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Sister Act tour?

gstrus2 Profile Photo
#100Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/4/12 at 11:17am

A full announcement was made. :)
Playbill Article

dreaming Profile Photo
#101Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/4/12 at 11:18am

I hope to catch this somewhere near NYC. I've always been intrigued by Hollis Resnik.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#102Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/4/12 at 1:02pm

Boring cast.

shrekster224 Profile Photo
#103Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/4/12 at 3:48pm

Very boring. Thought for sure Mother Superior would be more of a Broadway name at least. What a let down.

#104Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/4/12 at 4:52pm

Don't even know like half of the cast... Whatever. Maybe it'll be a pleasant surprise??

#105Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/4/12 at 9:08pm

yeh so many people with huge Broadway boring.

Younger Brother Profile Photo
Younger Brother
#106Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/5/12 at 4:31pm

Nice to see 6 actors who were in the Broadway company at one point. Very excited to see the show!

dreaming Profile Photo
#107Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/5/12 at 4:35pm

shrekster-Hollis Resnik is an absolutely incredible actress/vocalist. She's much better known in Chicago-but that doesn't mean she isn't very talented. I'm going to be in FL when it's in my area and I'm planning on going to see her. I've only been able to see/hear her through the internet and her cabaret recording(she has an album out-give it a listen). I'm hoping she stays with the tour through that stop because I'm really excited to finally see her in person.

Updated On: 9/5/12 at 04:35 PM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#109Sister Act tour?
Posted: 9/23/12 at 9:52am

defyinggravity2 - Love when they have shows in Ovens, it is only 10-15 minute drive from my house. They also did a nice job renovating it several years ago.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#112Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/2/12 at 10:55pm

so the tour opens tonight- who saw it and how was it? i espcially want to know how Hollis Resnik was!

Darreyl with an L!
Updated On: 10/2/12 at 10:55 PM

all_that_jazz Profile Photo
#113Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/2/12 at 11:18pm

Just got back from the assured this is no boring cast! Ta'Rea Campbell brought the house down that girl can sing....the entire case was cool confident and ready to rock tonight. Hollis Resnik as mother superior was beautiful funny and very touching...her haven't got a prayer was beautifully done there's the moment when its announced the pope will be coming to see them all the chaos and joyful singing and dancing from the rest of the cast be sure to watch her mother superior at that would be so easy to get lost in the shuffle there but her silent reactions pull you over and really show what a great actor she is... asside from a few lighting issues which im sure will be fine tomorrow just a couple missed spotlights the tour seems to be in fabulous shape...and highly fun and enjoyble...the only thing....the can of quaker oats in eddies apartment...i'm not 100% yet but i'm pretty sure thats not the logo from the 1970's however i can overlook that this but i can say this is the hardest working group of singing nuns out there..... great job

adam.peterson44 Profile Photo
#114Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/2/12 at 11:41pm

I'm seeing it on thursday - looking forward to it!

#115Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/2/12 at 11:49pm

hows the set in comparison to broadway? turn table? automation?

#116Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/3/12 at 7:01pm

Cast looks great!

shrekster224 Profile Photo
#117Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/3/12 at 10:13pm

Just saw the pics and watched the video- changed my mind Sister Act tour?        . I have soft spot for this show and it still looks great. E. Clayton Cornelius and even the new TJ and Ta'rea look great, but does anyone else not see Ta'rea as the Deloris type at first thought? I'm sure she's amazing as her vocals are fantastic, but she just seems a little too innocent. Can't wait to see it, though.

Younger Brother Profile Photo
Younger Brother
#118Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/31/12 at 10:00am

Has anybody seen this recently?

dreaming Profile Photo
#119Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/31/12 at 12:01pm

I'm wondering if Hollis Resnik is doing the entire tour, or just the Chicago leg. She is really an amazing talent and if she's in it, I'm hoping to catch her in Florida over the holidays while I'm there.

adam.peterson44 Profile Photo
#120Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/31/12 at 12:10pm

Saw it about 2 weeks ago and Hollis Resnick was still in it, doing a fabulous job as mother superior, both vocally and performance-wise.

