Haha Eris I'm so jealous! I was wondering if they had random Madame DeFarge stuff - I thought I remember seeing on ebay a few months ago one of the knitted things she held at some point at the show!
HAHA I also thought I'd run into atleast a hat (for free like all the DRACULA, the musical ones??) or that "great" T-shirt that said "Tis a far far better musical..." or atleast that's what I thought I remember it saying!
Diana was the only photo I wanted to get but I did not feel like standing in that line in that heat.
Ticket Raffle, won nothing , $20
Rocky Horror Program Signed by Richard OBrien, $10
Two playbill tumblers, one broke on the way home, $6
How Does The Show Go On? Book, $5
Two catered affair stemware glasses, $5
Rocky Horror long sleeved shirt, $5
Sweeney Todd Tshirt, $5
Lestat Tshirt, $5
Sweeney Todd Mrs Lovetts Meat Pies Apron, $2
Two Hairspray CD previews, $2
Tarzan Promo CD/Dvd, $2
Pink Hairspray visor, $2
Cry Baby Opening Night gift- "Moonshine"- its really beer, $2
Good Vibrations Beach Ball, $1
Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner Bib, $1
Property of Stacy Jaxx Thong, $1
Disney on Broadway CD sampler, Free
Lion King and Little Mermaid temporary tats, Free
Fantastics CD sampler, Free
The Producers: How We Did It Book, Free
Christmas Stocking, Free
... I think thats everything ... $74
I'm looking at Playbill's store now because I was just curious about an item I did get, but found out I wanted an earlier edition, if it did exist, but it doesn't. But, I'm laughing that I bought the most recent Broadway season window card for $1, and they have it listed for $20. But, then the flea market ones were that much in the beginning of the day, and I bought one because I wanted to get it signed.
But, I'm laughing that I bought the most recent Broadway season window card for $1, and they have it listed for $20.
Not only that, but prices for windowcards varied drastically between tables. I wanted one of the BCEFA Flea Market posters, but when I went to the Broadway Cares table they were selling them for $20! Right around the corner from them was the Triton Gallery table, who had the exact same posters for $1 each! And this was at the same exact time of day.
DivaBrigader- I know it's five pages later, but your Stamos pic while wearing that shirt is now one of my most favorite flea market stories ever.
If I knew that, I wouldn't have bought the flea market window card from the Broadway Cares table. I figured they were the only ones selling it. Oh well, at least the money is going to a worthy cause.
It would have been nice to know exactly who was running what tables. Except for a couple, I really have no idea where I bought stuff from, and that bothers me a little. Some were obvious, while others weren't.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/17/09
Marianne2, that was a function of being indoors and not having as much room. When it's in the Alley and on 44th, it's very obvious what tables are what because of banners and so forth.
Diana was the only photo I wanted to get but I did not feel like standing in that line in that heat.
What heat? It was very comfortable upstairs and we had a couch
Most of the tables around the outside had signs up behind them, the ones on the center like Billy Elliot had banners, and even though n2n had a paper on front of the table saying it was Next to Normal, there were always people in front of it.
Yeah, and I guess the jammed crowd made it a lot worse to look. I just have no idea how they could have made it work better inside.
I'll agree with the 3rd floor. That was the most organized area. In one spot, I could feel the AC running.
Thank you Anakela! That's sweet. :) I just liked that he made them re-take the photo so you could see more of the text on the shirt in the pic. He was super sweet.
I requested Diana's photo and then ended up deciding not to stick around but she definitely had at least one request.
When we got there in the morning the line for autographs and pictures was so long it went down stairs to the main level. Not sure how the temperature was on the upper level but the main level was warm probably due to the crowd. Not as hot as the lower level but still warm. No big deal I will probably just give my friends at NWS a call and can probably meet her.
It was hot, dim, and crowded yesterday, and certainly not as great as it has been in Shubert Alley in the past, but I still had fun. I did spend significantly less than in years past, though, mostly because I struggled to even get to the front of some of the tables.
I got:
Sunday in the Park with George 2006 London Cast Recording ($5)
A Chorus Line New Broadway Cast Recording ($5)
My Fair Lady OBCR ($2)
Bye Bye Birdie OBCR ($2)
August: Osage County T-shirt ($5)
Little Shop of Horrors T-shirt ($5)
The Little Mermaid Windowcard ($1)
BC/EFA 2009 Flea Market Windowcard ($1)
2009 Season Playbill Cover Windowcard ($10)
I Heart Duloc Pin ($1)
Broadway Impact Equality Now Pin ($1)
I spent $10 at the TDF table and didn't win anything. Had I known you would be guaranteed tickets for $20 later in the day, I would have just gone then (It's not too big a deal though, seeing as the money all goes to charity).
I also got a picture with Will Swenson and Gavin Creel, which I love.
And I managed to miss the NEXT TO NORMAL table, and I must have walked past it about a dozen times. I'm really upset about that, but oh, well. I did have fun seeing some actors -- I saw Ryan Steele at the WEST SIDE STORY table, Andrew Kober at the HAIR table, Christopher Sieber at the SHREK table, and Gavin Creel at the Broadway Impact table.
