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Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases- Page 5

Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases

#100Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 5:17pm

Broadwaybuff17 said: "Got it! So your in the camp that’s just gonna be scared the rest of your life, or until cnn tells you basically what im saying now , at a later point in time to make it all ok."

Nowhere in my comment did I say that. I go to theatre, I live my life, and I’m not “scared”. I’m behaving responsibly, listening to the experts, and I simply answered your incredibly ignorant question.


"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#101Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 5:26pm

Broadwaybuff "Yes i understand 100’s of million people have died"

Once again, Broadwaybuff (who is so NOT buff) is not spittin' fax.

Worldwide, 4.55 million poor souls have died of Covid19 as of today. 

You clearly don't understand anything regarding theater. Best to be quiet, learn, listen, and stop lying.

Thank you. 

joevitus Profile Photo
#102Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 5:32pm

The part I think is good is recognizing that, if you're vaccinated, you are by vast statistical amounts not in a position to have anything to worry about. Even with the delta variant, most vaccinated people are still not in any danger of hospitalization or death, and very unlikely to contract COVID to begin with--these facts are in keeping with science. 

And those who are immunocompromised or elderly can get boosters free and easily. As far as I can tell, despite the 8 month waiting period post second vaccination, lots of clinics are dispensing them immediately to anyone who asks. 

I think people who are in compromised positions need to be more careful for themselves, but I don't think society in general needs to go on being as overly cautious as it currently is.

To my mind, the big question about COVID safety protocols specifically in relation to theatrical practices is related to HIV. There is probably a much greater statistical incidence of people living with HIV in this profession than in many others, so greater caution is warranted. But I also suspect, as PrEP is common and PrEP is doing a great job of reducing the percentage of HIV infections, this may not always be the case. At this point, though, greater safety measures for theater professionals strike me as a reasonable precaution. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#103Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 5:37pm

You got the VAX, just move on already... HIV is a much greater risk to your health and lasts a lifetime, yet people still fool around without asking each other for a negative hiv test...

Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases

HogansHero Profile Photo
#104Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 5:52pm

@joe I suspected that's what you were going to say. The problem is, the clown didn't say that. They said that productions should stop testing and move on. That's dangerous anti-science. Living our lives (and not in fear) is essential. (A long time ago I quoted someone saying that we should not be living fearing covid, we should be living respecting it. Being responsible is essential. Not being stupid is also essential. Letting theatres become super spreaders is stupid. I think you know what's good; I just don't think you can glean that from bozo. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#105Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 6:04pm

@joevitus - anecdotally breakthrough cases appear to becoming more common. For instance, I know three people (a married couple and my therapist who luckily I see via Zoom) in my life who have tested positive just in the last week despite all three being vaccinated. Granted all are in Oklahoma and Oklahoma doesn’t have a great vaccination rate.

Also, granted two of those three people weathered their symptoms okay at home, but the husband in the married couple spent one night in a Covid ward and another night in the heart ward.

The husband got it from eating out with another vaccinated friend who they discovered afterwards was already infected. And then he gave it to his wife. And then my therapist probably got it from one of her two patients who she sees in her office who tested positive.

I do believe vaccinations help a lot, but they aren’t a free pass to return to all one’s pre-Covid normal behaviors, at least not yet (I’m not saying that is what you’re saying), especially if you live in areas with low vaccination & high infection/death rates. And yes, if you are relatively healthy and vaxxed, you’ll probably be okay if you get Covid. But you could still spread it to someone who may not be do lucky. 

After I was considered fully vaccinated in April I had started infrequently to eat out again after 13 months of not doing so, but then I stopped again at the end of July when the Delta variant took hold especially since I live in Oklahoma  I plan on eating out before the show tonight but I’m going to eat outdoors & by myself.   

I got my third shot yesterday and I haven’t felt too great with side-effects. In fact I had a really rough night, but I’m much better now, well enough to go to see the touring production of My Fair Lady tonight. As I visit my mom who has dementia in a nursing home twice a week I didn’t get to visit her today because I wasn’t feeling great and then I’ll skip my midweek visit until I can get tested and know that I don’t post her or the other residents any risk after tonight.

