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Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal- Page 6

Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#125re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 2:41am

Yes jimny, because Andrea McArdle in Annie is SO comparable to Rapp and Pascal in RENT.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#126re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 2:45am

because Andrea McArdle in Annie is SO comparable to Rapp and Pascal in RENT.

Yes, oh wonderful wizard! Finally, we agree.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#127re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 7:38am

jimnysf wow what a rancid queen

It's mad to see the stage door like that, im sure they will learn for tonight.

The whole age things is completely stupid, where does it say how old they are in the script???

Im 28 and up until a few years ago i was playing a 16 year old in Fame in the UK, it happens all the time.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#128re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 8:26am

Song and dance, you are an absolute fool calling people names. I am sure you were awful in "Fame" or anything else you appeared in.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#129re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 8:44am

haha yes love i was hideous so hideous they kept me in it for over 2 years.

I just get annoyed at all your bitching.Have you nothing better to talk about?

Calling you a rancid queen may have been a bit harsh i agree, but stop acting like one

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

avab802 Profile Photo
#130re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 9:38am

I'm guessing the lotto was slammed. I didn't buy tickets for their run in advance (and really don't want to spend the money), but I'm wondering what my chances will be to win lotto. Maybe I will suck it up and buy standing room.

Anyone know if they are selling standing room when the box office opens in the morning, or if they are not selling it until after lotto? They've changed their policy on that over the years and I'm not sure what it is any more.

Ariella Profile Photo
#131re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 9:43am

Thanks for the reviews, guys. I'm excited.

If things don't settle down, the stagedoor is looking like a definite "no" at this point.

#132re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 9:47am

This girl and guy in front of me were flipping out because they got a picture and autograph from Anthony. They showed it to me in their excitement, I was like "that's great, guys..." lol. I mean, it's feasible if you are literally right in front of the stagedoor. But I don't think anyone was sure exactly where they would be coming out, until the staff came out and formed that little pathway. By then it was too packed to even move to the front

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#133re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 9:51am

I saw them way back in 1997.

They're looking amazing 10 years later.

Not too old at all.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

matjomae Profile Photo
#134re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 10:25am

It'll be really intersting to see if the excitment and madness of sorts contuines throughout their run. I really can't imagine it would, although I am so happy that they were welcomed back so warmly. I am just imagining the tourists who bought tickets for this show not knowing what a big deal last night was. I can just picture them loking around confused as people clapped and screamed for 2 minutes (or however long) at the top of the show.

Still undecided it I will attempt to stagedoor at any point. As much as I usually avoid stagedoors and feel that it is just an uncomfrotable situation, I can't help but want to get a photo with both of those two.

Interesting that they arrived and left the same theater in the same car (I read that correctly right). I wonder if Rent hired them a car for their entire run? High class indeed ; )

I am also interested to see what effect Adam and Anthony's return will have on the Rent ticket sales. I know Rent has been consistently at about 60%-ish capacity recently. Hopefully they will be able to boost it back up to the 80% - 90%.

"Take all of your so-called problems, better put them in quotations.." - JM

RobbO Profile Photo
#135re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 10:26am

amazing show. it was great to finally see adam in person. anthony was hilarious and his chemistry with the actor playing joanne was terrific. joanne was one of my favorites. the actor playing her was absolutely superb. like others said, it took me a bit to warm up to mimi since the hair was throwing me off but i was sold by the time the show ended.

great energy, terrific singing and cute little "moments" like the wiggle adam did in response to tamyra's wiggle with the "no, with my father" line.

anyone know why they changed mimi and maureen's hair and why mark had a different scarf than the one he made famous 11 years ago?


WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#136re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 10:28am

I'll probably go tonight or tomorrow, but I really dislike most of this cast...

