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Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...

Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...

SingItOutLoud Profile Photo
#1Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 7:32pm


Shows I wanna see: Shrek, Billy Elliot (again), Hair, In The Heights (again)

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#2re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 7:33pm

What song is that line from?

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

philly03 Profile Photo
#2re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 7:37pm

Quite possibly the weirdest/most bizarre/strange lyric I've heard in a show comes from Leslie Bricusse and Frank Wildhorn (I don't know which one wrote it):

"To kill outside St. Paul's, requires a lot of balls."

-"Murder, Murder" - Jekyll & HYDE

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#3re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 7:59pm

"With condos on the top, whose rent keeps open our shop."

morosco Profile Photo
#4re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 8:02pm

Who do you think you are, barging in on me and my guitar?

#5re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 8:11pm

From my upcoming musical entitled "Anal Retentive Hobo"

"Why is that hobo's carboard box nicer than ours?
Atleast we don't bathe with rats under the stars"

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#6re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 8:14pm

"Who. Do you. Think you are?"
By Patti LuPone in Gypsy

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#7re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/7/09 at 9:01pm

I'm always slightly weirded out in Les Miserables when Javert sings, "They will wet themselves with blood." Particularly when he's making the creepy-looking faces in my avatar...

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

#8re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 7:25pm

Would you like a slice?

That might be nice,
But frankly, it would give me gas

-It couldn't please me more (Cabaret)

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

TimesSquareRegular Profile Photo
#9re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 8:31pm

"....goose never be a peacock" has always been a favorite of mine, along with "no garlic tonight".

(Yes, actually song titles, I know.)

2016 These Paper Bullets (1/02) Our Mother's Brief Affair (1/06), Dragon Boat Racing (1/08), Howard - reading (1/28), Shear Madness (2/10), Fun Home (2/17), Women Without Men (2/18), Trip Of Love (2/21), The First Gentleman -reading (2/22), Southern Comfort (2/23), The Robber Bridegroom (2/24), She Loves Me (3/11), Shuffle Along (4/12), Shear Madness (4/14), Dear Evan Hansen (4/16), American Psycho (4/23), Tuck Everlasting (5/10), Indian Summer (5/15), Peer Gynt (5/18), Broadway's Rising Stars (7/11), Trip of Love (7/27), CATS (7/31), The Layover (8/17), An Act Of God (8/31), The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (8/24), Heisenberg (10/12), Fiddler On The Roof (11/02), Othello (11/23), Dear Evan Hansen (11/26), Les Liaisons Dangereuses (12/21) 2017 In Transit (2/01), Groundhog Day (4/04), Ring Twice For Miranda (4/07), Church And State (4/10), The Lucky One (4/19), Ernest Shackleton Loves Me (5/16), Building The Wall (5/19), Indecent (6/01), Six Degrees of Separation (6/09), Marvin's Room (6/28), A Doll's House Pt 2 (7/25) Curvy Widow (8/01)

The Girl In Rubber
#10re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 8:40pm

Elakanamanamanatunatu elakanama...

What does that even mean....?

Jk. I know it's a magic spell.

Lottery Addict
#11re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 8:50pm

"It's Turkey Lurkey Time. Tom Turkey ran away, but he just came home." What?

You've got to see Seth Rudetsky deconstructing Turkey Lurkey Time from Promises Promises.

BroadwayBoy2 Profile Photo
#12re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 8:53pm

I agree 100% with Lottery Addict

I'll have them clawing at eachother, like drag queens at a wig sale"

Byron Abens
#15re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 9:14pm

Pick from any of the ensemble songs in Carrie.

"kill the pig, Billy"

"I think you're the victim of an active gland"

"Don't you know that boys are going blind?
We all need some one who'll lend a hand"

"Bought the clothes,
Did my nose"

singtopher Profile Photo
#16re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 9:22pm

Philly03 and I agree

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#17re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 9:55pm

"When I get free, you won't see me here for dust."

That one's always really confused me. I have about four different possible interpretations I keep alternating between, but all of them are weird. Then again, there are so many odd lyrics in that show anyway.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#18re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 10:03pm

Out of context all of thsoe lines quoted from Carrie make sense to me.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#19re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 10:21pm

"That one's always really confused me. I have about four different possible interpretations I keep alternating between, but all of them are weird."

The phrase "You won't see me for dust" didn't originate with Les Mis, schmerg and tobias. It means that you won't be seen to be leaving, because you're so anxious to be gone that the cloud of dust you create in your wake will obscure your exit, and you'll be long gone before it clears. So, literally, you won't be seen because of the dust.

I have never seen the show, so I can't speak to its lack of rhythm, but knowing the story, I'm pretty sure that's what it means. Sorry if I've misunderstood you and am stating the obvious.

eta: Evita's "A new Argentina, the chains of the masses untied" alway annoyed. Who ties chains?
Updated On: 4/10/09 at 10:21 PM

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#20re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 10:31pm

Ghostlight, thank you so much for the explanation. I was assuming he meant, by the time he got free, he'd be so covered with dust that no one would be able to see him... but obviously that makes no sense.

I agree about the Evita lyric-- I really never thought of that before. Actually, a lot of Tim Rice lyrics are like that... the one I always hated, although I know what Rice means by it, is "For I am ordinary, unimportant/ And undeserving of such attention/ Unless we all are/ I think we all are." It makes it sound as though she means that "we all are" undeserving rather than deserving.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy
Updated On: 4/11/09 at 10:31 PM

#21re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 11:13pm

In Applause, She's No Longer A Gypsy mentions Truman Capote's balls.

#22re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/10/09 at 11:26pm

think twice before you poo-poo it.


Byron Abens
#23re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/11/09 at 12:13am

dramamama, I agree that in context the lyrics from Carrie make sense in terms of character, but that doesn't make them any less weird to hear such things actually being sung.

And I agree that Rent has a lot of odd lyrics, which makes me wonder what sort of shape the show would have been in had Larson lived and been able to continue with re-writes and adjustments. I may be wrong, but I have always gotten the impression that the show was for the most part frozen after his death.

#24re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/11/09 at 9:52am

Spring Awakening - "Baiting some girl with hypotheses"

#25re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/11/09 at 11:04am

"O, I?m gonna be wounded
O, I?m gonna be your wound
O, I?m gonna bruise you
O, you?re gonna be my bruise"

The Word of Your Body (Spring Awakening)
I still to this day don't understand those lyrics. Not just the ones I posted, I don't understand ANY of the lyrics to that song.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#26re: Weirdest Lyrics in a Broadway Show...
Posted: 4/11/09 at 12:08pm

Aww. I've always really like that lyric, even though I can't stand the show. It's the perfect way to describe the fear of jumping into a new relationship: I'm going to end up getting hurt again, but I'm also afraid of hurting you.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."
