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Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway- Page 2

Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#25re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 7:13pm

People think the city is a dangerous place, it's not that dangerous. There are people everywhere.

#26re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 7:14pm

Actually, you're less likely to receive help when there is a huge crowd of people vs. a few.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#27re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 7:22pm

I usually walk too, but I've been using the subway a little bit more lately. It's mostly incase I know I'm doing too much walking, and will regret it later.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#28re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 7:43pm

There's a Whole Foods in the Union Square area. You can pick up some good food there.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#29re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 7:44pm

"Actually, you're less likely to receive help when there is a huge crowd of people vs. a few."

This is why people are told to yell "FIRE!" instead of "HELP"!

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Kristie-K2 Profile Photo
#30re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 7:53pm

I love whole foods...Thank you Broadwayworld Friends. I am feeling more secure every moment. Now if I can just figure out the subway system, I will do fine

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#31re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 7:57pm

I went to New York with my parents a couple of years ago (my 2nd time; their first). We walked from the Empire State Building to the Hilton on a very nice warm fall evening and I cannot tell you I've ever walked that length in any large city before or since, and felt as safe from any sort of urban crime as I did that night.

Even my parents were going on about how clean and safe it is. We're from the SF Bay Area, though, where the streets are grimier and the homeless people are much more visible...

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#32re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 8:57pm

The Times had a story on cross-country rail travel a little while ago, though admittedly the writer was going east to west. Anyway, you might find it informative. I want to try the cross-country rail thing myself someday.
Finding the Charm of Cross-Country Rail Travel

enroutetothesky Profile Photo
#33re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/23/09 at 9:21pm

I'm 21 now but the first time I ever went to NYC, I was 18 and I went by myself.

As long as you're smart about it, NYC can be the safest city in the world. Don't make stupid choices like going into dark, unlit alleys, don't take small side streets, know your way from and to your hostel.

Other than that, take advantage of rush, lotto, TKTS for cheap theatre tickets and enjoy your stay!

#34re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 1:18am

I live near Union Square and I can give you detailed subway directions to Times Square if you want, it's incredibly simple. And yep, the Whole Foods is right on 14th St. between Broadway & University Pl. There's also a Trader Joe's on 14th St. and 3rd Ave, the only one in Manhattan I believe.

Any other questions, feel free to PM me! =)

winston89 Profile Photo
#35re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 1:18am

I don't think that what I am about to say has anything to do with me being a guy from NYC because I know a lot of girls who feel the same. I have been on side streets places that most people from the city would assume is unsafe and I felt fine. And, I have taken advantage of the fact that the NYC subway system is one of the few major subway systems in the world that doesn't shut down at some point and runs 24/7.

I honestly feel that because in the 80's and a little bit before that NYC wasn't as safe as it is today, there are people out there who assume that NYC is not safe and that everyone is there to get you etc. I just don't see it. I do feel that there are unsafe areas of any city or town no matter where you go. I don't think that NYC is worse then others whatsoever.

Like I said earlier, I don't think that it has to do with me being a guy. I am saying this because I am sure that someone is going to say that your a guy and that it is different for a girl. I think that this has to do with living in and being from NYC vs just visiting. I think that if your a New Yorker you view the city differently then someone who is just visiting.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#36re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 1:25am

I'll definitely second what Winston just said, and I'm a female college student. I could count on one hand the amount of times I've ever felt even slightly uncomfortable, let alone unsafe.

kate86 Profile Photo
#37re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 3:25am

i have been to nyc by myself a lot. having lived in the suburbs for a year. taking in mta. being female and 21 years old at that time.
and i have always felt safe. i took the subway a lot or walked several blocks to grand central at night. there is always ppl around you.

what shows are you planning to see?

