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TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches- Page 5

TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches

#100TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/6/20 at 7:46am

BenElliott said: "hearthemsing22 said: "BenElliott said: "I won't hand my phone over. Just say you didn't bring it. They can't strip search you."

I sincerely hope you're joking. If you can't go that long without your phone I think there are issues there. I went to an event last week where they required us to put our phones in pouches before we saw the attraction we were being given a sneak peek of. It was amazing just to have that experience and walk around and enjoy what I was experiencing instead of viewing it all through a screen. And guess what? I SURVIVED. If you really feel that strongly, or are okay with lying, that's a problem.

I always have my phone off and I'm pretty anti-photo taking and often complain about people living their lives vicariously through their phone camera, but I have someone at home with medical conditions and I like to check in during the intermission and before the show. Not to mention, in the world we live in, I don't want my phone locked in a little bag in the case of a serious emergency. It's my property and I don't have to hand it over for anyone. I don't take pictures during the show and my phone is off.

And don't fall from that high horse, old timer, you might break a hip.

If it's that serious, why would you put the situation at risk by going to the theater instead of staying home with that person? Why annoy the actors as well as

the people around you who have paid to see the show? 

LOL Old timer/...if you consider younger than 30 to be an "old timer". No need to have an attitude. 

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#101TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/6/20 at 9:53am

Most of the comments/replies in this thread are audience-centric, and that makes sense, but I think the decision to use Yondr pouches was also made out of respect for the actors.

It's not as important (to me) that audience members complain about being "treated like children", etc. The actors appearing naked onstage deserve to feel that some type of measure is in place to provide a sense of protection. It's neither their fault, nor in their control that it's become so easy to misuse technology.

No system is going to be 100% fool-proof in preventing an actor's image from being captured and distributed. Using Yondr pouches certainly won't eradicate the problem, but it will help to better manage it. That's probably the best that can be done for these actors.

As audience members, using the Yondr pouches - without complaint - is a form of civil behavior towards the actors.

...just throwing that out there as an alternative viewpoint... wink


SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#102TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/6/20 at 10:52am

Theatre Cyns said: "Not that it matters, but for what it’s worth in the context of this discussion, I’m a 51 year-old woman who doesn’t spend every minute of the day with her phone. Not a boomer but not a millennial either. ? I just don’t like the idea of the theater deciding that I’m not responsible enough with my own legal property to act appropriately (ESPECIALLY given that a minority of people do the thing that this is supposed to be stopping).

And, heck, I know I’m only one person. They won’t miss my money or my presence. But one thing that’s in my control is when I see the notice that a particular theater will be using Yondr pouches is to find another theater to patronize.
"'re Gen X.  Not knowing you're Gen X means you're failing at being the most Gen X-y you can be.

Second, in this very specific case, a theater taking precautions that the 10 men who will be performing extended nude scenes will be as protected as possible far outweighs your 'Don't Tread On Me' sensibilities.  Feel free to not see it.  But, in this specific case, your concerns frankly do not matter.

Theatre Cyns
#103TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/6/20 at 12:59pm

SonofRobbieJ said: "Theatre Cyns said: "Not that it matters, but for what it’s worth in the context of this discussion, I’m a 51 year-old woman who doesn’t spend every minute of the day with her phone. Not a boomer but not a millennial either. ? I just don’t like the idea of the theater deciding that I’m not responsible enough with my own legal property to act appropriately (ESPECIALLY given that a minority of people do the thing that this is supposed to be stopping).

And, heck, I know I’m only one person. They won’t miss my money or my presence. But one thing that’s in my control is when I see the notice that a particular theater will be using Yondr pouches is to find another theater to patronize.
"'re Gen X. Not knowing you're Gen X means you're failing at being the most Gen X-y you can be.

Second, in this very specific case, a theater taking precautions that the 10 men who will be performing extended nude scenes will be as protected as possible far outweighs your 'Don't Tread On Me' sensibilities. Feel free to not see it. But, in this specific case, your concerns frankly do not matter.

Yes, no kidding I'm Gen X. But you think you 'got me' so, congrats I guess?

And my concerns might not matter to you but they matter to me. Like I said, I'm one person and my money going to another production won't really have any effect on this one since I'm sure it will do well. Just stating how I feel about this new practice (which,as I've stated, isn't as fool-proof or protective as folks pretend to think it is).

But, again, good on ya for the condescension throughout your post. You sure know how to make someone feel welcome!

