Anyone know where to get lateral flow or PCR tests in London? Or a website that shows the various locations?
There’s a million places to get them done but this is what I aways use to book my tests.
Covid Tests
Understudy Joined: 11/16/09
Thanks, again. Jordan. Much appreciated.
Jordan Catalano said: "There’s a million places to get them done but this is what I aways use to book my tests.
Covid Tests"
Thanks Jordan! On a separate note, do West End shows offer a lot of discount codes like we have in NY? Is there a centralized place where they are posted. I know Cabaret is unlikely to discount but thinking for other shows.
My pleasure. As for discounts, I rarely see any. TKTS and TODAYTIX are your best bet for that. The good thing with TODAYTIX in the UK is the fees are only a few bucks, unlike here where they’re insane.
Does this production have a rush or dayseat option?
Featured Actor Joined: 12/8/15
Says at the bottom here a £25 lottery will become available November 15th.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/26/07
The way the testing part read to me, it sounds like you just get any at home OTC testing kit and submit it to NHS within 48 hours of the show. It looks like NHS then gives you an email or text confirmation that you show at the theatre and are good to go.
Unless I am reading it wrong?
That's what I thought (going to try it this weekend to make sure it all works).
Swing Joined: 11/5/21
So excited about this jessie !!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
any clue who is taking over in march? sadly will be there a few weeks too late to catch Jessie and Eddie but I assume they have two more names coming in?
Midnight Radio said: "The way the testing part read to me, it sounds like you just get any at home OTC testing kit and submit it to NHS within 48 hours of the show. It looks like NHS then gives you an email or text confirmation that you show at the theatre and are good to go.
Unless I am reading it wrong?"
That's the way I understood it as well. Can Americans use NHS system and do this? I was planning to use my day 2 arrival covid test result but am using the one at LHR arrivals called ExpressTest. Not sure if that's affiliated with NHS or not.
Have there been any photos of the theater interior and seating for this production? Trying to figure out where I’d like to sit.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/11/12
BroadwayLuv2 said: "Have there been any photos of the theater interior and seating for this production? Trying to figure out where I’d like to sit."
Read in ku theatre board that Redmayne said that the way theatre is set up that there are no bad seats. I wanted a table seat but they only sale in pairs. Got a regular old seat but won’t be till next year
Also, anyone know if Redmayne and Buckley play all performances during the week or is there a chance an alternate will play regularly scheduled performances?
At intermission. They’ve done it - it’s a genuinely new, aesthetically interesting production. It’s not at all a rehash of the Sam Mendes production except perhaps much but not all writing.
have a few weeks here before i see it. Can i ask where you’re sitting?
Which script/score are they using –– the Mendes, the '87, or the original? Or some hybrid version?
Front Dress circle (on the ‘normal’ side as it’s now in the round). The script/score, certainly the score is the Mendes version but there are some sprinkled differences in interpretations and at least one arrangement from the Mendes version. I also noticed they used lyrics as dialogue from ‘telephone song’ but I can’t remember if that was in the Mendes version.
You might actually find yourself better off trying to avoid learning too much about the show - it’s an immersive production and the tone itself while has some similarities does not always really reflect the marketing - the marketing makes you think the show might be what the Mendes version would look like if the cast decides to go on a meth bender but it’s really much more creative and fresh than that.
The production might feel a little heavy handed to some but for those that like the Director to be one of the stars (eg perhaps not this extreme but see the Once on This Island revival) and are looking for something fresh you get it.
Eddie R’s strengths are played well - I was a bit worried how he could ever compete with Alan Cumming etc but as directed in this production he has certainly made the role ‘his own’. Im a bit curious to see how he can do this nightly or if he will need to tone the energy back.
The Sally - well judging by the audience response the British are going to claim this is the best female musical performance since Imelda Staunton in Gypsy and there is so much to love but I think they need to bring it back a little bit because for me it’s just too much ‘acting’ at points. Too much scenery chewing. Too many tricks.
At the end the two leads and much of the cast were crying. They have been part of something special.
Can i ask - sitting mid-Circle, is there any “immersion” or interaction? Or can you just sit and watch the show from there?
It’ll just be just the show. The immersive parts are in the stalls and also entering the theatre/bars etc (kind of reminded me of a very light sleep no more, also there are multiple spaces all around so you should try and walk around to find them).
That’s awesome. Did they redesign the seats up there, too?
"Telephone Song" lyrics as dialogue was in the Mendes version.
Was there last night as well , Jessie’s Cabaret was revolutionary it was bitter , dark , disturbing, and she ripped that theatre apart with it ( and I ain’t British so ) Redmayne stunning entrance in Money was breathtaking with the costume jaw dropping. Was the whole night a complete success, no. Will it be in a couple of weeks, yes.
Was one moment that should have been a show stopper that fell flat, hopefully that song production gets changed.
Jordan I really don’t think there is a bad seat in the house , make sure you follow the rules re Covid test, the two people who should have been in front of me , where denied entry.