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Trevor Nunn to direct 'A Little Night Music.' Emma Thompson as Desiree?- Page 2

Trevor Nunn to direct 'A Little Night Music.' Emma Thompson as Desiree?

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#25re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/17/08 at 4:00pm

Judi Dench's rendition is indeed superb. That cast recording is my favorite of this show.


ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#26re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/17/08 at 4:26pm

I've yet to hear a version that has moved me more than Jones', I'm not trying to be an OBCR snob, but the role was written for her and I think every other person that has recorded or performed the song (from my big idols like Bernadette Peters and Julie Andrews to stars like Judi Dench, Frank Sinatra and Glenn Close) comes second best, IMO.
And yes, Desiree is one of those roles that even someone with no singing abilities like Lauren Bacall could have played. Thompson is a fantastic actress and has exactly the qualities needed for the role. Anette Bening would be another great choice.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#27re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/17/08 at 6:25pm

This is going to be at that Chocolate Factory place, so does it mean we'll have to suffer through another criminally reduced orchestra playing the loveliest music ever written for musical theatre? And Trevor Nunn directing, I wouldn't wish that on any show. After the unspeakable horror of that OKLAHOMA (which Nunn seemed to have mistaken with SWEENEY TODD) and that interminable ROCK AND ROLL (a good 45 minutes could have been cut by eliminating the blackouts between scenes), I can't imagine sitting through this, even with Emma Thompson.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

#28re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/17/08 at 8:00pm

I wholeheartedly agree about Annette Benning! I believe someone on ATC mentioned Natasha Richardson, which I also love.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#29re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/17/08 at 8:32pm

Glynis Johns did something so unique with the "I thought that you'd want what I want - Sorry, my dear" that I haven't heard that particular lyric ever delivered as well. I honestly think that singing that line wouldn't work.
I only heard Judi Dench (no visual) but her take was a little hyper-emotional for me. I always see Desiree stepping back and realizing what a mistake she has made of the whole thing.

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#30re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/18/08 at 9:48am

B3TA07 states he 'didnt know she could sing'! She originated the role of Sally in 'Me And My Girl in London's revival that won all the awards that year over '42nd St and ran for 9 years' -so successful was that very production that we sent it to Broadway for 3 years!

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

#31re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/18/08 at 10:05am

Wow - I'd love to see that.

Am I having some kind of a flashback - or do I remember Emma Thompson singing on an episode of Cheers? Playing some kind of kid's entertainer. Or was that Frasier? Or something else? Gotta stop taking those drugs.

#32re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/18/08 at 12:48pm

Let's hope Trevor Nunn trusts the material ... although that's a big wish.

Thompson would be divine. Cast Dench this time as Mme Armfeldt.

Scripps2 Profile Photo
#33re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 2/23/08 at 8:14am

"They need a great Frederick to play opposite Emma!"

Kenneth Branagh perhaps?

#34re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 11:43am

You are right: Emma Thompson sang in an episode of Cheers. She played a children's entertainer a concert of whose Lillith makes Frasier attend with their son. It turns out that she is Frasier's, never before mentioned, first wife. She sings in Cheers itself to the assmbled drinkers, clearly singing just to Frasier. I think the song was "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face@ but I am not sure.

Before that, she starred in the West End musical "Me and My Girl". SO it is perfectly plausible that she would play Desiree. God, I hope it's true, though I have heard nothing for a couple of months.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#35re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:14pm

While I didn't mind the reduced orchestrations for SUNDAY, I must agree with Roscoe. If this show is revived, I would love to hear the full orchestrations (played by a large orchestra hopefully). They're too beautiful to neglect.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#36re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:40pm

"Cast Dench this time as Mme Armfeldt."

I want Angela Lansbury!! Get that awesome lady in a musical again, she can do it! I've been watching Murder, She Wrote lately and LOVING it!

best12bars Profile Photo
#37re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:50pm

My ideal casting for a first-class revival would be Annette Bening as Desiree, Gary Oldman as Frederik and Judi Dench as Madame Armfeldt.

And Trevor Nunn would have nothing to do with it.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#38re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:04pm

After seeing the 2004 production with the LA Opera, I doubt I'll see another professional production. Part of the cast:

Fredrika Armfeldt - Kristen Bell / Ashley Rose Orr
Madame Armfeldt - Zoe Caldwell
Henrik Egerman - Danny Gurwin
Anne Egerman - Laura Benanti
Fredrik Egerman - Victor Garber
Petra - Jessica Boevers
Desiree Armfeldt - Judith Ivey
Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm - Marc Kudisch
Countess Charlotte Malcolm - Michelle Pawk

But the real reason I'll probably leave that experience alone in my memory is because of the orchestra. To hear that score performed as it should be was worth everything.

