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Xanadu now closing this Sunday, Sept. 28th- Page 2

Xanadu now closing this Sunday, Sept. 28th

PSLove302 Profile Photo
#25re: Xanadu now closing this Sunday, Sept. 28th
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:20pm

I'm so upset

"I don't see that many plays, and for me, musicals are rarely pleasing. I feel the actors are being put through a kind of nightmarish labor. They're like animals being forced to pull heavy carts of vegetables at incredible speeds." --- Wallace Shawn

#26Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:25pm

Now a bunch of people who aren't even REAL fans and just bought tickets NOT KNOWING it was going to be the LAST show get to see THE LAST SHOW and all the REAL FANS who rushed out and bought tickets KNOWING that would be the last show don't! THAT IS SO NOT FAIR!

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#27Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:27pm


A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

Weez Profile Photo
#28Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:29pm

I'd rather see a show from a s****y seat than not see a show at all. Or is your sister a truly delicate flower/special snowflake?

jordangirl Profile Photo
#29Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:29pm

I definitely understand the frustration. I had tickets for closing of a close-ended run (front row center and everything) then it closed about 3 weeks early and I was relegated to halfway back in the orchestra. SO many shades of not happy. So I definitely hear y'all on the frustration.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#30Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:37pm

I guess it's just me. The few closings of shows I was emotionally invested in, I didn't care where my seat was. Would I have liked closer seats? Sure. But I was just happy to be there.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

Updated On: 9/23/08 at 02:37 PM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#31Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:37pm

Weez, she's handicapped and she doesn't get to the theatre as often as I do. If it were just me I'd be fine in the house for the last show. But she's never seen the show and when will she get to experience sitting of on a Broadway stage after this? Yeah, some other shows have it but they lack Xanadu's "magic".

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#32Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:39pm

'Equus' has onstage seating. Does she like Harry Potter?

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#33Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:42pm

I'm just glad I will get to see this again before Sunday.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Weez Profile Photo
#34Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:42pm

Ah, fair enough (sorry, I didn't realise), and true true! Would you rather sit onstage for the merry romp 'Xanadu' or the teenage angst misery-fests of 'Spring Awakening' and 'Equus'? HMMMMM.

Still, given a choice between a s****y seat and no seat at all... Not fair not fair not fair!

Weez Profile Photo
#35Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:43pm

Ah, fair enough (sorry, I didn't realise), and true true! Would you rather sit onstage for the merry romp 'Xanadu' or the teenage angst misery-fests of 'Spring Awakening' and 'Equus'? HMMMMM.

Still, given a choice between a s****y seat and no seat at all... Not fair not fair not fair! (Which I notice you've done, but I'm getting in there before much more uproar!)

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#36Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:44pm

Ok, so given the fact that almost all of the stage seats were gone for the performances leading up to Oct 12th--- and, in general, most of the shows leading up to that date had limited seats available, WHY is the show closing early???

The economy???

Real reason, please...

I just really hope Kerry is back by Sunday !

dlass727 Profile Photo
#37Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:45pm

Geez, was it really losing that much money? They really couldn't hang on for a couple more weeks? This is sad so sad. Everyone from the cast and crew that I spoke to on Sunday were so positive about moving on and you know "life goes on". I guess they are used to this kind of thing happening but, I gotta tell ya, I'm devastated. This show was so much more than a musical. I have met new friends at the show, on this message board, on myspace and facebook, all because of Xanadu!

Upcoming shows:

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#38Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:45pm

Weez, and if you'd have seen her face when I told her she was going to be sitting on a Broadway stage you bend over backwards to get those stage seats as well.

Besides, do you want to be the one who tells her she can't sit on stage? lol

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".
Updated On: 9/23/08 at 02:45 PM

#39Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:58pm


I just bought tickets for the new closing show. Oh my god... this is horrible.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#40Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 2:59pm

I find this incredibly upsetting. It's also odd to me that a show which was always so fan friendly has really screwed everyone over with this. I had fantastic seats ready for the closing and now they're throwing everyone off- cast, crew, fans- by giving such short notice. It's disappointing, upsetting, and incredibly odd.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

Robert Taylor Profile Photo
Robert Taylor
#41Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:00pm


winter_sky Profile Photo
#42Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:01pm

I'm bummed because I honestly can not afford full price right now. I was lucky enough to purchase stage seats for the 12th but now I'm out of luck.

#43Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:02pm

I'm sure if you all wanted to donate a couple hundred thousand, they would have been happy to keep it open the next few weeks.

#44Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:04pm

If I had a couple hundred thousand bucks, I would gladly finance Xanadu's extension. But aside from the lottery, there's not much chance . . . .


#45Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:08pm

I just don't understand why everyone thinks it's a malicious move against a) the fans or b) the show itself by the theater-owners.

The show wasn't making money, the producers were pumping money into it, and perhaps they just don't have enough to keep it going the next few weeks.

kk holiday Profile Photo
kk holiday
#46Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:09pm

This news totally sucks!!! I just bought tickets to the October 5th show as a gift for my friends wedding anniversary. He loves campy musicals(Taboo, Cry-Baby, Grey Gardens) and any campy movie relating to roller skating like Xanadu and Roller Boogie(with Linda Blair..anyone?) This show was the best of both worlds. Well after trying to get their schedules to clear without telling them why, I managed to find great tickets to the show and got them to trust that it was worth not knowing just yet. Now what? There is no other current show that he is really a fan of so it will suck to bring them out for anything else that weekend. It really was like pulling teeth to get them to free their weekend and drive 4 hours out to NYC without knowing what could go in that place that will still have the same impact??? I'm gonna go cry now...I feel like Charlie Brown...UGH!!!

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#47Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:14pm

I don't think the argument is against it closing, the anger/upset feelings/whatever word you want to attempt to use is more about the sudden moving up of the date. If you're that concerned about losses, then you should have calculated this before you set the original closing date. It isn't as if they're saying "We're closing in January, never mind now it's November", we're talking a matter of about two weeks. It's a bit different, and if two weeks were going to make that much of a financial difference to them, one has to hope that they would have calculated out that possibility and allowed for it when they set up the original date. It just seems like very bad planning and for fans of this show, or any show in a similar situation, it is disconcerting.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#48Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:17pm

This just seems strange to me that they're blaming the economy for the early closing, considering the producers have been pumping money into this show for months, coming up with promotions, stunt casting, advertising dollars, etc., to keep the show open, even while losing money.

It doesn't really make sense that after all the lost dollars funneled into it for months now, these last two weeks are what's breaking the producers' backs? They couldn't just keep the initially planned closing date? Either they literally just got down to their lost dollar, or they just realized how much money they've lost...

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#49Not fair not fair not fair!
Posted: 9/23/08 at 3:21pm

Cue Coolkid going psycho for tickets on September 28th.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
