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Sleep No More is AMAZING

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#675Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/20/15 at 8:51am

The Meatball Shop!


And think of it this way -- no you're not going to see everything, but neither is anyone else, so just decide to enjoy everything you DO see.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#676Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/20/15 at 10:58am

Aah yes, I forgot there was a Meatball Shop in the area. I'll second that recommendation, I love it. :)

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#677Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/20/15 at 12:01pm

a waste of money and time

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

TBone Profile Photo
#678Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/20/15 at 8:44pm

Thanks for the suggestions and recommendations! Sleep No More is AMAZING

#679Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/22/15 at 2:12pm

Does it matter what time of the evening I get tickets? and what price? Don't know anything about this. Thanks.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#680Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/22/15 at 6:56pm

They usually let you in in the order in which you line up outside, regardless of the assigned time of your reservation. Get in line early if you want to have the most time in the space.


Great gourmet pizza literally across the street at Ovest Pizzoteca on W 27th St.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#681Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/22/15 at 7:08pm

The price just varies based on day of the week...the Maximilian's List tickets that are pricier are kind of a rip-off imo. And they open doors about 15 minutes before the performance starts so if you get on line by then you should get into the space relatively quickly. 

TBone Profile Photo
#682Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 10/24/15 at 12:09pm

Tonight's the night! Sleep No More is AMAZING

hork Profile Photo
#683Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/3/15 at 3:35am

Does anyone else feel like Sleep No More ruined your life? I saw it tonight for the first time and all I want to do is go back. I want that to be my new life, just following those actors around, forever. I had a one-on-one with an insanely hot actor and it was the most erotic experience of my life. Ugh, my life's boring now, hate it.


I guess that's how they get so much business: they get people addicted, like a drug. Anyway, it's certainly aptly named. It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep from thinking about it. Thanks a lot, SNM! 

KCW Profile Photo
#684Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/3/15 at 7:28am

I don't want to rain on anyones parade, but just letting you guys know about to this.

To sum it up, a thief stole a wallet in sleep no more, and being masked, they were basically untrackable. The article does state that this is the first time that this has happened, so sleep some more for now.

I appoligise for any spelling mistakes. I may be on my mobile. Clumsy fingers and small little touchscreen keys don't mixx. I try to spellcheck, but I may miss something.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#685Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/3/15 at 12:36pm

It's unfortunate that it happened, but that article is so unnecessarily/hilariously long and dramatic. (I'm sure it's not actually the first time it's happened, either.)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#686Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/3/15 at 3:31pm

My partner and I went last fall. I can honestly say that, in the 45 years I've been attending live theater, I have never hated anything as much in my life. I was unable to follow the 'story' at all. Every time a group of actors ran past me and I tried to follow, a stampede of people ran after them. Most of the time, my view was completely blocked. I was pushed, shoved, and elbowed out of the way. It was like being on the A train at rush hour.


Being unable to follow or enjoy the 'show' I bailed after about 15 minutes and decamped to the cocktail lounge to wait for my partner. Now THAT was fun. The little jazz combo was very good, as were the singers. I decided to consider the price of the ticket to be my 'cover charge' and imagined myself to be in a very bohemian '40s jazz club down in the Village. For an hour or so, I had a great time. Then the 'show' must've ended because hundreds of people filled the lounge, talking loudly, and the sublime mood was shattered.


But while I was in the club, enjoying my drink and the music, I mused about the behavior of people when they are safely cloaked in anonymity. Even on the most crowded street, or in a jammed subway car, if someone bangs into you, they will generally apologize, or at least mutter 'excuse' me as they elbow their way past. Not at SLEEP NO MORE. Manners were non-existent. Perhaps I'm too old and cynical,  but as soon as I saw how the 'show' worked, I immediately transferred my wallet to my front pocket.


I am not a bit surprised to see that someone got pickpocketed. After all, even if you knew who did it, there was no way whatsoever to identify the thief. The perfect crime. 

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'
Updated On: 11/3/15 at 03:31 PM

#687Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/3/15 at 6:44pm

To be fair, you're not allowed to talk, so maybe the "excuse me" was squelched by the rules.


I would never have learned of the sublime creature that is Puddles Pity Party were it not for the after show in that crowded noisy room after Sleep No More let out.