And I’m glad that all the touring productions this year have the same protocols in place for audiences that Broadway does basically. 

I found this article very informative. 

All the Ways That “1 in 5,000 per Day” Breakthrough Infection Stat Is Nonsense

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#106Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 9:22pm

The thing about breakthrough infections is that very often the person infected has no idea he or she is infected. It happened to me -- after an awful hospital stay with C diff I had to return to work and got a PCR test and found out I was positive. The only symptoms I had were a headache and scratchy throat and a bit of inflamed lymph nodes. Thankfully, my parents didn't get it. But my point is I had no idea I had covid. If you were unvaccinated and around me, I could have easily spread it.

lily carver
#107Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/2/21 at 10:08pm

Actually the US has been averaging just under 2,000 people PER DAY dying of Covid, It has gone down very slightly in the last week but yesterday's number was 1882. The state of Florida alone had 2000 people die in the last week (actually the way Florida reports many of them died in the last 30 days  but just reported) Florida has a relatively decent vaccination rate but unlike New York in general and Broadway in particular they not only don't impose sensible restrictions, they make them illegal

uncageg Profile Photo
#108Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 1:42am

poisonivy2 said: "The thing about breakthrough infections is that very often the person infected has no idea he or she is infected. It happened to me -- after an awful hospital stay with C diff I had to return to work and got a PCR test and found out I was positive. The only symptoms I had were a headache and scratchy throat and a bit of inflamed lymph nodes. Thankfully, my parents didn't get it. But my point is I had no idea I had covid. If you were unvaccinated and around me, I could have easily spread it."

Exactly. My symptoms hit on a Monday night. I took a shower late at night and when I got out it dawned on me that I didn't smell my shower gel. (Which is heavily scented). I kinda blew it off on my allergies, which were acting up at the time. The next morning, same thing. On a call with a family member I asked if their allergies were acting up and they were like "Big time". So I just figured that is what it was. But then I realized I wasn't having the normal allergy reactions. Everything pretty much felt fine but I realized that there was nothing in my nose. It was completely dry. I knew something wasn't right. I was not able to get tested until 2 days later. (Very long lines of parents with young kids getting tested for school) By the time I got tested, my sense of smell had mostly returned the night before. The day after I got tested it had returned completely. Outside of going for the test I had been inside. The state health department called me the day after I got my result. They told me that since I had been in, I had pretty much done my quarantine period which they said, was 7 to 10 days. I just did the 10. (Really weird thing, my sense of smell seems to be heightened now/better) You just have to be really attentive and in tune with your body. As I stated elsewhere, the sense of smell was the only thing that tipped me off. The day my results came in, my body felt like it was fighting off a cold all over for a while. The Medical person told me that was the vaccine doing its job. I won't lie, I was pretty scared and I am still trying to get used to being around people in an enclosed space. 

I saw a comment earlier saying something about being vaccinated and moving on and if you are vaccinated, why are you afraid of Covid. No, just no on that one. That person is woefully uninformed and reminds me of a few people I know of that just stopped listening to information and updates after they told us we can take our masks off early in the summer if we were vaccinated. They don't want to hear the truth about what is going on. And they are becoming part of the problem. Just my opinion.


Just give the world Love.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#109Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 1:59am

@uncageg - I’m so glad you’re okay & I agree with everything you said.

#110Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 7:58am

"I saw a comment earlier saying something about being vaccinated and moving on and if you are vaccinated, why are you afraid of Covid. No, just no on that one. That person is woefully uninformed and reminds me of a few people I know of that just stopped listening to information and updates after they told us we can take our masks off early in the summer if we were vaccinated. "

IMO this is not complicated. If you get the vaccine it lowers the odds on getting the virus and possibly lessens the symptoms if you do catch it. Of course no vaccine or shot is perfect just like getting a flu shot does not totally prevent you from getting the flu, it hopefully lessens your symptoms. Myself and immediate family all got COVID and were vaccinated. Personally, I had bad headache for a couple of days and cold symptoms. In a week, all of us were better. I wear a mask only indoors.

uncageg Profile Photo
#111Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 12:47pm

Miles2Go2 said: "@uncageg - I’m so glad you’re okay & I agree with everything you said."


