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Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills- Page 4

Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills

Anti-Romanticist Profile Photo
#75re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/4/07 at 4:40pm

POTO: During the "soar" note on Music of the Night...done by Howard McGillin. I've NEVER, EVER heard anybody else sing that note so beautifully. Some Phantoms belt the stuffing out of that note, but Howard just lets it float. Very beautiful, especially live in the theater. :]

BatB: The final note of "If I Can't Love Her". The Beast I saw sounded so desperate on that final note and then you have the orchestral part belting under it--just AWESOME.

LES MIS: Javert's part in general. If I was a guy, I would LOVE to play Javert--he has a couple of the most haunting notes and songs from the show (like that awesome slide in "Confrontation").

THE PRODUCERS: The "overdue" note on King of Broadway. I love the way Nathan Lane sings it for some reason.

SWEENEY TODD: The undertone in the music around the part where Tobias says "he shaved the faces of gentlemen". Haunting.

JEKYLL AND HYDE (Anthony Warlow): "Henry Jekyll will follow wherever you lead"--I Need To Know

Bow before the cuteness of my cousin!!! ;]

MikeMagbaleta Profile Photo
#76re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/4/07 at 8:46pm

It would have to be the scene in "Jersey Boys" when Frankie Valli's daughter dies from a drug overdose and the prelude/song "Fallen Angel" starts playing. The emotion that the Jersey Boy playing Frankie projects to the audience is very tear jerking and has many in the crowd tearing up and sniffling. Also, goosebumps galore because of the emotional content that scene has.

Elphie4ever Profile Photo
#77re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/4/07 at 8:53pm

watching defying gravity live will give you chills in the end. The emotion and power after , "its me, its me" and then the flying portion was breathtaking.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#78re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/4/07 at 10:58pm

I second the earlier post about Raul Esparza's delivery of "mock me with praise" in Being Alive. Whether in performance or on the cast recording, I get breathless.

#79re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/4/07 at 11:15pm

Basically the entirety of "Fable" from The Light in the Piazza, especially after "Go! Go!"

The intro to "Around the World" from Grey Gardens. You just know what's coming next.

The final "my God" in Another Winter in a Summer Town.

In the "I Love You Song" from Spelling Bee, from "I wrote you a letter..." on.

"My Son" from Bright Lights, Big City

I'm sure there are more, I just can't remember them.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...
Updated On: 6/4/07 at 11:15 PM

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#80re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/4/07 at 11:19pm

When it goes A Capella in "Make Our Garden Grow."


#82re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 2:35am

I absolutely love the crescendo in "Sunday" in Sunday in the Park when the ensemble sings "on an island in the river"

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

#83re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 3:30am

All of One More Kiss from Follies.

Christina  Cooper Profile Photo
Christina Cooper
#84re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 3:48am

Wicked.. Defying Graivty (of course) All of it. Not just the end.. Also I get the chills at the finale when Glinda and Elphaba sing together and then Elphaba runs off with Fiyero.. That gets me everytime..

Rent- Season of Love B.. When Angel dies.. It's so sad..

"It's terrible to have a house fall on you, it is, but accidents will happen"

wackjack132 Profile Photo
#85re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 4:53am

Evita: "A New Argentina" when the people are singing "Nationlisation [spelling is off but oh well] of the industries that the foriegners control..." and the piano is just banging on...when I saw/heard that I just shivered

Caroline, or Change (sadly missed this): Pretty much all of "Lot's Wife"

Spring Awakening: "Totally F*CKed" always gets me for some reason...then again I am just the stereotypical teenage theater geek.

And that's all I can think of off of the top of my head...there are many more, I'm sure...but that's it as of now.

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#86re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 6:14am

In addition to some really great ones mentioned:

New Music, even just the first few really high, soft piano notes do it for me. But then when BSM sings "Sarah come down TO MEEEEE" it gets me every time, and then the final huge chord gives me chills.

Similarly, One Day More from Les Mis gave me chills when I saw it in the theatre.

Gimme Gimme in Thoroughly Modern Millie when Millie just belts out "Somebody to love MEEEEEEE"

That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure there are countless others.

me2 Profile Photo
#87re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 1:18pm

Parade: "This is Not Over Yet"

I love to crank it up in my car and belt out along with Brent Carver. :)
Broadway Blog: A (Hopefully) Intelligent Discussion of Broadway

shakejake6282 Profile Photo
#89re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 2:47pm

"Your Daddy's Son" from Ragtime
"On the Street Where You Live" from My Fair Lady
"People" from Funny Girl
"Gimme Gimme" from Thoroughly Modern Millie (the best ever)

"Operator, you have obviously never been trapped in a Chinese opium den!" - Thoroughly Modern Millie

#90re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 2:48pm

I dont know how I forgot to mention the beginning of "Summertime" from Porgy and Bess

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

#91re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 5:20pm

I agree with so many of these! Only one song, though, invariabley moves me to tears EVERY time I hear it: Momma, Look Sharp- 1776

There are so many!!!

