Where was she speaking?
The First Parish Meetinghouse in Cambridge.
"I hardly doubt that Patti would be the kind of person to "fake nice" with someone"
Thanks backwoods, that was the best laugh I had all day, I'm glad someone has a sense of humor in this thread. Sounds like the book of WOTV could use some of that wit and sarcasm. I'm still chuckling.
^ You really think Patti would fake a friendship with someone??? She seems like she would have no problem making it known she doesn't like someone. And she makes that quite clear in her book.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
This thread is crazy!
I'm glad I could jump into the thread late in the game and still stir up a fair amount of drama. I certainly aim to please.
This thread is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Mister sister I think we're already there.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Hi everybody! I'm new here but I've been lurking for years and I saw this thread and knew I had to sign up so I could join in.
In my real life when I am discussing shows I have seen in previews I am always careful not to give away too much because they're still working on things and whatnot. But this thread made me realize my two cents are just as valid as some of the other posters' on here, especially the ones who seem to have a serious, deep bone to pick with the show, such as perhaps they were not hired to be in it or maybe they thought Ms Lupone was looking at them cross-eyed one time, which is really just an illusion that happens when a certain shade of make-up is worn.
When I saw "Women on The Verge" at this Sunday's 3 o'clock matinee, I didn't know much about all of the drama and difficulty, just that a couple of previews had been cancelled but the one we were going to (at a discount) had not been. I certainly didn't click on this thread beforehand because I wanted no spoilers. The only sign of trouble outside the theater was when a man collecting change in a cup said, "I hope today is better. I heard yesterday was bad, real bad."
I got a nervous feeling. As it happens, my date was caught in traffic, so I spent a lot of time outside the theater watching and listening to folks as they went by. The Belasco did the old trick of making people line up down the street, which I always think of as a corny stunt to make a show look "popular." The line stretched down around the corner on 6th and many people walked by the theater in the street itself.
I heard a lot of amusing comments. Four elder ladies who looked like church women went by as one said, "Look at this line, this play must be goooooooood." A young Latina and her somewhat thuggy boyfriend walked by in the other direction as she said, "We should go SEE this one!" What I found was that people read the name of the show on the marquee and had a visceral positive reaction to the title.
I think this bodes well for the marketing of the show. I think there's an audience just waiting to be built. At the time I didn't realize a feature had come out that morning in the Times, but there were two women walking up and down the line BEGGING every single person in line for an extra ticket.
As it happens my date was quite delayed and I thought we would end up being seated as late comers, but it turns out Bart Sher was giving another pre-show speech, but since we missed everything except "We haven't made it all the way through the show yet without having to stop, so if you hear a voice from off-stage, please don't blame the actors." Then some more things and then the lights went down and we didn't miss anything.
I'm not going to go point by point through the show, because I don't think it's fair, and I can understand some people being peedee odeed about the state of the show in the first few previews, but I came out of the Sunday matinee really optimistic about it.
When I got the wind from the pan handler on the street I kept thinking, well, what is it that will make me happy about a decent adaptation of the Almodovar film? And I thought, "if it has the film's open, humanistic heart, I will be happy."
It does.
First of all, it ran through without stopping. I think Act One is coming along nicely, I can think of a few minor changes that might help, some of the projections looked like screen savers, I am assuming something better is coming along. The show is faithful to the characterizations of the film, which I saw when it first came out and again a couple of years ago, so it wasn't piping fresh in my brain but I retained enough to know they've got the general flavor down.
I can not for the life of me understand how somebody could say "The Microphone," Ivan's big number in Act One isn't good. It's terrific. Last year I heard about a study that looked at the mating habits of the moose and it turns out the male moose with the lowest, deepest vocalizations are the ones the females fight over to get them to mate with them. THIS is exactly what the song is about and why Mitchell's, rich, deep voice is perfection for the song. Turns out, there's a parallel attraction in humans to the deep voiced male.
I also loved "Lie to Me," "On the Verge" and most importantly, Laura Benati's "Model Behavior" which is the CLASSIC second banana stealing the show out from under everybody in the great American musical tradition. Just fantastic.
SPOILERS. Anybody who thinks Patti LuPone is being abused and misused in this show should maybe ought to consider getting his or her head examined to find out why it is that that was what they SO wanted to see, they saw it. Cuz that ain't what's happening. In fact, Patti FINALLY gets an entrance down a staircase AND to wear a turban on Broadway.
Act two's not quite as ready to fly. I would say it is one song too long, I would dump the "Island" reprise completely and consider cutting Patti's song "Invisible." The lyrics are fantastically well-written but it slows the proceedings down too much, coming as it does after a lengthy courtroom scene that reveals the deep pathos that is an Almodovar trademark. Also, I realize the song is less about the character than it is about an actress of a certain age getting a wistful number about how she is seen, or not, in the culture. It's a beautiful song, but it doesn't serve the momentum of the show. If that doesn't go, definitely cut the "Island" reprise.
I wasn't a big fan of "Madrid" because it was too hokey old school kind of an act one set up song that they put at the top of act two. I love Danny Burstein, though, he's very engaging.
I think "Tangled" is another REALLY terrific song.
Like the film, the show gets a little muddled when dealing with the frantic screwball chase scene, and the final song, while pretty doesn't seem to come to that kind of kick ass conclusion the show needs. Something that ends act two even better than "On the Verge" ends act one.