Thank you Miles. It threw me because I have been safe since the beginning of all this. I started getting tested every 2 weeks since the beginning of the year at a site in my neighborhood. It floored me that I went a year and 5 months with no problem and then got it. I can only think of 3 possible scenarios where I could have gotten it and I was being safe all 3 times. But one was a fully vaccinated outdoor event where we could take our masks off. (Earlier in the summer I saw an indoor show with a fully vaccinated audience and cast and stayed negative)  The other two were walking through people on the street in the city maskless and in my market that now does not require masks. They just suggest you wear one. I have been wearing two layer cloth masks with a filter mostly. KF94 0r 95 masks mostly when I leave my neighborhood now. 

I think this virus is showing us that no matter how safe we are, there is still a chance of getting it. I suspect we will be dealing with it for a few years to come. Maybe more. It is, and really already has, becoming like the seasonal col/flu, but year round. To swing it back to the topic, I just hope our shows make it through this. Outside of Aladdin, things seem to be going well so far. Thank goodness.


Just give the world Love.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#112Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 1:39pm

@uncageg - I’ve been trying to be safe here in Oklahoma. Lost my contract job gigs in March 2020 due to the pandemic. (They’re supposedly coming back eventually) That has allowed me to stay home alone 90+% of the time.

I still try to do curbside pickup when I order groceries/household items online.

I was masking up everywhere until I got fully vaccinated & the CDC (in May 2021) said vaccinated people largely didn’t need to mask up in a lot of settings.

I did get approval to start visiting my fully vaccinated mom again in April or March 2021 at her nursing after more than a year away and I always mask in common areas.

However, after the Delta variant took hold, I quit eating out again and started masking (often double) up again. I can’t take the chance of bringing Covid to my mom and her fellow residents.

I did go see the touring production of My Fair Lady last night. The venue has pretty rigid guidelines that made me feel comfortable in going. Masked the whole time. Proof of vaccination required at the door with proof of a negative test only allowed if you are under 12 or have medical/religious exemption.

I even ate out beforehand at one of my favorite places nearby that has outdoor dining.

I’m also attending the St. Vincent concert here on Tuesday night and even though she’s requiring proof of vaccination or negative test, she’s not requiring masks. Definitely not as many precautions as My Fair Lady. But I will wait five days after I see the concert on Tuesday and then get tested before I go see my mom again.

My experience at MFL is making me think about going to see the tour of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the end of the month. Maybe even on Halloween. That’s something I really had a desire to see, but that could be fun!

I got my Moderna third shot on Friday now that I have had three people I know here in Oklahoma with breakthrough infections. If it wasn’t for visiting my mom, perhaps I wouldn’t be so concerned. The rough night and morning I had after getting my third shot is well worth whatever boost in immunity I will get.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#113Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 1:50pm

After attending the touring production of My Fair Lady last night, I am just curious about vaccine requirements at Broadway theaters. I’ll explain further.

So as I approached the venue last night, I made sure to put my mask on. And then I got my ID and my vaccination card and my digital ticket on my phone all ready to show. Turns out they only wanted to see my vaccination card. And then the venue Saphris and headed me a card that I can sign and just show next time in lieu of my vaccination card.

This has me wondering. Since they didn’t verify it was my vaccination card, I wonder how common it would be for unvaccinated people to bring somebody else’s vaccination card s and try to pass it off as their own. And then I’m also thinking if you have this signed card then you can give that to anyone and have them present it.

How are they handling proof of vaccination at the Broadway & off-Broadway theaters?

I did feel pretty safe last night although I did see (very few) people especially in the common areas before the show and at intermission with their masks pulled down.

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#114Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 2:09pm

Well, NYers have it a little easier with the digital Excelsior Pass which goes to your phone’s wallet. I guess it’s a fair question to bring up, but how many people are so strongly anti-vaccine but also so in love with Broadway that they would bother with that?

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

joevitus Profile Photo
#115Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 2:12pm

Miles2Go2 said: "After attending the touring production of My Fair Lady last night, I am just curious about vaccine requirements at Broadway theaters. I’ll explain further.

So as I approached the venue last night, I made sure to put my mask on. And then I got my ID and my vaccination card and my digital ticket on my phone all ready to show. Turns out they only wanted to see my vaccination card. And then the venue Saphris and headed me a card that I can sign and just show next time in lieu of my vaccination card.

