I preferred this song on The Today Show.
Ok... now I can OFFICIALLY say that I dont think I would enjoy this show live. I can see why people might think its fun, and
LBB's song before was fantastic, but just not for me.
It's pronounced or-FAY
I know the "Bend and Snap" is one of the stupidest numbers ever but I LOVE watching it. And or-FAY is incredible!
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 02:57 PM
The women from the Hills aren't even looking directly into the camera, oh boy. They both look they can't even fake being interested.
oops grammar mistake
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 02:59 PM
Is "Bend and Snap" the one they just did with the UPS guy?
I was planning to go over to my sister's house to watch this, and we've been talking about it for weeks. Then, about 15 minutes ago, I called her, just to make sure I was still going. She forgot about it was going to a party. So, no Legally Blonde for me today. :/
The woman from the Hills aren't even looking directly into the camera, oh boy. They both look they can't even fake being interested.
I'm guessing it's because the cue cards are to the side of the camera...Purple dress The Hills girl is looking at the camera enough of the time, but pink dress The Hills girl is just spending all her time looking at the cue cards.
I grabbed a student ticket to this one afternoon right before the Tony's and was not impressed - but I'm actually enjoying it more on TV. Laura sounds a little crazy at times, but it's definitely not just her...they all sound off.
Christian Borle needs to be hired in a new show with a fabulous part - he's adorable! And I looooove Orfeh!
But every song still sounds the same to me. And yes, it's clear that the girls from The Hills would rather be anywhere but there.
Laura Bell should have taken her performance down 2716 notches for the camera.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
For those of you who care about the girls from The Hills...
Purple is Audrina
Black is Lauren Condrad
Pink is Whitney
The main character is Lauren, who they have been following since her senior year of High School on the MTV show Laguna Beach. Audrina is her reoomate, and Whitney is her co-worker at Teen Vogue. They used to be interns there togther but then Whitney got a full time job, and Lauren is still an intern.
So what happened to the character development for Viviene and therefore strengthening the relationship between Elle and her?
I am a little late. i just started watching it at around 230...wow! they did a good job with those camera shots, huh ? specially "What You Want " number when the camera shot was at the back...
Is it just me or Laura Bell Bundy's face is kinda big & rounded on TV ? ( I dont mean that in a bad way , just soo different onstage
and also the stage looks so small on TV vs. seeing it live !
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 03:10 PM
Stand-by Joined: 5/25/04
It's not that bad. It just doesn't make me want to see it live though.
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 03:11 PM
Bundy's story about singing like Celine and the impersonation was funny!
Worst. Ballad. Ever.
Jaystarr, the camera seems to add 10 pounds to everyone's body--and 10 pounds to Laura Bell's HEAD.
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 03:15 PM
Andy Karl is just about the most handsome man on that OR any other stage. Talk about wasted, get this guy on screen yesterday!
Seriously...although, I'm starting to like her more...more for the acting in this scene than the voice.
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 03:16 PM
Some of the songs are very forgettable - IMO. When I saw it last April. I think I only like "So Much Better " ...that's it....
Though I must admit that Jerry Mitchell's chreography is really good.. I missed some details when I saw the show...but I can't really remember much
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 03:18 PM
worst.sock.puppet. ever.
So, people actually thought Laura Bell Bundy could beat Ebersole, Murphy, and McDonald for that Tony for this performance? I'm convinced that Chenoweth deserved that nomination.
Understudy Joined: 12/11/05
I agree. No offense, but Laura's face does look a little...big? I dunno how to describe it. But, im enjoying it! Cept, her voice sounded a little off during legally blonde. Glad this is on!
Brava? And that wasn't Seth's voice!
I am not crazy about the choreography but it is ok. I am still enjoying it though.
AMEN! I nearly hit the ceiling when she got that nomination over Chenoweth.
And wow - Orfeh is one lucky woman.
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 03:20 PM
Hell No ! IMO- she was the wild card in that nomination... No way she (laura ) can beat Ebersole- ...ohmigod ! dont even think about it...pleeeeease !!!
I am watching POSITIVE now... I miss Leslie Kritzer .... the replacement is okay..but not as good as Kritzer
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 03:22 PM
Swing Joined: 10/13/07
Awwww, I wish I could be seeing this so I could know what you guys are talking about. xD Unfortunately it's not showing in Canada.