Understudy Joined: 10/15/09
My friend was Bob Mackie's plus one tonight and said that she learned that they're actually reusing some Mackie's original costumes for the show to cut some costs. They're even using original costumes from the Sonny & Cher era!!
Also, side note, they talked about the Drag Race finale, he said he gets asked to be a guest judge on there and mentioned, "Once is enough."
A Director said: "Why does the show need THREE Chers? According to the reviews, the costumes are the best part of the show."
In the book, Lady Cher actually states: "People watch this show for the costumes, not the writing."
I also think "Lady" is a weird name for the middle Cher. Lady sounds like it would be older than Star in a way.
I don't think they'll recast her, I think she'll just be considered the weaker one. However, I disagree that her look is entirely the fault of hair and makeup. It's not her fault either, but they could've cast someone who was just born looking more like Cher. You wouldn't cast Laura Osnes to play Cher. Teal Wicks is slightly better casting than that, but you can only do so much.
I saw the show twice the first week (Wednesday & Sunday) and I’m very pleased to read all the changes they’ve made so far. I’m going again July 14th and I’ll post what improvements I’ve noted.
Also, I sadly agree about Teal Wicks being the weakest. I’m not not convinced it’s her fault - just bad casting. I’d love to see what standby Dee Roscioli does with the part. I feel she looks more like the real Cher in that time period, as well as bearing a resemblance to Stephanie J. Block.
bwaybrent said: "I saw the show twice the first week (Wednesday & Sunday) and I’m very pleased to read all the changes they’ve made so far. I’m going again July 14th and I’ll post what improvements I’ve noted.
Also, I sadly agree about Teal Wicks being the weakest. I’m not not convinced it’s her fault - just bad casting. I’d love to see what standby Dee Roscioli does with the part. I feel she looks more likethe real Cher in that time period, as well as bearing a resemblanceto Stephanie J. Block."
Dee Roscioli should be playing Lady...Broadway?
With both Teal and Dee, I get the sense that there's a huge age gap between Babe and Lady, but a very small one between Lady and Star. Like Lady should be played by someone in their mid-late twenties to balance it out. I have no idea if it looks like that on stage, but I feel it's weird that the same person (Dee) can play both Star and Lady. If it's worth having them be separate characters, then they should be far enough apart in age to make the different ages clearer. Does any of this make sense?
But no matter what, Teal has never been that convincing to me as a young Cher. She doesn't have the same look. I'd never wish for a person to be out of a job, especially for someone very talented to lose something this big, but I've been confused by her casting since it was first announced, honestly.
Pre-Broadway Review: ‘The Cher Show’
Part serial love story, part female empowerment coming-of-age tale, part costume extravaganza -- all wrapped in the conceit of a variety show hosted by three Chers at different times of the star’s life.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Who would you want them to cast as the middle Cher? Anyone I can think of is either too short or around the same age as Stephanie which defeats the point of having Chers at three different ages. Laura Benanti is just a bit younger than Stephanie. I think Lena Hall was attached at some point but she's tiny so it wouldn't make a big difference with the height issue. How tall is Jenn Damiano?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/20/06
These reviews ( Variety & Tribune) certainly aren't convincing me to buy a full price ticket to the Broadway version of this show anytime soon. While they have time to rewrite and revise things (even recast) before hitting NY, it seems like it's going to be quite an overhaul. The costumes "stealing all the thunder" is not a great sign. I know tickets only recently went on sale, so I have no idea if there's much of an advance for this either. And these reviews won't be too helpful.
The Variety review suggests that the production may follow the same path as ON YOUR FEET, but the difference is the high capitalization of THE CHER SHOW. I recall ON YOUR FEET struggling to meet the 1 million mark after its 6 month of performances. THE CHER SHOW will have to hit that number consistently. Then again, THE CHER SHOW only has three producers: Cher, Flody Suarez and Jeffrey Seller. I imagine their pockets run deep.
My expectations were/are high for this show--but I think I'll wait and hope for TDF.
