I think Glenn sounds better now than she did in 1994. Not better than the recording but better than live. I think she's trained her voice even more. While it has decompensated with age I think it is more expressive and she has better control.
Also it's a better performance. I loved the kabuki Norma but in hindsight it's so elevated. I like the reality of this Norma. I do miss some of the old costumes, the severe makeup and the turbans.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
chernjam said: "-- She's not eligible? Must confess my ignorance - had not heard that/didn't know that..."
One of the rules is that an actor can not be eligible for nomination for playing a role that they've already won a Tony for (it's the same reason Alan Cumming was not eligible a couple years ago for the revival of the revival of Cabaret).
For the curious ones, that curtain image of Glenn as Norma is dropped at the end of Act 1. There is a black scrim that is the show curtain before the show starts.
BrodyFosse123 said: "For the curious ones, that curtain image of Glenn as Norma is dropped at the end of Act 1. There is a black scrim that is the show curtain before the show starts.
"was kind of surprised they didn't have that before the show starts too
Personally I don't think it would have the same effect as the shows main curtain.
Kind of felt like the preshow of a rock concert, though. Audible gasps and cheers were heard when it dropped at the end of act one.
She is totally giving a Tony Award worthy performance.
hadnt seen these video clips before:
I absolutely love that video chernjam, I guess it was officially the most challenging role of her career she says.
I love ALW, and I love that he says that her "screen goddess" translates well into this show. He's right.
Thanks for the entertainment provided by ALW, all his team and the greatest star of all. Glenn.
This was the most fun I've had at the theatre in my life. Fantastic. Totally worth the $150 I spent on seats.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
"When the body is raised out of the pool at the beginning why doesn't he just keep on rising up out of sight?"
Caught it last night and had the same thought. It was a cool effect at the top but why on earth did it stay there?
JVJ93 said: "Opening night tomorrow! Anyone think they'll offer rush for this tomorrow? Or if the show will even go on as scheduled due to the snow? "
Yes, they did offer rush this morning. I was first in line and got a pair in the rear mezz.
So Opening Night is a go...
BTW - for you iphone users - check out the ALW musicals keyboard on app store... Emojis of Norma, how did we exist before these existed??? :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
wonder what celebrities will be there...
Does anyone know where the Opening Night Party is?
Can anyone share discount codes which are applicable through May? I'm visiting 1st weekend but Ms. Midler, Ms. Sally Field, and Mr. Norm Lewis have already taken me way past my budget.
Valentina3 said: "Can anyone share discount codes which are applicable through May? I'm visiting 1st weekend but Ms. Midler, Ms. Sally Field, and Mr. Norm Lewis have already taken me way past my budget.
Valentina - I havent seen any codes past March... Depending on how tonight goes I think will determine whether you can expect codes or not
For those of you who will not get to New York to see this revival, I found what appears to be an eye-popping Junior high school production of the musical. The chimp at the 17 minute mark receives a special mention.
Holy ph**kballs these high school kids are quite fantastic! I just took a quick glance just for sh*ts and giggles and literally got sucked into the first Joe/Norma scene. Their delivery is quite impressive. Definitely planning on watching the entire thing. Ignore the overcrowded ensemble sequences (what a mess!) and the height differences but the regular scenes are quite impressive.
Wow. Massive rave for Close from Brantley!
some terrific reviews... any news reports of the opening night or revelations about the production (did they record the new cast? DVD? etc)
Im guessing this will be the next commercial:
Opening Night Bows: