TJJ1296 said: "Those Company tickets went fast
Company is back up!
Featured Actor Joined: 4/24/18
Company is up again, but there are not tickets for all of the dates.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
Famebroadway2 said: "TJJ1296 said: "Those Company tickets went fast
Company isback up!"
And back down! Unless it's just not showing up for me.... TDF has been a fickle beast lately.
Swing Joined: 2/23/20
Keep trying all. When Famebroadway2 first posted that all the tickets were gone, they were gone, but I kept checking and snagged one in the end. Company seems to be making a concerted push for trying to sell out first-week previews, what with the $59 partial-view seats released. Very good chance they will be announcing rush soon too and I would bet those will be in the $30 - $40 range.
TDF has been very messy with new musicals season. They seem to pop up, then are completly gone quickly, and then pop back up with the same dates like an hour or 2 later. It not that people are holding the tickets in their carts.. it's that the entire listing disappears for some time. very buggy
Did anyone get the TDF survey? I provided feedback about the poor (and outdated) website experience.
Swing Joined: 11/4/19
Famebroadway2 said: "TDF has been very messy with new musicalsseason. They seem to pop up, then are completly gone quickly, and then pop back up with the same dates like an hour or 2 later. It not that people are holding the tickets in their carts.. it's that the entire listing disappears for some time. very buggy"
It could be the producers who are changing their minds, then releasing them again.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
Famebroadway2 said: "TDF has been very messy with new musicalsseason. They seem to pop up, then are completly gone quickly, and then pop back up with the same dates like an hour or 2 later. It not that people are holding the tickets in their carts.. it's that the entire listing disappears for some time. very buggy"
And now the entire site is down. What a mess they are since that "upgrade."
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
MisterBill2 said: "Famebroadway2 said: "TDF has been very messy with new musicalsseason. They seem to pop up, then are completly gone quickly, and then pop back up with the same dates like an hour or 2 later. It not that people are holding the tickets in their carts.. it's that the entire listing disappears for some time. very buggy"
It could be the producers who are changing their minds, then releasing them again."
Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
Ya'll it's a $31 a year discounting non-profit ticketing service.
Either you get a ticket or you don't
You sit where they tell you.
If you can't handle that don't use them, it ain't that deep.
^ I agree with this, but they still need to work on the website crashing. Ticket inventory is one thing - I don't feel anywhere near as entitled to the actual tickets as some other people do, but I WOULD like a site that doesn't crash once a week.
Updated On: 2/27/20 at 03:26 PMChorus Member Joined: 7/22/18
Lavieboheme3090 said: "Ya'll it's a $31 a year discounting non-profitticketing service.
Either you get a ticket or you don't
You sit where they tell you.
If you can't handle that don't use them, it ain't that deep."
Yep, it's hysterical how some people expect premium seats
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
Lavieboheme3090 said: "Ya'll it's a $31 a year discounting non-profitticketing service.
Either you get a ticket or you don't
You sit where they tell you.
If you can't handle that don't use them, it ain't that deep."
Im confused. Who is complaining about the actual offerings/tickets? They "redesigned" a website and it has been horrible in almost every way ever since.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/30/17
Stand-by Joined: 4/28/14
Fantastic seats this evening for The Minutes: Orch N 107-108. Dead center.
Yes, expecting a functioning website = expecting premium seats ...
Understudy Joined: 2/17/20
zzdawgg said: "Fantastic seats this evening for The Minutes: Orch N 107-108. Dead center."
Just wondering if there's any trick to it? When did you pick up your ticket from the BO??
Featured Actor Joined: 4/24/18
jiaxing_26 said: "zzdawgg said: "Fantastic seats this evening for The Minutes: Orch N 107-108. Dead center."
Just wondering if there's any trick to it? When did you pick up your ticket from the BO??"
I don’t think there’s any trick to it. I picked up my tickets to The Minutes around 7:40 and seats were center orch aa 103-104
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
kmissa said: "jiaxing_26 said: "zzdawgg said: "Fantastic seats this evening for The Minutes: Orch N 107-108. Dead center."
Just wondering if there's any trick to it? When did you pick up your ticket from the BO??"
I don’t think there’s any trick to it. I picked up my tickets to The Minutesaround 7:40 and seats were center orchaa 103-104"
Unless you're going to a really empty show that just pulls tickets from a stack, TDF tickets have been pre-sorted and assigned by member, so it's mostly the luck of the draw.
The only thing I've noticed is that ordering closer to the performance tends to garner slightly better seats, presumably as they are reticent to give them up further in advance in case they sell for full price.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
Pashacar said: "
Unless you're going to a really empty show that just pulls tickets from a stack, TDF tickets have been pre-sorted and assigned bymember, so it's mostly the luck of the draw.
The only thing I've noticed is that ordering closer to the performance tends to garner slightly better seats, presumably as they are reticent to give them upfurther in advance in case they sell for full price."
Yes, this tracks. It feels like they set aside some rows of TDF tickets but will then revisit/repost to fill in more holes closer to the date of the show. We saw Angels in America thru TDF and got what seemed lke the last tickets before they took em down off the site. I thought that might mean we had the bottom of the TDF pile but we ended up on the aisle front orchestra. Im almost sure they plugged in some cancellation seats with u.
They certainly assign them (envelope them) a few hours before curtain, and has nothing to do with when you show up.
Swing Joined: 5/2/19
Love this thread...!
By the way. I recently by accident bought tickets for a matinee instead of the evening, so I called and emailed tdf (per the suggestion I received on this thread) and since they still had tickets available, they cheerfully exchanged them for me.
Swing Joined: 10/2/18
I echo your statement below. I love this thread too and all the contributors. Thank you for all the heads up of when shows are posted.
Saps48 said: "Love this thread...!
By the way. I recently by accident bought tickets for a matinee instead of the evening, so I called and emailed tdf (per the suggestion I received on this thread) and since they still had tickets available, they cheerfully exchanged them for me."
Featured Actor Joined: 4/24/18
Ain't too Proud is up for tues-thursday of next week. first time I've ever seen it on the board.
Swing Joined: 5/16/17
Has anyone else's main page been showing you as signed in as someone else's email? The last 3 times I have signed in I have seen another member's ID and email.
I have emailed them and waiting a response