Gwen told us the "feather in throat" story first hand when she came to see and talk to our college production of "Chicago" back in the mid 80's. Liza was amazing in Chicago and the two cd audio version that is out there is a great listen for a car trip. There is about 15 minutes of footage out there of her doing the show. But that is all it is.-Footage. I will be seeing Liza's newish show next month at the Hilton in Vegas. Can't wait.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
I saw Liza and thought she and Chita were fantastic - Orbach was fantastic - the staging was fantastic - the score was fantastic - but somehow I didn't love it back then and (I know, heresy) I don't love it now. Go know.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/11
I can't speak for now, but I saw the original Broadway production, not with Minnelli, but with the brilliant original cast many times.
There was a lot of beating the audience over the head with the "message" in that production, thanks to Fosse's direction. To me, his work didn't always have the "sense of fun" that made the score and those original portrayals more palatable.
in 1976, it was just 3 hours of being told that everything and everybody is corrupt.
None of this is to say Fosse was wrong, of course, as time has taught us.
^ Interesting observations, Gaveston2. Thanks for sharing them. I've always heard that it was too "dark," usually listed as a reason for a tepid but respectable first run, but not that the message was heavy-handed and over-served.
Keep in mind that the revival of Chicago came along around the same time as the OJ Simpson trial. Celebrities getting away with murder was very topical.
After watching the clips of Liza back then and hearing her talk and sing, why does she have a speech impediment now that she didn't then-loose dentures or something?
Thank you so much for posting that video, she sounded so fantastic!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Of course Fosse was at perhaps his darkest period when he finally finished staging Chicago--I'd love to see the original out of town "orgy" choreography for Razzle Dazzle that he was convinced to change.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/19/06
Her mother did the same thing as she got older, too. I also know from older friends who have implants/false teeth that the issues with the letter "es" becoming an "esh" are kinda common. My suspiscion (and I could be 100% wrong) is that she's had some work done to her teeth and that's what causes it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
BrodyFosse said:
"As is/was the case with countless Original Broadway Cast Recordings pre-CD era, due to the time limitations of LPs (Long Playing records), they chose to just include the 1st part of "Me and My Baby" and the 1st part of "I Can't Do it Alone" on the Original 1975 Broadway Cast Recording of CHICAGO.
"Me and My Baby" was indeed a full-out dance number for Gwen Verdon in the actual show. She began the number singing that slow rendition of the song while sitting in a wheel chair covered in a blanket. She then tossed away the blanket, jumped out of the wheel chair and did the danced 2nd part of the song. "
That makes sense, what's always confused me though is in the revival they don't sing the full slow part that's on the OBCR--only a couple of lines and then it immediately goes into the dance numer, as it does on stage. Was this changed for the revival, since they had no wheelchair etc?
She did also have encephalitis back in the early 2000s, maybe that played a role in somewhat impairing her speech...
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
And don't forget the booze and pills for both of them (it's not like Liza came through the 70s and 80s with her nose clean). There are some prescription drug that can have the side effect of causing the tongue to swell and bloat along with the rest of the body, and of course the potential for neurological damage also exists when you start absuing substances.
I found these rare photos on eBay in the late 1990s. I think I got them for $4.00 each. Enjoy! I might have another one, but I'm not sure in which album I placed it. I'll try to look for it this weekend...
This is the second photo. Sorry for them being so large. I really didn't feel like opening them in Photoshop tonight. I know I have a third picture, but I have to look for it. Wish me luck!
Found it! Here is the last photo from Liza's time in CHICAGO. I think this must have been at the end of "Hot Honey Rag." Does anyone remember them sitting on the stage?
Featured Actor Joined: 11/24/09
Fantastic! Thanks for posting. I didn't see Liza, but saw the original production three or four times with Gwen Verdon and Chita Rivera. Don't remember them sitting on the floor in the final sequence, so the third shot is a mystery to me.
From the way Chita is laughing, it could even be a candid shot, taken during rehearsal, while they were stretching.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/3/05
My wife (then fiancee) and I got to see the show with comps (house seats) courtesy of Liza, based on a chance meeting with her, as we were walking down 46th Street, after seeing THE SOUND OF MUSIC at Radio City Music Hall. VERY exciting and memorable.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/24/09
Yes, it does look like it could be a rehearsal shot. They seem to be relating to each other, not playing out to an audience.
It's the end of the cartwheel in "Hot Honey Rag."
Thanks guys. I haven't enjoyed a thread this much in ages. Nothing like getting the story from the people who were actually there.