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West End Prince of Egypt

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#100West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 4/4/20 at 5:28pm

Call_me_jorge said: "A synopsis?? Just read the book of exodus"

Or watch the movie. Or both! There's all the time in the world for the next few months.

James2 Profile Photo
#101West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 4/4/20 at 11:21pm

CATSNYrevival said: "Call_me_jorge said: "A synopsis?? Just read the book of exodus"

Or watch the movie. Or both! There's all the time in the world for the next few months.

I've seen the movie many times, but I don't know what changes have been made.  Ramases' wife is a character in this musical and has her own song, but I don't know anything about it.

It's a moot point anyway since, after looking at other Ghostlight releases, it seems they don't do digital booklets.

My avatar = A screencap from Avatar, arguably the greatest animated show of all

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#102West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 4/4/20 at 11:41pm

James2 said: "It's a moot point anyway since, after looking at other Ghostlight releases, it seemsthey don't do digital booklets."

They certainly have in the past. There were digital booklets for Hair, She Loves Me, Great Comet, Newsies, Pippin, Hunchback, Brigadoon and on and on. There just isn't a digital booklet for this one.

James2 Profile Photo
#103West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 4/5/20 at 2:44pm

CATSNYrevival said: "James2 said: "It's a moot point anyway since, after looking at other Ghostlight releases, it seemsthey don't do digital booklets."

They certainly have in the past. There were digital booklets for Hair, She Loves Me, Great Comet, Newsies, Pippin, Hunchback, Brigadoon and on and on. There just isn't a digital booklet for this one.

Their releases from the last year (Beetlejuice, Kiss Me Kate, Alice by Heart, etc.) do not.

My avatar = A screencap from Avatar, arguably the greatest animated show of all

Fan123 Profile Photo
#104West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 4/5/20 at 5:47pm

Mixed feelings on this recording. I found the original film to be rather cheesy and overly earnest. I had been hoping, a little, that the stage adaptation would 'fix' that, but it seems to have served up more of the same in large part. On the other hand, I really like the Act 1 Finale laying out the two brothers' conflicting destinies; from that point onwards I was mostly on board. I also liked a few moments in Act 2; I actually like how 'The Plagues' are done on this recording, and 'For The Rest Of My Life'. Some of those moments are good enough to show how good this show *could* be if they had whittled down the cheese.

And that ending...

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... where Ramses semi-'turns good' again, felt like a cop out to me. The Act 1 Finale had set up such a poignant high-stakes conflict; the show tells us that in order for one brother to do what he feels that he must do, the other brother must lose everything. But at the end, no, it's OK, they can both win, kind of? Lame.( I can't remember if this occurred in the film as well, but if so, I wouldn't have been a fan of it then either.)


disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#105West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 5/21/20 at 12:26am

Well damn, I'll be enjoying eating my words. I know I shouldn't mention this with bootlegs being a big controversy on Twitter, but I talked about this show so much and how worried/upset I was about it, so I think I need to discuss it. I did found a bootleg this morning. I'm so glad to say this: I really did like Prince of Egypt. Is it perfect? Absolutely not! Does the weird ensemble obsession pop up? Every. single. scene. But, it is actually not that distracting in most scenes. I found the show to be much better that it is much better than everyone said it is. If he sees this, I do apologize to Scott Schwartz for the harsh criticism I have given him here. He really did pull this off for the most part. I know the professional reviews and reception aren’t good, but I do hope this transfers to Broadway. Work, staging and re-writes still need to be done.

The Good:

*The actors who are Moses, Ramses, and Tzipporah (Luke Brady, Liam Tamne, and Christine Allado) are fantastic.

*I don't know if the boot makes the scenic and lighting design look good or the pictures & the videos make them look bad. But damn, the scenic and lighting designs are gorgeous. I have no clue where the physical set were during Deliver Us (See Ugly).

*My favorite scenes/effects are the All I Ever Wanted, Act 1 Finale/Burning Bush, the Plague, Tzipporah’s entrance, Through Heaven’s Eyes, the Angel of Death (Huge huge hats off to Scott, god lord, that was heartbreaking), of course When You Believe (I cried!) and the Red Sea.

