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Twelfth Night - Shakespear In The Park- Page 7

Twelfth Night - Shakespear In The Park

jordangirl Profile Photo
#150re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/16/09 at 6:21am

I got there a little before 4 and was 4th in line on Sunday night. I'd say by 5 there were probably 35-40 people in line at least. I'm not sure how far down the line they got in distributing tickets ~ the initial stack was not large (looked to be maybr 10-15 tickets), and for that night they didn't have any vouchers to worry about. That was a gorgeous night. If it's a questionable weather night, you might be in luck for getting there later.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#151re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/16/09 at 1:04pm

0-1 on the virtual line for today. Will try again another day (and again and again).

April Saul
#152re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 1:25am

Hit it on my first try on the virtual line this afternoon and saw the show tonight! Loved seeing so many of my favorite performers and thought everyone did a good job...only complaints were that the show is a bit long--blame that one on Shakespeare?--and it was quite chilly, people were wrapping themselves in blankets and drinking coffee...but seemed like in general it wasn't very hard to get in there tonight. People were able to get tix in the morning as late as 9:30 AM, most of the people in the cancellation line seemed to do well, and I wasn't the only first-timer who won on the virtual line. I think this'll be way harder to see after the reviews and the weather warms up, so I'd do it pretty soon...

#153re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 3:00am

I got on the line at around 10am this morning and got tickets, and it looked like a fair number of people behind me were going to get them too -- despite the fact that it was a so-called "limited distribution" performance.

I thought the production was very good; it works from beginning to end, milks much of the comedy from the story, and is carried along by swift direction and able performances. For me the MVP was Audra McDonald (is there anything she can't do?) who provided the most fiercely animate, entertaining and surprising Olivia I've ever seen...coolly stern one moment and deliciously giddy the next, and not a single line of the language was lost in her delivery.

The audience really ate up the scenes involving Hamish Linklater, Julie White, and Jay O. Sanders, who are all superb (particularly Linklater - pricelessly clueless as Aguecheek). They get the funniest scenes in the play and they more than do them justice. You miss them when they're offstage.

Anne Hathaway fits in just fine -- you never doubt she belongs there with the rest of them and she got her share of laughs -- but Viola is something of a thankless role amid the comic hijinks and emotive gymnastics that many of the other characters get to sink their teeth into. Ditto that for Orsino played by Raul Esparza, who all but disappears in Act Two until the end when you'd practically forgotten he was in the play altogether.

Michael Cumpsty's Malvolio is not the funniest nor the most moving one I've ever seen, but neither does he bore. David Pittu as Feste gets several tuneful and haunting songs, supported by a quintet of onstage musicians which are seamlessly integrated into the action.

The design of the production is rather simple -- we're in a pasture of rolling green hills -- and the attractive costumes suggest something like early 1800s.

Overall it may approach the material with little in the way of fresh ideas, but it is a very funny, very satisfying production of the play with little to complain about.

Updated On: 6/17/09 at 03:00 AM

Mrfreeze Profile Photo
#154re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 5:25am

I just go here not so long ago and I was 4th in line, but ppl are starting to come.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#155re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 5:34am

It's suppose to be a gorgeous day today...I suspect the line will be nuts.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#156re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 7:08am

I didn't see the show last night, but I waited outside the Delacorte for a friend who was (seeing the show). Heard a significant chunk of Act 2. The music sounds lovely.

As my friend and I were chatting, we noticed Anne Hathaway sign stuff and take photos for nearly every single person around. My friend said she was really good.

I'll be seeing it this weekend.

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#157re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 8:10am

"The audience really ate up the scenes involving Hamish Linklater, Julie White, and Jay O. Sanders, who are all superb (particularly Linklater - pricelessly clueless as Aguecheek). They get the funniest scenes in the play and they more than do them justice. You miss them when they're offstage."

Really dug this production, but these three gave by far the broadest performances of the ensemble, making this the "biggest" and silliest production of TWELFTH NIGHT I've seen. Still, what Linklater and Sanders were doing worked for the play, while White (who I generally love) confused the s**t out of me, in regards to what she was doing.

It's almost as if she realized she has a thankless part, so she played everything wiiiiildly over-the-top, shrieking everything as if she was still in TRANSFORMERS 2. The audience was laughing and applauding at everything she was doing because she was loud and "funny," but my whole group -- who were actually familiar with the source material -- just kept giving each other puzzled looks. Seriously misguided performance.

The highlights of the production for me were Audra McDonald (obviously) and David Pittu (taking a familiar "fool" part and imbuing it with warmth) -- both lighting up the stage whenever they appeared.

SingingCats Profile Photo
#158re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 11:55am

I can't wait to see this at some point - just need to find the right day.

