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Will Chase in RENT

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#25re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:07am

oh i can't wait! i'm seeing it again on thursday.

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#26re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/2/06 at 11:56am

It was great. Honestly, I know there's the thread around here about how the SM messed up, or that Caplan's unprofessional for forgetting or whatever. I really don't care - I'm glad that Justin got a chance to go in as Mark even though he wasn't as prepared as he would have liked to be. I totally forgave those few fumbles and just really enjoyed his performance and his performance with Will. What was nice about it (and I've seen Matt Caplan before) is that Matt's been around so he wouldn't have changed his performance much (in my opinion) to work with Will's at his first performance... he would have just gone on with his regular shtick. Justin had nothing to base his performance on, and really drew from Will's energy and his Mark next to Will's Roger was great. If I go and see it again, I really would be happy to see Justin in the role of Mark again.

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#27re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/2/06 at 1:37pm

<---Will Chase, is he not gorgeous?

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#28re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/2/06 at 3:27pm

just got my stagedoor pics developed (and a digicam so i never have to do that again)... and i got one w/him sooo happy! (tho i have to mail one to this other girl who didn't have a cam & he closed his eyes in that one)

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

#29re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/2/06 at 4:41pm

will is the best thing about rent right now, since there's really nothing good left in the show.

<-- like my picture with him? full size version is uploaded in my photo gallery on here.

ps: he's in the show until the 29th.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#30re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/2/06 at 4:49pm

ahh hes kissing you! Thats the cutest picture everrrr

#31re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/2/06 at 5:11pm

Will is fantastic. I had the pleasure of seeing him on Dec. 28th with Karmine as Mimi. he was a little iffy at first, but as soon as he started singing during Rent. OH man, TPTB done good. Now I'm sad that he is only Roger for a month. I'm definetly going back a few times this month to see him, and then of course hopefully seeing some Karmine!Maureen or Karmine!Mimi action. When I see Rent, my focus is always on Matt and the Roger, and the Mimi because there is always something going on with them. With Will its like the same with Cary. he enjoys himself and has great chemistry with the Mark and Mimi.

GO SEE WILL before JAN 29th!!


Marguerite Chauvelin
#32re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/6/06 at 3:22pm

I am SERIOUSLY loving the Will avatars. I wish I could see him in Rent *sigh*.

If Percy Blakeney were in Les Mis....

Percy: Sink me! If it isn't Javvurt!
Javert: Zsah-vair, it's pronounced Zsah-vair.
Pecry: But it's spelled J-A-V-E-R-T Javvurt.
Javert: Repeat after me Zsah...Zsah....
Percy: Oh! Zsa-Zsa! Like the Gabor sister! Well I personally have always prefered Eva.
Javert: (Looks for gun)

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#33re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/6/06 at 3:29pm

I'm hoping to go on the 24th *crosses fingers*

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#34re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/6/06 at 3:31pm

Alli- That picture is adorable!

I'm hoping to see the show again, maybe try lotto as a birthday outing with my friends. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#35re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/6/06 at 3:58pm

Yay! I cant wait! One more week!!!!!!!!!

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

liotte Profile Photo
#36re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/20/06 at 11:50pm

Just saw Will tonight, he is one of the best Rogers that I have seen. Great energy, great voice, just loved him.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#37re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/20/06 at 11:59pm

*loves Will*

I saw him tonight, too!

The show tonight was... something else. The audience was so into it, which I haven't seen in a very, very long time. It made me so happy and warm and fuzzy. They got a standing ovation and thunderous applause, which I haven't seen in about two years. I was so thrilled. I picked a good time to go back. They're really pumping life back into it. I don't know if it's the cast, or me, or a combination of both, but it feels like it's getting some of its spark back.

Will is... I was just on the phone with my friend, and I told her I just got home from seeing Will Chase in Rent. I stumbled over myself trying to find the right words when she asked how he was. And then finally, I said that he was perfect. I don't even know that I can put my finger on any nuances, or find the right collection of adjectives to describe him, other than to say that he is perfect, and forceful and powerful. He absolutely steals the show from the rest of the cast, outshining them in every possible way. There's so much power, and passion and thought behind every moment of that performance. Glory always makes or breaks the show for me. I think Will's Glory was so good that it even fixed past breaks. He looks fantastic, too.

Will has putt Matt Caplan in his place. Their scenes together are great, though Matt is still his usual self in the Tango and stuff. But he seems to have really calmed down because of Will, and almost seems a little bit indimated by him. I loved Goodbye Love more than I have in a really long time. Mark just looked so wounded after Roger yelled at him.