VintageSnarker said: "Who would you want them to cast as the middle Cher? Anyone I can think of is either too short or around the same age as Stephanie which defeats the point of having Chers at three different ages. Laura Benanti is just a bit younger than Stephanie. I think Lena Hall was attached at some point but she's tiny so it wouldn't make a big difference with the height issue. How tall is Jenn Damiano?"
The age thing is exactly what I'm saying about Teal. She's not that far apart in age and if one actress can feasibly play both roles (Dee), why even have them be two roles? Because three is the magic number?
Another note: Lena Hall is not tiny - she is thin, but she's 5'7''. Look at photos of her in Hedwig, she stood pretty tall next to those guys.
Elegance101 said: "VintageSnarker said: "Who would you want them to cast as the middle Cher? Anyone I can think of is either too short or around the same age as Stephanie which defeats the point of having Chers at three different ages. Laura Benanti is just a bit younger than Stephanie. I think Lena Hall was attached at some point but she's tiny so it wouldn't make a big difference with the height issue. How tall is Jenn Damiano?"
The age thing is exactly what I'm saying about Teal. She's not that far apart in age and if one actress can feasibly play both roles (Dee), why even have them be two roles? Because three is the magic number?
Another note: Lena Hall is not tiny - she is thin, but she's 5'7''. Look at photos of her in Hedwig, she stood pretty tall next to those guys."
What is Lena doing these days? I heard she was involved with the reading in January and was FABulous as middle Cher.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Elegance101 said: "
Another note: Lena Hall is not tiny - she is thin, but she's 5'7'. Look at photos of her in Hedwig, she stood pretty tall next to those guys."
I've only seen her in person once. I remember being surprised at how short she was but I may be misremembering because she passed me on a staircase.
Some additional reviews out of Chicago:
Understudy Joined: 10/15/09
Just watched the WGN curtain call video. As someone who watched the Sonny & Cher show as a young adult, Teal does have Cher’s moves down to a T. I don’t get all the love for Michaela. Her voice is way too high and nasally, IMO. She looks the least like Cher, also imo. Really can’t wait to see show live...
FanofGreen said: "Just watched the WGN curtain call video. As someone who watched the Sonny & Cher show as a young adult, Teal does have Cher’s moves down to a T. I don’t get all the love for Michaela. Her voice is way too high and nasally, IMO. She looks the least like Cher, also imo. Really can’t wait to see show live..."
All three seemed to be struggling with the low notes at the beginning - couldn't really hear them until they started belting more. Then again, it's just the curtain call, so I'll give them a bit of a break. Also, Stephanie is the only one who looks and sounds like Cher. Her wig looks like her hair, whereas both Michaela's and Teal's wigs look like Halloween store (I mainly blame their complexions for this, honestly. They both struggle to pull off black hair).
Michaela is a bit younger, so her voice is of course going to be higher than the others. Cher's voice probably sounded more like that when she was 18.
You could audibly hear the difference between the applause for Stephanie and the other Chers. I love it! So excited for her.
Robbie2 said: "What is Lena doing these days? I heard she was involved with the reading in January and was FABulous as middle Cher."
I heard she was no longer attached due to other commitments. I would love for her to come back to do it. Lena AND Stephanie? I die.
Understudy Joined: 10/15/09
Elegance101 said:
“You could audibly hear the difference between the applause for Stephanie and the other Chers. I love it! So excited for her."
I did note that. She’s definitely due!
FanofGreen said: "Just watched the WGN curtain call video. As someone who watched the Sonny & Cher show as a young adult, Teal does have Cher’s moves down to a T. I don’t get all the love for Michaela. Her voice is way too high and nasally, IMO. She looks the least like Cher, also imo. Really can’t wait to see show live..."
FoG: Where is this WGN curtain call video? I've looked around...please post.
Where is this WGN curtain call video? I've looked around...please post."
Post 382 or 421.
Tonight the first full number was Turn Back Time. Not quite the whole thing but almost. There’s certainly no way you can miss it so I think it might be a change? They also sang basically a full version of Believe after the curtain call.