4-11-10 Wicked (Oberhausen) ~ 8-7-10 Promises, Promises ~ 8-8-10 Next to Normal ~ 8-12-10 Bway @Bryant Park ~ 8-15-10 Jersey Boys + Sing for the Cure ~ 8-18-10 American Idiot ~ 8-19-10 Wicked Divas (Murney/Mackey) in Saratoga Springs, NY ~ 8-21-10 Next to Normal ~ 8-23-10 Natalie Weiss @Birdland ~ 8-24-10 Wicked ~ 9-4-10 Wicked (Oberhausen)

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#38re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 6:44am

I often go in the city alone. And while I PREFER to have a hotel in mid town manhattan -- I will go further if the savings is substantial. And other than a drive by catcall or two late at night, I have no horror stories, just success and the desire to get back to the city ASAP.

ANY uncomfortableness (and that's the worst I'd ever classify it) has happened because my mind would run amuck if I was the only person on the block and a group of men were walking towards me. I've NEVER felt, however, that anyone was following me or was actually plotting anything.

I think it's important to remember though: do not fool yourself into thinking NOTHING can happen. I really think my mind (^) putting me on edge is a good thing. You still need to be aware of yourself and others for your own protection.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#39re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 8:09am

I like how this thread is turning into the "Why I think NYC is safe" thread, but I do want to chime in and comment to the original poster.

My first (and only so far) trip to NYC happened last summer. We were all dumped by our travel agency at Macy's at 8 AM on a Saturday morning, and everyone scattered like quail. Having many preconceived ideas about the city from TV, movies, etc, I was kind of culture shocked and immediately thought "Oh god, we're going to get mugged and die!!!"

But after walking to Times Square, starting to observe different people I passed, etc. I relaxed and wound up feeling completely safe the entire day. I'm a 5 foot 6 skinny weakling of a guy and I'd go back to the city and walk around all day and explore by myself. Hehe!

You've got nothing to worry about, and I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time. re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway

"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2
Updated On: 4/24/09 at 08:09 AM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#40re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 10:13am

" And other than a drive by catcall or two late at night, I have no horror stories"

And, really, you're going to find that sort of stuff anywhere. I was proposed to out in LA while walking down the street.

The worst thing that ever happened to me in NYC was that I was, literally followed around for most of the day at Flea Market last year. But that was someone I knew of who had seen my picture on myspace and wanted to meet me. I have a private profile now.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

madbrian Profile Photo
#41re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/24/09 at 10:17am

By almost any standard I am a very overprotective parent to three daughters. Having said that, I feel very safe when they venture into NYC from here in NJ.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Kristie-K2 Profile Photo
#42re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/27/09 at 10:19pm

Well I made it to Broadway...4 days on trains....A nice experience, but I will fly next time...Going to bed now. Must get up early to get tickets....GOOD NITE...

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#43re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/27/09 at 11:14pm

A nice experience, but I will fly next time...


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#44re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/27/09 at 11:38pm

I can't believe you never watched Sex and the City. Carrie and Samantha had a terrible cross-country train trip so none of us would have to do. They were our travel messiahs.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#45re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/28/09 at 10:02am

Ways to Stay Safe in the City:

- Don't go walking around in dark/random allies, especially at night. Usually areas like Times Square are busy, even at night, because everyone is leaving shows. Usually by midnight you should be fine, later on weekends.

- Make sure you have your purse secured at your side (if you decide to carry one). If possible, get one with a zipper so it is harder for someone to grab something in your purse.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Kristie-K2 Profile Photo
#46re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/28/09 at 11:53am

Oh my freaking god...Just talked with Ellen Burstyn on 45 street...So nice...We chatted for a minute and she went on her way. Got 4th row center of the Jane Fonda Play...I love this city...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#47re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/28/09 at 12:19pm

How magical it must all seem!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#48re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/28/09 at 12:29pm

Phyllis, I must have missed that episode because I can't believe that Carrie and Samantha would ever travel cross country by train!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#49re: Taking AMTRAK from the west coast to Broadway
Posted: 4/28/09 at 12:34pm

Carrie had a bookreading in San Francisco and she asked Sam to come along on her cross country train ride. They thought it sounded glamorous. They was wrong.