#104TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/7/20 at 10:59am

Personally I have no issue with it.
Sad we live in a world where it’s necessary, but so be it.
When I sit down in a theater, I turn off my phone, put it away and it doesn’t get turned on again until I get to Junior’s.
Unfortunately, we know we live with enough people in this world who are entitled, and so the rest of us will just have to suck up the inconvenience.
With regard to this particular show and the points taken by some posters here, we also share the world with a lot of juvenile human beings too who haven’t emerged beyond adolescence.
And to them I just say, follow the rules at the theater, use these packs, and then go to the YMCA afterwards, hang out in the locker room with your binoculars, and have fun. If it’s that big of a deal to you.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#105TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/7/20 at 3:13pm

^ I am actually imagining that right now, hahahaha.

People who can't go a couple of hours without being on their phone need therapy. And if you are so nervous about leaving your children for a few hours, you clearly left them with the wrong person. This is about protecting the actors and having a present experience at the theater, it's a positive, healthy thing. 

#106TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 12:51pm

Theatre Cyns said: "Not that it matters, but for what it’s worth in the context of this discussion, I’m a 51 year-old woman who doesn’t spend every minute of the day with her phone. Not a boomer but not a millennial either. ? I just don’t like the idea of the theater deciding that I’m not responsible enough with my own legal property to act appropriately (ESPECIALLY given that a minority of people do the thing that this is supposed to be stopping).

And, heck, I know I’m only one person. They won’t miss my money or my presence. But one thing that’s in my control is when I see the notice that a particular theater will be using Yondr pouches is to find another theater to patronize.

Make that two people. Deal with the offenders, don’t inconvenience everyone and treat us like children.   My phone goes off with the announcement, “may” come back on in the line for the ladies room at intermission, and goes back off for Act 2. 

I will also choose not to buy tickets to theaters that decide to use pouches. My money, my property, my choice. 

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 12:51 PM

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#107TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 1:34pm

We live in a world of rules and regulations, which are put in place to protect the non-offenders, not to annoy them. I can understand if someone simply doesn't want to use a Yondr pouch and decides not to patronize a venue or event that uses them, but to wrap it up in this faux outrage about being treated like children reeks of entitlement. If you don't want to go, don't go, but don't act like you're above it all, because you're not.

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 01:34 PM

#108TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 1:48pm

CT2NYC said: "We live in a world of rules and regulations, which are put in place to protect the non-offenders, not to annoy them. I can understand ifsomeone simply doesn't want to use a Yondr pouch and decides not to patronize a venue or event that uses them, but to wrap it up in this faux outrage about being treated like childrenreeks of entitlement. If you don't want to go, don't go, but don't act like you're above it all, because you're not."  It’s not entitlement or being above it at all. It’s about basic personal and property rights, that some people always seem willing to give up. 


You want to to talk about rules. The rules are no cell phone use. The vast majority abide. The theatres choose not to enforce their rules by ejecting the offenders. Instead, some want to inconvenience or punish everyone by locking everyone’s phone away. That is offensive to me. You may think it is just fine or worth the inconvenience. I don’t. The idea of punishing the entire class for the rule breaking few did not work for me in second grade and it sure as hell doesn’t work for me as an adult. 

Do what it takes to eject those using phones. Yes it will be expensive to hire security (so are the pouches) but I guarantee if they had the guts to do it a few times, word would get around. 


I have zero patience for those that can’t effectively enforce their own rules and then expect me to be inconvenienced, especially if I am a patron paying to be there. Grow a pair and enforce your own rules. 

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 01:48 PM

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#109TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 1:59pm

Olivia11 said: "CT2NYC said: "We live in a world of rules and regulations, which are put in place to protect the non-offenders, not to annoy them. I can understand ifsomeone simply doesn't want to use a Yondr pouch and decides not to patronize a venue or event that uses them, but to wrap it up in this faux outrage about being treated like childrenreeks of entitlement. If you don't want to go, don't go, but don't act like you're above it all, because you're not." It’s not entitlement or being above it at all. It’s about basic personal and property rights, that some people always seem willing to give up.

You want to to talk about rules. The rules are no cell phone use. The vast majority abide. The theatres choose not to enforce their rules by ejecting the offenders. Instead, some want to inconvenience or punish everyone by lockingeveryone’s phone away. That is offensive to me. You may think it is just fine or worth the inconvenience. I don’t.The idea of punishing the entire classfor the rule breaking few did not work for me in second grade and it sure as hell doesn’t work for me as an adult.

Do what it takes to eject those using phones. Yes it will be expensive to hire security (so are the pouches) but I guarantee if they had the guts to do it a few times, word would get around.

I have zero zero patience for those that can’t effectively enforce their own rules and then expect me to be inconvenienced, especially if I am a patron.