This has me wondering. Since they didn’t verify it was my vaccination card, I wonder how common it would be for unvaccinated people to bring somebody else’s vaccination card s and try to pass it off as their own. And then I’m also thinking if you have this signed card then you can give that to anyone and have them present it.

How are they handling proof of vaccination at the Broadway & off-Broadway theaters?

I did feel pretty safe last night although I did see (very few) people especially in the common areas before the show and at intermission with their masks pulled down.

It doesn't much matter because vaccination cards are incredibly easy to fake. It's one of the reasons other areas aren't requiring them. Yes, some people might have used another person's card, but as fake cards are so easy to produce, you can't really be sure if those whose cards were checked against id, all of them would be genuine.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#116Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 2:21pm

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "Well, NYers have it a little easier with the digital Excelsior Pass which goes to your phone’s wallet. I guess it’s a fair question to bring up, but how many people are so strongly anti-vaccine but also so in love with Broadway that they would bother with that?"

Good point that I had considered. I would guess that the overlap on the Venn Diagram between the theater crowd and the anti-vaxx crowd is pretty small. Although I suspect the overlap in NYC is smaller than it is hear in Oklahoma with its abysmal vaccination rates. 

I do think theater people that are avidly anti-vax would probably mostly just protest coming at all since they are requiring proof of vaccination. 

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#117Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/3/21 at 2:30pm

They are easy to fake, but I do know someone who was fired from his job for uploading a fake one.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#118Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:41am

poisonivy2 said: "They are easy to fake, but I do know someone who was fired from his job for uploading a fake one."

It's also a felony for which you can go to jail for a long time. Not many theatregoers here are unvaccinated (over 75% of all adult New Yorkers are vaccinated to begin with (and almost 100% in zip codes where theatre goers generally live) and even fewer are criminals. And the Excelsior pass and similar apps can't be faked because they are cross checked to DOH records. I honestly think this is not an issue on Broadway.


Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#119Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:57am

@Hogan - that’s great to hear. Maybe Oklahoma will get to NYC’s vaccination rate by 2025. Maybe.

#120Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/4/21 at 1:14am

HogansHero said: "poisonivy2 said: "They are easy to fake, but I do know someone who was fired from his job for uploading a fake one."

It's also a felony for which you can go to jail for a long time. Notmany theatregoers here are unvaccinated (over 75% of all adult New Yorkers are vaccinated to begin with (and almost 100% in zip codes where theatre goers generally live) and even fewer are criminals. And the Excelsior pass and similar apps can't be faked because they are cross checked to DOH records. I honestly think this is not an issue on Broadway.


first, @uncage i hope you're feeling better. I think this is going to turn into a flu we have to live with always, and will kill many people each year like the flu does, as it morphs and grows. my main concern now are the kids who cant get vaccinated and raise the alert level for all of us. 

jumping in only to say i have been impressed with the level of security re vaccination identification Ive seen at the three shows I've been at. All checked my ID and my Excelsior Pass, and all attending took the process pretty seriously from what i saw. I have flown back/forth to Europe a bunch for work in the past few months and I can tell you that the staff at the Westside Theater did a better and more through job than anyone at United Airlines or the TSA. 

the most encouraging moment i had was at Moulin Rouge- i was surprised that there was an empty seat in an otherwise sold out section of the theater. the person two over from me explained that his friend was vaccinated, but only got her second shot a few days ago and the theater people noticed it hadnt been the full 2 weeks, and wouldnt let her in. he was bummed about it and said it in a "can you believe that!" sorta way, but under my mask i was grinning, nicely done Hirschfeld staff!


everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#121Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/11/21 at 2:30pm

Until I got my "instructions for mobile entry" email this morning, I totally forgot I was meant to be seeing Aladdin tomorrow night. Sounds like it'll be happening, I'm very excited. I've been to a couple of shows already, but I'm excited to see some big ol' production numbers with (hopefully) a ton of fully recovered cast on stage.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#122Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
Posted: 10/11/21 at 4:00pm

I'd assume everyone has been tested daily and they're clear now/negative.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
