Is there a particular Broadway musical or play that came and went, maybe something within the last several years, and you really wanted to see it, but it closed before you could get to NYC? Maybe it was a limited run or one that closed early? Even if it got bad reviews? For me M Butterly with Clive Owen; Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812; and Sunday in the Park with George with Jake Gyllenhaal come to mind.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
dmwnc1959 said: "Is there a particular Broadway musical or play that came and went, maybe something within the last severalyears, and you really wanted to see it, but it closed before you could get to NYC?Maybe it was a limited run or one that closed early? Even if it got bad reviews? For me M Butterly with Clive Owen; Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812; and Sunday in the Park with George with Jake Gyllenhaal come to mind."
OMG you didn't see Great Comet !
Mine would be American Psycho. I REALLY wanted to see it and had it set as the last show of my trip only to find out on the day it didn't have a Wednesday matinee and I was stuck with the disaster that was Fun Home instead
You didn't miss much with M Butterfly. I didn't hate it as much as everyone else did, but it had a fair few problems.
You could always come to London next year for Sunday x
I really wanted to see THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY. I usually enjoy Brown's work and I was sure O'Hara would do it justice. i live in northern NJ, so getting into NYC is rarely a problem. Unfortunately, I was battling health issues that year and was hoping to catch the show in June. It closed that May. I would have loved to have heard "One Second and a Million Miles" and "It All Fades Away" performed live on stage.
GREAT COMET was an event, but you didn't miss much by not seeing M. BUTTERFLY.
In recent history I’d say Bright Star and American Psycho. The former closed about a week before my planned trip, and the later closed about a month before. They would’ve spiced up that trip for sure.
I try to hit NY twice each year from Chicago, so I mostly catch everything on my small radar, though in past years I've missed both SIDESHOWS and THE BOY FROM OZ.
At BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY, I fondly remember two women sitting near me in the mezzanine swooning and sighing during a few numbers.
AMERICAN PSYCHO had that great blood splatter screen. Very effective.
I mostly checked out BRIGHT STAR to see the Cort. Cusack blew me away with her singing and star power. I returned to the Cort to see the disappointing M BUTTERFLY revival.
The GREAT COMET was so immersive. From my seat in the top row in mezzanine, I marveled at the moment when the full chorus sang from the mezzanine concourse. The mini stage set up in the middle of the top mezzanine seating was used often, too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
I really wanted to see the SideShow revival, but it closed before my trip. I wanted to see Jenifer Hudson in The Color Purple, but was still quite happy and thrilled with Heather's performance. The show I really wanted to see, if you can believe it, was Xanadu. I actually won tickets through a contest I think with Playbill, but it closed two days before my trip. Reading these posts, I have been lucky to see most of the shows mentioned. I loved American Psycho and still disappointed they never released a Broadway cast recording.
I'm fortunate enough to live in NY now, but I'm constantly learning about productions (particularly at the Off-Broadway non-profits) that I am bummed that I missed from before I lived here.
One of the more recent ones that really stings is the production of "Othello" that played NYTW during the year that I was living in London. I started kicking myself even more when I discovered Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and realized that Rachel Brosnahan had played Desdemona in that production. I had heard mixed things about the production, but I still would really love to have seen it.
Then, ironically, once I came back to New York, the Globe in London did "Othello" with Mark Rylance as Iago. Rylance is one of my all-time favorite actors, and I was gutted to miss him in the role.
So two of my biggest examples from recent years have both been productions of "Othello" - both of which I missed because I was in the opposite city at the time.
I have to say, I totally acknowledge that I am incredibly lucky to live in New York, and I was incredibly lucky to live briefly in London, and I'd love to live there again someday. But falling in love with the theatre scenes in 2 distant cities is kind of a blessing and a curse. Because now, no matter where I live, I'll always feel like I'm missing out on shows happening in one or both of these cities.
Great Comet and Sunset Boulevard with Glenn Close and Michael Xavier. Both were in the same year and money was super, super, super tight; the latter was a limited run so there was nothing I could really do, but I overestimated how long TGC would run and missed out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
Most of my show regrets involve not seeing a show during its pre-Broadway run (Hamilton at The Public stands out as the main one).
Head Over Heels
the OBC of To Kill a Mockingbird
When I was younger, my dad and I went to the TKTS boards to see if we wanted to see something. This is when Rent was around (I think). For some reason, instead of seeing that, we ended up seeing Chicago. I do appreciate Chicago, but I wish we had gone with Rent.
As others have said, Great Comet. Im not even sure id like the show itself but the immersion just seems so cool.
Another big one for me is A Gentlemen's Guide To Love and Murder, as well a Vonya and Sonia and Masha And Spike. Or whatever the name was. Seemed funny af and I wish I caught it.
Doesn't quite fit your original request but I wanted so much to see the original production of Annie, even with one of the replacement casts. I was living in NYC but it just never happened financially -- back then I was a proofreader living from penny to penny. Literally. Everyone I knew at the time told me it was musical comedy heaven.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
Mike Barrett said: "As others have said, Great Comet. Im not even sure id like the show itself but the immersion just seems so cool.
Another big one for me is A Gentlemen's Guide To Love and Murder, as well a Vonya and Sonia and Masha And Spike. Or whatever the name was. Seemed funny af and I wish I caught it."
When I saw Great Comet it was like the “hot ticket”. I saw it and tried to like it but I just couldn’t get into it =( Ah well. Not every show is for every person.
I guess I'll add that at one point I got enough money to see either Annie with a replacement cast or Sweeney Todd with Angela and Len Cariou. I chose Sweeney and have never regretted it. I was eventually able to see them again and then see the show a third time with the replacement cast of Dorothy Loudon and George Hearn. Hearn was was very good, quite fine, although very different from Cariou in both his better vocalizations but not as subtle acting.
But Loudon was weird. Just weird. She bounced from brilliant in some scenes to awful in others. I think one critic said "A trainwreck hits London." Maybe I'm wrong and thinking of something else but it was was a strange performance.
There used to be clips from a boot of her performance on youtube which included a brilliant final scene and a wonderful Best Pies in London and a fun A Little Priest but when I saw her live it was sometimes wonderful but overall strange.
Updated On: 11/5/19 at 11:51 AM
Ironically, both are Sunday in the Park. First time was the revival in '08, I was offered to go to that or a Yankees game by my parents, ended up choosing the Yankees. Second time was the revival with Jake Gyllenhaal in 2017, I wasn't as into theater then, but looking back I would have gone to see that in a heartbeat. Same with Hello Dolly with Bernadette Peters. Strongly considering making a trip to London next summer just for Sunday.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/8/19
I planned a trip to New York for the final weekend of of 33 VARIATIONS specifically to see my favorite American actress, Jane Fonda, live on stage, but, as I recall, the show had to close a few performances shy of its scheduled last performance because Ms. Fonda had to have emergency knee surgery. And it was her first time back on Broadway in 40-something years!
Featured Actor Joined: 11/12/12
For me it would have to be Shuffle Along. I had tickets booked for September 2016 (I think before I’d even booked my flights) and was obviously bummed when Audra had to pull out (but you can’t be too bummed about someone being pregnant, obviously!) but was still excited to see it anyway until they pulled the pin on it.
I really wish I had seen the original production of Side Show. I wasn't using the internet regularly at the time, so I didn't really even know I wanted to see it until I got to New York and learned more about it. But by that time, all the show slots were filled.
More recently, I really wanted to see Hand to God, but I was one show slot short to cover all the things I wanted to see, and something had to get cut, painful as it was.
I thought I would have plenty of time to see Shuffle Along