Oh, and even if you hate the show, Hadley singing I'll Be There melted me right into my seat. Best moment of the show. Updated On: 6/5/07 at 05:20 PM

dramaqueen2 Profile Photo
#92re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 6/5/07 at 5:55pm

wow, i'm literally getting chills just reading some of these..

i think 90% of the songs in spring awakening give me chills..
"bitch of living" when the guys all harmonize when they sing.."god is this it.. this can't be *harmony* it.." gahhhh!

"i believe" is just a beautiful piece of music, especially with the current action in the show at that point, it fits perfectly.

"left behind" especially when j.groff hits the last high note in the song, ugh.. gorgeous.

"those you've known" *SPOILER* when johnny and lea come up from the ground is just, haunting.. and when the music kind of backs off suddenly at the very end *END SPOILER* and j.groff sings "you watch me, just watch me, i'm calling.. [piano] i'm calling and one day all will know" is just the pinnacle for me.

"song of purple summer" when they all go a cappala.. good lord. that is the most beautiful sound in the world. love it.

in SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD in the song "opening: the new world" when the 4 sing "nobody told you the best way to steer when the wind starts to blow.." stuff.. and basically the entire end of the song when they're all in powerful belting harmony. that is one of my favorite songs of all time.

i love harmony. can you tell? haha.

hear my song; it was made for the time when you don't know where to go, listen to the song that i sing, you'll be fine..

#93re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 1:31am

Many of these have already been mentioned, but here are some of mine:

RAGTIME - "New Music," after Coalhouse sings, "Sarah, come down to me," the orchestra swells and the chorus comes in on that "Ahhhhhh..."

WICKED - "The Wizard and I," on the line, "for half of Oz's favorite team."

THE SECRET GARDEN - Just about all of "A Girl in a Valley" and "Lily's Eyes," and the part where Mary opens the garden door at the end of Act 1.

THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA - The final lines of "Love To Me."

SIDE SHOW - The last chorus of "I Will Never Leave You" (particularly the Tony Awards performance).

HELLO, DOLLY! (the movie) - "Put On Your Sunday Clothes," when Barbra sings, "All aboard! All aboard! All abooooooooard!!!"

HAIRSPRAY - The acappella section of YCSTB. Yum!

The Andrew Lloyd Webber Love Trio, with Audra, Marin and Judy, on My Favorite Broadway: The Leading Ladies. Sheer heaven.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

amalou Profile Photo
#94re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 1:41am

The Woman in White- every time she sings "I close my eyes and I still see his face" and of course the sweeping melody that comes right before that moment.

Ragtime- Till We Reach That Day

Der Glockner von Notre Dame- Esmeralda (the song, not the character) Wie aus Stein and Einmal

Lennon- Watching the Wheels

Pirate Queen- Sea of Life, The Wedding, Woman

Company- Being Alive

Wicked- the end of Defying Gravity (though it really depends on who is singing)

Riverdance- the finale

Sweeney Todd- the bit in the opening when the cellos really start rocking know what I mean. That is epic!

The Secret Garden- Lily's Eyes and Where in the World

Les Miserables- the finale

Phantom of the Opera- the final "you alone can make my song take flight..." at the finale

"But I can tell you that Raoul, who was so handsome in "The Phantom," is now a drunken wreck."

#95re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 1:50am

In the finale of Follies. When it goes "Hi.../Girls.../Ben.../Sally..." and then the drums and the final button.

I shave me Xanadu every morning!

#96re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 1:56am

I know where Ive been (hairspray)... every time i hear it i get goosebumps!

la_vie_boheme_et_moi Profile Photo
#97re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 2:16am

'Defying Gravity', when Elphie says, "It's ME!" and she starts to 'fly' and everything- it's beautiful because it's such a turning point in her story.

'Finale', when Glinda and Elphaba sing, "Who can say if I've been changed for the better- because I knew you, I have been changed..." and are cut off by the angry mob shrieking about wickedness, etc, again...


'Goodbye, Love'- it is the perfect, 'Ohmigod, I'm brokenhearted and crying and yet I can still belt somehow' song. Though, I think that it's really only good when you're there live to see it.

'I'll Cover You, Reprise' is everything that a mourning song should be. Pain and love intermingle into a bittersweet plea that oozes from every line... It sounds like heartbreak, tragedy, and emptiness. It's amazing :)


*The very beginning, at the end of the auction, when the chandelier rises and the theme begins to play*

'Music of the Night', is... indescribable. Time stops when a decent voice sings this song.