#137re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 10:33am

They lottoed off the standing room spots after the regular lotto for the first two rows. No idea if this is going to happen after every lotto, or because there were hundreds of people at the lotto last night. After the lotto, they announced that they would sell $30 (normally $95) tickets for tonight's and Wednesday's shows to the people who lost lotto. So I guess they're not selling as much as we think they are. re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

And regarding Adam and Anthony's car service, I believed they arrived separately, because people started screaming and taking pictures in the lobby when Anthony walked in, while Adam had apparently arrived early enough to avoid that. I didn't even bother attempting stagedoor, so I have no idea if they left together. Regarding cars, Tamyra Grey also has one for before and after the show.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#138re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 11:30am

From Anthony's myspace blog this morning:

Hey all --

Well, we had our first night back last night, and it was WILD. I mean, I sort of expected that we would get something of a warm welcome, but the screaming and ovation that hit us from the moment we stepped out on stage was beyond anything I would have imagined. And it was LOUD. But it was so gratifying and made us feel right at home.

And then doing the show itself was like being back at home. After directing the show in South Africa, I have even more appreciation for what it takes to tell the story clearly and with heart and soul, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to do so again. I have always been privileged to be a part of this incredible piece, and felt that all over again last night.

The only blemish on the night was the absolute chaos outside the theatre after the show. I've already initiated conversations this morning with the powers that be about figuring out a system that will work better than last night's system. When Adam and Tamyra and I emerged from the theatre, we signed as much as we could for a few minutes, but we were all getting shoved and the fans were getting shoved, and it could have gotten dangerous, so we were told to get into our car so we could get safely away. I know it might have seemed like we weren't interested in meeting and greeting fans because of how quickly we left, but if there had been some real crowd control I would have been happy to stay a lot longer. Hopefully that will get sorted out. What I can ask of those of you who come to the show and want to wait afterwards to say hello and get something signed, is to be patient and not shove your fellow fans. I understand that there's incredible passion and enthusiasm out there, and it's very much appreciated, believe me. But everyone also has to be mindful of people's safety...

Enough lecturing. Thanks to those of you who came last night and showed your support and love.

Take care --


BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

#139re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 11:38am

well said, Anthony. As usual. I hope they figure out something

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

jewels732 Profile Photo
#140re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 11:42am

I really wish I could go. Too bad I'm stuck in Missouri.

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#141re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 12:01pm

It's nice of Anthony to talk to "the powers that be". Hopefully they'll have it figured out before long.

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley

mikem Profile Photo
#142re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 12:30pm

They should do what they did at Three Days of Rain, although it really only works if Anthony and Adam are prepared to spend the time to sign for all the people waiting. Basically, BEFORE Julia Roberts came out (when everyone was quietly waiting and announcements could be heard), the security people made multiple announcements about what the "rules" were, specifically that if there was the least bit of pushing and shoving or pushing the barricades, then Julia was going to stop signing and leave. Believe me, people were on their best behavior. They also announced ahead of time that we could take pictures of Julia, but that we shouldn't ask her to pose with us. Most people are pushing and shoving because they don't want to be missed. If people know they're not going to be overlooked, they won't push and shove.

Of course, they also need real metal barricades rather than the dividers they used.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

#143re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 1:44pm

Exactly. What they used last night was the equivalent of a mesh condom. I think they were probably just making do with what they had, tho

Mike, that sounds like a good idea, although the line for that would be around the block. It would be much more orderly though, and I've seen that setup in other situations and it does usually work very well. Better to have a long line and let everyone have a minute with them rather than rudely shoving things in their faces for 15 minutes

I think they want to make this as enjoyable an experience as possible for everyone, so I'm sure they will figure something out. Fingers crossed

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 7/31/07 at 01:44 PM

beautyofmydream Profile Photo
#144re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 2:44pm

Are their any reviews of their performance rather than just stage door experiences? I am anxious to hear reviews!

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#145re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 3:14pm

Thank you for posting something other than just arguments about them being too old... I'm so excited and I'm glad it's going/went well.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

Chloe Profile Photo
#146re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 3:20pm

There are reviews earlier in this thread and in Adam Pascal thread on the Off-topic Board, beauty of my dream.