I can understand people not enjoying seeing it interrupted, what I can't understand is having a lack of optimism about the show.
Catchy tunes, a light-hearted story, AND A STAGE FULL OF ADULT WOMEN CHARACTERS! I think this show could build a huge audience of women and the gay men who love them and put a female musical presence on Broadway that isn't targeting the tweens. I can not imagine not thinking this is a good thing or coming out of that show without seeing they might get there.
You know, I saw Wicked two days after it opened and three days after it opened if you held a gun to my head and told me to name four other songs in the show and hum the tune to any that isn't one of the two singles or it's curtains, I wouldn't be here posting this thread. My first after lurking here for so many years feeling intimidated by all you theater experts with your theater expertise. You can be so intimidating.
It's always fun to watch diva rumors pop up when groups of women headline entertainment packages, even though it's cultural misogyny at its essence.
I think this show is "on the verge" ha ha of becoming a solid, engaging story with heart, a strong score and excellent performances. I can't imagine being invested in hoping otherwise, but maybe I'm just not that kind of person.
What do I know? I'm new here.
^ So did you really see it or not?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Yes. Sunday's matinee.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Right? I don't trust any newbie in this thread, including Marian the Librarian. I witnessed it first hand, the title of this show alone engenders enormous goodwill in the public at large, and not because they've seen the two-decade old movie. All they have to do is tighten the tech, make a few changes and they could have a Wicked for grown-ups with roles for multiple generations of women.
"Wicked for grown-ups!"
LMAO. That would be an amazing pull quote.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"A 'Wicked' for grown ups that even makes sense, mostly!" -- FindingNamo, Namo's Nook
thank you FindingNamo for bringing a strong opinion, yet remaining positive.
It's amazing how negative some people can be. if you're not a hater, you're a shill? (sigh)
And as for critical thinking, it's ART. There is no right or wrong answer, but one would hope that people were open minded to various approaches of interpreting Spanish culture. (sigh) So I say, long live the Spanish accents. They were fun, and so was the show.
nite nite
Chorus Member Joined: 9/17/09
That's a nice pull-quote, but I still think their marketing strategy should focus on the fact Patti Lupone is put in a harness and flung around the stage.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
She goes up, and then she comes back down. On a swing. It ain't exactly De La Guarda.
And Donthatecongratulate, I don't know who, or what the hell, you are, but the last thing I'm seeking is validation from somebody who joined in the past week.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/17/09
With a lollipop. GAYGASM.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
i saw wicked in san francisco... as it warmed up for new york... it was great... kristin was in a neck brace, some numbers were involved that never got to broadway, but it had great energy, wonderful moments, cohesion, excitement, creativity, etc...
yes, it was still being "worked on"... but it was a SHOW... and one that made you want to see it again...
wicked is quite popular and deservedly so, but some people are not fans.... that does not make it a bad show... they just don't like it... that's cool...
this VERGE thing is insultingly bad... yeah yeah yeah, it's not ready to be seen... but, um, IT IS BEING SEEN... previews are ticketed performances... shows are normally QUITE ready for their preview performances...
yes, previews are a risk... if you buy your ticket before you know anything about the show's status... you've made your bet... some pay off... some don't...
that is what is great about a board like this... some people will save their money... they have information from people who have seen it... they can make a better decision...
my advice -- DON'T SEE IT!!!
many have vilified me on this board... and that is their folly... ironically, most of my detractors have not seen the show!!! but, that is another story..
i make it a rule to NEVER defend myself... i tell my story... and you may do what you like with it... but, i will remind you... i do not wish bad on the show... i pray for new and successful musicals to arrive on broadway...
in this case, i LOVE the source material... LOVE IT... i have seen the movie many many times... its a delight...
they failed...
who knows why? we may never know... but it is a BIG FAIL...
besides all the details i gave earlier... the bottom line was... I WAS BORED.... plain ol' BORED... i NEVER got "chills"... not once... i LOVE clapping loud and hard when i love a number... i could barely raise my hands... and when i clapped it was out of pity for the performer... that is sad...
also, as you know, i walked out... just strolled out... a papaya dog held more interest for me than the rest of act 2... you called me "a HATER'.. no, i just know the show's entertainment value compared to a papaya dog!
i have done some acting, but i do not currently act... whenever is see a show, i tend to leave with some envy... i am excited and a tad jealous of the fun the cast is having and the fact that they are involved in a cool/entertaining project...
in this case, i left and i truly felt bad... you have mocked me for saying that.. that's cool... but i view them all in a terribly stressful situation... stressed and crazed for, well,
it may open... it may linger... the names will draw people... but... then people will see it... they will leave hollow... or saying "hopeful" things like this guy who posted above me...
this is not what broadway is about... making excuses, hoping for the best...
it should BE the BEST...
or we should be DISAPPOINTED.
celebrating and coddling mediocrity won't help anything!!!
Are we having a competition to see who can post the longest comment in this thread?
lmao @ WiCkEDrOcKS - I was wondering the same thing...
"And Donthatecongratulate, I don't know who, or what the hell, you are, but the last thing I'm seeking is validation from somebody who joined in the past week."
wooooooow Namo, I was paying you a COMPLIMENT. Boy there are some angry queens on this site..........
you & kyle4 should date and have satan's baby..........
anyway, i thought the show was great
No, I think it's a competition to see who... can use... the... most... ellipses.
Congratulations Kyle!...You...w...i...n!...