It seems like they’re making a lot of changes and I think generally the show is pretty good. Some
of the staging for the numbers is extraordinary. The singing and acting is all great. They cover a lot and it feels very much this happened then this happened and remember this, folks? But they’re able to fit so many songs in I think it will satisfy most.
It’s sort of boring, though. They can tighten up what’s there and make things clearer... but basically Cher is a neat lady who had a neat life. There’s not much in the way of unique conflict. Stuff happened and she survived. Without dropping a lot of stuff and only focusing on one stage in her life, I’m not really sure much more can be made of the subject matter.
The audience couldn’t stop leaving their seats during the first act. At least 40 people got up to go to the bathroom or get more drinks or both. Lots of video and photos during the show as well. Sigh.
Will Chase was there. Isn’t he dreamy?
Understudy Joined: 10/15/09
Chorus Member Joined: 10/20/12
Went to Chicago to be at the opening of The Cher Show. I had a lot of great fun. Yes, there still needs to be changes to bring more clarity to the show. But, for the most part I believe it has a good chance for a long run. Went again on Friday night. Was able to focus better on the shows short comings. I believe there’s too much focus on Sonny. Yes, he was a very big part of her life and he should be acknowledged, however it’s The Cher Show...not Sonny and Cher. IMHO, cut a bit off of that element. I’d like to see the Lucille Ball scene cut.Make mention of how Lucy was instrumental in bringing Cher into her own. Maybe a phone conversation, or a video snippet on the megatron screen. I’m not sure how to implement this segment. For me, I’d like to see more of Cher’s later years. I enjoyed how Stephanie J Block portrayed Star Cher. There must be more to her life after Sonny’s death ((which was not specifically implied.) For those in the audience, who don’t remember Sonny and Cher it was a little vague as to Cher giving an eulogy. Expanding just a little on that, might give better understanding how his demise affected her. Anyway, it was very enjoyable and the greater the audience reacts the more energy flows throughout the Theatre. Fridays audience was weird with very low participation. If nothing else liven up with the songs. There are enough great tunes to help “The Beat Go On”
Saw it again (4th time) last night and it looks like they're still making some tweaks here and there which it's great. Some very nitpicky stuff.
Most noticeable to me was that they re-extended Georgia's monologue is "Different Kind of Love Song." I hope they decide to cut this once it gets to Broadway. It always feels like she's trying to make a pass at Rob - also, it wouldn't be the worst thing to not have to hear yet another character sing "this is a different kind of love song." I get the feeling they are trying to show off Emily's dress (it is stunning).
I also wonder why Sonny gets the money note in "I Got You Babe". I listened to a few versions of this and Cher always sings that part. Jarrod sounds incredible during it but it just reinforces the point that Sonny never sounded this good.
I also hope they reconsider adding a bit more of "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves." It's a such a good moment in the show (the Cher Show finally launches) and the crowd gets so into it when they hear the opening notes and it's over in 30 seconds.
I saw this on Friday (June 29th) and I thought it was a hot mess. I had such high hopes for this show, and I can't say I was disappointed, I just expected more. Stephanie J Block was sensational, as expected, and the sweetest person I have ever met at the stage door besides Jackie Burns. Her "Believe" had me "Breaking Down" and sobbing in the audience. Micaela was good, and despite the negativity on this board, I thought that Teal Wicks was good also.
I truly hated the opening with Cher's mom and think that they need to cut it in at least half. I thought the "You Haven't Seen The Last of Me" was amazing, as was the closing number. The Bob Mackie number I expected more out of given the raves here, although it was a highlight. I felt like Act 1 was incredibly disjointed and messy, but Act 2 was pretty great.
I feel as though they spent too much time on the men in Cher's life, and made it seem like the men defined her. No. Cher defined herself and I think that got lost with all the men coming in and out.
I hope they make some extensive changes before Broadway. I would see this again in a heartbeat just to see Stephanie J Block sing Believe.