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The Official "How many posters have you met here & Who are they? "

The Official "How many posters have you met here & Who are they? "

jaystarr Profile Photo
#1The Official "How many posters have you met here & Who are they? "
Posted: 11/30/07 at 8:15am

Hi All-

I thought this would be fun. Since I will be going to Broadway for the next few weekends to catch up with all the shows. I was pmed by some posters here that they will be there too at the same time with me.. so here's my questions:

Who are the posters you actually met here ? Their real names ( if you wanna provide) and what show?

NOTE : You have to meet them ..not just recognized.




My answer: This is definitely a SOCK PUPPET test, huh? The Official

1. Craig (the moderator) XANADU
2. wheelsinmotion (Brandon) Xanadu
3. everythingtaboo (Dan) Xanadu
4. MillieDillmount (lauren) Xanadu
5. Linder (Linda) Xanadu
6. melodyrose(?) Sweeney Todd in Boston

Wow ! I did not realized its all Xanadu ! Hopefully I will met Frogsfans( Steve) tommorow at Rock N Roll & Dottie D' Luscia ( when he visits Boston )

Updated On: 11/30/07 at 08:15 AM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#2re: The Official
Posted: 11/30/07 at 8:19am

Oops more...

7. broadwayjim (Jim) in Xanadu

Updated On: 11/30/07 at 08:19 AM

#2re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 8:22am

And vice far, you're the only one Jay.

Looking forward to meeting more in the future!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#3re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 8:59am

Here's a similar thread from a while ago:

And yes, I look forward to meeting Jay Starr when I'm in Boston next weekend.

And the last person I met was Broadwayguy2 at Hairspray in October.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
Updated On: 11/30/07 at 08:59 AM

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#4re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:09am

I'm meeting RyToast on Monday:)

uncageg Profile Photo
#5re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:10am

I have only met one poster here, but he is also a friend! Always hoped to meet posters when in New York. I will be in New York from the 5th - 10th of December. Will be at August Osage the evening of the 6th.

Just give the world Love.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#6re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:12am

The only one I've actually met is luvtheEmcee, and that was a little over 2 years ago during my first time in NYC.

#7re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:22am

I have met some of my best friends here on BWW

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

jaystarr Profile Photo
#8re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:27am


poster's name & what show - or else this is gonna be OFF topic without the show!


Anakela Profile Photo
#9re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:29am

I've met some posters in real life...I am a little weirded out by the revealing of real names in this thread, though- not that my real name is any mystery if you know what Anakela means, but there’s a difference between me saying it, and someone else saying it, all over the boards...

*shrugs* I don't know, that's just me- am I being overly cautious here?

#10re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:31am


poster's name & what show - or else this is gonna be OFF topic without the show!

But I didnt meet any of them at a show....... Most of us probably havent met other posters for the first time at a show, unless it was by accident.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#11re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 9:58am

I agree with Anakela. Revealing someone's real name - even if it's a first name - is violating their privacy. I believe that posts and even threads have been deleted here because someone used a poster's real name without permission. There's a good reason for screen names.
Updated On: 11/30/07 at 09:58 AM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#12re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 10:05am

I mean to say .. poster name use here...

melodyrose (?) - Sweeney Todd in Boston - she does not want to reveal her name...

that's what i mean..... poster's name (use here in BWW ) & show ..sorry about the confusion... you dont have to put their real name... in my case- those guys^^ everyone knew their names on the first place bec. they posted their pics already, appear in an article (fanadus article) or they have been adressed with their real names already..


Updated On: 11/30/07 at 10:05 AM

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#13re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 11:35am

I've only met Rob the webmaster and Jose who I don't think comes on anymore. The three of us met for lunch in the theatre district in NYC shortly after Rob started the website. Someone on this very thread was supposed to meet me after a performance of Chicago once, but someone didn't show up! re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"
Updated On: 11/30/07 at 11:35 AM

jordangirl Profile Photo
#14re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 12:08pm

anakela ~ She helped me win the Hairspray lotto for the first time in 13 tries!

testing1232 ~ Let's see... 110, Beauty and Xanadu

April Saul and (I think she said it was) Tamara2 ~ run-through of The Homecoming

DollyPop ~ 110

and one or two more at 110, but their names escape me

LuckyDave at several. And one of my best friends ~ I forget her name on here ~ at several.

And I'm pretty sure I met iluvtheatretrash in the Grey Gardens rush line one Saturday about a year ago (little over).

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Calvin Profile Photo
#15re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 12:13pm

The only poster I've ever met for the first time AT a show is Corine. We sat next to each other at the, er, interesting "Losing Louie."

And I saw one of the Xanadu folk when I did the onstage seating back in October, but we didn't actually talk, so that doesn't count.

I've gone to shows with many, many other people who post here, but in almost every case, I knew them before we went, so that doesn't count, either.
Updated On: 11/30/07 at 12:13 PM

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#16re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 12:16pm

None of you.

And I'd like to keep it that way.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Dancinqueen123 Profile Photo
#17re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 12:30pm

I haven't met anyone

<--Sometimes it's easier to get out of a jam than into one

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#18re: The Official 'How many posters have you met here & Who are they? '
Posted: 11/30/07 at 3:30pm

Through Jersey Boys: mll85, jwonjy119, shesamarshmallow, BuRBaN. Passed by eugloven and garrettsf at the first adult Spelling Bee in SF. Passed by antonijan a few times at Jersey Boys events. *shudder*

There are also several others here who I knew well before BWW came along!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
