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The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in- Page 2

The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#25re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 2:34pm

DAME, I don't agree at ALL that the Producers was a better film than RENT...Producers was cute, silly, etc. RENT just had so much more meat to it.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

kasim Profile Photo
#26re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 2:35pm


Yeah when i was leaving Derailed this weekend some girl asked me if it was over (she was waiting for a friend) and she was like "dont see rent its all singing" .. and i just kinda looked back at her like .... your an idiot look.

It doesnt advertise it THAT well ... but at the same time, i really dont feel sorry for anyone that doesnt realize it. If you go read one review or one write up about the movie then you would soon find out. Its not like an obvious action movie where oyu may not do that. So if oyu dont, thats your own problem.

#27re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 3:06pm

I think that the movie will do reasonably well this weekend. It has been having great word of mouth and wherever i go, I hear people singing random songs from the show/movie. I think that a lot of the teenage audience who were probably tied up with family over the Thanksgiving weekend will venture off to see the movie this weekend. Plus, I'm sure many people will be seeing it again this weekend.

#28re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 4:15pm

93% is great - though I only assume they don't include walk-outs in exit polling.

I think the better number to highlight is that only 60% of the audience was familiar with the material before the show. Whether they love it or hate it, at least more people are getting to experience RENT.

Almost everything I've heard at work has been positive - and I'm taking two co-workers with me to a Friday showing. If there's one thing this show can survive on - it's word of mouth.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#29re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 4:44pm

Actually, most people outside New York don't know Lane and Broderick all that well, hence the box office boost from Ferrell and Thurman.

As for looking at Lane and seeing Timon and looking at Broderick and seeing Simba...that is interesting, since the Lion King is an animated movie in which neither actor appears on screen. Hmmm.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

DAME Profile Photo
#30re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 4:44pm

That is the most ridiculous and ill informed statement I have heard. "The Producers" has tested through the roof. I am not meaning to put one film against the other. I would love for both to do well and I think they both will.


xoxRogue Profile Photo
#31re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 4:47pm

As for looking at Lane and seeing Timon and looking at Broderick and seeing Simba...that is interesting, since the Lion King is an animated movie in which neither actor appears on screen. Hmmm.

It's so strange. And annoying at times. I just have to try not to think of them. :/

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

#32re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 4:50pm

The trailer I saw didn't have any singing in it except for the springtime for hitler, but that's because they are putting on a musical in the movie, so that makes sense. In no way do i feel sorry for people who don't understand its a musical, its just that I can see how they wouldn't know.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#33re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 4:54pm

Sam I Am. I disagree with your statement about people outside of NYC not knowing who Nathan Lane or Matthew Broderick is. Both have done tons of movies and Matthew is married to SJP.

As for the "buzz" about Rent, I know a lot of people who have not seen the Broadway show and who are going to see the movie -- my dad included. For those who have seen it, I have heard nothing but positive reviews. I have seen it twice and absolutely loved it.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#34re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 4:55pm

Dame - why is it ridiculous? For me personally, the Produvers was just a movie that's *there*, it didn't stick with me the way RENT has. I hope they both do well, too, but i'm just saying saying I personally do not feel the need to shell out money to see the Producers after seeing it for free *shrug* just my opinion.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#35re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/29/05 at 7:47pm

I just talked to my mom and dad and both loved the movie. Only my mom had seen the Broadway production. I think the movie will create a whole new set of fans.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

#36re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 3:59pm

I still have to bring my mom to see the show. I know she doesn't agree with most of the content, but I know it will touch her, if only she will give it a chance. I almost wish she would go see it by herself though, haha. I'm so afraid to hear "tisks" from her during certain points of the film. Ugh.

That statistic is amazing...93% favorable? What other movies has that happened for?

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

#37re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 4:29pm

I'm going to say that I disagree about the "buzz" surrounding THE PRODUCERS movie. I don't believe it's been reviewed yet, so I don't think the critics have much to say YET, and while I'm not an expert, I have a lot of friends who went to the advanced screenings and told me that they thought it was awful. All of them, as a matter of fact. So that's the only buzz I've heard about the movie... so I guess it depends on which circles you run in, this early on in the game.