#39re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:21pm

The Shaw Festival is doing A Little Night Music this year. Fro those of you who want to see a wonderful production, I recommend this one. The assembled cast is an excellent one.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#40re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:25pm

Wasn't Kristen Bell like 24 when she played Fredrika? I know she reads way younger but I thought the role was more designed for an actual child. At that age she would have been more appropriate for Anne. Did she at least understudy the role?
I'd love to see that LA cast come to Broadway though, except I'd replace Ivey with Bening, Thompsom, or Sreep.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#41re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:34pm

Ray - the LA production was actually a west coast staging of the 2003 revival at the New York City Opera, with the following cast:

Mr. Lindquist - Michael Chioldi
Mrs. Nordstrom - Anna Christy
Mrs. Anderson - Lauren Skuce
Mr. Erlanson - James Schaffner
Mrs. Segstrom - Stephanie Woodling
Fredrika Armfeldt - Anna Kendrick
Madame Armfeldt - Claire Bloom
Frid, her butler - Quentin Maré
Henrik Egerman - Danny Gurwin
Anne Egerman - Kristin Huxhold
Fredrik Egerman - Jeremy Irons
Petra - Jessica Boevers
Desiree Armfeldt - Juliet Stevenson
Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm - Marc Kudisch
Countess Charlotte Malcolm - Michelle Pawk
Malla - Raven Wilkinson
Osa - Kristen Garver
Ensemble - Brian Keith Allen, Walter Hershman, Roddy Kinter, Collin McGee,
Keith Partington, Raul Reyes, John Henry Thomas, Mike Timoney

And quite honestly, I don't remember Ms. Bell. Ms. Ivey was ok, but definitely not the strength of the cast. Kudisch and Garber were exceptional. And I have no objectivity with Ms. Caldwell re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'

Again, though, the real highlight for me was hearing the score with a full symphony orchestra - simply astounding and perfectly beautiful.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#42re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:50pm

Close Ray. She was 22 when she did it in D.C. Though, she still can play a teenager at 28, so she's an exception I think. When I saw it in Seattle in 2001 the Fredricka was the exact age she should be and she lacked a certain intelligence that I think the adult Bell was able to give to the role.

This show needs to come to Broadway A.S.A.P. We've been toyed with too long! Close, Thompson, I dont' care! Cast whoever they want and bring it in!

BillFinn Profile Photo
#43re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:54pm

Does the Meiner have a revolve? Spin it up, boys.

Can he please cast Louise Dearman in this? That girl is gold.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.
Updated On: 4/19/08 at 01:54 PM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#44re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 2:06pm

I honestly can't imagine Ivey being more than "okay" in a role like Desiree.
I'm not surprised to hear Kudisch and Garber were exceptional though, I would die to see them play those roles. I can just imagine what their "It Would Have Been Wonderful" was like.
I have listened to Benanti singing "Soon" from the Wall to Wall Sondheim album and I really enjoy it, though again, I'd love to see Bell as Anne even if she probably doesn't have the vocal range to sing it.
Bobby, did you see Bell as Fredricka? I'm such a huge fan of hers, I wish I could have seen her tackle Sondheim. I just saw the REEFER MADNESS movie last night and was so impressed by her performance.
And I agree, this show needs to be revived NOW. I think Lincoln Center should revive this next season or the one after.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

jewishboy Profile Photo
#45re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 5:16pm

Yes, Lincoln Center would be the perfect venue for this show! I recently saw the Center Stage production and both Polly Bergen and Barbara Walsh were excellent as Madame Armfeldt and Desiree respectively (not to mention two young actors, Sarah Uriate Berry and Josh Young as Petra and Hendrik). I will admit that Thompson does seem pretty perfect for Desiree and although he's probably twice as old as Cariou when he played Fredrik, I would love to see James Naughton in that part.
Updated On: 4/25/08 at 05:16 PM

#46re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 5:25pm

Ooh, I'd love to hear Kristen Bell as Anne.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#47re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 6:04pm

I saw the LA production and thought Kristen Bell was charming. The emotional center of the show was her education about love from Caldwell's wonderful Madame Armfeldt. Garber's energy was low and his voice, weak. It just seemed he was out of practice. Benanti was beautiful, in great voice, but so strong her chastity did seem cruel. Ivey was matronly and pragmatic but professional. Gurwin was in fine voice but too muscular. Pawk was having major vocal problems. Kudisch was all you'd want. Boevers was good. It was a light opera kind of production but yes wonderful to hear.

#48re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 7:41pm

If anyone wants some info on the menier chocolate factory's technical specs, and then what the show's gonna be like, the menier is absolutely tiny, so the show's not likely to be very big at all. It's a 200 seat theatre, with a rather small stage. No chance of revolving stages here, but to be honest I'm not sure whether the factory can house more than a 5 piece orchestra, it's normally very small in there. but possibly they'll have a bigger band, I hope.

#49re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
Posted: 4/19/08 at 11:52pm

The Menier is indeed tiny, so I think a small orchestra is excusable there. But there really was no excuse for having the exact same orchestrations on Broadway for Sunday in the Park With George, and there definitely won't be for A Little Night Music, either. That show demands a lush, romantic sound.

Emma Thompson! Be still my heart!
