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Who is replacing Olivo?

#125Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/31/21 at 4:20pm

Every performer has their fans and detractors, but the animus that Aaron Tveit seems to trigger among some of his haters is kinda comical. ''He's not sexy!'' ''He has no chemistry with his co-stars!'' And yet ... Tveit continues to be in demand on stage and screen as a romantic leading man. Even during COVID, he's been constantly working: starring as a prince in the Hallmark Channel's ''One Royal Holiday''; playing a Billy Bigelow bad boy in AppleTV's ''Schmigadoon!,'' and portraying a killer contractor in Hulu's ''American Horror Stories.'' On Sept. 9-12, Tveit will headline an online concert for Barrington Stage. And he'll return to Broadway in ''Moulin Rouge!'' on Sept. 24, during a weekend that be capped off with his Tony win for Best Actor in a Musical. No matter how you look at it, Tveit's on a roll, ''Come What May.''

Updated On: 8/31/21 at 04:20 PM

#126Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/31/21 at 4:41pm

WldKingdomHM said: "The problem is Aaron is not sexy …."

And now we fight.

#127Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/31/21 at 5:33pm

"Not sexy? Your opinion...but I think you are in the minority there."

Just watch any youtube clip of him in concert and read the comments which will prove your point -lol

KJ4 Profile Photo
#128Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 12:28am

I would like to point out that something (i dont know what) is off at that US open. it's not having entertainment aspect or charisma at all. 


A part of it i think have something to do with the sound equibments. The mics and sound system seem....i dont know weird and not produce a good+project sound. Anyone who sing on that, the performance wd be drop by a point or two. Not to mentions, both leads actors almost... never look at each other, or try to show us that they were in love. I feel like they were stranger and just met for the first time.

Usually, i have a thing for Arron. Alwasy name hime to be the 1st choice if I d lucky enough to get one guy on broadway. But that night he does not seem attractive at all. Something seem wrong.

Updated On: 9/1/21 at 12:28 AM

nsguy45 Profile Photo
#129Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 1:48am

The people in that stadium had just stood in line for hours in 90 degree heat, having to show proof of vaccination to enter. Talk about a tough audience. The performers did very well, indeed.

As for Aaron not being sexy and/or lacking charisma. There is a vast majority who would find that ludicrous.

#130Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 2:40am

Well Olivio and Tveit were hardly best friends so it’s no wonder there was zero chemistry.

I do agree though that he’s kinda bland onstage. He has a good voice and is handsome, but something just doesn’t click.

I know (/think?) Steven Pasquale is a bit older but he is just total charisma and sex appeal on stage.

#131Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 8:37am

"Well Olivio and Tveit were hardly best friends so it’s no wonder there was zero chemistry.

I do agree though that he’s kinda bland onstage. He has a good voice and is handsome, but something just doesn’t click."

I know Laura Osnes is not liked on this board due to her vaccination choice but if you see clips of her singing with Aaron on stage there is definitely chemistry. As others have said, it takes "two to tango" so any chemistry issues should not just be blamed on Aaron IMO.

#132Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 12:27pm

Dolly80 said: "Well Olivio and Tveit were hardly best friends so it’s no wonder there was zero chemistry.

I do agree though that he’s kinda bland onstage. He has a good voice and is handsome, but something just doesn’t click.

I know (/think?) Steven Pasquale is a bit older but he is just total charisma and sex appeal on stage.

Is it known for sure that Olivo and Tveit didn't get along, or is that conjecture? They certainly presented themselves as chummy in the press and on social media during the initial run of MOULIN ROUGE, not that that means anything beyond optics. Karen isn't known for being particularly easy to work with, and that's a reputation that long predates the current moment.


Updated On: 9/1/21 at 12:27 PM

#133Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 12:33pm

To this day he gave the worst performance on a Broadway stage in Rouge. The show started with such a bang then he walks on with boring narration and just kills the mood. And then Satine’s death and his reaction is so laughably bland. Oof.

He’s handsome and fantastic voice but for some reason doesn’t quite stir it in me the way like a Claybourne Elder does or a Josh Henry.

#134Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 12:48pm

unclevictor said: "WldKingdomHM said: "The problem is Aaron is not sexy …."

AGREED. And 0 charisma. It’s oddhow some actors with talent and charisma remain in theensembleforever,and actors like Tveit somehow break out. He must have a good agent.

I don't dislike him, but like many a pretty boy, they tend to get further while being mediocre than anyone who doesn't fit a neat little cookie cutter box. He's pretty, can sing, and plays only one kind of role well. The list of these kind of dudes on Broadway is quite long. I've said since day one that he's isn't right for this role when it needs the exact opposite of an archetypical leading man. It needs a "Disney Hercules" persona, the sweet, earnest male version of a female ingenue because that true earnestness is what's needed to believe that Satines' walls can come down and believe she's loved as she is. This flip of the usual romantic leads dynamic is why I love MR as much as I do (the film). It's still not seen that often in story media, but it's a trope I'm a sucker for. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#135Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 1:20pm

Is it known for sure that Olivo and Tveit didn't get along, or is that conjecture?

Yeah, that's just crap for people who really need to believe there is drama where there isn't. They follow one another on IG and they were both supportive of each other during certain events (Karen leaving/Aaron getting Covid/Aaron getting nominated).They are friends or at least friendly both in person and online. 

But, she was only in New York to be Satine. It was pretty apparent she went to work and went back to her apartment pretty much always. She put that on IG daily. I get it, she has a husband and step-kids back home and she wanted to be as present as possible for them. Which I think a huge reason for her not returning, is not wanting to be away from them. I hope she keeps performing around the Wisconsin area, she is wonderful.

