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Upcoming Waitress casting- Page 6

Upcoming Waitress casting

#125Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/30/19 at 6:51pm

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "“Alison is criminally underappreciated right now”

Every single person under the age of 20 online keeps going on and on about how “amazing” “outstanding” “incredible” she is and that “she’s the BEST Jenna”. She’s far from underappreciated, if anything she’s getting overhyped.

She’s a fine Jenna, but her performance is pretty standard. I personally didn’t get half of the layers in the character as I did with other actresses. She sings the score as a musical theatre actor does. She’s not bad by any means, but the way kids are describing her performance is really surprising.


Im sorry, I didn’t realize people weren’t allowed to state what they think about an actor? Can we stop saying you have to be a certain age to appreciate a certain performance?? You can be any age and appreciate Alison’s performance, and you should be able to have your own opinion. You don’t have to be under a certain age to appreciate her or think she’s amazing. 🙄 Stop blaming people’s ages (I’m over 20, just saying). 

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#126Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/30/19 at 6:57pm

I saw it a few nights ago - I loved Todrick and Allison. Todrick isn’t the best but he was charming and HOLY MOLY could he sing. Allison is gorgeous. Not my favorite (Nicolette is) but I liked her better than a few of the jennas I saw.

I’m sure Colleen is a nice person and she obviously has a great career but I was not into her Dawn at all. Her signing voice was fine but that speaking voice (which cannot be her real voice, it was oddly pitched) was unbearable.

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#127Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/30/19 at 6:58pm

No one said you couldn’t state your opinion...? I was just stating mine. I also never said any of the things you’re mentioning. Per usual, magictodo123, you’re getting riled up about things that haven’t been said or brought up in the first place.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#128Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/30/19 at 7:48pm

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "No one said you couldn’t state your opinion...? I was just stating mine. I also never said any of the things you’re mentioning. Per usual, magictodo123, you’re getting riled up about things that haven’t been said or brought up in the first place."

"Every single person under the age of 20 online keeps going on and on " You literally talked about peoples age here. 

"Per usual"? Please. 

#129Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/31/19 at 4:31am

I haven’t seen Alison as Jenna, but I do love the vid of her singing SUTBM they just released. She sounds gorgeous!

But honestly, I’ve noticed that some of the “Alison is the best Jenna don’t fight me on this” comments on Twitter are from people who haven’t even seen her in the show lol! .... people love to jump on bandwagons and right now it’s the “Alison is criminally overlooked” one that’s getting steam. Which is probably true considering Waitress are still using the Shoshana playbills apparently, ugh!

This is not to say she isn’t a great Jenna btw! I just find it amusing that a lot of the comments are from people who haven’t even seen her in the show

#130Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/31/19 at 9:11am

WestEndGal said: "I haven’t seen Alison as Jenna, but I do love the vid of her singing SUTBM they just released. She sounds gorgeous!

But honestly, I’ve noticed that some of the “Alison is the best Jenna don’t fight me on this” comments on Twitter are from people who haven’t even seen her in the show lol! .... people love to jump on bandwagons and right now it’s the “Alison is criminally overlooked” one that’s getting steam. Which is probably true considering Waitress are still using the Shoshana playbills apparently, ugh!

This is not to say she isn’t a great Jenna btw! I just find it amusing that a lot of the comments are from people who haven’t even seen her in the show

I'm not totally sure about this but I think she has been on the Playbills now since Tuesday? I think she has her own playbill now.  I wish she had one when I saw her for the first time last weekend, but I'll probably get one tonight and I'm excited! I try to see every Jenna so I rushed last weekend to see it with my friend. Both of us loved her :) 

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#131Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/31/19 at 10:14am

magictodo123 said: "WestEndGal said: "I haven’t seen Alison as Jenna, but I do love the vid of her singing SUTBM they just released. She sounds gorgeous!

But honestly, I’ve noticed that some of the “Alison is the best Jenna don’t fight me on this” comments on Twitter are from people who haven’t even seen her in the show lol! .... people love to jump on bandwagons and right now it’s the “Alison is criminally overlooked” one that’s getting steam. Which is probably true considering Waitress are still using the Shoshana playbills apparently, ugh!

This is not to say she isn’t a great Jenna btw! I just find it amusing that a lot of the comments are from people who haven’t even seen her in the show

I'm not totally sure about this but I think she has been on the Playbills now since Tuesday? I think she has her own playbill now. I wish she had one when I saw her for the first time last weekend, but I'll probably get one tonight and I'm excited! I try to see every Jenna so I rushed last weekend to see it with my friend. Both of us loved her :)

They’re actually still using shoshana’s playbill, as of last night. 