As far as long term? I think THE PRODUCERS will have a stronger opening weekend, because you've got not only fans of the show and musical lovers buying tickets, but fans of Thurman, Broderick, Lane, Mel Brooks, and the original movie, all going in. After that? It's anyone's guess. Whichever movie is the better movie overall will get the repeat ticket sales, and with a movie musical, that's really what is going to bring in the big bucks. anyway

I hope RENT does well, though. I enjoyed it very much. I'm anxious to see what RENT's second week totals are, because I feel as if that will be more indicative of how it will do overall. If there is a significant drop in ticket sales this weekend, then it won't bode well.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#38re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 4:35pm

I imagine it will do well on video when all the straight guys who are afraid to be seen in a theater showing a musical will Netflix away.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#39re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 5:32pm

I think this weekends ticket sales will be good *knocks on wood*, I know that a lot of people in my area LOVED the movie, so people who haven't seen it yet will probably want to do so this weekend. My sister's friends are trying to get her to go against her will since she did not like the broadway production (i know.. i don't understand how this is possible but whatever), and I'm pretty sure I'm going to see it again this weekend also.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#40re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 7:30pm

For those interested in seeing how RENT fares this week, lists daily box office reports. For Monday, RENT was a distant third behind POTTER and WALK THE LINE.

jessyk1065 Profile Photo
#41re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 8:18pm

I think as word spreads about how good the movie was, more people will be going to see it. Obviously there won't be another opening weekend, but I know there were a *lot* of *very* skeptical fans of the stage production who have gone to see it and fell in love with RENT all over again (like me! re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in) I mean....if the expressions on Anthony Rapp's and Adam Pascal's faces during the "I'll Cover You" reprise don't just *destroy* you (along with Jesse's amazing voice, of course), I don't know what will. I think the movie is going to have a better long-term run than opening day/weekend/whatever, espicially because of Harry Potter and all the other "big" movies out right now.

"You pretend to create and observe when you really detach from feeling alive"-Roger to Mark

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#42re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 9:23pm

I'm not sure that the word of mouth on RENT is that strong. It might be among young audiences, but definitely not older. If you look at those daily tallies, the film is declining not increasing as the week progresses. If you really want to see word of mouth in action, look at the increase pattern for PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.

Hopefully the teens will come back to RENT this weekend when school is out.

Marquise Profile Photo
#43re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 9:29pm

I think as word spreads about how good the movie was...

you can't be seriously talking about RENT now could you?
it's the first movie i've seen in a long time where i saw people actually walk out of...

jessyk1065 Profile Photo
#44re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 9:36pm

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, and that those other people didn't; as Rosario Dawson put it, "we're not doing it AT you; we're doing it FOR us." I know among college students the word of mouth is *definatley* big. People here at WIU have been talking about it nonstop (and as I'm not exactly the "social butterfly" of this university, the fact that even I've heard people talking about it is saying something).

"You pretend to create and observe when you really detach from feeling alive"-Roger to Mark
Updated On: 11/30/05 at 09:36 PM

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#45re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 9:41pm

I don't think that people walking out of a movie is always associated with whether the film is good or not. Especially for RENT, many people may walk out because they are homophobic or because they may feel awkward about the film's subjects !

Marquise Profile Photo
#46re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 9:57pm

"we're not doing it AT you; we're doing it FOR us

when rosario said this she was referring to the motivation the characters had insinging about the things they sang about in the song "la vie boheme", please don't take her words out of context...

i am a big rent fan and have been since 1996 but i feel the movie is flawed. i am no way saying you or anybody else is wrong in liking it. the film does have it's "moments" but to me "moments" do not a whole film make.

jessyk1065 Profile Photo
#47re: The Actual Box-Office Totals for RENT are in
Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:27pm

I realise what Rosario was talking about when she made that comment, and maybe you're right in that I shouldn't have taken her words out of context. All I'm saying is that I think it's unfortunate that you didn't enjoy the film, and that when you said "you can't seriously be talking about RENT, could you?" it was semi-hurtful, even if you are a fan of the original show. Anyways. The movie is more than just moments to me, it's all the moments put together....but I see where you're coming from, in that for some people a bunch of moments just doesn't cut it. Or something. The NyQuil is starting to kick in now, so excuse my rambling....I suppose I respectfully disagree with you, but I hate fighting (espicially online, where things can be so ambiguous) so this post is done now. :)

"You pretend to create and observe when you really detach from feeling alive"-Roger to Mark
Updated On: 11/30/05 at 10:27 PM