I'm sorry you bailed after 15 minutes.  The first time my boyfriend and I saw the show we didn't attempt to chase anybody at all, we explored rooms and drawers and pockets of clothing left hung up, we found theatrical magic in some elements that are not included in the show in New York for some reason, and every once in a while we would be in a place where parts of the show would congeal and erupt around us.  Granted, this was in Boston, before it was cool.  

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#688Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/3/15 at 7:25pm

I've only seen the show in New York, but I find that I've had the best experiences when walking in the opposite direction of everyone else. I once had a very oddly intimate encounter with one of the nurses on the 3rd floor that left me very unnerved. It's a really great theatrical piece if you just allow yourself to be swept up in it, but the audiences can be a little much if you insist on following one of the main characters. There's so much going on at any one moment that there also isn't really a "story" to follow. I'm sorry you didn't feel there was enough to hold you there for longer than 15 minutes.

hork Profile Photo
#689Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/4/15 at 1:29pm

perfectlymarvelous said: "I've only seen the show in New York, but I find that I've had the best experiences when walking in the opposite direction of everyone else.


That's what I tried to do, for the most part, but I guess I didn't have much luck with it, because I never really encountered anything interesting by doing this. Even my one one-on-one experience came about only because I specifically sought it out (I'd seen it happen to a girl earlier, and even she had to specifically seek it out, as opposed to it just randomly happening to her). I actually felt like I missed out on a lot because I was always on the move, looking for the "next" thing instead of stopping to enjoy what was in front of me. Plus it's hard to walk in the opposite direction of everyone else when there are people everywhere, though obviously it's easier in the first hour.

#690Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/4/15 at 2:31pm

Love both the Meat Ball Shop and Sleep No More.

Have heard plenty of people both love and hate Sleep No More...the haters wanting the show to be handed to them. Sleep No More is not one of those (sit and watch shows) as this thread has discussed at length. However, if you want to experience an immersive theatrical show without the masses of people pushing then try "Then She Fell". That show is immersive and limited to 15 audience members per performance! Each member of the audience is on a track and guided. Each audience member will see different rooms/performances. You will not see it all if you attend one time. It is loosely based on Alice in Wonderland. I really enjoyed it.

#691Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/4/15 at 3:46pm

I can relate to the feeling that Sleep No More ruined my life.

The Halloween party was amazing, though. Very connected to the show itself. I wrote about it here for anyone who is interested.

Updated On: 11/4/15 at 03:46 PM

#692Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/4/15 at 8:05pm

I saw it last week. I was the first one off the elevator. I was totally bored. I didn't understand anything that was happening. I did have a one on one in a closet, but I had no clue what she was whispering to me. Did I miss something? None of it made sense. What was the story? 

#693Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 11/10/15 at 3:50am

No, you got it all

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#694Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/1/15 at 7:13am

Does anyone know if Sleep No More is done this February? There aren't tickets available beyond that, and I'd like to see it again if that is the case.

#695Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/1/15 at 9:07am

It'll be there.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#696Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 12/1/15 at 10:17am

I think they have always slowly released blocks of tickets to encourage ticket sales for dates that are within reach rather than dates far in the future. Not a bad plan....try to pack in as many ticket sales as possible rather than have buyers complacent and forget to ever purchase tickets because they think it will always be there. You know...tomorrow never comes and then everyone complains that it is closing before they got a chance to see it.  

Dave13 Profile Photo
#697Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 2/14/16 at 9:06pm

Just bumping this thread.  Just wondering if anyone has been there lately and is it maintaining it's quality.  Thinking of buying tickets for this in July.  

Not to be confused with Dave19.

#698Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 2/15/16 at 12:48am

I'll go in mid-May. I can report back :)

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#699Sleep No More is AMAZING
Posted: 2/15/16 at 10:24am

Sadly, Sleep No More is a shell of what it once was. It now runs 7 days a week, meaning no proper amount of time to maintain the magic of the environments. And 5 years on, it shows. The American producers have let the show take a backseat to the bars and restaurants and events and concert venues, focusing more on "How can we make more money?" and not enough on "How do we keep the experience of this alive?"


I last saw it about a year ago and was so turned off by the throngs of superfans and ignorant drunks and clearly overworked performers that I left about an hour and a half in. And having spoken to cast members - past and present - I've found that the folks who run the show just don't take care of the people who make the work happen every night. Sad, really, because I have very strong, fond memories of seeing it in its hayday. That being said, if you haven't seen it before, go. It is still epic and grand and the performers (despite being overworked) are incredibly dedicated and talented.
