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What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?- Page 3

What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#50re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 7:19pm

I disagree. I don't think she's hitting her head trying to "fix" her. You can see her thinking very hard and seeing her realize she can't come up with the word, and she comes to terms with her disablity.

best12bars Profile Photo
#51re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 7:19pm

Regarding the "weight" issue...

Katie is a beautiful young woman. She is at a very nice weight for life as a human being.

For life as an actress... particularly a pretty, blonde ingénue... there is an unfortunate expectation of what that should be. And the "reality" of this "unreal" world of theatre, television and film shows Katie to be about 10-20 pounds over weight. At her current size, she will lose roles to slimmer competition. It's a sad fact. But a fact, nonetheless.

And while it's worse out in Movieland than in it is in the theatre, if Katie wants to have a diverse and solid career as a “young leading lady,” she should understand that the weight needs to come off. Not anything DRASTIC, and it should be monitored very carefully, but 10-20 pounds would do it. And it can mean the difference of getting a job or losing it… with no one actually telling her directly why she is losing out. Nobody wants to talk about it, but everyone is thinking about it.

People have been trying to change this sad truth forever and crying, "Foul!" understandably.

But there is no sign of our world’s “beauty standard” changing, as of yet. And this is Katie’s chosen profession. She signed up for it willingly and eagerly. And she's been very lucky and has the talent to back it up.

But it's expected of her to look a certain way, as part of the job. That's the harsh truth.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 6/19/06 at 07:19 PM

C is for Company
#52re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 7:33pm

Wow, what a good analysis BillFinn.
I personally liked seeing a new interpretation to the role. I didn't necessarily agree with everything she chose, but overall did an extraordinary job. Her voice I found to be a bit thin, but that whole diet thing, she looks beautiful. She looks perfect in those dresses and is a proportionate young woman, not some disgustingly underweight figure of bones trying to look attractive because they were hypnotized by the trend of eating improperly.
Thank goodness Katies friend from school isn't on this thread! On Thursday she went crazy on another thread saying we think we are all critics but are young 15 year olds jerking off to Carol Channing while listening to Mame! Oh and that we are all jealous of her talent. Well if only she could see things now! I suggest everyone check out that thread, it was pretty funny hearing the lack of credible arguments come out over our opinions!

LifeoftheParty227 Profile Photo
#53re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 7:40pm

I just saw her a couple days ago and she was good....not great. You could really tell she had an amateur quality to her voice and needs more experience on the stage. I think she's absolutely gorgeous, but there are expectations for many actors and actresses on Broadway. I personally don't think she needs to lose weight, just tone her body. In the case an actress needs to take off his/her clothes, a casting agent would need to cast accordingly and won't cast somebody with wobbly bits. With that being said, she is incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to debut on Broadway in THIS production.

#54re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 7:53pm

Yes, she is very fortunate.

This shows that the business is all about who you know. Not to discredit her talent because I think she is a very talented young performer, but if Katie Clarke hadn't known Kimberly Grigsby, the conductor, she would never have been seriously considered for the role. I'm not saying that she wouldn't be talented enough to perform the role, but I highly doubt that she would have been brought in to audition for the producers and the creative team if she didn't have a connection involved with the production. It worked for her and it got her in the door and I applaud her for it.

I've always been told to keep tabs on people I meet who are involved in the business; now I see why! re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke? Updated On: 6/19/06 at 07:53 PM

#55re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 7:57pm

20 pounds? Are you insane? Do you know how much weight that is to lose for someone of Katie's I agree that the PC attitude about weight has gone too far. I said as much when someone said Sara Ramirez was of a healthy weight. No way is that healthy. But 20 pounds for Katie? Do you know how much even the slightest weight loss shows up on an already fit young woman? A 10 pound weight loss would definitely show up pretty substantially on a girl of Katie's size and weight. If she lost 20 pounds, the whispers of a physical illness or a mental illness like anorexia would be all over this board.

#56re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 9:17pm

I actually liked her look for Clara. She's unconventionally pretty.

Also, keep in mind it was the 1950's. People liked a few curves back then.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#57re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 9:20pm

I think she is a thin girl, but I agree with whatever was said about being "ingenue"'s a completely different thing. And while it may not be the healthiest, best thing, it's a part of life. Underweight is the way to be if you want to be in musical theatre/television/film...

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#58re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 9:26pm

Sorry, I guess I don't know Broadway weight standards. I'm more of a classical singer, where, y'know, you have 50-year-old women playing 19-year-old soubrettes. re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

BillFinn Profile Photo
#59re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 9:36pm

In the 1950's, they didn't like a few curves. "Mona Lisa Smile"? Those women had to be perfection for their men.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

#60re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 9:40pm

Well, I thought that 'cause of people like Marilyn Monroe. But I'll take your word for it.

Clara might not have had to meet such high standards though because it was never intended for her to marry. She was essentially treated like a little girl.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#61re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/19/06 at 9:54pm

Lose a few pounds? No way. She's hot, without reservation.

#62re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 12:53am

I have to say, after seeing the broadcast, I'm really not a fan of Katie Clarke.

She did a decent job as Clara, granted I have nothing to compare it to, but to me she had the SAME facial expressions for sad, confused and angry.

Not to mention during the intermission interview she came off as extremely pompous when she was talking about coming here a week after graduating and never having to get a waitress job like others.