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#132Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/31/19 at 10:20am

ChildofEarth said: "Her signing voice was fine but that speaking voice (which cannot be her real voice, it was oddly pitched) was unbearable."

I wouldn't be surprised if the producers made her do the Miranda voice. Like what among other said, Colleen should have been Jenna, especially if producers are desperate for big names. 

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#133Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/31/19 at 2:42pm

Colleen’s portrayal would have been funnier had she actually done the Miranda voice. She’s cute, but everyone else I have seen has done more with the role. However, Colleen is more of a performer for film/TV/video than stage, so it makes sense.

Looks like Alison’s playbill will be out for September.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#134Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 8/31/19 at 4:21pm

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I wouldn't be surprised if the producers made her do the Miranda voice. Like what among other said, Colleen should have been Jenna, especially if producers are desperate for big names."

She would have been a terrible Jenna. She was already breathy and I could hear some strain as Dawn. 8 shows a week as Jenna would destroy her voice for someone who isn't used to the demands.

Anyway, I'm glad Alison is apparently getting her own cover.

#135Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/3/19 at 9:04pm

Alison had her own cover last night. Her vocals are amazing, and sadly the Colleen hype overshadowed her.

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#136Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/3/19 at 11:35pm

Jordin Sparks’ debut performance is the last day available for Broadway Week tickets, in case anyone is interested in that deal.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#137Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/10/19 at 4:56pm

No casting notices that I know of but I just feel like it’s worth mentioning how Jessie is returning for the final Jenna’s Jams

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#138Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/10/19 at 5:02pm

Are we supposed to get Ogie and Dawn soon? Are they doing understudies or something

wish i were here2 Profile Photo
wish i were here2
#139Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/10/19 at 6:21pm

We are also still waiting on an announcement for the new Dr. Pomatter! 

#140Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/10/19 at 7:18pm

CPannullo said: "No casting notices that I know of but I just feel like it’s worth mentioning how Jessie is returning for the final Jenna’s Jams"

Could that mean anything?? Is it at all possible that she could be closing out the show??

steven22 Profile Photo
#141Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/10/19 at 8:18pm

CPannullo said: "No casting notices that I know of but I just feel like it’s worth mentioning how Jessie is returning for the final Jenna’s Jams"

Jessie is coming back?! 

#142Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/10/19 at 8:32pm

No I’m not saying she is. Just questioning why she’s returning for the final Jenna’s Jam session and speculating if maybe there will be an announcement that day

#143Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/10/19 at 10:56pm

Saw it tonight. Alison is the best Jenna since Nicolette and Jessie. Colleen and Todrick were both fantastic and seem to have improved from earlier reports in the run.

And they hosted karaoke, where the final participant was Miranda Sings.

#144Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/11/19 at 12:14am

I was there tonight too, and have to echo that Alison was beyond terrific. She is absolutely worth seeing, and makes the role her own in the best way. Definitely one of my favorite Jennas. She even got a <very very deserved> partial standing ovation after SUTBM. 

Updated On: 9/11/19 at 12:14 AM

#145Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/11/19 at 7:30am

Could it mean anything that Jessie Mueller is appearing on the Jennas Jams with Alison Luff tomorrow? Could that be a way of doing a casting announcement or is it just a coincidence... 

#146Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/11/19 at 11:43pm

This coming Tuesday will be the first time 3 women of color will be playing the lead waitresses in a history making show. Jessie Hooker Bailey will be on as Dawn.

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#147Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/13/19 at 10:47am

Caitlin is coming back as dawn, and mark is extending as Dr. Pom. Charity is also leaving

\_(•_•)_/ Profile Photo
#148Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/13/19 at 12:33pm

mailhandler777 said: "This coming Tuesday will be the first time 3 women of color will be playing the lead waitresses in a history making show. Jessie Hooker Bailey will be on as Dawn. "

Already happened when Nicolette was there. I think theres some pictures out there, but Jessie was Dawn.  

#149Upcoming Waitress casting
Posted: 9/13/19 at 12:51pm

_(•_&bullUpcoming Waitress casting_/ said: "mailhandler777 said: "This coming Tuesday will be the first time 3 women of color will be playing the lead waitresses in a history making show. Jessie Hooker Bailey will be on as Dawn. "

Already happened when Nicolette was there. I think theres some pictures out there, but Jessie was Dawn.

No I don’t believe that’s true. I think they missed each other by a couple of weeks. Nicolette left early December if I remember and I see an Instagram post by Jessie that says she is a principle on broadway for the first time on December 20th. 

Updated On: 9/13/19 at 12:51 PM
