Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
From what I remember, Nicholas has never been listed in the Playbill. I feel like I've discussed that before.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
The playbill issue has been discussed, yeah. That doesn't have anything to do with this. Ifthey hired a new Washington standby, that to me means Nick isn't there right now. Just logic.
Nick Walker, who joined the cast this week, is a Burr/Washington cover.
Jevon McFerrin is now an understudy for Mulligan/Madison.
But still no permanent Laf/Jeff replacement in sight
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/11
Saw the show last night - first time without the original cast.
I don't think anyone will ever match David or Renee or the power of the original players.
Javier is so good. As much as I love seeing Lin, let's be honest, he's not the best singer on Broadway. Hearing Javier singing all the songs is so wonderful!
Brandon is amazing. A little different than Leslie, but just as great.
Everyone else in the cast is at the top of their game.
Can't wait to see it again! and again ...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Saw on instagram that Nick Christopher is still in the show, so I'm done trying to understand Hamilton.
Understudy Joined: 8/1/15
Has this already been discussed?
Why are Eliza Ohman and Antuan Raimone listed on the websites of both the Broadway cast and the Chicago cast?
^^They are universal swings, meaning they will swing in both the Broadway and Chicago productions.^^
Updated On: 9/15/16 at 11:25 AMUnderstudy Joined: 8/1/15
^^^ Thanks for the explanation!
Oh my goodness.
Swing Joined: 6/19/16
I saw the show for the first time last night, thanks to a tip from these boards that a few tickets from this block were being sold the night of the Tony's. So this board allowed me to see the show a few months ahead.
Tickets were center rear mezz one row from the top. Someone had told me there were no bad seats in the house, and these were certainly not. One isn't going to get the same experience as if you are up front, but these weren't bad seats at all. Afterwards we noticed the steep rake in the back of the orchestra - I think I'd much rather be up where we were.
Two slips - Wednesday nights seem tougher with regards to substitutes - so there is one slip with Nicholas Christopher's bio as he is in for Washington, and then the entire main cast is reprinted on the second slip. Andrew Chappelle for Laf/Jef and Elizabeth Judd for Peggy/Maria, some other changes downstream in the ensemble.
Interesting, there is no listing for Laf/Jef in the regular playbill.
So, here are some thoughts - from someone who has been listening to the OCR quite a bit, but seeing it for the first time - and coming in with concern about the replacement cast.
Cast: Javier Munoz - not much that needs to be said here - he's really effectively an original cast member, and as someone who is a musical theater fan, I'm inclined to prefer the more trained voice. Obviously, there's something special about seeing LMM as the creator of the show, but people don't feel cheated seeing Javier, and we didn't.
Brandon Victor Dixon - mostly on point - thought that Odom conveyed "slipperiness" a little better, but in general a class performance that rose to the level of the show. Minimal dropoff.
Andrew Chappelle as Laf/Jef - the supersub! He seems to have the most consistent reputation of the rotating Laf/Jef and I could see why - my wife preferred his Jefferson, but I though he held his own throughout the show. It appears they are still casting this part - to me, he's credible enough to take over, but I guess he's so valuable as the super-swing.
Okieriete Onaodowan/Anthony Ramos
The two other major original cast members in the show - There is a lot that is missed about their performances on record, not just the Story of Tonight reprise. Some have suggested that Ramos was a bit burnt out - no notice of that here.
Nicholas Christopher - Washington
He has gotten pretty good notices here, but his was the performance where we felt it fell a bit short. He did much better in the second act as President - something missing presence-wise - not as believable as the alpha-dog in act one.
Mandy Gonzalez - Angelica
Wow. We've both seen her before in other things- but someone else said it here - stellar from the start! We had though Renee Goldsberry was leaving in October, but Mandy Gonzalez delivered!
Lexi Lawson - Eliza
I thought she did a good job - in fine voice. It seems most criticisms were about acting choices that I wouldn't have noticed. I got more of the sense seeing the show that Eliza is largely the archetypal suffering wife part.
Elizabeth Judd - Peggy/Maria
Now I think this is staging and not her, but we both thought Say No to This is a LOT steamier on the record than on stage. We don't let the kids listen to it - and we imagined the staging to be a lot more explicit than it was. No complaints though.
Rory O'Malley - He was terrific - his performance was one I felt I could have appreciated even more sitting closer to the stage.
The staging is on the minimal side - the score, the words are the star - Angelica's "rewind" and the Hurricane are some standouts. In a decade or so, when they make a movie, it will pose some interesting problems.
Verdict? Most everyone says that the show lives up to any hype or buildup. The show seems to be in fantastic shape and we were not disappointed (despite being picky). We didn't have one of those "oh, wow" moments after the show, because much of the magic is on the record - which we have listened to 100s of times. But a very,very satisfying night. We have better seats in a few months - we'll see how it compares.
postscript - it has it's own thread - but a really short curtain call - I suppose it could go on for awhile if they let it, but let us give them their due - are they trying to get out on time to avoid OT?
I agree that the staging for Say No To This is surprisingly chaste.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
"Interesting, there is no listing for Laf/Jef in the regular playbill."
Well, they don't have one. So... :)
Kind of surprised they didn't go the Book of Mormon 2013 route and print ones for that week with whoever was playing the role.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I think they were doing that in the past. Maybe they just got tired and gave up. I certainly have.
Swing Joined: 1/15/16
I love Hamilton! I started listening to it last year and I've been obsessed ever since. I sang Burn at my high school music showcase earlier this year!
Burn will always be my favorite song from Hamilton. It's all close, but the emotion just makes it beautiful!
New Amex Presale for Summer 2017 dates:
thirtythirtyninety said: "New Amex Presale for Summer 2017 dates:
Thanks for this post. The vast majority of seats on offer are premium. I'm dubious about the wide range of seats they are deeming premium, and the prospects of their selling all those seats for $849. But I just managed to score some decent $199 Orchestra seats for my wife's birthday, so I'm happy.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/26/15
I walked by the Hamilton theater tonight. Seth Stewart is now listed with the principals on the poster next to the door. Andrew Chappelle is still listed with the ensemble. That must mean Seth is the new Laff/Jefferson. Right? He's also on the board as playing it. Hmmmmm.
Man, that's really disappointing to me if they waited all this time just to move Seth up. I thought he was really mediocre, and What'd I Miss was just not good. He was better in the rest of Act 2, but still not the calibre I expect from Hamilton.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
IslandBoy27 said: "I walked by the Hamilton theater tonight. Seth Stewart is now listed with the principals on the poster next to the door. Andrew Chappelle is still listed with the ensemble. That must mean Seth is the new Laff/Jefferson. Right? He's also on the board as playing it. Hmmmmm. "
No. That doesn't mean that.
Just got an email from nederlander... says guests attending the performance tomorrow night (I am) needs to be at the theatre by 6:30 for "airport like" security. Is this regular or does anybody think someone famous is coming...I mean I really doubt they do this for all celebrities but maybe politicians
Updated On: 9/23/16 at 06:27 PM
That seems in line with the security precautions I've see when a high ranking government official or foreign dignitary is in attendance in a large public place. Not sure in this particular case, though.
someone famous was at basically every performance of Hamilton for the first year (it could still be going on but i haven't been paying close attention since Lin left). i wonder who it could be.
Swing Joined: 8/30/16
Interesting! I was there the night Justin Trudeau was there, and the level of security was like at any other show, I thought - relatively fast bag and coat checking, but no metal detectors or anything like that. Normal theater opening time, too. Let us know the story!