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Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?

Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?

#1Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 11:01am

It's been in Vegas...This show, currently in its millionth year in London, strikes me as the ultimate Broadway show. Already has a built in audience: Queen fans. Great tourist bait. All they'd have to do is Americanize the script.

Was it ever intended for New York?

sabrelady Profile Photo
#2re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 11:35am

I suspect that the Toronto run may have precluded a NY run. It did run two years but w a change of venue and som DEEEEP discount tickets. I think they are going to tour Canada @ the end of June. Seriously tho the music is Queen which is fun but the story is beyond cheesey. Not sure the benefit would outway the risk for a producer.

biggest CHENO fan Profile Photo
biggest CHENO fan
#2re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 11:39am

Maybe because it is the WORST show ever. Yes, Queen's music is awesome, but this show is NOT. We already have Rock of Ages....that's enough for now.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#3re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 12:09pm

I would take WE WILL ROCK YOU over ROCK OF AGES any day!

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#4re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 12:11pm

I have to say the storyline to this show is beyond dreadful

At the moment we have the UK touring Premiere of the show playing at our theatre (its doing a 3 month sit down before moving around the UK) and as awful as the book is the music saves the show.

If you can get beyond the dreadful book you will have a fun night, the songs are epic and i know the cast we have on the tour are out of this world, their voices are incredible and you cant take your eyes of them (the lead is about to go in to Legally Blonde in London as Emmet)

The show would get eaten alive by the critics as it did here in the UK but it would find an audience and probably run for years.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#5re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 12:57pm

As a Queen fan, We Will Rock You offends me.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#6re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 1:02pm

As someone with a brain, WE WILL ROCK YOU offends me.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#7re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 1:11pm

I saw the show a number of times here in Las Vegas. While I am a fan of the score (or at least as much as I can be for a jukebox musical, as it's my least favorite musical subgenre) the show did have some major book problems. The only redeeming factor seemed to be the fact that I absolutely love Queen. Not sure how someone would feel about the show if they didn't like the songs to begin with. Even so, it is kind of a surprise considering some of the less-than-stellar shows that have been on Broadway in the past (or even considering some that are playing right now).

winston89 Profile Photo
#8re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 2:01pm

I honestly can't think of anything that makes We Will Rock You any worse then some of the other jukebox musicals that have been out there in the past. Personally, I felt that All Shook Up had one of the worst story lines of any musical that I have ever seen. And, yet it still managed to somehow get a fan base. I fell that We Will Rock You might be the same way if it were to come to Broadway. However, one has no clue how long it would run and from what I heard of the sets of We Will Rock You it will need a pretty big theatre.

I was under the impression that We Will Rock You was doing okay in business but ticket sales started to dwindle down when they had to go from doing the full length show to cutting it down to 90 min.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Tag Profile Photo
#9re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 2:40pm

The sets were scaled down for the original Toronto run (in anticipation for a tour which never happened) and then even more when the show transfered to a smaller venue (700 seats). I'm sure if it ever made it to Broadway they would go with the full blown London version.

On another note, I think Adam Lambert would be perfect as Galileo.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#10re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 3:11pm

The only redeeming factor when I saw it was Tony Vincent. Other than that the show was not very good. But, these days not very good is Broadway -- so what the hell. If Tony Vincent was involved I'd go again.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#11re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 5:21pm

Tony Vincent was great, But alex who is doing the UK tour is 20 times better believe it or not.

Its a shame they made such a mess of this show (im looking at you Ben Elton) because the music is so great and the cast they get are outstanding

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

winston89 Profile Photo
#12re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 10:00pm

Also, when you come to think of it. Are there any jukebox musicals with a very strong story? I don't think so. I do think that out of that lot the one with the best story is Mamma Mia! And, I don't think that is saying much. Keep in mind that the object of a jukebox musical is to be a way so that the popular songs of a band can be sung and usually the story is secondary.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

PastorErnst Profile Photo
#13re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 10:12pm

Oh, Tag... I said the same thing about Adam Lambert in the Toronto boards. After watching the "Slow Ride" duet on American Idol, I think Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta would make an amazing Galileo and Scaramouche pair in WWRY. Also, think of all the money that would be had from all the Idol fans.

PS. While I have seen the show and think the talent in it is outstanding, the book could not be more horrid. At least other jukebox musicals had a semi-decent book to back up the songs. I just can't believe they're thinking about doing WWRY2. EEP!

blaxx Profile Photo
#14re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 10:14pm

Shhh, Adam Lambert doesn't do "Broadway".

