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Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...- Page 83

Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#2050Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 1:59pm

I completley agree with you rwlevin. I think that there is never a time to be complacent, and yes we should be fighting for what we believe in. I also agree that if "not now, when?"

However, I am just worried how the rest of the world, outside of the administration, will view a rally. My parents, who are extremely liberal and 100% for gay rights have questioned me on my own political activisim regarding gay marriage. We have repeatedly had the discussion that there are so many other things going on right now that affect so many more people, as a community we should rally for things like healthcare first. Then once the economy turns around, healthcare is universal, etc. we can fight for the minorities rights. Because, frankly right now things like healthcare and the economy affect the majority more than the minority.

What worries me if my parents believe this, being liberal CT jewish democrats who marched on Washington against Vietnam, what is the rest of the world going to think? I am just worried that the community who is for gay marriage will be seen as selfish whiners who have no grasp on reality....And everyone knows how the media spins things...I'm just a little worried as to how they are going to spin this.

That being said, I would still love to go to DC that weekend--but its a big hike to make to be back for work on Tuesday.

mgcproductions Profile Photo
#2051Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 2:03pm

Cleve Jones is an icon and a hero for the civil rights and LGBT movement.
Here is a video of him speaking.

#2052Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 2:16pm

"However, I am just worried how the rest of the world, outside of the administration, will view a rally."

This is a trick our minds and our culture play on us. It's perfectly human to want to control how others react to us, but also completely impossible. If an activist so much as whispers something to two other people, there will always be a side of our brains and the brains of everybody even slightly more conservative than us that worries that "now is not the time to cause such a ruckus!"

Also, the silencing of activism based on the hierarchy of other needs that are somehow deemed more pressing and important than the activists' concerns is another classic trick. Believe me, it's "never" the right time and there are "always" more pressing concerns to other people than what your concern is. Of course, 98% of these people who have these priority concerns tend not to lift a finger on those issues they say are more important. I'm just saying.

No offense, I don't think your parents are actually 100% liberal.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#2053Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 3:48pm

So are you implying that I have done nothing to help on the healthcare issue? Or marriage equality? Take your pick. I've lobbied and rallied for both in the past. I've also worked on a national congressional campaign, served on youth committees etc. Don't make assumptions based on what you don't know.

And frankly while I believe dissent is unbelievably patriotic, "causing a ruckus" is not necessarily the way to go about bringing legislative change. Especially when national attention is focused on something that affects the majority rather than the minority.

More than anything I am just nervous about the rally, instead of being an occassion to draw attention to an important issue, it won't be viewed as such. And let's face it, in the age of Twitter, having the media report on you favorably is CRUCIAL in bringing about legislative change.

And my point in referencing my parents was that if my parents, who are probably as liberal as two people in their mid-late 50's can get are wreary of the fight, what does that indicate for the rest of the country. The rest of the world is not as open as us New England'ers. I know enough to understand that.
Updated On: 8/29/09 at 03:48 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2054Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 6:22pm

If we waited for the "right" time to do ANYTHING, nothing would ever happen.

And I'm sorry, but a huge part that there IS a fight over Marriage Equality is that the MAJORITY somehow has a say in a minority. And that is just, plain and simple, WRONG. It is unconstitutional and, frankly, pretty despicable.

And until ENOUGH people get off their asses to do something, nothing will get done.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

mgcproductions Profile Photo
#2055Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 6:58pm

CLEVE JONES speech at yesterdays rally

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#2056Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 7:07pm

You guys are all preaching to the choir here. And if I came off any different, I'm sorry things got lost in translation. I guess I am just worried as to how people who don't agree with gay marriage will spin the issue after such a large event such as the rally. I'm afraid it will be a further dividing point in our political system. Which would not bode well for the Obama administration.

And perhaps its also because I don't trust the media to portray the rally as a civil rights issue. When Prop 8 was passed in CA, the national media portrayed rallys against the decision as a group of selfish whiners. I remember seeing a news story on a non-cable news show that listed all of the other problems in CA (economic etc) before footage of the anti-Prop 8 rally. Afterwards some stupid pundit made a comment to the effect of "CA is in the worst financial crisis of their history and THIS is what people are upset about?"

But by NO means did I mean to imply that there shouldn't be a rally. I think people standing up for what they believe in and coming together in large numbers. It is the only way that things get done. However, I am just afraid that the message of love & equality behind the rally will get lost on many many Americans because of the media coverage.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2057Let it in.
Posted: 8/29/09 at 9:31pm

We can do very little about what the spin doctors do with any sort of action.

Obama has already let down the gay community. He made MANY promises during his campaign and now tells them: Wait. Just wait. He didn't just 'wait' for their donation money, did he?

Wend -- I know where you stand on this, so no worries on my account.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#2058Let it in.
Posted: 8/30/09 at 9:51am

I know. Unfortunately the spin doctors control more than I think we realize. Damn that O'Reilly.