#136Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 2:10pm

JennH said: "unclevictor said: "WldKingdomHM said: "The problem is Aaron is not sexy …."

AGREED. And 0 charisma. It’s oddhow some actors with talent and charisma remain in theensembleforever,and actors like Tveit somehow break out. He must have a good agent.

I don't dislike him, but like many a pretty boy, they tend to get further while being mediocrethan anyone who doesn't fit a neat little cookie cutter box.He's pretty, can sing, and plays only one kind ofrole well. The list of these kind of dudes on Broadway is quite long. I've said since day one that he's isn't right for this role when it needs the exact opposite of an archetypical leading man. It needs a "Disney Hercules" persona, the sweet,earnest male version of a female ingenue because that true earnestness is what's needed to believe that Satines'walls can come down and believe she's loved as she is. This flip of the usual romantic leads dynamic is why I loveMR as much as I do (the film). It's still not seen thatoften in story media, butit's a trope I'm a sucker for.

I agree except I think he's actually not good at "archetypal leading man" and his real strength is "angry young man." He's better towards the end when Christian is all pissy.

#137Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 2:16pm

He was great in Next to Normal cause he was just expected to be pretty and sing.

#138Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 2:48pm


"Long live God!" 

Updated On: 9/1/21 at 02:48 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#139Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 3:12pm

People bitching about him on this thread wishes they had his career (obviously) and/or never saw him live as a leading man. In Company, he was the perfect Bobby and having the opportunity to speak to him for 5 minutes after the show (since there was no one else around), he is kind, lovely, modest and unbelievably beautiful. 

And for those who gave their opinion on his role as Christian 500 times, we got it. Thanks so much.

A Director
#140Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 3:56pm

SouthernCakes said: "To this day he gave the worst performance on a Broadway stage in Rouge. The show started with such a bang then he walks on with boring narration and just kills the mood. And then Satine’s death and his reaction is so laughably bland. Oof.

He’s handsome and fantastic voice but for some reason doesn’t quite stir it in me the way like a Claybourne Elder does or a Josh Henry.

So, you judge a performer by the tingle in your nether regions.?!


#141Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 3:58pm

Ooh Claybourne Elder…. Swoon.

Maybe a Duke replacement?

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#142Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 4:19pm

His name is Joshua Henry.

Poster "Southern Cakes" has been hating on Aaron Tveit (jealous of his career) forever. He hates the guy but sees every single thing he's in. It's absolutely hilarious and totally amusing.

#143Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 4:42pm

I think Tveit IS somewhat bland, but he gets cast in pretty bland roles with little humor/range, so i dont get what the complaining is about. And I thought he did really well in Next to Normal and was NOT just pretty. I wish he got more work like that...

And I have no idea if Olivo and Tveit are close or detest each other, but whether they follow each other on Instagram or say nice things to each other in the press- highly irrelevant, I think we'd agree. She's supposedly rough to work with (this goes back to when she an u/s in Rent, and hasn't gotten better) but even that seems irrelevant to the status of their relationship or their friendship in real life.

#144Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 5:43pm

Sutton Ross said: "People bitching about him on this thread wishes they had his career (obviously) and/or never saw him live as a leading man. In Company, he was the perfect Bobby and having the opportunity to speak to him for 5 minutes after the show (since there was no one else around), he is kind, lovely, modest and unbelievably beautiful.

And for those who gave their opinion on his role as Christian 500 times, we got it. Thanks so much.


well said!

#145Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 6:10pm

"He was great in Next to Normal cause he was just expected to be pretty and sing."

Maybe it is me but being pretty was not a requirement for his "Next To Normal" role since he was playing Alice Ripley's vision of her dead son.

#146Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 6:14pm

"In Company, he was the perfect Bobby and having the opportunity to speak to him for 5 minutes after the show (since there was no one else around), he is kind, lovely, modest and unbelievably beautiful."

My daughter felt the same way about him after seeing him in "Next To Normal" and speaking with him briefly at the stage door. Her favorite stage door picture is the one I took of her with him -lol

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#147Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 7:34pm

Thank you, bwaylady! Who is replacing Olivo?

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#148Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 7:52pm

I actually think Aaron is a remarkable actor. I think he fares best when there is complexity. I think Gabe showcased his talent because that character has so much nuance and undercurrents of malevolence, anger, rage and seduction. It was truly criminal he wasn’t nominated for a Tony. He was spectacular and firing on all cylinders. Boggles my mind he was overlooked. He sings effortlessly and gorgeously. He is beautiful.

I think he adds gravity to pieces when there is none. I loved him and Karen together. I didn’t think he and Satine were red hot lovers. I felt they had an agape love, they saw each other’s souls. They didn’t objectify each other. They appreciated each other as artists and humans. Satine was objectified by everyone but not him. I was touched by the two of them together and they made me cry. They sang beautifully together. Karen and Aaron definitely respect each other. Those pieces are not easy to sing and take a lot of trust.

I hope I get to see him again in the role.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#149Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 9/1/21 at 9:48pm

Bettyboy72 said: "I think Gabe showcased his talent because that character has so much nuance and undercurrents of malevolence, anger, rage and seduction. It was truly criminal he wasn’t nominated for a Tony. He was spectacular and firing on all cylinders. Boggles my mind he was overlooked. He sings effortlessly and gorgeously.."

Very well said. He was fantastic in that production- I saw it twice, with him and then again when he was out in Seattle, and the show as a whole suffered without him at its center. And he had real chemistry with Ripley, I thought, that was exciting/heartbreaking.

