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Rubins-Vega as Fantine!

#50re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 6:01pm

DVR may be a very talented actress and a gifted singer, but she is utterly wrong for that role.

Another sentence that defies logic. ROTFL.

What did you want to see? A blonde white woman ?

camthom Profile Photo
#51re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 6:06pm

Ahhh Al Dente, not everyone can be Orfeh, I guess...then again, I like for someone to be able to act when they're singing.

All a matter of personal opinion I guess...but tact never was your strong point was it?

I've never told anyone they can't have an opinion, merely hoping that certain posters would be adults and contribute to a discussion in a positive manner as opposed to rudely and uneducatedly bashing someone. That hope was gone as soon as I discovered your need to come and rudely reply to me without any provocation.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#52re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 6:19pm

Cammie honey, you've gone from not knowing who Orfeh was to knowing oh so much more, why, you seem to be more obsessed than anyone with the mono-monikered diva herself, since YOU'RE the one who seems to bring her up even when completely inappropriate and unecessary. Tsk, Tsk! I can tell you where to get your very own Orfeh icon if you're really that crazed about it. Any more of your insane ranting you might want to share, do us all a favor and pm it, threadjacking is a nasty habit.
Oh and BTW my dear reading comprehension challenged, I was STICKING UP for DRV as I often do, but you'd have to actually take your head out of your ass to have realized that, now wouldn't you? Updated On: 11/26/06 at 06:19 PM

FosterChild Profile Photo
#53re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 6:28pm

"Ahhh Al Dente, not everyone can be Orfeh, I guess...then again, I like for someone to be able to act when they're singing".

Well, going on the fact that over a hundred women were seen for the Paulette role in Legally Blonde and how highly coveted a part it was, I guess some people would beg to differ with you're "opinion" Camthom. But now i'm being rude and threadjacking, sorry all.

#54re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 7:07pm

musicalsFan, I have seen several people in that role who WERE right for it...DRV just isn't one of them. What does color have to do with it? Sheesh.

wicked4life51 Profile Photo
#55re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 7:16pm

okay well one thing is if shes so bad then why did the producers give the role to her
shes maybe not VOCALLY connected
BUT SHE IS EMOTIONALLY CONNECTED ,its not always about the voice in this buisness you have to know HOW TO ACT

"what? what is it? do i have something in my teeth? ok lets get this over with : no im not seasick,yes ive always been green, and no i didnt chew grass as a child "

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#56re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 7:18pm

Another sentence that defies logic. ROTFL.

Not neccessarily. Talent is one thing. Suitability for the role is another.

I mean, I wouldn't want to see Anthony Warlow as Angel, or Sutton Foster as Meg Giry...

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 11/26/06 at 07:18 PM

wicked4life51 Profile Photo
#57re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 7:20pm

well BWW had said the same thing , in a diffrent way

"Daphne Rubin-Vega takes the opposite approach with Fantine’s “I Dreamed A Dream,” singing in the child-like tones of a woman who never had a chance to grow emotionally. Her Fantine is a tragically defeated woman unable to make sense of her past and too weak to fight for her future. It’s quite moving."

"what? what is it? do i have something in my teeth? ok lets get this over with : no im not seasick,yes ive always been green, and no i didnt chew grass as a child "

#58re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 7:23pm

Well, I DREAMED A DREAM ends with Fantine being a defeated woman.

BreeDaniel Profile Photo
#59re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 7:45pm

Oh GAWD, not this AND Camthom's vitriol and horrifically rude behavior again and all in one thread (Bree runs screaming)!

Anakela Profile Photo
#60re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 8:12pm

I don't know anyone who saw this for the first time and didn't like her at all.

My roommate, who had never seen any previous version of Les Miz, never heard any cast recording, never heard "On My Own" or any other song sung by anyone before, is who I went with to Les Miz last month.
Her very first words to me during intermission were "So, um- Fantine??" followed by "I mean, is she supposed to sound like that? Like Bjork or something? Cause that was just not good. But she's a real Broadway person, right? Like she has other credits and has done other shows where she sings and stuff? Like she's a real singer? Ugh even her acting was all twitchy and distracting. But at least she died early."

