When people talk about a "spectacle for the masses" do we assume that the masses like really dumbed down art?
So I just saw the Rocky tonight and I kind of loved it. Granted I tend to love everything but I thought Andy Karl killed it. My dad thought his accent was all over the place but that didn't bother me, I loved him. He was perfect. So was Adrian. With all that spectacle they definitely created a solid, well-crafted love story.
Oh the spectacle. The production design of this show is unreal. Act 2 started and you could feel a shift in energy. The ring is crazy fun. Yes bringing the audience up is distracting but there is so much else going on and it's worth the finish of having stadium seating back there and the ring out in the open. Do we know how long this takes? Maybe 10 minutes. Here Lies Love I was on the floor so it wasn't shocking when stuff started to move around. There was an older couple in front of me that didn't look like they were enjoying it and i think he asked, who are these men?
Acting A+
Production A+
Music is where I'm torn. I thought some of the songs really fit and some didn't. The Philly Pie song? What the **** was that?? But I loved the montages and Rocky's big number Keep on Standing, beautiful. Some of the lyrics in the group numbers, like Ain't Down Yet were hard to understand, either mumbled accents or bad sound. And Mickey's song In The Ring had potential but he needs to not just stand there. Amazing direction everywhere in the show except for the number titled IN THE RING. Go figure
There you have it.
Acting A+
Production A+
Music 6
I saw the show tonight, and my overall impression is that Rocky is only for fans of the movie. The audience cheered whenever an iconic moment from the movie was re-created: when Rocky runs up the steps, drinks a raw egg, etc. If I hear "Yo, Adrian" one more time, I'll burst.
I didn't notice any technical problems. I estimate the run time this evening as two hours and 32 minutes.
Updated On: 2/19/14 at 12:46 AM
Was at the preview tonight. Got tickets through TDF and was in ORCH O all the way stage right. Seats were very obstructed!
I had an absolute blast. The training scenes were great. I definitely caught myself singing Eye of the Tiger out loud. I spent the last 20 minutes with a huge smile on my face.
But don't get it twisted, the show is awful. The lyrics are absolutely horrendous. My friend and I had to keep stifling our laughter. I wish they just went full camp with the show. It would've made it enjoyable if we were able to laugh with it. I mean, are we really not supposed to laugh at Rocky being serious singing "At least my nose ain't broken"?
And WTF with Philly Pie?!
But with that, I still recommend it as long as you know what you're getting into beforehand. (I strongly recommend a few drinks before also)
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
Design Spoilers
My partner and I headed out tonight with the intentions of winning the Rocky lottery. We arrived a little before 6p and Brooke (lottery mistress) was setting up. I asked her how many people were showing up on average. She said that each night there were approximately a 100 people for 20 seats. (Approximately 10 winners if each person wants a pair.) By 6.30p when the lottery closed and the winners were drawn there were easily 100 people if not more.
We did not win.
I immediately ran to get on line at the box office to see if I could again purchase a discounted seat with the mailer I had waiting in my bag. I was more than pleasantly surprised when I was offered 11th row orchestra, dead center. J108 and J109! These would usually be sold as premium and yet the box office was willing to sell them to me at discount. I was excited and grabbed them.
We were seating 3 rows behind the Golden Circle and one row in front of Alex Timbers, the director. These were truly the best possible seats.
After reading all of the comments here I found myself pleasantly surprised on almost all accounts...
The show ran extremely smoothly tonight. There were a few minor lighting glitches, perhaps one blocking mistake (one of the actors fell over a chair that I'm not sure was intended) but technically, it seems that many of the issues have been worked out. Or, we were just lucky.
The book's structure and the set...
Perhaps the book has been completely rewritten and rehearsed overnight (I doubt it), but the comments regarding scenes lasting less than 2 minutes is just not true. Structurally, the scenes were well written and did not seem at all overly excessive - too many - or too short. Not even close. Each location is matched with a corresponding set, but I found the designs spectacular and exciting. I was not distracted at all by unnecessary moving set pieces. In fact, considering the complexity of the design, quite the opposite.
Despite the fact that the designs are mostly of a working class neighborhood in Philadelphia and employ a large gray scale palette, they are not unattractive. There is still lots of color and variety. There are massive wagons that cross the stage, and others that move down- and upstage. Many have the ability to rotate. There are towers that also cross the stage and rotate. There are several bridges which are both practical - actors can walk across them. Most of these units contain various lighting instruments. There are the much mentioned video monitors which are tracked drops. They project live footage taken by characters portraying news cameramen.
Of course, there is the often present ring. It is used both as a boxing ring and the ceiling of several of the larger wagons that represent either Rocky's apartment, Adrian's and Paulie's apartment, and a pet store where Adrian works. (The fish tanks are definitely high definition video monitors.)
AND, during the much discussed final sequence the auditorium's walls are covered in neon lighting. In addition, over the house, over where the ring will eventually end up, is a square of lighting and screens that scissor down to complete the very effective transformation of the theater into the boxing arena.
There are quite a few more pieces that fill out the various environments or create others not mentioned above.
The set is amazing. I did not find it excessive. I found the set design spectacular.
The lighting, practical effects (neon), projections (rain) and stage illumination were equally exciting. The lighting plot is complex and there are far too many effects for me to remember and/or list here. Know that the lighting is as awe inspiring as the set design. They complement each other brilliantly.
And, even though this sounds huge - it is - I disagree with all those who wrote its way too busy. Rocky will be remembered for its extraordinary design.
Costumes were good, and worked well. The piece just doesn't lend itself to knockout clothing (pun intended). This is not a criticism, just the necessities of the play.
Sound. Here is where I agree with the posters before me. The sound is muddy and during the ensemble numbers much of the lyric clarity is lost. They are working on this and I am hopeful that they will fix this issue. They still have a ways to go, though.
The book is good and often funny. It has a sweetness similar to the film and I found myself often touched by the humanity of the two main characters. Again, I repeat, it is nothing like I imaged based on some of the previous posts. Scenes are well developed and last way more than 90 seconds.
The much maligned music. It is not nearly as bad as so many have reported here. I agree that it is not as sweeping as Ragtime, or Once On This Island, but it is a decent score and there are even a few stand out moments - everything Adrian (Margo Seibert) sings is gorgeous and even Rocky (Andy Karl) has a few nice moments.
The cast. The ensemble is good, but does not stand out as this isn't a big dance show and/or ensemble sung score. The leads - Andy Karl and Margo Seibert - are both excellent. They are equally believable and likable. I found myself caring about both of them and their budding relationship. I did not think Andy Karl's accent wavered. I thought he truly held the stage and I was fascinated by his Rocky interpretation.
Alex Timbers' (who I met and spoke with at intermission) direction is spot on. Tonight, without any interruptions, the show moved smoothly. The staging was rich with ensemble members filling out the stage pictures as other gym members, Philadelphians wondering the streets, friends of the main characters, etc. Yes, in true Spider-man fashion, there were the Training Montages with many of the ensemble members doubling as Rockys.
The final sequence. Wow! Even those who haven't enjoyed Rocky have commented that the last 20 minutes are spectacular. Nothing prepared me for how spectacular and powerful the final sequence would be. From both a performance and design perspective this is truly magical theater.
Everything moved quickly tonight and the Golden Circle was onstage and the theater transformed into a boxing arena in a few minutes.
Everything, is there to totally take you into this world. I was particularly overwhelmed by the in-house lighting effects, but everything is just, WOW!
(I will say that I am glad I didn't have Golden Circle seats. I don't know how much they missed, but from my perspective, I think it is possible that there is a lot they don't see. Clearly, they have no view of the overhead announcers who are on a bridge above them. I suspect that they have visual access to the projected ring corner between rounds segments, but with not as many monitors. Not sure, though. Perhaps, I will try the lottery again later in the run after the show is frozen and I'll have a better understanding of the onstage perspective.)
The audience went wild as did I.
The audience. I saw one person using their phone to film Rocky's entrance during the final fight sequence. Otherwise, tonight's audience seemed well behaved and engaged. I did not hear any moans or sighs when dialogue transitioned into song. I was more than pleasantly surprised.
I loved Rocky. I thought it moving and a lot of fun.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/1/05
Artc3 can I ask what you paid with the discount? I know I will want to see it again to see what changes were made. If I don't win the lottery or if it isn't on tdf again I will need to purchase them that way.
I agree with you about the music. The song Mickey sings, In the Ring, is totally forgettable and needs more energy. Also the song, My Nose Aint Broke, I am not even sure what to say about that one. The Philly Pie song I don't even recall till I read it on here. I loved Rockys number, Keep on Standing. It and Rockys number in the first act were my favorite numbers.
Andy and Margo were the best part. The rest of the ensemble were fine, but no one stood out. They made the whole show.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
We paid $99/seat.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/15/07
I can't imagine anyone needs spoiler alerts on a show that has the same plot as a 38-year-old movie, not to mention they are in a "Rocky previews" thread. If you don't want to know what goes on in the show, this is a ridiculous thread for you to hang out in.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
oasisjeff, I agree with you, as I believe most people know Rocky from the film, but as I planned on detailing many of the set pieces, I didn't want to anger or be accused of not being sensitive. But, your point is well taken.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
On another note... I met and spoke with Alex Timbers tonight. He was charming and engaging and generally a nice guy. I really admire him and his body of work. I look forward to following his career.
ARTc3, the chair stumble was a part of the show when we saw it.
