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Spamalot closing January 18- Page 4

Spamalot closing January 18

#75re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/18/08 at 1:22pm

I would have never expected this. I thought for sure Ave Q would announce before Spamalot. With all of them closing, the movie-to-musical comedy is now proven to be a mere fad. Along with the traditional musical comedy along with it. I foresee dark days on Broadway ahead, both with the theatre situations and the plays/musicals themselves, as it's only a matter of time (months? days?) before Avenue Q displays its closing notice...

StageFan2 Profile Photo
#76re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/18/08 at 2:52pm

"Bashing Clay is a hard habit to break but its happening, even in the gay press."

Sad isn't it. Bashing of any kind should never become a habit in the first place. Expressing our opinion is wonderful and being critical is just what we all do sometimes, but to relentlessly nitpick and ridicule is just a foolish waste of time.

Anyway. Sometimes a show just runs its course and no amount of stunt casting will save it. Most people who wanted to see Spamalot have most likely already done so. Those who wanted to see Clay, have also probably done so. It only makes sense that his presence wouldn't have the same outcome as his last outing. Now, post notice that the OBC is returning for the final shows and 'Katie bar the door!'. <- That's an old expression for 'trying to hold back a rush' for all you young folks. re: Spamalot closing January 18

JEK216 Profile Photo
#77re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/18/08 at 3:05pm

Sorry to hear Spam is closing. I would have loved to have seen it. Some of the Clay fans on here, should really just try to lighten up. Spamalot's closing is not about Clay. It's a show that has had a great 3 year run. It's time has come, to close. I'm sure Clay is very thankful for the experience of working with all the amazingly talented people involved in this show. I'm glad he got that chance. Best wishes to all involved.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." G. Marx

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#78re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/18/08 at 3:58pm

Variety disagrees with you. I'll go with their opinion over yours. He's only been back a couple of weeks so the bump to 70% is a good sign.

Well, reality disagrees with Variety. I'll go with facts and official numbers over someone's opinion.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#79re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/18/08 at 11:13pm

Goldenstate - "movie-to-musical comedy has proven to be a mere fad"

Umm, not really. Think of some of the new shows that are opening in the next year (or rumored to be opening) - Dirty Dancing, White Christmas, Shrek, Addams Family, Once. And those are just off the top of my head. If this is a fad, it's not over yet.

little_sally Profile Photo
#80re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/18/08 at 11:25pm

As much as I love this show, and am sorry to see it go, it had a great run. I'd like to see it again but I don't want to see Clay Aiken.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#81re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/19/08 at 12:00am

FYI - Clay confirmed today that he will be leaving after January 4th, so all you haters can start buying tickets now. re: Spamalot closing January 18

Ole Chum
#82re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/19/08 at 12:07am

I need to hear Merle's find Your grail sooner rather than later. maybe ill check it out...

#83re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/19/08 at 12:55am

"'HAIR is the next occupant of the Shubert...and then the producers of The Addams Family have it in November.'

"so Hair would only be a limited run??"

Correct. No one expects it to last long.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#84re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/19/08 at 2:19am

Seriously Cartwheel, get a life! I've seen the show twice, once with Clay, and once without. He is not terrible, but he is not the best thing to ever hit the Broadway stage. Actually, I rather liked him when I saw it, but again, he is not my favorite.

So yes, this "hater" has bought her tickets for the final show, and it is going to be all about Clay, and nobody and anything else because it is not important. Right...I'm going because I had a blast the two times I saw it, and I love the cast album.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

littlemezzo25 Profile Photo
#85re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/19/08 at 7:10pm

Makes sense why it is closing since they brought Clay back hoping to boost up the sales. I'm upset about how many shows are leaving but I guess it leaves room for other shows.

#86re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/20/08 at 6:51am

"Sometimes a show just runs its course and no amount of stunt casting will save it. Most people who wanted to see Spamalot have most likely already done so. Those who wanted to see Clay, have also probably done so. It only makes sense that his presence wouldn't have the same outcome as his last outing."

This makes the most sense of anything in this thread. It's been running for nearly 4 years. Some people just don't get Monty Python to begin with & foolishly think they won't enjoy it. The economy is in the crapper. It doesn't have the family appeal of the big tourist shows. I think it was clear this summer, even before it was announced that Clay was coming back, that it was headed toward its final curtain. I've no doubt that without him back this fall, its box office would be even worse right now & who knows, it may not have even made it thru the holidays.

I saw 3 versions of the show: OBC, touring company & the Aiken/Waddingham/Hadary cast. Clay was my favorite Sir Robin by far, just goofier & more of a comedian IMO. He fits the silly just fine. In fact, DHP was my least favorite. Way too dry for my taste & he seemed too old. Taking Eric's movie version into account, I have to say that DHP was just plain miscast. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed him, but compared to the other 3, sorry no.