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

sarbear2 Profile Photo
#15re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 11:45pm

Because it really is the worst show ever. Thank God I can drink in England because there's no way I would have gotten through that nightmare otherwise. While the singers were excellent, the plot was horrendous.

hubee Profile Photo
#16re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/23/09 at 11:52pm

Because it sucks. Though I noticed its reiterated many times over.

Then again, now that I've seen Rock of Ages, and that seems to be doing well on Broadway (AND got critical acclaim and Tony noms (?!?)) anything goes.

And isn't it somehow ironic (or another better word) that Adam seems to be dissing "Broadway" while Constantine is now a TONY BEST ACTOR NOMINEE?

Of course, I say WWRY is one of the worst shows ever and yet I'm still seeing it again (free ticket and the Queen music is actually pretty good). I'm such a loser! ha! (At least it wasn't as bad as Dirty Dancing. THAT'S SOME TRUE SH!T!!!)

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#17re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 4:46am

Please take it away from us! It's been taking up a theatre for too long and preventing us from getting some "decent" shows in the West End.
I admit the "score" and cast are at times good, but the story is probably one of the worst in London and is just boring in so many ways.

And now a We Will Rock you 2? HA! How can you do this to the west end? How can you develop the non existent story any more?

Rant over. Lol

toanythingtaboo 2 Profile Photo
toanythingtaboo 2
#18re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 6:57am

Since when was there going to be a WWRY2? They've already used all the 'good' songs. I can imagine, however, that they could be working on an entirely new rock musical with Kerry Ellis headlining - her and Brian May are inseparable haha.

Anyways, the show.

I think you can look past the book with this show. At the end of the day, its Queen, the plot was never going to be sensible - futuristic Bohemians fighting the mainstream pop to bring back rock music banned and forgotten. Like others have said, the music and the performances are really something to witness and the jokes do go down well with the audience. Sets aren't too bad either.

Hasn't Adam Lambert played Galaleo? I'm sure I read that somewhere...

They could change it up a fair bit for Broadway, have Lambert take the lead, bring Kerry Ellis over for Meat (she was fantastic) and I'm sure it would be a hit.

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#19re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 7:15am

There are strong rumours of a WWRY2 coming out 2010 in London. And you are right, Kerry Ellis is about the only good thing to come from that musical.

We need some more "original" musicals in London.

biggest CHENO fan Profile Photo
biggest CHENO fan
#20re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 7:27am

When my friend and I saw it in London, we were BEYOND confused. Everyone was so into it and we just sat there...dumbfounded. I felt like we were the only ones who didn't get it. That was a year ago and I am still confused. Garbage, complete garbage.

Weez Profile Photo
#21re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 11:23am

Are there any jukebox musicals with a very strong story?

Singin' in the Rain? Our House? There's definitely a few, although the storylines are generally why I like to steer clear of jukebox stuff.

#22re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 12:24pm

Winston, you clearly have never seen WWRY.

canmark Profile Photo
#23re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 4:35pm

The book for WWRY is embarrassingly bad. Like, I was embarrassed for the actors who had to deliver some of those lines. That said, I've seen the show in Toronto probably 3-4 times (I can't remember), at both the Canon and Panasonic, and I even recommended it to some out-of-town visitors (although they didn't go) and have taken my parents (who are over 60!).

The music is very good, as are the performers and band, and it's... entertaining (but you MUST shut off your brain).

It seems like it could do OK on Broadway, and would have an appeal with out-of-town visitors looking for something familiar, with songs they know. I mean, who from the midwest or foreign countries are going to know anything about Next to Normal, say? But WWRY, like Mamma Mia, contains hits familiar to middle-aged people who can afford to go to a Broadway show.

Re: if they do do a WWRY 2 (shudder), hopefully they will include "You're My Best Friend," one of my favs that didn't make it into WWRY.

Coach Bob knew it all along: you've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows. (John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire)
Updated On: 5/24/09 at 04:35 PM

natscookiejar Profile Photo
#24re: Why hasn't WE WILL ROCK YOU played Broadway?
Posted: 5/24/09 at 4:50pm

if bringing back Tony Vincent to Broadway means he comes along with WWRY, then i'm all for it.
especially if Aspen gets to be Scaramouche again.
and i dont care what anyone says about WWRY Vegas, i loved that ****!