#147re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 3:56pm

I'm not going to write a detailed review, but I guess I'll talk about the actors as briefly as possible. :)

This cast is one of the best I have ever seen on the Nederlander stage. Every single one of these actors is oozing with energy, charisma and talent.

I was actually thoroughly impressed by Tamyra's Mimi. She was charming, spunky and sang every song beautifully -- "Without You" was stunning. I very much enjoyed her acting choices, and she had wonderful romantic chemistry with Adam.

Justin Johnston as Angel was, to me, the clear stand-out. He was just perfection. Touching, funny, witty, charismatic and talented to boot. There wasn't one flaw I found in his portrayal. I adored him, and it seemed most of the audience did as well. And, boy, can he dance in those platforms! The best I've ever seen.

I was thrilled to see Merle Dandridge as Joanne. I never was lucky enough to catch her in the previous years, but it was worth the wait. She was vulnerable, strong, smart and naive all at the same time. Loved her "Tango: Maureen" with Anthony. Very funny and fun. The two of them have a good thing going on stage.

Nicolette Hart was very, very good as Maureen. She seemed to be trying a little too hard for some laughs at times, but her "Over the Moon" was funny and done well. She's got a wonderful voice and, having seen her as Holly in The Wedding Singer, she's a fantastic dancer and mover. She and Merle worked very well together -- I liked their chemistry and the maturity they brought to their relationship.

I was glad to see that D'Monroe is still going strong as Benny. There's not much to say, really, except that I loved his excitement and naivete during "You'll See." He's a good man with a wonderful voice and presence.

Troy Horne is everything a good Tom Collins should be (You know; Old Tom Gin, lemon juice, et. cetera). The reprise of "I'll Cover You" was absolutely heartbreaking and so powerful. He has a good grip on who Collins is, how he thinks and what he wants. He and Justin are very sweet together and enjoyable to watch. I loved him.

Adam & Anthony were at the top of their game.

I'm not sure when it happened, but Adam has become an actor. He was phenomenal. It seemed like he was having a blast on stage, which I have never seen with him. Usually he seems to be concentrating too much on getting a line or note right rather than focusing on enjoying what he does; not this time. He went through the show with a smile on his face, singing and "dancing" and enjoying himself, the show and the audience. It was refreshing. "One Song Glory" was nothing less than magnificent, and he had me in tears during "Goodbye, Love." He added a few humorous moments to the show and the crowd went wild for them. And, to swim over to the shallow side of the pool, he looked damn good.

Anthony Rapp was my first time seeing him on stage, and I will never forget it. He was the perfect Mark. He was absolutely flawless. I don't have much to say, mainly because there's so much that can be said. He and Adam work beautifully together. He works beautifully on his own, really. He was in wonderful voice, and he looks like he hasn't aged a day since 1996. He, like Justin, was just perfect and the best I've ever seen.

The ensemble (Kelly Karbacz, Marcus Paul James, Crystal Monee Hall, Jay Wilkison, Telly Leung, Shaun Earl and Mayumi Ando) was solid and such great support. Their excitement over performing with Adam and Anthony was entirely palpable and very endearing. Hall's solos in "Seasons of Love" were marvelous and Karbacz's Mark's Mom was funny and kooky. Loved her.

So, aside from the rampant immaturity and, er...fangirlism that was running wild in the Nederlander ("Ohmigod, TEN MINUTES and thirty-seven seconds, ohmigod!" "Oh, no, you're EXPECTED to scream during the songs! It is Rent! It's, like, a step above Broadway." "He said 'compulsive bowlers!' Ohmigod! WOOOO!") and the fact that, because of the screaming, my left ear lost its ability to process sound, the show was breathtaking, thrilling and downright amazing.

And that was much longer than I expected it to be. My apologies.

Dark_Angel Profile Photo
#148re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 3:59pm

How. Incredibly. Sad.
Way too old.

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#149re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 7/31/07 at 4:13pm

hearthatstrue-thanks for that review! I'm glad Rent has a really solid all-around cast this time.

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley
