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Stephanie J. Block

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#50re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/12/05 at 2:07am

MissElphie - sorry to bump but still wondering about your fan listing. What is it exactly?

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#51re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/12/05 at 8:01am

I'm not a huge Stephanie fan, I mean the girl can sing, but sometimes I find her too overly-dramatic in both her dialogue and songs... does anyone agree with me?

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#52re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/12/05 at 4:56pm

TheHumanTorch - ummm, nope.

#53re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/12/05 at 7:48pm

Stephanie J. is one of the most amazing perfomers I have ever seen or heard. Her voice is just... amazing, and her peformance inspiring. She's such a sweet woman too, I e-mailed her and less than two days later I had one back. I hope to see her again in Wicked just because she is amazing and she will always be known as the woman who made me bawl my eyes out like mad.

I raise my glass to Steph for just being frikkin amazing.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#54re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/12/05 at 8:06pm

I haven't seen her live, but stories I hear of her kidness really make me love her. I can say I love her without seeing her.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

MissElphie Profile Photo
#55re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/12/05 at 8:49pm

Yeah, Steph is not only mega-talented, but homestly, she is such a sweetheart. She really cares about her fans.

#56re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 2:40am

Being from down under, I've only been able to see the promotional footage of the various Elphaba's in Wicked. Each performer has to find their own Elphaba in order to make the character real so I can understand people having a favourite BUT what I don't think is fair is to make statements like "she's so much better than Idina" when Idina is the performer who actually created the character from scratch. Each of the performers who followed Idina in this amazing role would have drawn on Idina's performances as the inspiration for making the character their own. Let's give credited where it is due - oops I forgot - it has been, now what was that award Idina won - oh yes, it was a TONY!!

sabrelady Profile Photo
#57re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 2:53am

Well, NO. Steph actually created the role from scratch, workshopping it over 2yrs ( 3 or 4 workshops) until it finally was a go and then they told her they wanted to go w someone who had opened on Bwy b 4- ie Idina.
I enjoyed both in the role ( and Kristy as well!) but I gotta give Steph the edge.

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#58re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 2:56am

Actually Jeff, sorry to burst your bubble but it was Stephanie who created the role from scratch - but because she didn't have any broadway credits behind her the producers decided to ask Idina to play the role once performances started. I'm sure it must be awful to see a role you've poured your heart and soul into for 2 years go to someone else. That's not to say that Idina didn't pour her heart and soul into it as well, but Steph was there from the beginning. They offered her to understudy Idina on broadway but by that time she had landed The Boy From Oz. I agree with you about being open to different interpretations and everyone has the right to prefer which one they like. I only wish that people could learn that it isn't necessary to put a performer down in order to express why they prefer another.

ETA - sabrelady were you reading my mind? LOL

Updated On: 8/13/05 at 02:56 AM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#59re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 3:06am

WOW. " 2 minds with a single thought" LOL. I actually think that workshopping is why she was so good in the role.

Broadway Style Profile Photo
Broadway Style
#60re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 3:29am


"Fidelity is more than mere display, it's what a man expects from life. Fidelity, like mine to Desiree and Charlotte my devoted wife..."

ShuQ Profile Photo
#61re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 5:38am

Chances are pretty good that she's taking the role after Shoshana.

lfae Profile Photo
#62re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 7:02am

to my felow Aussie and anyone else who hasn't read it..

#63re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 10:34am

Thank you for informing me about the work shop thing - as I mentioned before we are a long way from broadway here so we don't get to know all the inside info. and yes i agree it would have been heartbreaking for Stephanie to not be given the opportunity to perform a role she had worked on for so long. Musical theatre is a very political thing & crap like that happens all the time but with all that said, I'm sure Idina would not have been given the role if producers had not thought her to be the best person for the job at that time. I still maintain that Idina would have had to create her performance from scratch unless she was at the workshops as well (& I don't know if she was). I guess my point is that no performer likes to hear that another persons interpretation is better than theirs especially when you have been awarded musical theatre's highest award for it. The role of Elphaba is one of the best roles that has been written for females in a very long time and I say good luck to all the fine perfomers who follow in Idina's footsteps.

Henry Farnam Profile Photo
Henry Farnam
#64re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 1:47pm

I saw her do Wicked in Los Angeles, and was absolutely blown away! You would have thought it was Liza Minnelli who walked on stage the way the audience reacted - as a matter of fact, I honestly don't know if I've even heard a Liza audience scream quite THAT loud as they did for Stephanie when she first walked on stage in Wicked that night. It was one of those moments where you get tears in your eyes and a little choked up because you know it's got to be such an incredible feeling for her to feel that kind of love.

Well, I can only say that the audience got even MORE enthusiastic by the end of Act 1. Her Defying Gravity almost had the entire place on their feet. In the lobby at intermission, you didn't hear one single conversation that wasn't about Wicked. I didn't hear one person talking about the restaurant they went to for dinner, their work lives, etc. And even that idiot agent that sat on the cell phone near us all the way up to curtain yammering on and on in a loud voice about some VIP client of his (showing off, if you ask me!) - even HE was talking about Wicked and Stephanie when he got back to his seat all the way up to the Act 2 curtain.

