CPannullo said: "It was announced that Jordan extended her stint as Jenna until November 24.Could Jordin extending until November 24mean that Sara will return after with a week or two of Stephanie Towns playing Jennain between?"
I think these leaves the last 6 weeks as a possibility that Sara returns. If not maybe Jessie comes back to close the show? If anything else, we'll get Torns, which would be a delight to have her close the show.
CPannullo said: "It was announced that Jordan extended her stint as Jenna until November 24.Could Jordin extending until November 24mean that Sara will return after with a week or two of Stephanie Towns playing Jennain between?"
Don’t forget Al Roker is coming back!!
Stand-by Joined: 12/30/17
ACL2006 said: "CPannullo said: "It was announced that Jordan extended her stint as Jenna until November 24.Could Jordin extending until November 24mean that Sara will return after with a week or two of Stephanie Towns playing Jennain between?"
I think these leaves the last 6 weeks as a possibility that Sara returns. If not maybe Jessie comes back to close the show? If anything else, we'll get Torns, which would be a delight to have her close the show."
Just seems to line up to me as Sara’s tour ends on the 26
Jordan is def keeping the role warm for Sara until she ends her tour
Yeah, this all but confirms a Sara return for me. Jordin goes until the 24th, Stephanie Torns will probably do Thanksgiving week's shows, and then Sara makes her return the first week of December. Question I confident enough to buy tickets before a (likely) price increase?
Stand-by Joined: 7/16/19
I was going to try seeing it again after Jordin because I haven't seen many reviews on her performance, but now I don't want to wait so long. And I will be away Thanksgiving week so I'll definitely miss Stephanie Torns if she fills in then. catmandoo seemed to like Jordin alot. Has anyone else seen her? I'm going with someone who hasn't seen the show yet and want to make sure the Jenna is great.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/16/15
For what it's worth, I saw Jordin last week and, although I have no one to compare her to, three of us went and we all thought she was exceptional.
I'd put off seeing the show, having little interest, until a friend really wanted to go. Now, I'm sorry I waited. We all loved it.
Stand-by Joined: 7/16/19
Thanks wolfwriter! Just a few questions.. how was her acting/singing? Specifically during SUTBM. I feel like some actresses kinda oversang it. I loved how Jessie did it (and just her version of Jenna in general) and always compare everyone to her. I guess I'm hesitant because some people didn't like her performance in In the Heights but that was awhile ago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
dadaguza said: "Thanks wolfwriter! Just a few questions.. how was her acting/singing? Specifically during SUTBM. I feel like some actresses kinda oversang it. I loved how Jessie did it (and just her version of Jenna in general)and alwayscompare everyone to her.I guess I'm hesitant because some people didn't like her performance in In the Heights but that was awhile ago."
I'm sorry I have to ask--did you see Alison Luff? Because I still can't get over her singing SUTBM. Absolutely incredible.
Stand-by Joined: 7/16/19
magictodo123 said: "dadaguza said: "Thanks wolfwriter! Just a few questions.. how was her acting/singing? Specifically during SUTBM. I feel like some actresses kinda oversang it. I loved how Jessie did it (and just her version of Jenna in general)and alwayscompare everyone to her.I guess I'm hesitant because some people didn't like her performance in In the Heights but that was awhile ago."
I'm sorry I have to ask--did you see Alison Luff? Because I still can't get over her singing SUTBM. Absolutely incredible."
I wanted to but didn’t get a chance because her run was over so quick and it was hard to get tickets during the whole Colleen/Todrick craze. I did see a YouTube video of her singing it and she does have a gorgeous voice. Jessie still just nails it for me. I feel like her version is more subdued than others without all the riffing and belting, making it more poignant imo. Not sure I’m making sense.
I would’ve loved for her to close out the show and see her again but it’s pretty safe to bet it’ll be Sara. Still debating if I should see it with Jordin or wait but I def want to see it a couple more times before it closes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
dadaguza said: "magictodo123 said: "dadaguza said: "Thanks wolfwriter! Just a few questions.. how was her acting/singing? Specifically during SUTBM. I feel like some actresses kinda oversang it. I loved how Jessie did it (and just her version of Jenna in general)and alwayscompare everyone to her.I guess I'm hesitant because some people didn't like her performance in In the Heights but that was awhile ago."