After hearing those comments I kind of hope that she doesn't get anything. It's mean, I know, but many of the greats had to work for their roles... Kelli O'Hara went through many sh*tty shows to get to where she is now... not many are as lucky as Katie, cause it had to have been pure luck, there are many many performers that could've played the role so much better.

but frankly, that's just my two cents.

"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit"

-Feste from "Twelfth Night"

Updated On: 6/20/06 at 12:53 AM

C is for Company
#63re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 12:58am

Lol, how could any forget about Kelli playing "Kate the cockleshell seller" in J&H?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#64re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 12:58am

I don't think she came off as pompous, but I also thought she was good, and she's a friend of a friend so I was rooting for her a bit -- take that as you will (I still haven't watched Act 2). And no, I've never met her, nor have I seen the show live.

After hearing those comments I kind of hope that she doesn't get anything. It's mean, I know, but many of the greats had to work for their roles... Kelli O'Hara went through many sh*tty shows to get to where she is now... not many are as lucky as Katie, cause it had to have been pure luck, there are many many performers that could've played the role so much better.

What? Just because someone gets a lucky break in their career doesn't mean they neccessarily have to be penalized for it.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 6/20/06 at 12:58 AM

BillFinn Profile Photo
#65re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 12:59am

Wicked_Fan: Your icon is so amazing. Someday, Kelli and Celia should do "Side Show"

I agree. She had the SAME facial expression throughout the whole show.

I think Clara should be as beautiful as the women she's surrounded. Margaret seems the type to WANT her daughter to be just like every other girl, right? Well, that would mean regulating her diet. She wouldn't let Clara fatten up.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#66re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:00am

Well, that would mean regulating her diet. She wouldn't let Clara fatten up.

Oh my god. You guys are getting more and more ridiculous. (And not rediculous.)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

C is for Company
#67re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:02am

Defie Grammer Lizzie!

#68re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:02am

"What? Just because someone gets a lucky break in their career doesn't mean they neccessarily have to be penalized for it."

I agree... and you admit... it's lucky. But when you're on TV saying "I never even had to do a waitress job"... you have to knock on wood a couple hundred times after saying that. Especially in THIS business.



I wholeheartedly support that decision. Kelli and Celia would be amazing in Sideshow.

"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit"

-Feste from "Twelfth Night"

Updated On: 6/20/06 at 01:02 AM

#69re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:21am

Wicked_fan: I don't thikn she's pompous at all. I think she knows she's very fortunate and this profession is all about networking so you really can't hate someone for getting the role "the easy way."

I think Clarke was great in the role. She has this quality about her that I love. She is unconventionally pretty, like a poster said above, and I love that. I loved watching her. I thought she did a great job. Her voice didn't bother me nor did her weight? Honestly, out of everything, that's what we're focusing on? Her acting was great and I believed every choice she made. In another thread, someone said the disease is "fictional," so how are we to dispute how she would act? If it's a fictional disease, no one would know exactly how the person acts? In my acting classes, my teacher always tells us not to generalize, so I think by saying that "no 8 or 9 year old would..." is a useless comment. She isn't portraying a "typical" 8 or 9 year old, she portraying Clara. Who's to say how fast she would learn or not learn or if she'd hug her mom or cry? She's obviously been through a lot so maybe she's stronger than her parents give her credit for? Maybe that's why she didn't cry when she got slapped.

BillFinn Profile Photo
#70re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:28am

It's not a fictional disease. People are caused brain trauma a lot and forget things. Things happen. People with Borderline Personality Disorder regress into childhood behaviors when they get angry. The brain is very complex and to point out that something as simple as a young girl getting kicked by a pony isn't allowed to have a mental disability is ignorant. Take a General Psychology class. A man had a pole shoved through his SKULL and walked away just fine the next day, except for a shift in his personality.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.
Updated On: 6/20/06 at 01:28 AM

#71re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:30am

As for commenting on the actul thread....

Katie would be great in any of the Disney roles. She'd be a great Belle, could pull off Jane in Tarzan if she wanted, and I think she'd be wonderful in the Little Mermaid. Though maybe her unconventional beauty wouldn't work in that role. It seems like Katie has a very strong belt. I guess she's too young to play Babe in Pajama Game when it transfers. I think it'd be funny if she replaced Keli O'Hara in yet another show. Who knows, maybe she'll be cast in High Fedility or Grey Gardens or something. I'm sure she's def. looking.

#72re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:37am

BillFin, yes, "the brain is very complex." And so how can you say specifically what Clara would do in each situation? I thought Katie made wonderful choices.

treyisthekiller Profile Photo
#73re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:39am

i could see her replacing o'hara in pajama game. wouldnt that be funny?

i could also see her as kate monster in Q. that would be awesome.

'Acting provides the fulfillment of never being fulfilled. You're never as good as you'd like to be. So there's always something to hope for.' -- Washington Irving

#74re: What's next for Piazza's Katie Clarke?
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:46am

Yeah, I think after this show, I'd like her to do something light and fun. And she'd probably enjoy it herself.

I never said it couldn't be real, I just said that in another thread about the story line, that a poster said the disease was fictional, or could be. To quote: "Well, I remember reading that the the condition Clara has is fictional, so that is probably why the pony story is weird to you." [chinkie azn jai]

Yes, the brain is extremley complex and there's no way to know how one problem may act out on another person. If I got kicked in the head, it wouldn't have the same effect as it would have on you. There's really no way to say how Clara would act in any situation. I've met plenty of bratty 8 or 9 year olds or over excited 8 or 9 year old's that would clap enthusiastically. It all depends on the person.
