Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
I just want to know where Kristin Caskey (Fun Home) got her money from to start producing/investing in Broadway musicals in the first place. She's never "worked" a day in her life and 10 years ago suddenly appeared on the Broadway scene through connections. Family money/inheritance, I think.
But hey, yeah, congrats to the funeral home show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Why would you wonder that unless you have some weird axe to grid?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I don't care if she inherited that money. She put it to great use and financed a show with serious artistic merit and brought representation to underrepresented populations. I still can't believe this is the first major Broadway show to center around a lesbian character.
Can anyone explain Chita's shaking during her performance?
Chita's 82 ...a combination of excitement and nerves?
Thank God that's all over ; now all I want is a comment from After8 and please, no one mention Tony for another 11 months and 3 weeks.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
No axe, just genuine curiosity. She grew up in my hometown and went to my high school. She was attractive but not "stage star-quality" beautiful, had a passable but not particularly noteworthy singing voice, yet got big parts in many of the school variety shows because a friend of her family's was the musical director and a voice coach at the school. (These shows and the district musicals were on par with, or larger-scale than, most professional theatre; the district is wealthy and the arts budgets were, and are, gigantic.) Oh, her other claim to fame was she apparently was "the god-daughter of Ann-Margaret." I have no idea if she went to NY straight out of school or college, or at first auditioned to perform on Broadway. Clearly she knew she couldn't make a long living as a performer and work her way up; I suspect it was some kind of gift/trust/family money in order to stay in the theatre community as a producer. Just curious exactly how she got her initial funding, given that it's not a straight-forward trajectory. Not one that I particularly respect, anyway.
Kudos to whoever's idea it was to do a show about a lesbian, sure. But she was on the production team of "Thoroughly Modern Millie" also--which is not nearly in the same vein. Rather fluffy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
"No axe, just genuine curiosity. She grew up in my hometown and went to my high school. She was attractive but not "stage star-quality" beautiful, had a passable but not particularly noteworthy singing voice, yet got big parts in many of the school variety shows because a friend of her family's was the musical director and a voice coach at the school. (These shows and the district musicals were on par with, or larger-scale than, most professional theatre; the district is wealthy and the arts budgets were, and are, gigantic.) Oh, her other claim to fame was she apparently was "the god-daughter of Ann-Margaret." I have no idea if she went to NY straight out of school or college, or at first auditioned to perform on Broadway. Clearly she knew she couldn't make a long living as a performer and work her way up; I suspect it was some kind of gift/trust/family money in order to stay in the theatre community as a producer. Just curious exactly how she got her initial funding, given that it's not a straight-forward trajectory. Not one that I particularly respect, anyway.
Kudos to whoever's idea it was to do a show about a lesbian, sure. But she was on the production team of "Thoroughly Modern Millie" also--which is not nearly in the same vein. Rather fluffy.
For someone without an axe, I sure do hear a lot of grinding in that post.
Updated On: 6/8/15 at 02:30 AMBroadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
Well, what can I tell you. You might want to get your ears checked. That's as matter-of-fact a description as can be made.
Have a nice evening.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
You need to work on your writing if you think that sounds neutral.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
Thanks. You need to stay on topic and have a legit answer to my original question or maybe not post, then, as well.
Again, have a nice evening.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
You have an axe to grind.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
Oh, I see: everyone else in this thread--nay--on this board--can routinely opine or question people with whom they aren't impressed--people they don't or didn't know personally--but I can't.
Thanks, Message Board Boss. Have a nice evening.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
1) Nobody is saying you can't opine or question people, but by doing so, people have the right to ask what your motivation is and question you.
2) "Message Board Boss"? You're the one who said I "needed" to stay on topic (which I think I did because I was talking about your post) or not post. Sounds sort of bossy to me.
Updated On: 6/8/15 at 02:50 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
She ruined the True Blood thread with this dumbbitchery. And she'll just keep doubling down on it.
They're saying you have an axe to grind because you literally told us that the girl is from your home-town and went to your high school and you want to know how is she so successful when she isn't talented and got the big roles in the theater department because she knew the musical director. I googled the definition of an axe to grind, and it is: "To have a grievance with someone, especially where one feels the need to seek damaging retribution." You clearly believe that she doesn't deserve all of this success, implying that she became a successful Broadway producer because she was left a large amount of money and not through her own talent. You sound bitter and jealous. You are grinding your axe.
It's so wonderful that Fun Home won tonight! There aren't really a lot of musicals focusing on lesbians or even queer females as a whole, so to have a musical based off of a lesbian icon's life story be so embraced by the theatre community and take home awards the way it did is extraordinary. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I like the way she keeps dismissing "the funeral home show" and the part about whoever chose to make it a lesbian show. This show has such a rich history but lovepuppy can belittle it all because the producer is prettier than her or something.
Swing Joined: 5/1/15
Fun Home did so well. Walking out with 5 Tony awards, including the "best musical", all on top of a stunning performance. It turned out really well for them.
Between all the incredible reviews, amazing advertisement in that Tony performance, and the best musical tital to use in advertisement, I can see them being sold out for a long time to come.
I wish Fun Home nothing but the best, I look forward to seeing it as soon as I get to go to NYC.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
Or how her producing the Tony-winning Thoroughly Modern Millie somehow minimizes her achievements and how she took the risk with Fun Home.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
She did one kind of show over a decade ago. How could she possibly do a different kind now?
Diversity? Creativity? What bizarre concepts.
I think it's interesting to note that Michael Cerveris, Kelli O'Hara, Ruthie Ann Miles, and Richard McCabe all won Tonys for performances not nominated for Drama Desks. Michael, Kelli, and Richard won over Drama Desk-winning performances.
This is the first year projection designers have won Tony Awards for Best Scenic Design, both in the play and musical categories.
Catherine Zuber won the Tony and Drama Desk this year but for different musicals.
In creative categories not separated by gender, seven of twelve categories were won by women. This has to be some kind of record.
Just finished over here on the West Coast and all I can say is...
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I still can't believe they cut out the best part of "Love and Love Alone" (the dance). That was an unmarketable performance for The Visit.