Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Hey guys. Happy belated b-day, incendiary! And happy early b-day, Mandi! Let's see, in... *calculates* 4 weeks and 1 day I turn 15. Haha, I'm such a youngin'.
Hi, kelly! Welcome to the psycho thread. Also sometimes known as the procrastination spawn of Satan. Us BWWers are quite good at procrastinating...
Boo. I'm sick. I feel craptastic. My throat hurts like a *insert obscenities here* and I can hardly talk. Or breathe, for that matter. But whatevs, whatevs... I have chocolate, iTunes and BWW, so all is fairly well.
Updated On: 12/19/05 at 07:01 PM
it really is. And we love it.
Sorry, sorry, sorry...I'm putting off studying for a giant bio test this Friday and I need chocolate to ease my guilt.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Chocolate... my preciousssssssssss... MY PREEEEEEECIOUSSSSSSSS!!11!!!!!eleventyone!!1!!!
*ahem* Sorry.
Aww, didn't your parents teach you how to share, Katy?
Anyway, a bit of threadjacking:
For my French class, we have to create a fashion show, and a friend of mine wants to create a Mimi-esque type of outfit and walk down the "runway" to "Out Tonight." It's gonna be interesting to watch.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Well, at least that was more on-topic than the chocolate bit.
5 year DVD? I am intreigued. Even if I can't spell it, I am. :)
Had a brass quintet playing for the kids at school today. How bad is it that I almost completed "O Little Town of Bethlehem" the Rent way instead of the kid friendly way? oops!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Haha. I've done stuff like that... we're singing "Bewitched" in women's at school, and I always sing the original "worhip the trousers that cling to him" lyrics instead of our stupid school censored lyrics. Which suck, by the way. BOO, censorship.
*is also still fascinated by 5-year DVD*
Yes, ahem, on topic, right. Anthony
elphatine, i'll be 15 in january too! (i feel like i knew this though, hm..hehee)
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Haha, you probably did. Most likely it came up in the chat or something... *high fives for youngin's*
Speaking of singing the wrong lyrics...
At my theater progam this summer, we were performing "Anything Goes," and for one of the parts (which elphatine here played hehe)it had to be censored, but she said it anyway just to spite the director of the program (who we all hated).
Stand-by Joined: 12/19/05
Oh man. Nothing can beat the production of Grease I was in. All of the offensive language was cut out for our version, but you can bet opening night we put it all back in. Haha. Needless to say we got some major strike duty that night!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
GAHH, I love(d) doing that... they wanted to cut "hot pants," which is (obviously) kind of sort of a vital plot point in the show, if any of you have ever seen it... so yeah. Wasn't working for me.
anthony interview I just discovered:
That is a cute interview..I loved his take on the Team America spoof.."Everybody has AIDS" is really funny; I almost fell off the couch when I watched that part of the movie!
lol. i was dying of laughter when I saw that spoof. heheheh
I saw that spoof way before I ever got into Rent. When I watched it another time after I knew about Rent, I definitely laughed a lot more.
Stand-by Joined: 12/7/05
wow... i read the intreview and at the end it was like Adventures is almsot 20 years and such and i was like wait... that came out the year i was born, and it hit me that in two years im going to get twentey... and with the birthday thread a few pages back i was like wow... i feel really old
I need to watch Road Trip again, heh. Nice avatar, Mandi.
Inapropo thoughts... LOL
Broadway Star Joined: 5/1/05
Lease is my whole life. I love Team America.
EVERYONE'S GOT AIDS!!!11!!1!! Oh man. That is such a funny movie.
...Matt Damon...
...Matt Damon?
...Matt da-MON.
im watching road trip tonight. i love jacob, its funny to see anthony playing such an ass, but he is so cute in the movie
i've never seen the Team America parody before..I've always known about it, but never had the chance to watch. Maybe I'll rent it over the break next week.