Your perception of the show is similar to how I felt. It really worked for me. The scenes were well written, the characters firmly established. Good thoughts about the score. The Adrian ballads are nice and it is solid in its storytelling. Also, the set was a big part of the overall entertainment value.
The Philly Pie number is, of course, the attempt at disco. Maybe we were spared more period music for a reason. And that's not a slam against A & F. I kept wondering how I'd write the music for this if it were offered to me, and I don't know that I could do any better. It's, at the very least, solid and professional. I think what's missing is a break-out hit song to complete the entertainment experience, or just be content that no matter what you write, the movie themes are just too ingrained as part of the Rocky experience.
I'll say it again, I think it's an excellent entertainment, professionally done. It comes built in with the inherent "problems" that it feels they at least addressed and keep addressing. But I kinda had a grin on my face all the way through it. And the actual experience in the theater was a satisfying one.
Updated On: 2/19/14 at 04:58 AM
I really want to thank EVERYONE that has posted reviews -- good and bad. I'm seeing this on thursday with my 13 year old son -- who loves Broadway, but Rocky was a hard sell, he's not a sports kid. You have all given me a lot to think about.
I really DO want to love this -- which is such a 180 from what I thought when the show was first announced. Of course, I hope the magic works even moreso for my son. He is NOT the sort of kid that loves something just because it's "Broadway".
Thanks againe, to all for taking the time to jot down your thoughts.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
"People would rather clutch their pearls then wait and see"
Where, exactly, have I clutched my pearls? Having a change of a heart in anticipation is hardly pearl clutching.
dramamama611 I'm seeing it tomorrow night too. Here's hoping we both love it!
"I really want to thank EVERYONE that has posted reviews -- good and bad. I'm seeing this on thursday with my 13 year old son -- who loves Broadway, but Rocky was a hard sell, he's not a sports kid. You have all given me a lot to think about. "
Will be very interested in the reaction of your 13 yr old son who is not a sports kid because it seems everybody seems to agree the best moment of the show is the final 20 minutes which is the fight.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
"ARTc3, the chair stumble was a part of the show when we saw it."
That chair took a beating during that scene, and when Adrian had to stand on it again I felt scared.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/15/07
"I'm seeing this on thursday with my 13 year old son -- who loves Broadway, but Rocky was a hard sell, he's not a sports kid."
Rocky is a pretty universal story told in the context of a sport, but I don't think you have to like sports or boxing to enjoy it. There's an underdog story, a love story, etc., etc., but enjoying boxing isn't a prerequisite to get anything out of this show. (Now, if you were taking him to Bronx Bombers, that might be a problem...)
I love the Rocky movie, and in the 30+ ensuing years, I've never been compelled to watch a boxing match. They are unrelated. You should be fine...
Oh, I know that....but convincing HIM there was more to it than a sports angle was just tough. (Heck, I was about 14 when this movie came out...I know it well.) I have to admit: I'm always pretty proud of his judgement...not because it usually agrees with my opinions, but because of how thoughtful he is. He's been dragged to shows and ended up liking them, and can be objective about disliking something he "should" have loved. He's a pretty smart cookie.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
Rainbowhigh23... totally agree with the chair. I liked his stumbling over the chair - which I thought an accident well recovered by the actor - but later when she righted it and stood on it, my partner and I were terrified that she'd fall.
So an amendment to my comment about the direction... If the chair is intentional, then get a stronger chair that doesn't look seriously damaged after the bit. Worrying about the actor's safety pulls you out of the scene.
dramamama611 and oasisjeff... I agree with oasisjeff, I am not a sports enthusiast and was totally swept away by the story AND the final boxing sequence. Your son will be fine and I suspect will love it.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
I love this thread. So many intelligent - and not so intelligent - opinions on both sides of the spectrum.
No performance tonight, so I would be surprised if anyone adds a new review.
I'll add a mini review because I was also at the show last night. I personally thought it was very entertaining and would probably see it again after previews. But show wise, it has many flaws. The book isn't terrible but it also isn't that great, and as many have said, the score is pretty lackluster. Not many songs I really remember from the show, a few good ones here and there but nothing extraordinary. I thought all the performance were terrific. Andy Karl will definitely be nominated for a tony and so should Margo Seibert. And as many have said, the last 20 min of the show are amazing. It is a real spectacle and I would probably suggest this show just for that part alone. As much as I liked it, it definitely should not win the tony. I bet it will get a nomination, but don't think it should win. The only other show I've seen this season that could win best musical is After Midnight and that was way better than Rocky. However, I would definitely suggest seeing this show. It is a real entertaining night of theatre and something that I think will be a big fat hit.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
Why are hits "fat"? Curious.
Rocky reminds me a lot of when Saturday Night Fever opened on Broadway.