I've seen Les Miz a few times through the years, and I own the OBCR and the 10th Anniversary cd, so yes I can admit that I probably do bring some preconceived notions of what Fantine 'should' sound like, but my Les Miz virgin roommate was asking if Daphne Rubin Vega has any other Broadway credits, if DRV is a 'real singer'! That should not be what someone who has never seen the show before is thinking when hearing "I Dreamed a Dream" for the first time, it's just not.
Updated On: 11/26/06 at 08:12 PM

NJRae Profile Photo
#61re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 10:15pm

Anakela: Were you also the one who went within the first few days? Weren't there reports that Daphne may have been sick?

Even if Daphne was in perfect health . . . I love the woman, and I love her voice, but I will be the first to admit that her voice is very unique and people seem to either love it or hate it. So your friend may just fall into the category of those who simply do not like Daphne. Hey, it happens! We can't all always like the same people.

"I wrote a book: "How to Be Popular". Now I've put together a top ten list of how to help you: -Elphie, everyday... shower. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of that green is gonna come off! -Deodorant Elphie. No body likes a stinky witch! -I think we've covered the hair, we'll get to that. -Clean underclothes. That's all I'm gonna say. -Look at your posture. That's no way to be popular! -Bed made, room straightened. We've done that. -Colors blended. Oookay. -But the most important thing to have, to make yourself popular, is to keep your beautiful smile." ~Kristin Chenoweth in her last performance of the song "Popular"

winston89 Profile Photo
#62re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 11:23pm

Marlothom, as someone that knows all the lyerics to the Complete Symphonic Recording which is the ENTIER show un cut on cd. They made a good amout of cuts for this production. I remeber a bit of the dialouge in the Thenarder's pub scene right before the song master of the house and a good chunk of that was taken away. As was a lot of other things. I thinkthe creative team did hat they did in the end of Les miserables first Broadway run. Ehich was that they had to cut it cus it was too long. FI a show runs over three hours they have to pay the crew overtime and it added up after playing for 16 years. So, I think they just added the same cutsthey added in the pasat.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#63re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 11:25pm

FYI things were not only cut but also added to live productions after the CSR.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#64re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/26/06 at 11:27pm

You can't use the CSR as a base for anything; the show went through noticeable changes on both sides of the pond after 1988, and even at the time it was recorded, wasn't really accurate because Enjolras' lines during the final battle were different in London. As a "complete" archive of the show, the CSR effectively went into obscurity around 1990.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Fiction Writer Profile Photo
Fiction Writer
#65re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 7:31am

Lizzie: You and Margo get my vote for the smartest people here.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#66re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 7:55am

Hail Celia!

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#67re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 8:32am

You're such a kiss-ass, FW!

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

#68re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 11:43am

1) It's nice to see that open discussion is encouraged on this site by having moderators edit Thread titles at their leisure. I apologize to the community for using the word "horrendous" in the title of my thread, on a public message board, on-topic. What was I thinking?

2) Stagemom3 - that was me in the front mezz, row A - small world!

KQuill Profile Photo
#69re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 11:47am

Well, that's why they are the moderators and you are not. Kind of like how Daphne makes thousands of dollars every week in front of sold out audiences in one of the most popular musicals of all time, and well not.

#70re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 11:48am

Thank you Ken.
You took the sentiment right out of my mouth.
Hail Celia!

p.s. Seriously, how about Celia as Fantine?

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#71re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 11:57am

The thing about Daphne though, is that she really made you listen when she was singing. You couldn't just sit back and relax during her songs, you really wanted to see what would happen with her song. At least I did...

#72re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 12:52pm

"well that's why they're the moderators and you are not."

And? What a curious response. I wasn't questioning the moderators' role in running this site, I was questioning why it was necessary to edit the thread title.

And that was a dyanmite observation that DRV makes thousands of dollars a week (doubtful) acting in a Broadway show (which I do not). I'm not sure if your post was implying that I don't make "thousands a week" or that I am not in Les Mis... either way, it is completely irrelevant to either of my two posts on this thread.

Hats off to you for the completely irrelevant, but oh so witty remark.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#73re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 12:52pm

Too bad they didn't edit it to actually correct the spelling of her name, but maybe they left that up to you, Alex. re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#74re: Rubin-Vega is HORRENDOUS as Fantine!
Posted: 11/27/06 at 12:55pm

Typos are typos, folks can hound on people's typing skills all they please... wonderful way of avoiding the substance of the argument. Updated On: 11/27/06 at 12:55 PM