I think its funny that so many people missed the next to normal table considering every time I went by it, it was crowded (though thats probably why people couldn't tell). I was looking through the clothes they were selling there and some girl nearly knocked me down when they put out a pair of Alice Ripley's jeans. It was almost scary how excited she was.
I heard some girl almost passed out when she scooped up a shirt of Aaron Tyveit's. I guess it could've been from the heat and crowds, though.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
I enjoyed seeing Eddie and Rob at the BWW table!
Featured Actor Joined: 9/17/09
"Yeah, and I guess the jammed crowd made it a lot worse to look. I just have no idea how they could have made it work better inside. "
Well, considering they had less than 24 hours lead time on making it work indoors, they did the best they could. Maybe what they'll do in the year between now and the next Flea Market, they can draw up a truly workable indoor plan in the event it happens again. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't try and put at least a tentative hold on an indoor location just in case.
People were lined up on the stairs waiting to get into the balcony area and it was hot at that point. But once they opened it up and allowed people in it wasn't so bad. And the photo waiting area was different than the autograph waiting area. The photo area was very close to where the autograph table/photo booth was while the autograph people were waiting closer to the stairs. The photo waiting area was right outside the press area so I got to see nearly everyone walk right by as well as watch Elizabeth Ashley fall down the stairs (she was caught by people who happened to be standing at the bottom of the stairs and was unhurt)
It was my first year going and I got some great stuff! I got there around 4:15 and stayed there until 6:50.
Passing Strange .25
Spelling Bee .25
The Wedding Singer .25
Wicked .25
Rent (Closing Night) $1
Mamma Mia (Signed) .50
High Fidelity (Opening Night) $5
Tarzan .25
South Pacific (Revival) .25
The Little Mermaid (Opening Night) $1
23rd Annual Easter Bonnet .25
Rent (1997) $1
Rent (11 Years on Broadway / Signed) $25
Hair Revival (Black & White) .25
Hair Revival (Black & White / Signed) $5
Spring Awakening (OBC) $1
The 39 Steps .25
Talk Radio .25
Rock of Ages .Free
Rock of Ages (Signed) .Free
23rd Broadway Flea Market $1
Passing Strange(Stew) .25
Passing Strange (Full Cast Pic) .25
Tony Awards (2009) .50
Tony Awards (2007) .50
The Little Mermaid $1
Rock of Ages (Off-Broadway) .25
Rock of Ages (Broadway / Signed) Free
9 to 5 .25
The Toxic Avenger .25
Wicked .25
Hairspray .Free
Playbill (06-07 Season) .25
Playbill (08-Present Season) .25
Playbill (07-08 Season) .25
Movin' Out $1
2 Rent "Call Sheets" Aug. 1997 $10
A bag of "Dennis Dupree's Glitter" from Rock of Ages (Signed by Adam Dannheisser) .25
2 Rock of Ages Thongs (Signed by James Carpinello) .25
Tom Lenk's lanyard from B'way on B'way (Says "Franz" & Signed by Tom Lenk from Rock of Ages) .25
Adam Dannheisser's lanyard from B'way on B'way (Says "Dennis Dupree" & Signed by Adam Danheisser from Rock of Ages) .25
Welsey Taylor's Rock of Ages calender picture (Signed with free frame) $15
Mitchell Jarvis & Adam Dannheisser's Rock of Ages calender picture (Signed with free frame) $15
A Little Mermaid window card (Signed by Sierra Boggess) .25
A Little Mermaid Fish Necklace .Free
30 Little Mermaid Pins .Free
A set of 4 Playbill Glasses $1
In The Heights
South Pacific
Rock of Ages w/ Bonus Aresnal CD $20
The Fantasticks $1
Wicked $1
Tick, Tick, Boom! .Free
Oh! If anyone bought this RENT POSTER
and you don't want it then we can do a trade (just pick something from my list above) or i will BUY IT FROM YOU! I couldn't find this poster anywhere and I really want it, does anyone know where it was?!
Updated On: 9/28/09 at 05:24 PM
I got myself a run in my stocking and nice little rash because I couldn't stop sweating. I wanted to have my picture taken at the celebrity booth, but by the time I got to the front of the line, I looked like a hot, sweaty mess. I hope no one recognized me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
kellymarie - I didn't buy that poster but I definitely saw it at a couple different tables. One was in the first aisle almost all the way down.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/23/06
Is anyone trading their tickets here? I have a pair for The Fantasticks for this Thursday (the 1st) and I can't use them. Does anyone want to trade for them? I'll sell them for $20, too, because that's what I spent when I 'won' them.
oh really, didn't see the poster anywhere. i went through every aisle about three times but i didn't find it anyway! darn
If anyone wants to trade with me for the Rent poster (pictured above in my earlier post) that would be amazing! You can choose something from my list above in return!
Updated On: 9/28/09 at 06:21 PM