Anyway, suffice it to say that Stephanie was every bit as incredible as I heard and hoped she would be. I can't say that she got a standing ovation during curtain call, per se, because the audience was on their feet the SECOND they realized curtain calls were starting. And I'm talking about JUMPING to their feet - not just standing because it was a good show - they FLEW up screaming and applauding like crazy. So obviously they were on their feet long before Stephanie came out for her curtain call. But if they could have stood again, they would have, I'm sure.

I also want to mention that Katie Adams went on that night as Galinda and although she wasn't recognized or given the reception in the beginning that Stephanie was - by the END of the show, the audience had all been won over and I have to say that her bow got almost as much noise as Stephanie's did. And Katie deserved EVERY bit of it.

Mark my words, they're going to write something huge for Stephanie one day. It'll be an Evita or a Sunset Boulevard or a Gypsy - or something like that - a show that's pretty much all about this one leading character - or at least driven by that one characer. And she'll win a Tony for it. That's just my prediction.
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cindy013 Profile Photo
#65re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 3:11pm

Aw, that was so sweet. When I saw her in Toronto the audience was really quiet, because I guess Canadian audiences are known to be less vocal with their appreciation or something, but when Steph and Kendra came out together at the curtain call I looked over as I was standing up because I was on the far right side, and it was just AMAZING to see the whole theatre, balcony included, jump to their feet at the exact same time for them. And that would be so awesome if a show like that was written for her. She deserves it, and a Tony too:)

"It breaks my heart to see a grown man dressed as a Taco." -David Sedaris
I love Les Miserables.
My new pic is me(on the left)at my last dance recital:(

John Murdock Profile Photo
John Murdock
#66re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/13/05 at 3:23pm

I cannot wait to see her in dallas in october. I am so excited!

I will have seen every elphaba now!

Upcoming Shows: Gypsy, Dead Mans Cell Phone, Xanadu, Sunday in the Park with George

sabrelady Profile Photo
#67re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 1:16am

I know I was definately cheering her on in Toronto. Her version of "No Good Deed" was goosepimple raising. IMHO the definative version of the song.

#68re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 1:20am

"Actually Jeff, sorry to burst your bubble but it was Stephanie who created the role from scratch - but because she didn't have any broadway credits behind her the producers decided to ask Idina to play the role once performances started."

I just want to add the little thought that Mr. Schwartz was not necessarily in agreeance with this decision.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#69re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 1:26am

I suspicions u are right DGrant.

SimpleJoysHaveSimpleVoice Profile Photo
#70re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 2:13am

To find out what kind of person Steph is, go to Jim Caruso's Cast Party on BWW page, and listen for yourself. (Thanks Net for the heads up) Some people act on stage and off, but Steph sounds like a genuine person.

Her Elphie is impecable and worthy of a Broadway run, but I have a feeling that another project might scoop her up before that can happen. We will see.

"Bad theater is better than no theater" Some smart guy.

emo_geek Profile Photo
#71re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 4:17am

I have seen Idina, Jenna, and far Steph has been my favorite...but in 12 COUNT THEM 12 days I fly just to see Eden!

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

uncageg Profile Photo
#72re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 11:18am

Saw the show in May of 2004. At that point I was a wee bit obsessed with the music and was more excited than I had ever been walking into a show I think! I enjoyed the show very much. Ms. Chenoweth stole the show in my opinion and should have nabbed that Tony (But only if Tonya Pinkins didn't get it. But we know how that all turned out.) I get to see Ms. Block next month in Denver. She should be pretty well rested since she is out of the show now and steps back in when the show opens here next month. I have heard clips of her singing this part and I was not thrilled. But they are only clips. I am looking forward to seeing her live. I think that she has a truer Broadway voice and that will be interesting to hear in this part. Idina was great and I will probably still prefer he vocals over anyone elses. And that's probably because she is on the OBCR and I saw her live. But having heard Ms. Block in BFO (I didn't see it) I can't wait to see what she does with this part. I don't do the stage door thing anymore. But I will make it my business to walk around to the Buell's stage door just to see if the Wicked frenzy has hit Denver! It is sold out and people are now trying any way they can to get tickets. (I purchased a "Block!" of 23 Orchestra seats to make sure my friends were able to see it). I will post my review on the night of the Spt. 20th when I see it.

Just give the world Love.

enteng2 Profile Photo
#73re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 11:47am

Steph is just perfect to bring to your parents, and say "Mom, Dad, here is Steph, your future daugther in Law!"

....too bad, im gay.

Okay, okay! Say it somehow...the beauty is, I have been changed for good!
Updated On: 8/14/05 at 11:47 AM

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#74re: Stephanie J. Block
Posted: 8/14/05 at 2:53pm she has the most adorable boyfriend
<------see avatar!
