't think his work as a writer/composer is discussed anywhere else.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
I appreciate Rob's efforts to allow us freedom to post and protects the board from descending to the level of much of the internet. I much prefer this forum to ATC which has too high an opinion of itself.
Understudy Joined: 12/24/15
tazber said: "But again, other than the posts surrounding his woeful "take back Broadway" campaign, the majority of comments about him are positive."
It was actually "Give back the Tony's".
I guess what Patti wrote in her blog gave a voice to what many performers felt about these boards all along.
The support within the community is obviously there.
The moderators at some point are going to have to really take a good long hard look at these boards and make further concessions than the ones that they have implemented thus far.
I don't think this is the end of this, it's only just beginning.
It will be interesting to know how Mr. Diamond's meeting with Ms. Murin goes on Sunday and what comes out of it.
The moderators at some point are going to have to really take a good long hard look at these boards and make further concessions than the ones that they have implemented thus far.
No, they really don't have to.
I hope the "facebook-link attached to our screen-names" idea isn't a runner because that would make me quite uncomfortable. We must keep remembering that Patti & Co don't even read these boards, so what they have to say really counts for zilch.
If these boards actually get removed or so heavily censored that no negative comments are allowed I'll find a new website to come to and have a small list of actors who I will never give my money to again.
Understudy Joined: 12/24/15
Jay Lerner-Z said: "I hope the "facebook-link attached to our screen-names" idea isn't a runner because that would make me quite uncomfortable."
Just create a Gmail account (takes maybe 2 minutes tops) and then use that address to register a phony FB account with a fake name and a fake picture.
Inconvenient? Sure. But not really what I'd consider a big issue.
I was skimming through Patti's twitter feed and a twitter user by the name of AnnoyingActorFriend is asking anyone in the theater community to screen cap offensive posts written here on BroadwayWorld and upload them with the hash tag #BroadwayWorldBORED.
I see that two or three have already complied with this request.
Understudy Joined: 12/24/15
Theater_Nerd said: "I was skimming through Patti's twitter feed and a twitter user by the name of AnnoyingActorFriend is asking anyone in the theater community to screen cap offensive posts written here on BroadwayWorld and upload them with the hash tag #BroadwayWorldBORED.
I see that two or three have already complied with this request. "
Yeah, we know, old news.