Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
I wasn't sure if this should go on the Off-Topic Board and I'm sorry if it was.
How come so many people go see shows over and over again when they can expand their horizons seeing other shows. Now, I have to admit, I am guilty of this and yet, I still don't understand why I do it.
With the expence of ticket prices, even on TKTS or lotto- wouldn't there be a different show you want to see rather than one you already paid for and saw?
I know some people go to see specific actors or whatnot but I'm not sure the whole reason behind going to see the same thing over and over.
Anybody have an explanation?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I've seen many things twice, for various reasons.
1. Gypsy I saw in previews with Maureen Moore as Rose, but saw it a few months later specifically for Bernadette.
2. I saw Movin Out twice because it's an all around great show.
3. I saw Little Shop twice because my friends wanted to see it.
4. I saw the Producers 4 times because it's my favorite.
I've done it with shows I love, in several cases. Sometimes it's to see new casts, sometimes it's to see actors I love over and over again, and other times it's because the show is just an experience that I love to have... so, why not do something you love? I have the benefit of being able to use my student ID, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I can. I think, also, a lot of the appeal has to do with the fact that in live theatre, no two performances are exactly the same. It's not like watching a TV re-run that you've already seen.
I want to say something about taking chances and spending money on something you know you like versus something you may not like... but, more chances should be taken, I think...
Well I think it's a little ridiculous when people have seen a show 50 + times. There are Rentheads who've seen the show 100's and 1000's of times - which SCARES ME.
The only show I would see more than twice is CHICAGO. It's my favorite show. I've seen it 4 times so far. Wouldn't mind seeing a few more performances here and there - but I will MAKE SURE I am there for the closing night whenever it closes. But I would never see the show 50 + times.
I like seeing new shows.
I agree with the "no two performances are alike" comment - There have been countless occasions where I've thought to myself, "gee, I wonder what it would have been like if such-and-such had happened." Not that performances are supposed to be extremely different from one another, but even little things like ad-libs or note changes have been enough to get me back.
Also, like others said, some shows just make you feel good. So you go back.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
"I want to say something about taking chances and spending money on something you know you like versus something you may not like"
Going into a show, you don't know whether you will like it or not. If you do, you could go see it again. If you don't like it, there isn't much of a chance you would see it again.
Spending money on a show that you may not like is just like spending money on the show that you did like because before you went into it, you didn't know if you would like it. You won't know if you like something unless you try it. Does that make any sence?
Emcee- Seeing a different cast is great! I love to see how they play different characters. On the other hand, the show will generally be the same. Obviosuly it is live each time so it will change every show. I just don't know why someone would pay a price to see a show they already saw when they could see something totally new to expand their horizons. As for loving actors- that is totally understandable although again I feel the same way about paying for something you've already seen. The actor will probably be in other shows or at events.
Sorry if this sounded kinda mean- I didn't mean for it to be harsh...
I'm ok with everyone's opionion and I'm sorry if mine sounded a little too blunt.
I usually end up seeing a show more than once because, once I've seen it and have talked about it with friends, when I return to New York, with one of those friends, I would go back to that show with them because now they want to see it.
When I was a student and "The Wiz" was running, everyone who came to New York to visit me wanted to see it and took me with them so it's probably the show that I saw the most on Broadway. I also had friends who worked at "A Chorus Line" and "Ain't Misbehavin'", so I got to see those shows a lot as well.
Well, to that last point, SweetQ, I play my "no two performances are the same" card. I mean, take Chitty. Yes, the show is fun and yes, I love Raul. But also, yes, he will be in other things. The thing that keeps me going back and back again and again is that he's SO good at what he does that each performance of his is drastically different. It's fresh every single time.
well... almost like movies... why go buy a dvd of a movie you love and watch it over and over? you can spend it on seeing new movies cuz we know there are thousands and thousands of them out there. just really like it that much !
Swing Joined: 8/26/05
Perspective shifts.