Antonique Smith played Mimi. I don't love her voice, unless she's belting. She has a crazy belt, and a very gravelly voice. The gravelly quality to it sort of reminds me of Daphne, though. Aside from her voice, I loved her interpretation, for the most part. I thought she could've turned down the flirtaciousness a little, but she's really quite good. She and Will have good chemistry. Another Day was *the* most powerful I have ever seen it. They both sing with astounding power, and were up in each other's faces like I've never seen before. They just tapped right into -- for me -- what that song should be. For some reason, it made me cry.

My opinion of Ava hasn't changed. I still think that she's beautiful and has a really great voice, but until Take Me or Leave Me, she is totally lifeless. Over The Moon needs to much more energy, and it needs to feel kooky and off-the-cuff. She feels overly rehearsed and tired.

Kenna Ramsey was really good at Joanne -- a little stiffer than Merle, but she has a really wonderful voice.

Justin Johnson remains my favorite Angels -- full of life, killer voice, great dancer, and... well, yeah. His Angel is just very alive. Lovable. Until the ICY Reprise, though, I felt like Destan Owens was a really blah Collins. He wasn't warm like Jesse, or anything. He was just kind of there.

For the sake of timing -- and because Fantabulous just came to visit me! -- I'll cut off here. But... good show. Good, good show. It's always weird, because every time I go in with more and more baggage, but... it was time to go back.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#38re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:22am

I love Will CHase, it was freezing when I saw the show so I only got to have a short convo with him. But he seems like an amazing person, and he was a GREAT Roger. Almost as god as Cary, please don't beat me for that.

liotte Profile Photo
#39re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:25am

Emcee, I knew you'd review it, so I didn't bother. :) I agree with you though.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#40re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:38am

I met him, too! I looked at him and was like "hey, you were fantastic," and then I just shut up.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#41re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:41am

Did you get all fan-grily and giggle too? I think I giggled, then I felt like an idiot.

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#42re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:48am

No I think Will either does - or will - hate me & Emcee... b/c I saw a few cast members coming out the right door (and surrounded by ppl) and was looking for Will and caught him just as he was exiting. So he's about ready to just leave altogether and I'm like "Can I get a pic w/you" (her too) and of course being the nice guy he is says sure. And people take notice of him. And when we left the Nederlander 15 minutes later there was STILL a mob around him (will upload the mob pic soon). We were too starstruck if that's the right word to say more than good job.

This was the 2nd time I saw him (and the 6th time I tried the lottery since X-mas if that's an idea of the luck I had) and am totally blown away again. I still like Justin Brill more than Matt Caplan and was lucky enough to see Justin and tell him how great I thought he was while I was waiting for the lottery to be called.

By the way, once recently when I was trying the lotto everyone on the grates and Will walks by with his kids in tow. And then again dropping them off with his wife. And no one notices that this guy looks like a "Roger" even when I said to the guy next to me "That's Roger... he's really good." Little did they know that a few hours later they'd be crowding the stage door trying to get a shot with him. :)

Great show tonight!!!

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#43re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:48am

I tend not to get giggly, I just get really shy and don't say much.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

inishmore Profile Photo
#44re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:54am

Will is definately AMAZING in this show. I'd love to get to see him again but I doubt my luck will allow it. re: Will Chase in RENT But I'm soo happy that I did at least once. Another Day I think was my favorite, it gave me chills.

Time rushes by, memories fade, dreams never do

#45re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 12:56am

I try not to get giggly, I just don't shut-up. I am an embaresment.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#46re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 1:05am

I've embarassed myself in front of many-an attractive actor. We won't discuss that. re: Will Chase in RENT

I flip-flopped between favorite songs for a while, and have currently come to rest at Another Day. I can't get over how powerful it was tonight. I wish that I could just replay it exactly that way over and over and over again.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#47re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 1:09am

"I've embarassed myself in front of many-an attractive actor. We won't discuss that."

Oh the places we could go with that...

I love Another Day but only when the chemestry is right, Will and Antonique just don't have it. But Antonique is another story... One Song Glory is my favorite that Will sings.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#48re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 1:14am

I thought they had it. Not the best chemistry I've ever seen, but they had the power and the passion, IMO.

And yes. I have too many embarassing moments. But now I can laugh about them, so not all is lost.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

tmz814 Profile Photo
#49re: Will Chase in RENT
Posted: 1/21/06 at 8:28am

luvtheEmcee: Was Will's hair blonde again or still brown?

He had just dyed it back brown to shoot a tv show the beginning of this past week, but had told me he was going to dye it blonde again on Friday (for the week he had left in the show) and I was just wondering if his head had been attacked by peroxide yet. hehe...

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!