#2059Let it in.
Posted: 8/30/09 at 11:13am

Wendelin, I didn't say anything of the sort. Please reread my post again, slowly. Look for the following theme: our minds and the culture we live in play tricks on us to discourage our activism. Period.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2060Let it in.
Posted: 8/30/09 at 1:12pm

I strongly believe that if you feel strongly about something, fight for it and stand for what you believe in. There is never a right time and there is never a wrong time. NOW is the time to stand up for what you believe in. It can be marriage equality, healthcare, education, basically anything. If everyone would stand up for what they believe in, action would occur.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#2061Let it in.
Posted: 8/30/09 at 1:14pm

I believe that "the right time" is whenever you're energized to do it, especially if your energy is contagious. The "pragmatism" argument is always used to squelch the impulse. Don't give into it.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2062Let it in.
Posted: 8/30/09 at 1:25pm

I think you brought up a great point (that I had never though of) about 'the right time'. I just feel that if you believe in something, stand up for it and take action. Too many people avoid doing things because they don't think they can make a difference, but that's not true. Let's say you want to help environment. Even if you can't afford to buy solar panels and an electric car, you can do something small. You can unplug your cell phone chargers when you're done using them, you can cut down on napkin usage, you can recycle, there are MANY small things you can do. No one should say, "I'm going to use as many napkins as I want because it's not going to make that much of a difference.". Could you imagine how many trees would be saved if every person used just one less napkin? Do something. Even if it's small, make an effort.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#2063Let it in.
Posted: 8/30/09 at 1:31pm

Exactly. Don't fall into the trap of thinking if you can't bring about perfection you're not even going to try for "good" or "better."

THAT'S a way our culture devalues activism.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2064HAiR and Activism
Posted: 8/30/09 at 1:37pm

Well said Namo,

and to shift the topic back to HAiR,
I think that's one of the reasons why I love HAiR so much. It's a piece of theatre that urges the audience to open their eyes and make a change.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 8/30/09 at 01:37 PM

#2065HAiR and Activism
Posted: 8/30/09 at 1:49pm

RIGHT! Which is why I sometimes feel sad that people aren't talking more about that than about what seats at the show get the most attention and the minutia of what ensemble member is covering what track.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2066HAiR and Activism
Posted: 8/30/09 at 1:52pm

Well, one thing to remember about seating questions is that a great portion of people that ask them haven't seen the show yet. Who knows, maybe they leave the theatre realizing that HAiR offers more than interaction. I haven't gotten my ticket yet, but the interaction will be the last thing on my mind when I purchase my ticket.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 8/30/09 at 01:52 PM

rwlevin Profile Photo
#2067HAiR and Activism
Posted: 8/30/09 at 2:01pm

When seeing Hair, audience interaction is great but I've also found that sitting where you are in the audience changes your point of view. If you sit in the orchestra, you miss the interaction in the mezzanine-most importantly Claude's slow walk to the be-in. If you sit in the mezzanine, you miss what's going on in the orchestra rows and aisles, like the pleading during 3-5-00. If you sit on the upper right side of the house, you miss the tribe running in from the exit doors in the beginning of Act 2. It's all relative. And in which case, I always think the best seats of a house are first row mezzanine or second row on the aisle if you don't want the bar in front of you (aisle in case you're short, like me), but that's just my opinion.

Waiting for tickets to Hair August 2008

#2068HAiR and Activism
Posted: 9/1/09 at 6:08pm

Wow, I feel like the love has gone out of this thread. Page 3, people.

Anyway, FYI:

Will's taking questions on

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

#2069HAiR and Activism
Posted: 9/1/09 at 7:28pm

I feel like such a fangirl for asking, considering where this thread left off, but does anyone know if it's just Paris covering Bryce's vacation this week, or if Ryan's also going to go on?

And regarding seating, one of the reasons I love the inside box seats is that you can see everything that happens in the mezz, and a lot of what happens in the orchestra. You might have to turn around, but you really don't miss much, especially if you're on the left side.

mgcproductions Profile Photo
#2070BSO 10pm TONIGHT
Posted: 9/1/09 at 8:38pm

Martin Gould Cummings along with HAiR tribe member Anthony Hollock will host their weekly talk show tonight at 10pm. tune in, comment, and chat with them LIVE

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#2071BSO 10pm TONIGHT
Posted: 9/1/09 at 8:44pm

There' still lots of love BSO 10pm TONIGHT I love it when any medium (theatre, literature, tv...whatever) promotes this much discussion and debate. I do. I freakin love it.

And only 12 more days til I get to go hang out with the tribe again!

#2072BSO 10pm TONIGHT
Posted: 9/1/09 at 9:42pm

depending on Gavin's ankle, there is a possibilty of Ryan!Woof for the matinees, unless they decide to put Jay in as Claude instead of Paris, personally i'd like to see Ryan!Woof

#2073BSO 10pm TONIGHT
Posted: 9/1/09 at 10:51pm

Hi! I know this is kind of last minute, but I have an extra ticket to Hair this Saturday at 2pm. I believe the seat is in the mid-mezzanine. If anyone would like to purchase it please PM me for details.

Thanks :)

#2074BSO 10pm TONIGHT
Posted: 9/1/09 at 10:59pm

"depending on Gavin's ankle, there is a possibilty of Ryan!Woof for the matinees, unless they decide to put Jay in as Claude instead of Paris, personally i'd like to see Ryan!Woof"

I would pay full price tickets to see Ryan!Woof!

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22
