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Rubins-Vega as Fantine!

#1Rubins-Vega as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 12:57am

I just came back from seeing the show this evening (11/25)... this was my 7th time since 1990, and I have to say that Daphne's performance as Fantine is so misscast (sp?), that it had people actually cringing in their seats and shaking their heads when she sang. No further exaggeration... during intermission, the SOLE topic of conversation heard wherever you turned was how bad she is in this role.

I have not seen her in other works, I don't doubt that she is talented, but oh so wrong for this part. Someone else brought up in another thread that we have to remember she was a "dying whore." While this is true, she was always a character with a tender and gentle heart. This was sort of what separated her from the common street prostitute.

To hear her songs in such a harsh, raspy voice was a shock, and her emotions/gestures/posture did not fit the chaacter either. It sounded like Seymour's girlfriend from the Little Shop of Horrors movie was singing, and it was awful.

I had to laugh while I was waiting in the line for the men's room at intermission when someone commented how grateful they were that she died 20 minutes into the show.
Updated On: 11/27/06 at 12:57 AM

#1re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:00am

I had no idea she was in Les Mis!

Just_John Profile Photo
#2re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:02am

Well this was the first production of the show I've ever seen and I thought she was fantastic!!!

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#3re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:02am

While I didn't think she was that bad, I really need to address the dying whore argument here. Um, hello, this is the French revolution. Everyone was unhappy and starving. Within the context of the musical, the music needs to be sung, and not on completely random notes that are sharp or flat.

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

#4re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:03am

Is she leaving or were those rumors?

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

#5re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:03am

She has a planned absence.

Just_John Profile Photo
#6re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:05am

Does anyone know the exact days of her absence??

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#7re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:10am

In response to the title, we know.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#8re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:15am

Just_John, Daphne said she was leaving at the end of January (or early February) to go do "Jack Goes Boating" Off-Broadway.

I know her temporary replacement starts February 20th, but I don't see her staying that late into the month, so I am guessing they are throwing the understudies (including the fantastic Nikki Renee Daniels) on for a week or two between her leaving and the new girl coming in.

Check with the Box Office. An exact return date isn't known yet (it all depends on if her other show extends, etc.)

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#9re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:15am

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 11/26/06 at 01:15 AM

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#10re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:15am

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 11/26/06 at 01:15 AM

Just_John Profile Photo
#11re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:20am

I'm going on kids night which is the last day in January and I want to know if she'll be there? Anyone know for sure?

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#12re: Rubins-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:27am

If there's anyone to complain about it's Celia.



#13re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:31am

*Just correcting the subject [...the spelling, at least...]*

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#14re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:35am

Maybe Celia should have played Fantine and a younger actress could have played Eponine.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

camthom Profile Photo
#15re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:41am

I think it's terrible that you would title your thread so unbelievably tactlessly. Grow up. I'm fairly certain Daphne visits this site and to see this thread up is hurtful, rude and childish. Express your opinion if you like, but REALLY! a little bit of educated opinion and tact if you don't mind.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#16re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 1:43am

Yep. I'm fairly certain Daphne is crying right now about one post on the internet. Why don't you go to her place and offer some kleenex?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#17re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 2:00am

If alextroy's opinion is that Daphne was horrendous, and you say it is alright for them to share their opinion, why can't that be the subject?

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#18re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 2:11am

Didn't you get the memo? Alextroy is actually a vessel that God is speaking to us all through.


Anakela Profile Photo
#19re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 2:40am

I had to laugh while I was waiting in the line for the men's room at intermission when someone commented how grateful they were that she died 20 minutes into the show.

(spoiler? does Les Miz need a spoiler on here?)

Were there audible groans/complaints/etc in the audience when Fantine reappears in the finale? I almost started laughing with all of the "ugh!"s and "oh my god- again?!"s from those around me the night I went- there were many people there who had apparently never seen it before, and were not braced for the fact that she'd be back.

I'm totally going to see it again once Daphne's on her leave.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#20re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 2:45am

Two of my friends saw the show in previews (two different perfs in the first 5 or 6 previews, I think) and reported on that same kind of groaning.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

chenofan Profile Photo
#21re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 4:37am

I would assume that the groaning was from people trying to get their arms, butts,and brains to come back to life after sitting through one of the longest, most overrated musicals to ever tread the boards....just a guess...

"You look like a Christmas tree with a drinking problem!" - MEMPHIS

Bruce Memblagh!
#22re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 6:01am

I just do not think a butch Fantine works. Just look at her - her Fantine could never be a victim

winston89 Profile Photo
#23re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 6:12am

Chenofan, I hardly doubt that the sound of the moaning was from the audience dealing with as you put it the wors musical ever to show up on the boards. If you wanted to see the worst musical ever on Broadway than that would be one block over at the Majestic Theatre. Rubin-Vega ruined the character of fantine for me. The whole idea of her having a great singing voice and not screeching through the son, is to show us through music that she isa good hearted person. And that she is different then the other lovely ladies out there.

When I wsaw the show for the first time with the revival, towards the middle of the Fanile when Valjean is telling Cossett her life story the most amazing thing happend to me. By pure chance just as Daphine was about to sing her part in the fanile these two young women next to me pulled out a pack of tic tacks and started to rattel them loudly and it was worse then an old lady opening up a sucking candy. Now, had it come up at another point in the show I would have smacked them . But, becuase they saved me the trouble of having to listen to Daphine sing anymore in the show I thank them.

I have said it before and I will say ita again. Ruthie Henshall is sitting in NYC doing nothing while her husband Tim Hower is in Rent playing Roger. She should get up and d the roel . Iknow that she has talked about how she thinks she is too old to go back and do the role but she has to. If she does she will save the show .

And by the way, Kenan Bolgere is amazing as Eponine

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

winston89 Profile Photo
#24re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 6:12am

Chenofan, I hardly doubt that the sound of the moaning was from the audience dealing with as you put it the wors musical ever to show up on the boards. If you wanted to see the worst musical ever on Broadway than that would be one block over at the Majestic Theatre. Rubin-Vega ruined the character of fantine for me. The whole idea of her having a great singing voice and not screeching through the son, is to show us through music that she isa good hearted person. And that she is different then the other lovely ladies out there.

When I wsaw the show for the first time with the revival, towards the middle of the Fanile when Valjean is telling Cossett her life story the most amazing thing happend to me. By pure chance just as Daphine was about to sing her part in the fanile these two young women next to me pulled out a pack of tic tacks and started to rattel them loudly and it was worse then an old lady opening up a sucking candy. Now, had it come up at another point in the show I would have smacked them . But, becuase they saved me the trouble of having to listen to Daphine sing anymore in the show I thank them.

I have said it before and I will say ita again. Ruthie Henshall is sitting in NYC doing nothing while her husband Tim Hower is in Rent playing Roger. She should get up and d the roel . Iknow that she has talked about how she thinks she is too old to go back and do the role but she has to. If she does she will save the show .

And by the way, Kenan Bolgere is amazing as Eponine

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll
