Stand-by Joined: 2/13/09
I have a shadow, now. How cool.
Just caught up on this wacky thread. Thanks for all the laughs, gang.
New shows always bring new posters, and most of the new characters here seem like they'll fit right in. Kyle is a little annoying, but I wouldn't put him on the level of a CountA.
That other one donthatewhatever is a total douche bag however. Here's some free advice from a long time poster who has seen tons of similarly obnoxious posters come and go:
once you admit to being a shill, the more disagreeable you are, the more you're being counter productive in encouraging support for your show.
As far as the actual show goes, I'm still really excited to see it. I rarely base my decisions on what to see from BWW member reviews. I appreciate them as opinions, but don't put a lot of stock in them. And I would include my own reviews in that same category and wouldn't advise anyone to take what I say as gospel. It is always just my
Btw, this had me laughing hard:
The only sign of trouble outside the theater was when a man collecting change in a cup said, "I hope today is better. I heard yesterday was bad, real bad."
Namo FTW.
What makes me giggle is that everyone he did not like the show is apprently (according to people on here) someone who got turned down for a part in the show lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It's an implication, songanddanceman, a theme.
As for my post being long, I agree, the last thing this place needs is detailed analysis and thought supporting one's position.
And dontwhatever, I know you were "paying me a compliment" but what you were trying to do was join with me and I think you're a nozzle so I declined.
ETA Kyle, it was people who posted their enthusiasm for Wicked in San Francisco and who went on and on about what a great show it was going to be and how it was not to be missed that I bought two full price tickets for two nights after it opened on Broadway. It is because of people with that opinion that I wasted my money. I had my doubts about Schwartz going in, but since I admired the flawed but clever source material and the two leads, how bad could it be. I thought it was awful, just awful.
What I think about Women on the Verge is that people who have tickets later on should not be worried by what they read here. I find it much more likely that Women will get tighter and smoother like the face of many actresses of a certain age as time goes on. Unlike Wicked, which San Francisco fans assure me somehow got worse and worse with changes that happened between SF and NYC.
If Wicked's more to your liking than Women on the Verge, that's a matter of taste. For people who are open to stories about grown up women as opposed to grown up women playing college girls as tweens, then I say they shouldn't panic if they're ticket holders to this show.
Swing Joined: 10/10/10
What a nice thing to wake up. Being made fun of by FindingNamo. God, I hate the internet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Then stop posting here. It's only been two days. No one will even miss you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
On a side note, my first husband was stolen out from under me (almost literally) by a bearded librarian from San Francisco. So there's the librarian thing and then the obligatory "I've been lurking here a long time" theme to distract from the shilling and it's all too much so I vote you just quit the internet all together.
Pearls and tampons, y'all...keep 'em comin'!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Since most of the people in this thread are men, isn't going on about tampons kind of sexist and misogynistic?
I'm not even sure why I'm reading this thread, let alone posting. I like Bart Sher and much of the cast, and I enjoyed the film when it came out (what was it, 30 years ago?).
But David Yazbek has never impressed me as being anything more than an enthusiastic garage band member, and Lane's book for Scoundrels was hack work, much in line with his hack work writing for a few weekly tv shows long, long ago - I don't see either possessing the art, craft, or skill required to turn an interesting and eccentric little movie into a first-rate new piece of musical theatre, in command of the possibilities the theatre has to offer. And, although it sounds like he has nothing to do here, Gatelli's work has never even registered in the five shows I've seen featuring his stuff.
So, because of my lack of faith in the writers, I anticipate giving this one a miss. But I guess I still have a bit of interest in hearing some detailed opinions (rather than just "I love it!" or "I hate it!").
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Well, when one gives detailed descriptions here one is vulnerable to criticism for writing long.
411 posts and over 68,000 views of this thread, which has only been around for 4.5 days. This may be some kind of record.
Interesting that the weekend grosses showed an average ticket price of $61.66 (must have been a lot of LCT members) and a percent capacity of 91%, even though people were told that the show was sold out over the weekend (and tickets were not available on Telecharge, either). Maybe they were holding some seats, but a 10% discrepancy is pretty big. I wonder if the listed potential capacity is accurate. Is the show configured to reduce the seating capacity, or does the renovated Belasco have fewer seats than the old Belasco?
Any production photos yet?
Seeing the show tonight, how is the stage door situation? Also is the stage door to the right or left of the front of the theater?
Wow. I've been away from this board too long -- I don't even know who CountA is. That bad huh? As bad as TooDarnHot?
Anyway, looking forward to more opinions on this show as folks get out to see it.
I'm seeing the matinee on Saturday. I am very nervous for all involved -- nothing worse than watching people on stage being uncomfortable and unsure of the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Dunno what the new seating capacity is, Mikem. The 91% issue is odd, too. I still think the Hunter/Jen/Tony threads still have this one beat, though.
Count A well may be TooDarnHot, Eos. He's been Chanticleer and a few others.
Bundy, the stage door is essentially the big black gates to the left of the lobby.
Mimi, why be nervous about seeing a show? Many people have liked it, and think it just needs the kinks ironed out. Just enjoy yourself, and form your own opinion.
Updated On: 10/12/10 at 02:50 PM
I love David Yazbek (my favorite show of ALL TIME is Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) so I am actually very excited. I'll post my review after I see Women on Saturday.
Has this thread been on yet?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Dunno. I never read his crap.
Me neither, but it's not a truly legendary thread unless it goes from Perez Hilton to Entertainment Weekly to the Advocate.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
"BWW News Desk" is the only source I trust!
Stand-by Joined: 3/29/07
I was at the Sunday Matinee performance and I have to say, I don't think I have ever..EVER been the least bit bored when I am at a show. I am a young aspiring actress so just about every show I have seen on Broadway seems to engage me and I am not very critical of anything. This was different. I thought the first half of act 1 was dreadful and boring. I loved getting to see such legendary performers live, and that was all that kept me engaged through the first half of act 1. From model behavior on, I loved it! Thats just my little bit of input coming from someone who isn't very critical of theatre.
Oh and stage-door wise, every one comes out, Pattie was so gracious and signed for everyone but kindly said no to pics as she was headed to a wedding reception as she had already missed the ceremony. Sherie Renee Scott was the only one not to sign, although I was expecting that. She walked out with a medium sized pot of flowers..must have been given to the cast and quietly walked out, making it clear she couldn't sign b/c of the flowers..I feel like maybe she will bring those everyday to avoid signing?
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/09
I hear that Yazbek, Lane and Sher have read this thread and have changed the show accordingly. Wow, really goes to show how important everyone's opinions are...