Unfortunately, you're proving my point. I get that you don't like the idea of Yondr pouches, and I respect your choice to stay away from places that use them. However, arguing about why you deserve to be exempt is kinda the definition of "entitlement."

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 01:59 PM

#110TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 2:07pm

Unfortunately, you're proving my point. I get that you don't like the idea of Yondr pouches, and I respect your choice to stay away from places that usethem. However, arguing about why you deserve to be exemptIS kinda the definition of "entitlement.""

I think you just want to fight and use the word entitlement incorrectly, as many times as possible. 

I think EVERYONE should be exempt because they should enforce the primary rule of no cell phone usage, by ejecting those that violate, instead of instituting the pouches. Entitlement would be me saying that only I should be exempt from using them  


I can’t control anyone else’s reaction to the pouches. Some welcome them, some begrudgingly use them, and some like me will not patronize venues that use them.  Everyone has to make their own decision based upon their beliefs. That is called “freedom” not entitlement.  I am free to decide who gets my entertainment dollars and I am also free to feel like inconveniencing EVERYONE (or punishing, if you will) for the sins of the few is wrong and makes me feel as though we are all being treated as children that can’t be trusted not to use our phone. That includes you and everyone else that correctly turns off their phones, not just me. I don’t see how I can be any clearer. 

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 02:07 PM

#111TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 2:09pm

Is it strange that I've been reading and commenting on this thread and it resulted in my buying tickets for this show? 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#112TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 2:15pm

hearthemsing22 said: "Is it strange that I've been reading and commenting on this thread and it resulted in my buying tickets for this show?"

Lol! I just looked at availability for either a possible nearby work trip in NJ or my NY trip in June centered around my ticket for Company. Can’t wait to purchase my ticket!

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 02:15 PM

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#113TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 3:10pm

Olivia11 said: "
Unfortunately, you're proving my point. I get that you don't like the idea of Yondr pouches, and I respect your choice to stay away from places that usethem. However, arguing about why you deserve to be exemptIS kinda the definition of "entitlement.""

I think you just want to fight and use the word entitlement incorrectly, as many times as possible.

I think EVERYONE should be exempt because they should enforce the primary rule of no cell phone usage, by ejecting those that violate, instead of instituting the pouches.Entitlement would be me saying that only I should be exempt from using them

I can’t control anyone else’s reaction to the pouches. Some welcome them, some begrudgingly use them, and some like me will not patronize venues that use them. Everyone has to make their own decision based upon their beliefs. That is called “freedom” not entitlement. I am free to decide who gets my entertainment dollars and I am also free to feel like inconveniencing EVERYONE (or punishing, if you will) for the sins of the few is wrong and makes me feel as though we are all being treated as children that can’t be trusted not to use our phone. That includes you and everyone else that correctly turns off their phones, not just me.I don’t see how I can be any clearer.

Yes, you're clearly the one who wants to fight about this first-world problem. I purposely didn't quote you in my original post because I wasn't speaking directly to you. I was just stating my opinion on the matter.

I'm sorry that you think I'm using "entitlement" incorrectly, but I still think it applies. To me, saying that everyone deserves to be exempt, and not just yourself, doesn't sound like a cry for social justice, but, rather, a projection of your sense of entitlement on everyone in the theatre, whether they believe it or not. That's the way I see it, and we'll just have to agree to disagree.


#114TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 5:01pm

Nope. I’m saying for me, I won’t buy tickets. If the majority feels these pouches are appropriate and welcome, my little boycott won’t matter. If not, it will send a message. That’s the way life works.

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 05:01 PM

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#115TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 5:42pm

Our school spent a s__tload on Yondr pouches. It was going to be the magic pouch that took away the "students using phone in class" problem.

Within a few hours students had figured out how to break the pin magnet. The ones that didn't want to jimmy the magnet simply brought an old phone and put it in their pouch and continued to use their phones throughout the school day. 

Now piles of those Yondr pouches sit in the office. Biggest waste of money ever. The only way to stop phone usage in the theater is to enforce the cell phone policy. People will be figuring out how to open the Yondr pouches in no time. It's really very easy.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#116TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 5:54pm

poisonivy2 said: "People will be figuring out how to open the Yondr pouches in no time. It's really very easy."

Especially if you bring your own magnet.

latitudex1 Profile Photo
#117TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 6:03pm

poisonivy2 said: "Our school spent a s__tload on Yondr pouches. It was going to be the magic pouch that took away the "students using phone in class" problem.

Within a few hours students had figured out how to break the pin magnet. The ones that didn't want to jimmy the magnet simply brought an old phone and put it in their pouch and continued to use their phones throughout the school day.