If you see a show when it first hits the stage, and you enjoy it so much you buy the CD and listen to it 900 times because you really dig the music and the performances, when you see that show again, your enjoyment will be completely different. Your perspective has completely shifted. Sure, you know it note for note but this time its more like visiting a close friend. You will notice so many details missed the first time. This occurred with me many years ago when Hershel Bernardi was touring with "Fiddler On The Roof" and with a few other shows since. I hope it will happen when I see "The Woman In White" after seeing it in London with much of the same cast and listening to the CD once or twice week from beginning to end since acquiring it.
Also, seeing a show more than once allows you to focus on different things. It's easy to miss things, especially in large-scale productions, and not catch everything the first time around. It could be dialogue, actions, even elements of the set that for whatever reason you didn't notice/pay attention to your first time. I've definitely gone back to shows with the intent of focusing on something I missed the first time, or something I wanted to get a better idea of.
Who says they don't expand their horizons? Just because you see one show several times doesn't mean you're forfeiting the option to see other shows.
I think when it goes into double digits, it's too much. Gypsy was the only show I went into double digits seeing.
I've seen other shows like 3, 4, 5 times each. Usually it's to see an understudy or new cast member(s). I do agree that no show is the same every time; but even though I see some shows more than others, I do try and see a variety of things.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/05
I've seen Hairspray 17 times because, quite frankly, and as cheesey and silly as it sounds, it's an escape. For two hours, life outside doesn't matter, and that goes for any show, really.
Lol. I'm trying to see Hairspray for the 18th time next week. Dunno if it'll happen, but I need my fix. It's been since July!
Also, to further my cheesey-nee (Ahem, ahem.), I, for one, love the like, familiarity with a show. Go figure.
it just depends on the show. case in point: take me out. the end.
I see most shows more than once. Ok, fine. I see most shows more than 10 times, some more than 20. So at least I am an equal opportunist when seeing shows over and over.
I like seeing the changes each night, I love the live aspect of theater, I love talking to cast members after the show, I love the escape, I love taking people who have never seen a show before to experience Broadway, I just have a great time when I see shows. That's why I go almost every night.
Well I have seen several Broadway shows 4 + times but that does not mean I have not 'broadened my horizons'. I enjoy seeing different shows but when you really enjoy somthing and you have the resources (ie a steady source of income and ways of getting great discounts), what is wrong with that? First of all, its their money, not yours. If they love a show and the soundtrack to death, why cant people go see it as many times as they like? Saying that people should not see a show several times does come off as being somewhat condescending. I know that was not the original OP's intention but it just comes off as being so. I would never think a person who has seen Rent more than 10 times is wierd. See it as their hobby, something they support. Its their little obsession, and their little addiction. Its not hurting anyone and makes them feel good. Of course, if these people are snobbish about it or proclaim their show to be the best ever, then you can have a legit beef. But in closing, if a person sees a show several times, it should not be viewed as them being shallow and limited people. Just dedicated and fans of the show. Just my two cents.
Wow, lots of diff. answers I could give to this...where to start...
Well, first, there was up until the past year or so where I only saw about one show per month, and in that case it would be something i've heard great things about, etc. Fell in love w/ Rent in 7th grade, went back to that twice, etc.
But right now, I definitely agree w/ whoever said seeing a show a lot doesn't mean you don't see others, have variety, etc. To prove, all of the shows currently playing that I have seen and how many times:
Naked Girl on Appian Way-1
All Shook Up(on playbill list so putting it, even though it closed)-2
Avenue Q-2
Beauty and the Beast-2
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels-10
Fiddler on the Roof-2
Spelling Bee-4
Sweet Charity-1
The Light in the Piazza-3
The Lion King -1
The Phantom of the Opera-3
The Producers-1
Altar Boyz-2
Forbidden Broadway-3
I Love You, You're Perfect...-1
Trailer Park Musical-1
Musical of Musicals the Musical-1
Also regional theatre including Miss Saigon, Aida, Oliver!...