*Moses and Ramses’ development. They are super super close to each other. For Ramses, interesting enough:

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He does want to free the slaves. But, the wife and high priest (Hotep) does manipulate Ramses not to. It's a nice touch of dimension, IMO. 


*Moses’ relationship with God. It is pretty complex. He isn’t actually only in the Act 1 Finale. 

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The second/last time God appears is after the Plagues. Moses begs God to end this battle with his brother and actually threatens to quit. Luke actually cries when he tells the Hebrews about the Angel. "For the Rest of My Life" is Moses being pissed at God.


*The choreography is outstanding.

The bad:

*Miriam was so off. I do not know if it’s the direction, writing, or the actress (who’s fantastic at singing!), but she was like a robotic...

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seer. I loved her gift of visions though. But, at the same time, wouldn't God have sent Miriam then to free the Hebrews? 


*I can see why they removed the other priest. Hotep was almost completely pointless and was only there to be a power-hungry villain. 

*The use of ensemble is actually not that bad most of the time. They just either stand there awkwardly and looking corny sometimes or do extremely awkward movements (They did the conga at one point?????).

*Not enough God.

*I know I said the Plague was one of my favorite. It was gorgeous to look at, but the number was all about telling and not showing. Yes, this is a hard song to sell. But at least have some of the ensemble portraying the people being affected by the plagues. 

The ugly:

*Yes, the new ending is there. It is really bad. I can actually swallow it because of the chemistry between the actors/characters. But, I do hope they revisit the ending. 

*Deliver Us was the weak link and it was so damn frustrating to watch. No sets/projections and extremely horrible/awkward use of the ensemble (They were the house where Moses’ family lived?!). Again, how could they butcher one of the greatest opening scenes of animation like that?

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#106West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 5/22/20 at 12:05pm

Just listened to the CD

i LOVE the movie soundtrack, but these new songs, what was he thinking, they all sound the same, they all have the same tempo, usually it is hard to warm up to 'new songs' in a movie musical but these were just dreadful. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#107West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 5/23/20 at 4:19pm

Really wish the app would let me click on spoilers, lol.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#108West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 5/23/20 at 5:05pm

Elfuhbuh said: "Really wish the app would let me click on spoilers, lol."

I can't click on spoilers and I'm using my actual computer....sounds like a tech issues that needs addressing. 

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
#109West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 5/16/22 at 10:39am

Sorry to dig this up, but I was wondering was there ever any talks of this transferring? I know it closed in January, so I was wondering if thats on the table for next season

Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?

JBroadway Profile Photo
#110West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 5/16/22 at 2:16pm

YvanEhtNioj said: "Sorry to dig this up, but I was wondering was there ever any talks of this transferring? I know it closed in January, so I was wondering if thats on the table for next season"


Doesn't seem likely. The show was pretty poorly received, and they've already done all they need to do to advertise the show for future licensing. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#111West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 5/16/22 at 2:20pm

There hasn’t been any news about the proshot, has there?

Seb28 Profile Photo
#112West End Prince of Egypt
Posted: 12/9/23 at 10:46am

Jordan Catalano said: "There hasn’t been any news about the proshot, has there?"

It's available now! Here is a clip of "Deliver Us".

I think it is really impressive what they have done with this scene. At first I found it a bit too "stylistic", with movements on the beat, modern costumes and the ensemble portraying things, and I found the acting of some of them questionable, but it grew on me and now I can't watch this clip without getting teary-eyed.

After a few views, I am on board with their style and I think it is pure art, I love how the ensemble has such a big part, portraying danger, water, elements. Red ribbons portraying blood and a dance representing murder. The chorus parts in this recording are just heavenly and very impressive. Especially the "oooh" and "aaah" parts throughout. The soloists are great too. I think they recorded some of the chorus parts separately and put the track over the recording to make it sound full and perfect.

I can't wait to see the whole thing.


