I thought she deserved her own thread. Tear away, people!
She's an amazing singer!
Hey, no sarcasm, Tiny-Toon!
She's totally creepy, but that's not her fault. It's Joe Brooks fault, or her Managers or her Stage-Mother's --- but its not hers, she's just a kid. For shame....
I think she had a beautiful voice and she should not be in IML. Give her a few more years and she will be great.
I think if she keeps singing like she does she's going to have no voice in a year.
Yeah, go tell that to Andrea McArdle. Shame she can't sing a note anymore...jeez.
If I were the parent of that little girl and I saw this thread - I would be PISSED.
YAY pissed off parents of annoying little girl! Hallelujah. :)
She annoyed the hell out of me in those Target Commercials.. WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but, I did however like her in the show. She reminded me a little of the obnoxious hispanic girl from 'LIFE WITH MIKEY'
Understudy Joined: 11/24/03
Updated On: 10/10/09 at 12:07 AM
i hated her...and i hate to see kids on Broadway !!! even the kid from "Bombay Dreams" even though i loved the show.
See the only reason, these guys are picking on her is, she has talent, that some of these sad losers on this board will never have..
She's a child for god sake !!
Apart from Freddie Highmore, every stage kid out there has some level of obnoxiousness. They wouldn't make it through unless they did; it goes with the territory.
Understudy Joined: 9/22/05
I have no sympathy for the criticism of this little girl. Yeah, she has a nice voice, all though i was a little distracted by how wide she opened her mouth...i wanted to throw a quarter in there, but thats besides the point. She can't act. In last nights performance of IML, the second time i saw it, she threaded sentences together like she was just speaking one long monologue and other characters were just inturrupting. It was just annoying. Its not a personal attack on her, but no matter what age, and ESPECIALLY if people are paying to see you, they should get a chance to speak their minds. I felt the same way at first, i didnt want to make fun of a little girl, but then i realized. Her acting is just simply poor, and frankly, sometimes it hurts to watch. Whats wrong with criticism? maybe it'll give her a chance to fix some things. And also, i agree that if she keeps belting as she does, she'll have no vocal chords left to be a powerhouse on broadway.
Sorry guys, if you're in the public eye, you should expect to be spoken of.
I'm with you Ulla!
The saddest thing to me about this little girl is that yes, she is a vocal freak of nature (although she uses a mix as her default sound which I don't believe is a good idea-at that age you should be developing a head voice) but she will never have to learn how to act. People are going to continue to tell her that she is "fierce" for the rest of her life, and therefore unless someone comes clean with her about her acting, she probably won't try to get any better. (I hope she proves me wrong and voluntarily gets herself into some acting classes).
Hopefully though she will get more opportunities and learn from being around other actors. But we're not gonna be able to rely on the public to tell her being "fierce" is not enough, cause lets face it-unfortunately, lately, it is.
Go pick on someone your own size...meanies!
oh whatev, she should be happy she's famous enough to get her own thread on BWW :))
I agree...she's just a kid.
I, myself, refer to her as 'Baby Espinoza'. To some, it's a complement. To others, an insult.
But, since I have not a single mean bone in my body, mean to spread only goodness and light.
Guys, she's 13 years old. Give her a break. She may not be the best actress, but she's got a nice voice and she's a LITTLE KID. Give her time. For all anybody knows, she could turn out to be a perfectly wonderful actress when she gets older.
Jealousy is an ugly thing.
I love that she got the Gypsy robe because she had the most chorus credits of the entire cast: 1.
You're comparing BROOKLYN to IN MY LIFE?! Are you crazy?
BROOKLYN has a very big fan base behind it. Many people loved it. That's why it was ON Broadway for almost a year. Everyone that sees IN MY LIFE think its a very very bad joke. Everything BUT the cast is horrible in that production. Even the people who liked the show start to doubt it. You CAN NOT compare the two.'
You're ABSOLUTELY right, Tiny-Toon.
Actually, that made me laugh. She has a long way to catch up to someone like...say...Michelle Kittrell!