I'm a huge Python fanatic & everyone I personally know in that fandom preferred Aiken, much to their own surprise. He was damn good. Wouldn't hesitate to see him in something else. And this may be heresy or something, but frankly, I preferred Rick Holmes as Sir Lancelot to Azaria as well, altho I think Hank was much more entertaining than DHP.

I may just try to catch it again around the holidays to check out the new LadyOfTheLake. I've heard that Tom Deckman (hilarious), Holmes & somebody else I can't recall right now are scheduled to leave same day as Clay. But maybe they'll all extend another couple of weeks? I don't see the OBC coming back at all, JMO.

"But I don't like SPAM!!!"
Updated On: 10/20/08 at 06:51 AM

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#87re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/20/08 at 9:38am

This makes me sad re: Spamalot closing January 18 I love this show.


#88re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/20/08 at 11:06am

"But maybe they'll all extend another couple of weeks? I don't see the OBC coming back at all, JMO."

I'm not sure. If I understand correctly, HAIR is moving in right away. While everyone anticipates a quick load-in, there are some concerns over Spamalot's load-out not being quick enough. Which to me indicates that HAIR should begin previewing sometime in February.

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
#89re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/20/08 at 2:40pm

Clay is leaving Jan 4th for sure. He confirmed it on Sat Night during the Gala. Would they bring back DHP or will an understudy finish it out?

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
#90re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/20/08 at 7:23pm

Last week sales were 71% and with Clay away for the weekend it dropped to 63%. Next week it will be up again, you'll see.

There is no doubt in my mind that the producers value Clay. Look at the new article on Playbill.
Clay Aiken Leads Current Cast of Tony-Winning Spamalot

#91re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/20/08 at 8:22pm

I will be very excited if HAIR goes into the Shubert. Very very happy. I may have to make some calls tomorrow to verify this information. Knowing the crew there though, I have every faith the Spamalot load out will be completed in time.

I am sad to see Spamalot go, as are the cast and crew. However, it did have a good run and it excites me that the Shubert will be available again. If only it had been for A Chorus Line. Me thinks it would have been open longer with the nostalgia of it's original theatre going for it, in addition to the show itself.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#92re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/20/08 at 10:30pm

I think at this point for casting, it would just be easiest to extend contracts for cast members than bring in new people or former cast members. Besides, I know that Christopher Sieber is doing Shrek. I think Sara Ramirez would probably have to be in California for Grey's, and I have no idea what the rest of the cast is up to.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#93re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/21/08 at 12:43am

"I will be very excited if HAIR goes into the Shubert. Very very happy. I may have to make some calls tomorrow to verify this information. Knowing the crew there though, I have every faith the Spamalot load out will be completed in time."

It has absolutely nothing to do with the crew. It has to do with the close proximity of the closing date of Spamalot to the load-in date for HAIR. Again, that was my understanding...but it is possible I misunderstood (I wasn't paying that much attention because I was texting someone at the time).

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#94re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/21/08 at 12:52am

Last week sales were 71% and with Clay away for the weekend it dropped to 63%. Next week it will be up again, you'll see.

Yes, and two weeks ago, Clay was there for all 8 performances and it was at 54%. The week before that was 54.5%. His first full week back was 59.6%. He raised attendance 4.8% from the week previous. Clay's presence does not have as great an effect on attendance as you would like to believe.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

grnsmwhr Profile Photo
#95re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/21/08 at 12:56am

I've seen Spamalot with Clay, Rick Holmes, Tom Deckman, David Hibbard and Chris Seiber. I fell in love with all of them. Such talent, so funny together. I can't imagine anyone else doing those roles so I guess I can understand how people who saw the OBC think they are the best. The only person I didn't get to see was Hannah Waddingham, she was out the night I went. I heard she was wonderful as well.

Spamalot has made over $175,000,000. That's an amazing chunk of change.

I would still come to New York if the hotel prices weren't so ridiculous. The economy is in the crapper and they raise their prices to an outrageous level. They're killing your tourist industry.

You see, obsessions are very personal things, they come from deep inside us, where we are open and vulnerable, which is why I consider them sacred, not to be belittled....PalJoey

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
#96re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/21/08 at 1:08am

"Clay's presence does not have as great an effect on attendance as you would like to believe."

Why is it so important to you to downplay Clay's success? The first week he was only there for the weekend. All of the shows took a downturn in September, as they do every year. You are like a dog with a bone. Move along now.

#97re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/22/08 at 10:09am

Load out takes about a week, usually. What is the proximity of the load out/load in dates? (close proximity is redundant by the way. Im not being obnoxious - it's just a pet peeve of mine)

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#98re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/22/08 at 11:06am

"Load out takes about a week, usually. What is the proximity of the load out/load in dates?"

That's what I'm not sure about as my attention was beginning to wander to the text I was typing at the time. For all I know, at that point they may have been talking about an entirely different show! :o)

#99re: Spamalot closing January 18
Posted: 10/22/08 at 2:12pm

LOL okay. I wasn't sure which specifics you weren't clear on. I'll try to see what I can find out.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...