#122Sister Act tour?
Posted: 10/31/12 at 7:34pm

Does Hollis belt the end of Haven't Got a Prayer or speak-sing it?

allyk Profile Photo
#124Sister Act tour?
Posted: 11/5/12 at 4:34pm

Looking forward to seeing this in April in Providence. Just got some press tickets from work. I am looking forward to seeing Ta'Rea as Deloris as I've seen Patina, Rashidra and Raven as well and seeing how the show plays in a very large house. (I know the Broadway is big, but PPAC is HUGE)

#125Sister Act Tour
Posted: 11/21/12 at 12:56pm

I saw the tour last night, and I feel so indifferent about it. I saw it on Broadway three times (Rashidra, Patina, Raven), and so much of the magic is gone. There are a few glimmering moment yes, but all in all this production fell flat. This production while enjoyable, didn't make me want to see the show again like I did the previous times I saw it.

First off Ta'Rea and Kingsley aren't listening and reacting onstage what so ever. I know Kingsley has been with the show for a while, but Ta'Rea is new and the amount of anticipating going on last night was very distracting.

Ta'Rea is very good, and very different as Deloris. At times I feel like she's trying to fight against what Patina created and sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't. Her voice is stellar. My biggest complaint is that she doesn't really get the character's humor until she's taken to the convent. There's so much rich material in the scenes before that moment that fall totally flat. The police station scene wasn't nearly as funny as it could be. That's actually one of the funniest scenes to me. Also she did a lot of indicating during Fabulous Baby. There was a lot of acting out the words which I don't feel is necessary. This sounds like a pan, but everything after the Police Station scene got progressively better, and she totally brings the second act to life.

I know there was a lot of controversy in this thread about Lael Van Keuren's performance, but I thought she was amazing. In fact, The Life I Never Led received the most audible applause out of every number in the show. She has a beautiful voice and those notes seem more full than Marla's. I never got the shrieking feeling from Lael that I got from Marla and I never felt like she was going to crack like I did when I was watching Marla. Also, I know there was some mention about her size. I don't know if she's lost weight or not, but she's quite petite now. She's also much shorter than the woman that plays Mary Patrick. Her physique definitely makes sense in this production. She really was fantastic!

Hollis was fine as Mother Superior, her acting isn't as flushed out as Carolee's nor is her singing, but she has a lot of nice moments. E. Clayton Cornelius is charming as Eddie, and he took the character in a very different yet effective direction. I REALLY missed Demond Green as TJ. I never realized how much I liked that character until I saw the show without him. He was so good!

The set is essentially all backdrops, but it's not awful, just different. One last thing that really annoyed me was Deloris' double in the first chase scene is much too thin to go on when Ta'Rea is Deloris. It's painfully obvious. My friend who's never seen the show noticed immediately and so did other patrons in the audience.

Happy to answer any questions. Updated On: 11/21/12 at 12:56 PM

Younger Brother Profile Photo
Younger Brother
#126Sister Act Tour
Posted: 11/21/12 at 1:16pm

Did anybody get to see Alysha Deslorieux as Deloris? I know she went on a few weeks ago and on Broadway too, I believe.

#127Sister Act Tour
Posted: 11/21/12 at 1:33pm

I'm curious to know what the show will be like with her. She's very pale. I was in the balcony and if I didn't know to look for her I would have thought that there were only two black nuns (Ta'Rea and Trisha) Her complexion has nothing to do with her capability and I know that African-Americans come in all different shades, but I don't know if the African nun jokes and all will make sense. I'd love to see her. I'm very curious.

shrekster224 Profile Photo
#128Sister Act Tour
Posted: 11/21/12 at 1:34pm

Sad to hear that you say you think it's lost it's magic, and I do honestly believe the Broadway production had it. It started with Patina and Victoria Clark and a perfect ensemble of characters, and even seeing the third to last show I felt like Raven kept it alive, and Carolee blew it out of the water. Kingsley, though, was kind of marking the last time I saw the show, and I was surprised because he was fantastic the other times I saw it. Hoping to see Alysha go on for Deloris but wouldn't mind seeing Ta'Rea at all.

#129Sister Act Tour
Posted: 11/21/12 at 2:17pm

Here's a video of Trisha singing Fabulous Baby.
