I <3 HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D Y'all know how much I love her.. I don't have to prove it.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/4/06
question for those who know about the Chicago Gypsy.
Are tickets on sale? and/or where could i buy them?
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
You can get them from the main site www.ravinia.org - there are still some seats left as of yesterday!
I really hope they record the Ravinia concert...
back on topic, La Patti is amazing. The Tony clip of her blasting "A New Argentina" is one of my favorites EVER.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/4/06
my friend just got cast as Baby Louise (should've been baby June, but she was too tall. The producers told her she outdanced ANY of the girls.. but it's a concert version) yesterday! How exciting.
Thanks for the link.
LOVE her! Here are some photos from a late 1970's "Vogue" shoot. Enjoy.
And another.
Updated On: 6/15/06 at 08:24 AM
Chorus Member Joined: 4/18/06
Yero - the picture you posted of Patti with Kevin Kline is from when she did The Robber Bridegroom with The Acting Company, in 1975. It IS gorgeous! :)
Buck - You are my favorite person today...I have seen those pictures before, but not the full-sized ones. You rock!!!!!
Chorus Member Joined: 4/18/06
I'd only seen those little icons of those pictures before...those are so amazing!!! Can't. Stop. Staring.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
Wow! I had never seen those before. Thanks a lot, Buck!
Those are LOVELY. Thank you for sjaring I hadn't seen them before.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/10/05
I don't know if I already posted here or not, but I dun care none. I'm a postin'.
I love Patti. I really do. Heck, when our school put on "Noises Off", the only reason I wanted to be Dotty was because Patti played her. And I got the part, too. If I had auditioned for any other part, I wouldn't have gotten in. So now, unless the show is "Les Miserables", whenever the show our school puts on is a show that Patti did, I audition for the part that Patti played (in the case of "Les Miserables, I'd go for Eponine). She's cool like that.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
Has anyone heard the Cradle Will Rock cast recording? Is she on it a lot? I confess, I don't know much about the show at all and was wondering if it's worth the investment. I mean, it's Patti, so I'm sure it is! I just wanted to get everyone else's opinion. Thanks!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
Wow! Thanks for those, Buck. Patti is absolutely stunning at any age!
Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
How gorgeous is Patti, I mean just look at her in her 20's and then look at her now, she's keepin' it hot.
Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL! I've never seen them before!
Thank you!
Chorus Member Joined: 6/15/06
New here and just posting to join in on the Patti love! The woman is simply magnificent. I'm still in shock over the Tony slight (yes, La Chanze is gifted, but I cannot for the life of me understand how she garnered more votes than Patti. It almost felt like it was personal or deliberate snub, if that makes sense)
Glad I have decided to de-lurk to tell you I've enjoyed all of your posts and the beautiful photos!
Wow, Patti's a goddess in those photos! I wish she kept her hair long! Not that I don't love the bowl cut.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
New here and just posting to join in on the Patti love!
Welcome to the boards! I'm glad you've decided to de-lurk and join the conversation!!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
Alright. What does everyone think of Mrs. Patti's dancing?? I've not seen enough to fairly judge, but in Evita... I don't know. We all know Patti's got the style and attitude down with the diva-ish hand gestures and everything, but I'm thinking she's not that strong a dancer. Anyone seen her dance?
You can see her Tony performance for Anything Goes on that other website. It's kind of a crappy vid because someone obviously taped their television, but you can clearly see her dancing the HELL out of that number.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
Great!! Thanks, I'm off to find it right now.
I found a clip, not sure if it's the same one you spoke about. But the potential sure is there. And god how I love the red hair on her. Man, Patti, "I could eat you up, I really could"!!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
I'm loving a "love thread" that actually stays on topic!
So does anyone have any Patti related and/or Sweeney Todd tattoos? ...I don't really picture B'way fans getting something like that, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Myself? Hopefully, I'll be getting one next week.