Now piles of those Yondr pouches sit in the office. Biggest waste of money ever. The only way to stop phone usage in the theateris to enforce the cell phone policy. People will be figuring out how to open the Yondr pouches in no time. It's really very easy.

Theoretically, it should make offenders easier to spot.

#118TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 6:50pm

I hate to be “that guy,” but there are dozens of reasons as to why you won’t see these used more frequently on Broadway any time soon. And yes, while Take Me Out would be the first non special event/concert on Broadway to use them, seeing as the show is produced by and in a theatre owned by Second Stage, they don’t have to ask anyone for special permission.

But, that’s non profit theater and it’s being done for a reason I can support. But, in my world of commercial theatre there are more reasons why it would be a bad idea than not. Granted, the two
Big categories are customer service and their usher/front of house employees. The theater owners (Nederlander, Shubert.etc) want to provide great customer service. Going to a Broadway show isn’t a cheap outing for people and they want us, the ushers to do what we can to allow that to occur. And yes, people still write letters/emails regarding customer service/usher interactions.

To that end, each company having a contract with Yondr would be bad for business. For companies that are big on bending over backwards for the sake of those attending the theatre to have a good time, having them feel as if they are treated like children when they walk in the door and have to use these pouches will backfire. A coworker buddy Of mine worked at the Booth during Freestyle Love Supreme. He told me that not only did the ushers have to help out with that when it wasn’t their job. There were countless of complaints of those who didn’t know going in that
They had to use them. It made them feel like they were a child. And yes, though it may have been posted online people may have overlooked it and box office staff wasn’t on top of letting those who bought the tickets there about them either.

#119TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 6:53pm

latitudex1 said: "poisonivy2 said: "Our school spent a s__tload on Yondr pouches. It was going to be the magic pouch that took away the "students using phone in class" problem.

Within a few hours students had figured out how to break the pin magnet. The ones that didn't want to jimmy the magnet simply brought an old phone and put it in their pouch and continued to use their phones throughout the school day.

Now piles of those Yondr pouches sit in the office. Biggest waste of money ever. The only way to stop phone usage in the theateris to enforce the cell phone policy. People will be figuring out how to open the Yondr pouches in no time. It's really very easy.

Theoretically, it should make offenders easier to spot.

Does anyone really think that those that figure out how to open the pouches or hide their phone will be ejected, given that the very reason they are using pouches is because they aren’t willing to enforce no cell phone usage and throw people out?  That circular thinking is mind numbing. 

#120TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 6:58pm

Islander_fan said: "I hate to be “that guy,” but there are dozens of reasons as to why you won’t see these used more frequently on Broadway any time soon. And yes, while Take Me Out would be the first non special event/concert on Broadway to use them, seeing as the show is produced by and in a theatre owned by Second Stage, they don’t have to ask anyone for special permission.

But, that’s non profit theater and it’s being done for a reason I can support. But, in my world of commercial theatre there are more reasons why it would be a bad idea than not. Granted, the two
Big categories are customer service and their usher/front of house employees. The theater owners (Nederlander, Shubert.etc) want to provide great customer service. Going to a Broadway show isn’t a cheap outing for people and they want us, the ushers to do what we can to allow that to occur. And yes, people still write letters/emails regarding customer service/usher interactions.

To that end, each company having a contract with Yondr would be bad for business. For companies that are big on bending over backwards for the sake of those attending the theatre to have a good time, having them feel as if they are treated like children when they walk in the door and have to use these pouches will backfire. A coworker buddy Of mine worked at the Booth during Freestyle Love Supreme. He told me that not only did the ushers have to help out with that when it wasn’t their job. There were countless of complaints of those who didn’t know going in that
They had to use them. It made them feel like they were a child. And yes, though it may have been posted online people may have overlooked it and box office staff wasn’t on top of letting those who bought the tickets there about them either.


Exactly my point (bold and underline added for emphasis. 

Updated On: 3/8/20 at 06:58 PM

#121TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 7:01pm

First. World. (not really a) Problem.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#122TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 7:03pm

Thanks Olivia, we got your point 5 posts ago. Don't go to shows with Yondr pouches. Problem solved.

#123TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 7:12pm

Sutton Ross said: "Thanks Olivia, we got your point 5 posts ago. Don't go to shows with Yondr pouches. Problem solved."

Did that make you feel better?

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#124TAKE ME OUT will be using Yondr pouches
Posted: 3/8/20 at 7:16pm

Haha. Does it make you feel better to bitch about a show you are not attending? Does it make you feel better to know they don't actually care if you buy their tickets? I sure hope so because having you REPEAT and BOLD for EMPHASIS post after post is incredibly annoying.

You gave you opinion, it's clear, so now you can piss off.