#159re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 12:58pm

" Really dug this production, but these three gave by far the broadest performances of the ensemble, making this the "biggest" and silliest production of TWELFTH NIGHT I've seen. Still, what Linklater and Sanders were doing worked for the play, while White (who I generally love) confused the s**t out of me, in regards to what she was doing.

It's almost as if she realized she has a thankless part, so she played everything wiiiiildly over-the-top, shrieking everything as if she was still in TRANSFORMERS 2. The audience was laughing and applauding at everything she was doing because she was loud and "funny," but my whole group -- who were actually familiar with the source material -- just kept giving each other puzzled looks. Seriously misguided performance. "

I think this is overstating it a bit. The performances were certainly rowdy but broad they were not, at least in my judgement. They were interesting and specific throughout. Compared to some of the other things I've seen her in, I thought Julie White was pretty subdued. She was never shrill or excessive, at least at the performance I caught.

Mrfreeze Profile Photo
#160re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 1:11pm

I have an extra tic for tonight if anybody s interested. It s sec m row r. Drop me an email

#161re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 1:13pm

0-2 again. And today should be a splendid one weather-wise.
Enjoy, all you lucky virtual-liners and all who sat "like patience on a monument." (See, I know my 12th N!)

Mrfreeze Profile Photo
#162re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 2:04pm

Ticket is gone...

winston89 Profile Photo
#163re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 2:22pm

What time should I try the cancelation line for tonight?

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

aliciag Profile Photo
#164re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/17/09 at 2:48pm

I don't know how much help this will be, but I would try to get there as early as possible. I went on Saturday and got in line a little before 6:30 with at least 30 people in front of me. But Saturday also had pretty bad weather so there weren't as many people lining up and more tickets for stand-by. Today is looking to be a lot nicer so I would think by at least 5, but even that might not be enough (especially judging by an earlier thread post by Jordangirl).

Best of luck!

#165re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 2:58am

I got in line at 8:20am and got tickets almost in the back, but this definitely wasn't an insane situation the way it was when I did Hair. (That time I ended up going to lunch, coming back, and sitting in the standby line until 8 for a grand total of 8 hours of waiting. Good times.)

Anyway, now I'm sleepy so I'm just going to say I agree with Ryan4's review. And while I was there I kept thinking about how much Em must have enjoyed Esparza in his various costumes. :P

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#166re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 10:33am

Aww, I am honored. (And enjoy I did! Even when he looked like Napoleon.)

A work of art is an invitation to love.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#167re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 10:51am

I realized that I never posted what I thought of the show. Briefly:

I'm a little conflicted. On one hand, this being the first time I'd seen Twelfth Night, I thought it was lovely. It's fun, I laughed a lot, and the whimsical sort of romance is definitely there. That much, I think Daniel Sullivan got just fine. I thought Audra was fantastic. Anne is adorable, and very natural, and sings quite well. I completely see why everyone is talking about Hamish Linklater. I also enjoyed David Pittu a lot, even if his casting was sort of obvious, really didn't mind Julie White, and adored the score. The music was definitely a highlight.

Yet on the other hand, I'm also disappointed with some of Sullivan's choices to play it so safe and by-the-book. Overall, I'd rather see something like this done by-the-book than under some crazy, weird, wacky concept just for concept's sake, but, while I do wish it had been a little sexier on the whole because it is in so many ways a play about lust, my big disappointment with this production actually comes with Orsino. And it's not because of Raul; I have wanted to see Raul perform Shakespeare since the very first time I saw him act. He has a way with language that is so perfectly suited for Shakespeare's writing. I have waited years for this -- and it was worth the wait. Not only is he doing Shakespeare, he's singing it; and I think he's doing beautifully with what he has. But, I feel like what he has isn't making use of what he'd be able to do with an otherwise rather thankless role. I wanted to see more conflict, more pining, more attraction coming from Orsino re: Cesario. But it seems like Sullivan really kept that very toned down, so, in the end when everyone finds out that Viola is a girl, it comes off as, "Oh, you're a girl? Well, I love you now!" as opposed to the idea of, "Oh, you're a girl? Okay, I love you. And it's okay for me to love you now" that I had expected. As it stands, Orsino's confession of love feels somewhat out of nowhere, and lacking in the depth I'd expected it would have. Raul did a handful of interviews where he talked about all of the sexuality confusion and gender identity issues in the play (that Time Out mixtape article, for example), so that led me to believe it would really play a big part in the show. Like I said, I hadn't seen or read the play before this, but based on various synopses and said interviews, I had just assumed that Orsino being in love with what he believes to be a man was going to play a fairly large part in his arc, and instead felt we didn't really see enough of it. I'm usually a big fan of Sullivan's work -- and I know he can do controversial. So I'm not really sure what's up here. But I feel like he has an opportunity to DO something with this role that's generally seen as useless and unforgiving, and an actor who can handle the task, and he's not making good on it.