I'm sorry I have to ask--did you see Alison Luff? Because I still can't get over her singing SUTBM. Absolutely incredible."
I wanted to but didn’t get a chance because her run was over so quick and it was hard to get tickets during the whole Colleen/Todrick craze. I did see a YouTube video of her singing it and she does have a gorgeous voice. Jessie still just nails it for me. I feel like her version is more subdued than others without all the riffing and belting, makingit more poignant imo. Not sure I’m making sense.
I would’ve loved for her to close out the show and see her again but it’s pretty safe to betit’ll be Sara. Still debating if I should see it with Jordin or wait but I def want to see it a couple more times before it closes."
Makes sense to me 😊
dadaguza said: "I was going to try seeing it again after Jordin because I haven't seen many reviews on her performance, but now I don't want to wait so long. And I will be away Thanksgiving week so I'll definitely miss Stephanie Torns if she fills in then.catmandoo seemed to like Jordinalot. Has anyone else seen her? I'm going with someone who hasn't seen the show yet and want to make sure the Jenna is great."
I've seen both Alison Luff and Jordin Sparks, and while Alison is definitely my favorite for The Song (She Used To Be Mine), you will not be disappointed with Jordin! She really puts her all into it, and does a great job of embodying Jenna from start to finish, and she has great comedic timing when the role calls for it. If you're a stage door person too, she's also super friendly and it's clear she's really enjoying her return to the stage (which comes through during the show too, to be clear).
I would definitely say that your friend would have a good time if Jordin is their first/only Jenna!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Who thinks Sara will come off an exhausting multi month- multi city tour only to throw herself into a Broadway show with an exhausting 8 shows a week schedule"? Raise your hand if think so...
I'm not raising my hand.
I guess we wait and see. She may but I don't think it's a given..
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
KathyNYC2 said: "Who thinks Sara will come off an exhausting multi month- multi city tour only to throw herself into a Broadway show with an exhausting 8 shows a week schedule"? Raise your hand if think so...
I'm not raising my hand.
I guess we wait and see. She may but I don't think it's a given.."
Thats what makes me hesitate in being like, “Sara will absolutely be the final Jenna” Like would she really jump right into it? The only thing is, if she isn’t the final Jenna...who will be?
Looks like Stephanie Torns is leaving the cast. I'm not sure how to link her post from Instagram but I can't tell if this is her last scheduled performance as Jenna or if she is leaving the cast and her usual ensemble track.
Either way, she's an absolute gem! Such a great Jenna (and Elphaba!)
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
steven22 said: "Looks like Stephanie Torns is leaving the cast. I'm not sure how to link her post from Instagram but I can't tell if this is her last scheduled performance as Jenna or if she is leaving the cast and her usual ensemble track.
Either way, she's an absolute gem! Such a great Jenna (and Elphaba!)"
I doubt she’s leaving, I think she just won’t have anymore scheduled Jennas?
I can't imagine Torns would leave the show now. She's an OBC and I just can't imagine she'd up and leave 3 months before the show closes. I'd take it that this was her last scheduled performance as Jenna.
If you read the post carefully, she is referring to the pink waitress costumes that they use during Breast Cancer awareness month every year. She is staying with the show until closing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
steven22 said: "Looks like Stephanie Torns is leaving the cast. I'm not sure how to link her post from Instagram but I can't tell if this is her last scheduled performance as Jenna or if she is leaving the cast and her usual ensemble track.
Either way, she's an absolute gem! Such a great Jenna (and Elphaba!)"
She was on most of this week. She was referring to the last time to wear the pink Waitress uniform (barring any last minute emergency.).
Stand-by Joined: 12/30/17
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
I don't think we'll get a Jenna announcement until next month, closer to the end of Jordin's run.
Also...does this mean either Caitlin or Christopher Fitzgerald would also close out the show, or have they announced a final performance date for themselves?
Stand-by Joined: 12/30/17
magictodo123 said: "I don't think we'll get a Jenna announcement until next month, closer to the end of Jordin's run.
Also...does this mean either Caitlin or Christopher Fitzgerald would also close out the show, or have they announced a final performance date for themselves?"
Not sure. I know Caitlin is involved with Girl From North Country and Chris Fitzgerald is involved with Company
Well, Company rehearsals doesn't begin until January, right? He can do it.