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SPRING AWAKENING revival flailing at box office- Page 8

SPRING AWAKENING revival flailing at box office

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#175SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 2:37pm

I feel like I would probably prefer this production to the original, but I just can't get past the fact that I really hate the material.  The book and lyrics simply prevent me from ever enjoying the show itself.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#176SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 2:48pm

Updated On: 11/30/15 at 02:48 PM

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#177SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 2:55pm

Hogan's Hero, I saw the original production 4 times. The rest were by colleges.


In regards to your other comments, you are known to make snide remarks to posters  that don't fall head over heels for the shows YOU like. You were unbearable during the summer screaming at anyone who didn't love Hamilton. So I will take your comments with a grain of salt as I only had to skim your posts to know you don't have a foot to stand on.


And no Hogan, nothing went over my head. Spring Awakening is rather straightforward even if the lyrics to the show are obscure and muddled. I mean really: "Only men with golden fins
The rhythm in them, rocking with them, to shore?".
Ugh. So morbid. 


The show will always have a special place in my heart, but damn...





Updated On: 11/30/15 at 02:55 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#178SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 2:58pm

Hamilton22 said: ""Only men with golden fins
The rhythm in them, rocking with them, to shore?".
Ugh. So morbid.


That's pretty direct Marc Chagall imagery...

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
HogansHero Profile Photo
#180SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 4:11pm


I have never screamed yelled or suggested that anyone should like something they don't. Do not mistake my enthusiasm for something I consider the best show of my lifetime for a failure to appreciate that we all have different taste. I may (and do and will) take you or others to task for errors and/or faulty reasoning, but never have I told someone they were wrong for disliking any show. And what I said to you that you are reacting to is a perfect example of that. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#181SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 6:06pm

I tried giving this show some of my money tonight, but they wouldn't take it. Since Color Purple was only offering 20% tonight, I figured I might get my Spring Awakening revisit nailed early, and asked for an aisle seat (knowing there were a good dozen center/side orchestra aisle seats (not to mention the outside ends of rows further back also being aisles), as well as abundant availability in the mezzanine.


TKTS said they had no aisles available, so I came home... oh well... you seriously can't even give this show money. And there were like 3 people ahead of me in line total, after 5 p.m., so not sure where they expect all these seat fillers to come from...

GreenSharpie Profile Photo
#182SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 7:39pm

^ That's upsetting SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office. I wish they would just ease off and lower the prices, there are so many young people and people without huge amounts of money who are dying to see this show many many times, and whoever is making these decisions is hurting the show's chance of succeeding more financially imo.

#183SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 11/30/15 at 8:39pm

Interesting. Seats on the aisle are available tomorrow night via TheatreMania discount. $79 for N-2.

haterobics Profile Photo
#184SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/1/15 at 10:36am

I'm all for them to trying to turn a profit, and if you can move the seats at full price, by all means do it. But when a huge chunk of the house is unsold less than 3 hours to showtime, why be so bullish with TKTS?! You can't expect that many walk-ups and I'm paying more than a lottery loser.

#185SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/1/15 at 10:59am

100% correct, haterobics. They're doing everything wrong, as Ken Davenport always does.

#186SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/1/15 at 2:28pm

gypsy101 said: "Scarywarhol said: "Was hoping that Late Night performance would move a few tickets. It just came on and oh my God, was that awkward in every possible way. The performance and filming. Ouch."

I didn't think it was a bad performance, but thought the song selection wasn't correct. A missed opportunity, that's for sure."


I thought quite the contrary.  The performance was enough to convince me to forego newer musicals and watch this revival instead.  (I was only in NYC for the weekend and could only watch 1 more show)

#187SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/2/15 at 9:25am

Mister Matt said: "I feel like I would probably prefer this production to the original, but I just can't get past the fact that I really hate the material.  The book and lyrics simply prevent me from ever enjoying the show itself.

I have to agree with Mister Matt. Found the original production depressing, can't bring myself to inflict it upon myself again. In my line of work (medical), I see enough death and despair, although I loved "Fun Home", "Hamilton", "Allegiance", to name a few. Just something about Spring Awakening that turned me off. 



Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#188SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/2/15 at 5:50pm

We saw the original. It was mildly enjoyable but it was nowhere near the best show we had ever seen. I am still scratching my head as to why it won a Best Choreography tony. It was teenagers jumping up and down and running across the stage.. To me, that is not choreography. Many love it and if so more power them. Even if we attended as we had in the past we still would have passed on this revival. Not everyone will like every show.

Poster Emeritus

haterobics Profile Photo
#189SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/11/15 at 12:41pm

Not sure what this means, but if you want to see this, tonight is seemingly the night to try the lotto?


On this post, that many of the cast are retweeting, etc, reads:


"When I was a kid, going to shows was a very special event. Being raised by a single mother, money was scarce---so when I saw touring productions it was a VERY big deal. I saw my first actual Broadway show when I was 21 and I remember it vividly---even the man next to me who sang along FULL-VOICED AND SOBBING for the entirety of Act 2. 


Throughout my 20s and into my early 30s, so much theatre was still cost-prohibitive to me and my friends and I was so thankful for the lotto system of tickets. You'd show up along with hundreds of others, put your names in a bucket, and 20-30 people would be randomly chosen for seats that cost $20-30. If I didn't win, I'd march off with my friends and find a cheap happy hour. 


Now I'm at a point where I can afford to see shows more often. It gives me great pleasure to see friends performing and to shut off my technology and be absorbed into another world. Catharsis is a beautiful thing. 


Keep reading. Trust me on this. 


The revival of @springbway currently playing until January 24th is one of the most moving and profound experiences I've ever had in the theatre. A production in partnership with @deafwest, it uses a cast of deaf and hearing actors to tell the story of communication difficulties between youth and adult generations in a way I've never witnessed before. And to be in an audience where EVERYONE can experience theatre is a pretty life-changing event---it's inclusive regardless of "ability." This will stick with me forever and has even encouraged me to learn ASL to use at my future events. That will take time, so have patience SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office What am I getting at?

I want people to experience this show. 


So. On Friday, December 11th, go take part in the lotto for Spring Awakening. It begins at 6 pm at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre and winners will be drawn at 630. There are 28 tickets available at $35 each. 


Well, there would be 28 tickets at $35 IF it were a REGULAR lotto day. 


If you're worried about money, or don't have $35 to spend, go anyway. Worried about only 28 tickets being available??? Go anyway. Trust me. 


I have a few surprises for you. I hope you love the show as much as I do. 



#190SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 11:08am

Anyone know what that was about?  Just curious. Hope some people got to see this show who wouldn't have gotten to otherwise. I saw it on tour several years ago and was pretty meh about it but I made the decision to see this production last weekend anyway and thought it was glorious. I didn't see the original on Broadway but it certainly was better than the tour I saw. 

Notreallysilent 2
#191SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 11:19am

What happened last night was they gave away 40 free tickets for the lottery. Then, they gave everyone else who didn't win $35 tickets. And let me tell you there were A LOT of people. I waited in line for almost 30 minutes to get tickets. I was near the back of the line and I still got row n orchestra, so idk if  they closed off the orchestra or if they just didn't sell a lot of tickets. 

Updated On: 12/12/15 at 11:19 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#192SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 11:24am

Out of curiosity, I watched the crowd last night without entering the lotto. Yeah, I'd say the crowd was somewhere between early Hamilton and year-ago Book of Mormon. Pretty huge.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#193SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 11:33am

For those who were curious-- last night at the lotto, thanks to a donation from Jamie Grayson (@TheBabyGuyNYC on twitter), they gave away 40 tickets, for free. In addition to this already amazing lotto, they announced that as a way to honor and celebrate the donation, Davenport decided to offer every single person at the lotto a ticket to the performance, for the lotto price of $35. Not only was it the largest lotto I've seen, most people took the offer and the house was packed (I was placed mid orchestra house left). You could just feel the energy of the packed house (at least down in the orchestra, I didn't get to see what the mezz was like). Truly an unforgettable performance (this being my third time viewing the production) and lotto experience!

#194SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 11:38am

How wonderful. Thanks for sharing. 

HogansHero Profile Photo
#195SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 11:52am

this more or less confirms what everyone has been saying about this show from the get-go: it's not a commercial production and should have come in through a non-profit. Anyone can sell tickets for $35-but not anyone can sustain the inherent loss of several hundred thousand dollars it represents. 

Notreallysilent 2
#196SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 11:55am

The only thing that I just realized they were missing was they normally teach sign language at the lottery. Maybe it was too big for them to do it, but the line to sign up went near the end of the street for almost all of the 30 minutes you could enter so maybe that's another reason.

Updated On: 12/12/15 at 11:55 AM

#197SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/12/15 at 6:41pm

Here's the guy's Facebook post about what went down. What a generous man.

GreenSharpie Profile Photo
#199SPRING AWAKENING revival failing at box office
Posted: 12/16/15 at 11:27am

haterobics said: "




"But he was the only one there experiencing the show through an innovative combination of three interpreters. Two sign-language specialists switched off every 15 minutes translating the show’s onstage signing onto his palm, while another stationed herself behind Mr. Odland, using his back as a proxy for the stage to communicate the show’s complex choreography.

“His back is like a canvas,” said Marilyn Trader, who is trained in an emerging field known as touch or haptic signals. “I want to actually paint a picture of what’s happening on the stage.”


Um, that's amazing.