So, I don't know. That may be terribly naive and off-base to people more finely versed in Shakespeare than I am, but there you have it. All of that being said, on the whole, I do think it's immensely enjoyable and will be going back at least once more.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/18/09 at 10:51 AM

BroadwayAbridged Profile Photo
#168re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 11:11am

@luv: Well put. It is a very safe production. It's a good safe production (I'm under the belief that Shakespeare's comedies should actually make you laugh), but it is safe. I found the set to be my biggest complains safe-wise, it didn't seem to attempt to root the story in any time or place at all. And I thought Raul was great at the Shakespearean dialogue; I'm surprised I hadn't seen him do it before. The truth is, most of the "love story" connections weren't very believable. I only somewhat minded this because I thought most of the comedy worked, but no, I wasn't convinced that really anyone was in love with anyone else except for reasons of convenience.

- Gil

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#169re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 4:36pm

Oh, yeah, hearing him take on that language was beautiful. He's got such a knack for interpreting linguistically rich writing, and that much totally exceeded my expectations. He hasn't done Shakespeare in 15 years or something, but I hope he'll do more of it in the future.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#170re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 10:29pm

I'm now people are claiming that viola, Orsino, and Maria are all thankless roles? On what planet? I think people are confusing how exciting a role is to how much the actors are doing in this production. In other productions, viola and Orsino steal the show and Maria can get some of the biggest laughs while Olivia is forgotten and Andrew seems like a waste. Here Esparza (though beautifully spoken) isn't--in my opinion--is doing little with the riches he has (and I think Emcee is onto something in pointing to direction); Hathaway though a joy to watch and extremely clever, has not yet found the size in the drama of one of Shakespeare's greatest women; and Julie White seems hesitant or directed to not tear into this part with the ferocity that is her comic gift. But the idea that any of these roles is thankless is absurd to me! As actors, there's so much for these people to dig into. If there are thankless roles on Twelfth Night, I point to Antonio, Sebastian, and Fabian.

#171re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 10:56pm

Was the performance rained out tonight?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#172re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 11:13pm

I think that's the point I'm trying to make about Orsino; I've often seen him referenced as being dull and boring and useless, but, it seems to me that if he's played by the book, then, yeah, he's boring and dull, but there's a lot that CAN be done with him. It's not lacking potential, it's untapped potential. And if it's untapped, then he can be kind of thankless, because if you don't use what's at your disposal, there's not much going on. For that, though, I blame the director, because I know they know it's there.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/18/09 at 11:13 PM

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#173re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 11:30pm

Nope, not rained out tonight. It played to a house not much more than half full, though (they moved people from the sides to the middle). They paused for about a 5-10 minute rain delay, and the performance ended at 11:05pm (which was actually earlier than the first show ended, which did not have a rain delay). I was glad I went! It was just as enjoyable as the first time I saw it. And the last song (I forget what it's called, but it's something about rain) got a great reception. re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park

#174re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/18/09 at 11:51pm

Well, I just entered. *fingers crossed* Wish me luck!

2008: Feb. 18- Rent, Feb. 19- Curtains, April 18- Xanadu, April 22- Wicked, April 26- Legally Blonde, May 31- Wicked, June 13- The Little Mermaid, June 28- Wicked and Young Frankenstein, July 2- The Little Mermaid, July 6- A Chorus Line and Legally Blonde, August 16- Xanadu, September 13- Legally Blonde and 13, September 28- Xanadu and Spring Awakening, Oct. 12-GYPSY and [title of show], Oct. 19- Hairspray & Legally Blonde, Nov. 9- Wicked and 13, Dec. 14-13, Dec. 26- Billy Elliot, 2009: Jan 1- Shrek, Jan 2- 13 and Wicked, Jan 4- 13, Feb 17- In The Heights, Feb 19- Billy Elliot, Feb 22- Sweeney Todd (tour), March 28- Mary Poppins, April 4- Mamma Mia!, April 15- Jersey Boys (on tour), April 25- next to normal & 9 to 5 May 1- Billy Elliot, May 3- Spelling Bee (tour), May 8- Chicago, May 21- Wicked, June 6- Everyday Rapture, June 23- The Wiz, June 25- Hair July 15- Shrek, August 9- Wicked, September 7- Rock of Ages, October 11- Next To Normal, October 23- The Marvelous Wonderettes, November 7- Ragtime November 29- Dreamgirls, December 25- Billy Elliot, December 30- Finian's Rainbow, 2010: January 9- Bye Bye Birdie, January 16- Memphis February 17- The Phantom of The Opera, February 18- God of Carnage, March 7- Billy Elliot, March 31- American Idiot