Okay, so it took me awhile but I've started expanding myself into nonmusicals and such, and am open to jukeboxes if everyone raves about them. And I could look for some off bway, but other than that, I think from my list I'm a very varied person and do try to see as much as possible.
W/ that in mind, you'll notice some higher #s, particularly the 10 of DRS. I still don't know exactly what draws me back there, as in terms of my fav, Wicked and Rent, which I have seen multiple times as well, are right up there. But there were times when there waas nothing new I wanted to see, which created the many multiple times, and there were just some that I loved that drew me back and I'd rather see those the 5th time than something else the 2nd time. Others have cheaper, easier tickets available and for me personally there gets to be shows for some reason or another become my...well the first thing I think of to do when I'm going through a really rough time. Sometimes it's b/c the show is so fun and funny that it takes me away from my problems, sometimes like Rent or Wicked, No Day But Today and Defying Gravity inspire me to deal w/ my problems, but I love them. I agree definitely that not every performance is the same, cast or no cast. And the more I see the show, the more I notice differences in the performances, see understudies and such. Course the one day I noticed a mistake the performer himself didn't, that was probably a tad sad...oopsy.
I should also point out that seeing one show many times and through lots and lots of cast changes often WILL interest you in seeing many others.
I've seen Les Miz 50+ times, but because of my admiration of several people I've seen in that show over the past 10 years, I've travelled fairly far to see other musicals that I may not have otherwise considered seeing, and for the most part, I thoroughly enjoyed them.
I agree with Lizzie!
And for me, I personally see shows a number of times to watch the performers grow in their roles, take note of changes technically AND artistically and to see a replacement's take on a role (eagerly anticipates Melanie as Charity...groan...)
What makes me narrow-minded if I see some shows more then once exactly? It's not necessarily about being narrow-minded or a case of not 'expanding my horizons' as you say. If anything, the shows I watch more then once allow me to analyse, critique and appreciate them in a very in-depth manner, examinng every detail, taking my theatrical observations to the next level. THAT is what broadens one's horizons.
What makes one so amazing and 'cultured' if one see stacks of shows only once? Yes, you'll know many different stories, wow...great, but do you know the mechanism, the morals and the magic the makes the show work as it is if you see it only once? Ah - no!
Unless you're sitting in the audience of Zanna, Don't! that is...
But, that is just my opinion
Nice Wickedrentq. You beta me out by a long shot >.>
DRS - 4
Wicked - 6
Avenue Q - 4
Spamalot - 1
Mamma Mia - 2
Hairspray - 1
BatB - 1
Lion King - 4 (I have had to take diff. people to see this several times hehe)
LiTP - 1
Spelling Bee - 1
Gypsy (With B. Peters) - 3
Forbidden Broadway - 2
Maybe some minor ones but thats about it for now.
Wow, various things keep coming to me, but good points all around so far. :)
I should also add that when you don't have a great deal of money to throw around, you stick with what you KNOW you'll like. If that means I'm going to see Les Miz instead of some other show in the area that costs just as much but I know I'm not guaranteed to like, I'll opt for Les Miz.
Other times I'll take a chance, and most of the time I've liked something if I decided to just take the plunge. However, you can't always afford to do that and then you might regret spending that money.
And even when there is an off-night of my favorite shows (not just Les Miz, though I've seen that more than any other), it's still a favorite, and there's still something in there I can enjoy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
Ok-ok, I'm sorry- I appologize
People have their choices and their budget. Being a college student with a low budget tends to limit my viewing of Broadway shows. Although this is my biggest hobby (or love), I still don't have the money to go see many shows, thus, when I do get to go, I like to see as many as I can (on the chance that I may not like it.)
I would however, go see shows several times if I lived in NYC and had the money.
So, I guess if you have the money, time, and transporton, I understnad seeing shows more than once.
On a different note, is there any amount of times you can go see a show that you would call 'enough?'
To see a show 20+ times seems to me to be a little overboard but again, thats just my opinion.
On a different note, is there any amount of times you can go see a show that you would call 'enough?'
No, because it's different for each person and each show.