'Do You Hear The People Sing', simply makes your heart sort of pound. My friend told me about what happens in the end of Les Miz, so the shock factor of it was spoiled for me, but... wow!


*Paul's monologue*

'What I Did For Love' made me want to cry. The voices were so clean and pure and sure of everything they were saying- I don't know, but it felt so... innocent.


I know that I'll have more later but these are just off of the top of my head re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills

Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince", 1943

jmponstage Profile Photo
#98re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 2:52am

With as many people that have mentioned Secret Garden I can't believe no one has said this - in How Could I Ever Know when they sing in harmony towards the end and Lily takes this beautiful high note descant on the AHH-AHH-AHh-AHH part right before the end

We Do Not Belong Together - SITPWG when Bernadette does the " NO! You are Complete George..." ahhh so good

Our Children - Ragtime - the dialouge at the end where the Baron says "I will buy her light and sun and the clean wind of the ocean for the rest of her life..." I cry every tiime

Roses at the Station - Grand Hotel - "I spent my chidhood in the field"... and then the key change into the reprise of Love Can't Happen... Perfection

Parade - At the end of "Come up to my office" where he smashes "The Factory girls" over the top... the clashing songs on top of each other give the most amazing dramatic effect.

Titanic - the instrumental waltz in the finale... it is one of the most gorgeous instrumental sections composed for the stage

You are My Own - Phantom - "For the music alone..." tearjerking

The Confrontation/Chris and Ellen - Miss Saigon OLC - "CHRIST! I am American, how can I fail to do good?"

The Confrontation/Chris and Ellen - "I Still taste your kisses"

Sun and Moon (reprise) - Miss Saigon - "And our love is reborn!" into that orchestral section and then right after "Take Care of TAM!" another amazing instrumental

And Then There Were None- Spring Awakening - "Just F*CK it right enough that's it, you'll still go on well for a bit, another day of utter ****" When John Gallagher Jr. does this live and just screams/cries this line, such an amazing performance

He Wanted to Say - Ragtime - "One turning from, One waking to... America"

All of Raul's Being Alive, when this recording came out and I got to this song, I just stopped what I was doing and listened to this four or five times in a row... I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

The overture to The Light in the Piazza

The Ballad of Floyd Collins (reprise) - "and when my Ti-me comes to die" omg I love this man he has such a real voice. It gives me chills.

The Origin of Love - Hedwig - "And then fire..." when those guitars come in... it is heaven! same with the intro to Angry Inch

If I Ever Say I'm Over You - It's Only Life - Brooks is perfection and a hell of a nice guy too!

Nobody Needs to Know - The Last Five Years - this whole song is so understated and beautiful

Kesa - See What I Wanna See - "Laugh and kiss and Fff**** and lie, My God it's hell to be God!"

Overture - State Fair - I just love these orchestrations they make me feel good all over!

jmponstage Profile Photo
#99re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 2:54am

ok why does it automatically edit words sometimes bu not others...? random...

#100re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 3:00am

This is probably just because I was listening to Rent earlier today but the first things that popped into my head are the whole "I'll Cover You (Reprise)" and when they start clapping in "Seasons of Love" (I guess I'm just a sucker for that form a line downstage and sing to the audience thing).

Also, I also too "Being Alive" and especially the mock me with praise stuff.

The I Love You Song (25th Annual...)

Poor Child (Lippa's Wild Party)

But thinking more about it, I get the chills a lot at shows so there are really too many to count. Nothing beats good live theatre.

rparker912 Profile Photo
#101re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
Posted: 8/1/07 at 5:14am

"The Woman in White- every time she sings "I close my eyes and I still see his face" and of course the sweeping melody that comes right before that moment.

Der Glockner von Notre Dame- Esmeralda (the song, not the character) Wie aus Stein and Einmal"

I agree with both of these.

In the revised version of the Finale from "The Woman In White", right after Laura sings "I close my eyes and I still see his face", an oboe beings to play the Woman in White theme.

"Stärker als wir sind" from "Tanz der Vampire".

The line "Wir trinken blut wir haben null morale" in "Der Tanz der Vampire".

When Meg picks up the Phantom's mask at the end of "The Phantom of the Opera".

During the car chase in "Sunset Boulevard" when the orchestra plays the "One upon a time, not long ago, the head of any studio...." theme.

When the entire orchestra begins to play "Requiem for Evita".

The title song from "The Light in the Piazza".

"The Circle of Life" from "The Lion King". I saw the stage show last summer, and I was absolutely amazed during this song.

Ryan Parker.
