From a picture I saw of the set, I think it looks kind of like the Arnesen greenhouse from Days of Wine and Roses.
Just got out.
First, to clear those who make ask, neither stage doors but they come out, wave, and enter their car. (Understandably, it was a madhouse and a lot of weirdos had Rosemary’s Baby memorabilia)
As for the play itself, it wants to be The Odd Couple with a dash of Thelma and Louise, but even legends can’t move mountains. Bless them for trying but this play was TERRIBLE. Clocking in at about 1:40 - it was a lot of short clipped tough chick dialogue from Patti coupled with a saccharine sweetness a la Rose Nylund by Mia. It took about 40 minutes before there was really anything happening and then the premise, although mildly amusing, becomes more ludicrous as it strolls along to a rather abrupt ending.
I guess the overarching theme is the impact that some people can have one another in such a short time - bother good and bad. But if you are looking for the legendary headliner play of the fall, this ain’t it.
Terrible? Far from it, I thought. It was ridiculous and stupid but made us laugh our asses off.
I think the performers did the best with what they had, but I found the play so threadbare that so many jokes felt like a reach.
I am glad someone enjoyed it.
Again, this ain’t high-art. It’s so dumb in parts but in that ridiculousness we found a lot to have a great time with. Seemed like most people around us had a good time, too. It’s the most Patti LuPone I’ve seen Patti LuPone Patti LuPone be in quite a long time and Mia matched her 100%, which I wasn’t sure she could do.
I guess maybe this’ll be one of those things I enjoyed that others didn’t.
To the person in the back of the house who randomly screamed out “KISS, BITCH! KISS!” towards the end of the show, I hope awful things happen to you.
Jordan Catalano said: "To the person in the back of the house who randomly screamed out “KISS, BITCH! KISS!” towards the end of the show, I hope awful things happen to you.”
My goodness.
TotallyEffed said: "Jordan Catalano said: "To the person in the back of the house who randomly screamed out “KISS, BITCH! KISS!” towards the end of the show, I hope awful things happen to you.”
My goodness."
I was in rear right orchestra and, although I didn’t hear that, I DID hear a phone going off during the big turning point mid-show and my cheeks CLENCHED
Oh Quiz, just be thankful you weren't in the front mezz where a damn phone went off THE ENTIRE SHOW.
Swing Joined: 1/14/23
I wouldn’t call this terrible, like the above posters! It’s not my favorite of Jen’s work, but it supplies the audience with interesting characters and some memorable moments. Mia and Patti take this show and make it into something both humorous and heartfelt. It’s a subtle, strange, at times stupid play. At times these characters feel a bit entrenched in their writing, but I still was able to connect and resonate with this show below that! Definitely some honing required, and the music was well suited to the show. Definitely by David Yazbeck!
Jordan Catalano said: "Oh Quiz, just be thankful you weren't in the front mezz where a damn phone went off THE ENTIRE SHOW."
The soft-voiced pre show announcement needs to be replaced by the one Patti recorded for COMPANY.
My jaw actually dropped that it WASN’T Patti doing it. I just knew we’d be treated to an updated warning from her and was pretty bummed it wasn’t.
I was also there tonight. This is quite literally several laughs a minute. Patti’s & Mia’s characterizations are so well-balanced. Their chemistry comes so naturally and grounds the play, especially in its more ridiculous moments.
I wasn’t expecting Patti, more often than not, to be in the role of comedic straight man next to Mia’s mousy kookiness, but both have ample moments to ham it up and really shine in more poignant moments. There was a little discrepancy in pacing in the first 15 minutes — Patti opting for a more Mamet-like rapid fire approach and Mia taking her time a little too much, but they found their rhythms shortly after.
Is this going to change your life? No. But this far exceeded my expectations, which weren’t all that high based on the regional reviews I’d read. Definitely interested to see what critics think. Excited to see it closer to opening to see how things tighten up.
These reports of Farrow's considerable strengths track with my ancient memory of her first B'way gig, Romantic Comedy. To my surprise, and I was in my late 20s when I thought I knew everything about movie actors turning to the stage (!), she was formidable, with a strong voice, solid chops, and an unexpected gravitas. She played opposite the less persuasive Anthony Perkins, and Farrow was the production's center, even in early previews. I have read people suggest that a powerhouse like LuPone would blow her off the stage. But she's very self-possessed, and not one to cede the emotional complexity of a scene to another actor. I'm not shocked that she gives as good as she gets..
EDSOSLO858 said: "A few more things about this production:
I'd rather see Halstead than LuPone.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/30/18
DId Patti rejoin equity?
Otherwise she is a SCAB
As I noted elsewhere, one model, or at least, recognizable example, of this particular type of two-hander might be the much produced - and off-Broadway, brilliantly cast/recast - A Couple of White Chicks Sitting Around Talking. Though the plot proper is not similar, this feels like the sub-genre: sharp women with oppositional characteristics who find a Venn diagram of overlapping issues and try to inhabit that space; consequences ensue. My reductive frame is not intended to minimize; this type of play is devilishly hard to pull off.
nativenewyorker2 said: "DId Patti rejoin equity?
Otherwise she is a SCAB"
She did. She'll probably cancel her membership once this closes.
Wanted to add for anyone wondering, as of last night the play ran an hour forty minutes, so we were out around 9:50 or so. I'm sure that will tighten up because there were quite a few scene changes that seemed way too long but will probably tigten up soon.
nativenewyorker2 said: "DId Patti rejoin equity?
Otherwise she is a SCAB"
That's not what a scab is. A scab is a nonunion worker taking work that has been subject to a union strike, thus undermining the strike.
Regardless of whether or not she is in the union, she is on a union contract and will have dues taken out and pension & health benefit trust fund contributions made on her behalf. You do not necessarily have to be Equity to work on an Equity contract.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/10
The legendary, luminous Patti LuPone. Such a pleasure to have her on the Broadway boards.
From what I’ve heard, this is “fine”. Other than the star casting, would you consider this “must see”?
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "From what I’ve heard, this is “fine”. Other than the star casting, would you consider this “must see”?"
Patti LuPone and Mia Farrow teaming up to do anything is a must see.
Is it a “must-see”? No, but few things are. I just thought it was a ridiculous and laugh out loud good time so if you just want to have some fun watching film and theater legends feet away from where you’re sitting, go for it.