Previews for the Broadway premiere of SpongeBob SquarePants begin in just a few days (Monday, November 6, 2017) at the Palace Theatre. Featuring a score by an array of popular recording artists (from Sara Bareilles to John Legend to the Flaming Lips to Cyndi Lauper—and many more), SpongeBob SquarePants is set to open officially on December 4 for an open run.
Who's going?!
Posting this thread a day earlier than I normally would because they've announced their Digital Lottery and Rush policies.
Does anyone have any idea if Row B of the orchestra is, in fact, the first row:? Every time I've been to the Palace, there have always been AA and A in front of it. Also, am I the only one who can't access seats 101-103 and 102-104 of Row B via Ticketmaster? Did they take those seats out or something? Odd.
LimelightMike said: "Does anyone have any idea if Row B of the orchestra is, in fact, the first row:? Every time I've been to the Palace, there have always been AA and A in front of it. Also, am I the only one who can't access seats 101-103 and 102-104 of Row B via Ticketmaster? Did they take those seats out or something? Odd."
You're not wrong! The Telecharge seating chart below shows that there are 2 rows in front of B, but they are indeed selling Row B as the first one.
In Chicago they took out the first few rows to accommodate an extension of the stage. Can't say for sure that's what's going on here... but it might could be!
^ Interesting.
Could that be why they seemingly removed two seats from the first row, as well?
In the Chicago tryout they had a skate board ramp like piece that jetted out into the audience. So it wouldn’t surprise me if the first couple of rows have been taken out.
All you have to do is Google "SpongeBob Squarepants musical set," and you can see just how complex the design is. They definitely removed seats to accommodate it.
I'm going to the first preview so I'll definitely post a link to a photo of the stage from my view (row A Mezz!)! I'm so excited and I'll post a review and such. I think there is a set piece during the first song that goes over that row, but I'm unsure. I grew up on Spongebob, so I hope that it's something new.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Going Tuesday and honestly have no idea what to expect.
I'm going Wednesday, VERY excited for this one!
Seeing the 4th Preview! Got the tickets for free! I'm also seeing it Nov. 11th and Nov. 25th! I'm very excited!!!!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
Multimatt said: "Seeing the 4th Preview! Got the tickets for free! I'm also seeing it Nov. 11th and Nov. 25th! I'm very excited!!!!"
Curious how you got free tickets??
greenifyme2 said: "Multimatt said: "Seeing the 4th Preview! Got the tickets for free! I'm also seeing it Nov. 11th and Nov. 25th! I'm very excited!!!!"
Curious how you got free tickets??"
Haha I probably should've explained! I run the instagram account @broadway.4me (shameless plug sorry) and the instagram account for spongebob broadway awarded me and a couple other users free tickets for the 4th preview! So now me and my insta friends are all seeing the show together! If you have any other questions ask me! (also Ethan Slater follows me and he's taking us backstage after!!)
So the invited dress was today. Doesn’t seem like there are any changes from the Chicago production set wise.
Holy crap! I can't believe that's the Palace! What a transformation!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
Wow. That looks so cool!! Cannot wait to see this!!!
While I thought the material in Chicago was lacking, the set truly is exceptional. It's a beautiful, and colorful production. Hope it gets some younger audience members into theatre.
I just saw a photo that looks literally from my seat. This set is beautiful! Also I found a photo that explains why the 2 first orchestra rows of seats are missing...
Updated On: 11/5/17 at 01:49 AM
That set is gorgeous.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
I keep hearing this thing is actually pretty good...I will never judge anything before I see it ever again.
Not going to lie, but the curtain call looks super fun and it looks like people are having a fun time!!
I just realized, if the audience is always dark even at the beginning, how on Earth will people find their seats? Or their purse on the floor? I'll be tripping everywhere with that lighting!
Its not. There was like a bright blue wash over the house in Chicago.